The goal of this project is to process and analyze real-world business data using Python and Tableau.


BUSI 650 – Final Project

Business Analytics Data Processing 

The goal of this project is to process and analyze real-world business data using Python and Tableau.

Step 1: Data Loading and Analysis

Download the ” finalproject_dataset_group#” dataset provided on Moodle.

Examine the data structure and contents. Plot the data points on a graph and examine the trend over time. For your plot, consider Xlable, Ylable, and title. (10 points)

Identify and handle missing values by imputing them with an appropriate technique. Present ‘before’ and ‘after’ plots of the dataset to demonstrate the effectiveness of your technique. Explain how many missing values you have and describe the technique you used to handle missing values. (10 points)

Identify and describe the outliers on the cleaned dataset.  (10 points)

Perform correlation analysis on the cleaned dataset. Identify relevant variables and calculate their correlation coefficients. Interpret the correlation coefficients to understand the relationships between variables.  (10 points)

Import the cleaned dataset into Tableau. 

Create a scatter plot of each feature in Tableau. Scatter plots typically involve two variables (x and y) to visualize the relationship between them. However, in order to create a scatter plot of each single feature in this part, you can create a calculated field by a constant. In the Data pane, right-click on “cleaned_dataset.csv” and select “Create Calculated Field.” Name the calculated field (e.g., “Time”). (15 points)

For each feature, apply appropriate filter to remove the outliers and present ‘before’ and ‘after’ plots of the features to demonstrate the effectiveness of your technique. (10 points)

Summarize key project steps, highlighting the results and techniques in data exploration, cleaning, regression, and Tableau visualization. Provide clear and concise explanations for each step during the presentation with a total presentation time of under 3 minutes. Record your video using PowerPoint of Teams’ recording feature. Ensure your face is clear and visible during the presentation. (20 points)

Step 2: Data Visualization and Cleaning 

  • Step 3: Regression Modeling
  • What would be the appropriate variables for regression analysis? Define the dependent and independent variables and provide your rationale. (use the results of correlation analysis) (10 points)
  • Export the cleaned dataset to an Excel file using the following code in colab: (5 points)
  • Download your Python code in .ipynb format, as well as your cleaned dataset in a CSV file.
  • df.to_excel(‘/content/cleaned_dataset.csv’, index=False)
  • Step 4: Interactive Visualizations by Tableau
  • Replace the formula with the following number: 1.
  • Now, you can create a scatter plot:
  • Drag each feature to the Columns shelf.

Drag the “Time” calculated field to the Rows shelf.

Step 5: Presentation

a quantitative research study


The topic is “Examining the Influence of Nurse Case Management on Healthcare Utilization and Costs for Patients with Chronic Diseases”

Writing a (critique of a quantitative research study in NURS 321) involves a detailed and structured analysis of a chosen study, following specific guidelines and critiquing criteria. Here’s a breakdown to help guide you through this process:

prompts.Examples of libraries or websites that use can use:



Medline – Advanced Search

Using MeSH for More Targeted PubMed Searching

### 1. *Introduction*

– *Cite the Study:*. Begin by citing the research study you’ve chosen in APA 7th edition format. This citation should appear in the reference list and be referred to within the text.

– *Describe the Search QUESTION:* Detail your search process, including inclusion and exclusion criteria, key words used, and databases searched. This provides context on how you identified the study.

– *Purpose of the Research Study:* Summarize the author’s described purpose for conducting the research, indicating its relevance and significance.

### 2. *Body—Critique Questions*

Organize this section with individual APA headings for each question. Provide a rationale for your critique, supporting your analysis with evidence.

– *Research Design:* Identify whether the study is experimental, quasi-experimental, or nonexperimental. Discuss the suitability of the chosen design for the study’s objectives.

– *Appropriateness of Design:* Evaluate whether the research design effectively addresses the study’s purpose.

– *Application of Randomization, Control, and Manipulation:* Examine how these elements are used to ensure the study’s validity.

– *Protection of Human Subjects:* Discuss the ethical considerations and how participants’ rights and well-being were safeguarded.

– *Statistical Analysis Used:* Identify and critique the statistical methods applied in the study.

– *Appropriateness of Statistical Tests:* Assess whether the chosen statistical tests were suitable for the data and research questions.

– *Sample Selection:* Evaluate the process used for selecting participants and its impact on the study’s validity.

– *Internal and External Validity:* Analyze how the study addresses potential threats to validity.

– *Study Limitations:* Critically examine any limitations acknowledged by the authors and any you perceive.

– *Alternative Explanations:* Consider other interpretations of the findings.

– *Generalizability:* Discuss the extent to which the findings can be applied to the broader population.

### 3. *Conclusion*

– *Changes in Practice:* Suggest any changes in nursing or healthcare practice based on the study’s findings.

– *Further Research:* Recommend areas for future research to explore or build upon these findings.

– *Barriers to Implementation:* Identify potential obstacles to applying the study’s recommendations in practice.

– *Interprofessional Teams:* Discuss how interprofessional collaboration could facilitate improvements based on the study’s evidence.

Creative Writing Question


Section 3 analysis assignment

clarify which primary source you intend to analyze in Paper 1 (from Ch. 3, 4, or 5 of the Yawp Reader) by preparing the in-text citation (so that you don’t have to do it later!). Note that you should already have prepared the work cited and in-text citations using the Primary Source Analysis Worksheet.

You should be prepared to provide citations for any textbook or lecture content you use, too. See Module 1 for how to properly cite these sources.

provide at least (1) commonality and/or disconnect between your source and the larger time period.

Does your author’s view/experiences of colonial America or Revolutionary America mirror the “reality” of the time period (as addressed through the textbook and lectures)? In other words, does it reflect colonial America/Revolutionary America or does it present a more narrow or ideal “view?”

Provide specific support from the primary source and course content to demonstrate the commonalities and/or disconnects.

Note: Although I am not expecting citations in this part of this assignment, you will want to make sure and provide cited support (via lecture, textbook, other primary sources) in Section 3 of your paper. Otherwise your similarities/disconnects will remain vague and lack clear support

Extra Credit: Extra credit will be offered to those of you who choose to develop at least two (2) other commonalities/disconnects and provide sufficient support/elaboration.

Example (not from Colonial America, so it can’t be used by you): John Winthrop dreams of a city on a hill, 1630 (Winthrop, Yawp Reader, Colliding Cultures, #2).

Disconnect: John Winthrop’s vision of Puritan-led Massachusetts Bay Colony was an ideal. While many Puritans did agree with Winthrop’s vision, some colonists did not. John Williams and Anne Hutchinson, for example, spoke out against the Puritans’ strict approach to faith and settlement. [In my paper I would provide further elaboration][I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

Disconnect: Winthrop’s view of colliding cultures in the Americas was through the eyes of religious New England. God was THE central component of his message. This stood in contrast, for example, to Jamestown, whose focus was on economic gain. [In my paper I would provide further elaboration][I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

Disconnect: Winthrop’s view of settlement was one of idealism. In reality, however, conflicts between the native population and New England settlers demonstrate a much more complex process to settlement. For example, King Philip’s War … [elaborate here], [I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

Finance Homework on Excel


  • ABC has issued a $1000 par bond with 25 years to maturity, 7% coupon rate, and semi-annual payments. Calculate the present value if the bond if the YTM is 7%.
  • How would the answer to #1 change if the YTM is 9%? 
  • How would the answer to #1 change if the YTM is 5%?
  • What bond relationship are Problems 1-3 discussing?
  1. ABC issued 12-year bonds at a coupon rate of 8%      with semi-annual payments. If the bond currently sells for $1050 of par      value, what is the YTM? What is the current yield?


  2. ABC issued 12-year bonds 2 years ago at a coupon      rate of 8% with semi-annual payments. If the bond currently sells for 105%      of par value, what is the YTM? What is the current yield?
  3. A bond has a quoted price of $1,080.42. It has a      face value of $1000, a semi-annual coupon of $30, and a maturity of five      years. What is the yield to maturity? What is the current yield?
  4. A bond has a quoted price of 90.52% of par value.      It has a face value of $1000, a semi-annual coupon of $30, and a maturity      of five years. What is the yield to maturity? What is the current yield?
  5. ABC issued 15-year bonds at a coupon rate of 3%      with semi-annual payments. If the bond currently sells for 112.5 percent      of par value, what is the YTM? What is the current yield?
  • ABC’s bonds have a 5.5% coupon and pay interest semi-annually. The bonds are currently selling for $1,150. The bonds mature in 20 years. The bonds can be called in 8 year for $1,100.
    • What is the yield to maturity?
    • What is the yield to call?
    • What is the current yield?
  1. ABC has $1,000 face value bonds outstanding. These      bonds pay interest semi-annually, mature in 10 years, and have a 7.5      percent coupon. The current price is quoted at 99.59 percent of par value.      What is the yield to maturity? What is the current yield?
  2. Refer to #1 above. Suppose the bonds are callable      in 5 years at 105 percent of par value, what is the yield-to-call?
  3. ABC’s bonds have a 9.5 percent coupon and pay      interest semi-annually. Currently, the bonds are quoted at 106.315 percent      of par value. The bonds mature in 12 years. What is the yield to      maturity? What is the current yield?
  4. Refer to #3 above. Suppose the bonds are callable      in 5 years at 110 percent of par value, what is the yield-to-call?

music 111 silva 111 Db7


As we have talked about before, jazz tends to follow some semi-predictable patterns. Things often revolve around four-bar phrases, we tend to hear the melody up front followed by a series of improvisations based upon its form (with each band member taking turns). Then, at the end, we usually hear the original melody again, almost exactly like we did at the beginning. These patterns are pretty deep in the DNA of a typical jazz performance.

However, we have now arrived at a point in history where a lot of these conventions are being thrown aside, or at least stretched in significant ways. Free Jazz threw almost all of this out in exchange for a semi-free-for-all approach. Some of jazz’s later developments, like its various “fusions” with rock and funk, reined in some of Free Jazz’s excesses in this regard, but some of that style’s “looseness” and unpredictability became a central feature of Fusion.

Take a look at this video: to an external site.

This is the Fusion band Weather Report playing the song “Barbary Coast.” Weather Report was one of Fusion’s most prominent bands. (Not coincidentally, it contains a few high-profile alumni from Miles Davis’s fusion bands.) Notice how the roles between soloist and accompanist are blurred. Notice how the usual “roles” are a little trickier to pin down. Also, the presence of some new instruments and sounds.

Now, have a look at this one: to an external site.

This is the Jaco Pastorius band playing “The Chicken.” (You might recognize the bass player in this one as the same guy from Weather Report. This is Jaco Pastorius, one of the people who played bass in Weather Report and a very innovative bassist (and musician in general).) The lines around each “section” are not quite as blurry, here. But, there are still some new instruments/sounds.

After watching these two performances, please leave a comment on which one you found more engaging or interesting. Why? What about this performance was interesting/engaging?

Then, please find a video of your own, one that incorporates some of these ideas. (If you don’t know where to start, try searching for “Jazz Fusion” or “Electric Jazz” or something similar.) Please share this video as part of your discussion entry with some comments on why you chose this video.

College American music 111 Jazz Fusion and Its Evolution Questions


As we have talked about before, jazz tends to follow some semi-predictable patterns. Things often revolve around four-bar phrases, we tend to hear the melody up front followed by a series of improvisations based upon its form (with each band member taking turns). Then, at the end, we usually hear the original melody again, almost exactly like we did at the beginning. These patterns are pretty deep in the DNA of a typical jazz performance.

However, we have now arrived at a point in history where a lot of these conventions are being thrown aside, or at least stretched in significant ways. Free Jazz threw almost all of this out in exchange for a semi-free-for-all approach. Some of jazz’s later developments, like its various “fusions” with rock and funk, reined in some of Free Jazz’s excesses in this regard, but some of that style’s “looseness” and unpredictability became a central feature of Fusion.

Take a look at this video: to an external site.

This is the Fusion band Weather Report playing the song “Barbary Coast.” Weather Report was one of Fusion’s most prominent bands. (Not coincidentally, it contains a few high-profile alumni from Miles Davis’s fusion bands.) Notice how the roles between soloist and accompanist are blurred. Notice how the usual “roles” are a little trickier to pin down. Also, the presence of some new instruments and sounds.

Now, have a look at this one: to an external site.

This is the Jaco Pastorius band playing “The Chicken.” (You might recognize the bass player in this one as the same guy from Weather Report. This is Jaco Pastorius, one of the people who played bass in Weather Report and a very innovative bassist (and musician in general).) The lines around each “section” are not quite as blurry, here. But, there are still some new instruments/sounds.

After watching these two performances, please leave a comment on which one you found more engaging or interesting. Why? What about this performance was interesting/engaging?

Then, please find a video of your own, one that incorporates some of these ideas. (If you don’t know where to start, try searching for “Jazz Fusion” or “Electric Jazz” or something similar.) Please share this video as part of your discussion entry with some comments on why you chose this video.

Response 2


Respond to this post: I do not feel qualified to recommend one theory over another for global rhetorical problems, as I’m having trouble fully wrapping my mind around the theories themselves (much less their use within various cultural contexts, as opposed to being applied exclusively, in turn, to my own context). That said, the first theorist who comes to mind is Kenneth Burke, (1945).

I found Kenneth Burke’s pentad, as he described in A Grammar of Motives, to be particularly applicable as a framework for analyzing or organizing a broad variety of rhetoric. This is likely because his framework is short and simple, yet has the potential for depth of analysis as well as breadth. His analysis of motive seems particularly useful for cross-cultural rhetorical examination, as what one says is rarely fully equivalent to what one means, depending on the linguistic or cultural undercurrent at play.

I know English and Spanish, but I am still learning Japanese. For the last year or so, I’ve been studying Japanese in my free time, and I think the stark contrast between English and Japanese is an ideal example to display Burke’s pentad at work on a global scale. American language and culture are typically more direct and candid than Japanese language and culture, which is subtle, indirect, and polite almost to a fault. In Japanese, there simply isn’t a direct way to say all sorts of ideas, even ones so simple as “I want an apple” (which would literally be translated into English more as “an apple is desirable”), because the Japanese rarely come right out and say what they think or feel (thus nuance and double meanings abound). The agent is often literally not even named in Japanese, and the underlying purpose or motive is often more of a riddle than a clear message. In English, we generally follow the SVO (subject, verb, object) sentence structure (emphasis on the agent), whereas in Japanese the order is generally SOV, with an emphasis on the object rather than the agent. Approaching Japanese rhetoric with Burke’s motive-seeking lens is therefore an excellent place to start.

As can already be seen, Burke’s method of examining motive becomes immediately useful, enabling us to dig deeper into cross-cultural rhetoric to understand the “why” underneath the more obvious “what,” which I think is perhaps the most important goal in addressing global rhetorical problems.

discussion 7-8


Discussion 7

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Sections 28.2, 29.1, 30.3, 31.3


  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
  • Initial Post Instructions
  • Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies:

Marshall Plan

Berlin Airlift


Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters

  • Vietnam (conflict) War
  • Détente’
  • Camp David Accords
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”)
  • Then, address the following for your selections:
  • Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.
  • Based on your selections, analyze if the United States should have feared international communist subversion during the Cold War era (1945-1991).
  • Textbook link:

Discussion 8 A

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 32
  • Lesson

Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Initial Post Instructions

Consider a few terrorist activities since the 1980s until today. Here is a starting point:

1983: United States Embassy in Beirut and Kuwait is bombed

1988: Osama bin Laden re-organizes Al Qaeda in Pakistan to carry out attacks

  • 1993: World Trade Center Bombing (first time)
  • 1995: Oklahoma City Bombing
  • 1998: United Stated Embassy bombings Nairobi and Sar Es Salaam

2001: 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers

2001: Bio Terrorism begins (anthrax letters and Bill Gates’s warnings on bio terrorism)

2013: Boston Marathon Bombings

  • 2018: Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting
  • Then, address three (3) of the following and craft a response, as a whole, for your selections:
  • Explain if you think that global terrorism can be stopped.
  • Analyze the responsibility of the United States today to be the world’s “policeman.”
  • Assess if peace and stability in the Middle East are vital to U.S. economy and national security.
  • If the United States withdrew its troops from the Middle East tomorrow, would the terrorist threat end. Why or why not?
  • Assess if the use of military force is the only way to prevent terrorism. Are there other possible alternatives? Which strategy is best and why?
  • Textbook link:
  • Discussion 8B

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Review chapters as needed

Review lessons as needed

  • Instructions
  • For this activity, reflect on the course content and address the following:
  • Identify and elaborate on one or two lessons you have learned from our study of United States history that affect you today in your daily life and/or work.
  • Provide advice to the next group of students who will be taking this course.
  • How has this course affected you today in your daily life and/or work?

What should incoming students be aware of regarding this class?

What strategies did you use that they may find useful?

What advice can you provide to help them earn an A?

Concept Note on Tobacco Use among Adolescent Males in Indonesia


In this Concept Note, you will concisely summarize the evidence from your readings and research to: 

Briefly describe the country context and how current prevalence of tobacco product use specifically contributes to the burden of disease in Indonesia.

Describe: the tobacco product you are examining; total population; population number of the group at-risk for using that product (e.g., % of the total population); and relevant demographic characteristics of that group; e.g., gender, age range, location, ethnicity, etc.

Using IHME and other data, provide data on the prevalence of tobacco product use by this at-risk group, and the current tobacco-related morbidity and mortality suffered by that group.

Describe the system elements that contribute to the current prevenance of tobacco product use: i.e., individual risk factors, Social Determinants of Health, Political and national environmental risk factors; and Macro-environmental issues (e.g., climate crisis; War/conflict; global air/water pollution, etc.).

Next, concisely discuss strengths and weakness of current polices in Indonesia that relate to the tobacco product you have selected, including any relevant policies that address the existing health impacts of the use of that tobacco product. E.g. current policies to: reduce tobacco consumption; reduce prevalence of tobacco-related NCDs; address major individual SDH or environmental risks that contribute to current use of tobacco products; etc.

  1. Clearly identify 2-4 leverage points that are both sufficiently specific and feasible for the MoH to address (e.g., MoH has adequate authority, capacity). 

Identify 3 policies that you will recommend to the MoH to reduce the prevalence of Tobacco-product use, specific to the risks identified  for your at-risk group.

  1. Provide an evidence-based rationale to support each policy recommendation, and show that it meets all 5 criteria for feasibility (See Annex 1)
  2. Place all Recommendations into a SMART format (See Annex #2).
  3. Using the 7 Health Systems Building Blocks as a guide, for each recommendation, briefly describe any specific bottlenecks to implementing that recommended policy. See Annex #3
  4. For at least 2 of your recommendations, show how your development partner (international NGOs) could support the MoH in Indonesia to implement the recommended policy.

Remember, Partners do NOT implement national health policies, only the MoH implements policies.

You must describe the specific types of support that the Partner could provide, that is consistent with the mission and strategic objectives of that partner, and the support must be consistent with a decolonized approach.

  1. Examples of support include: technical (e.g., to strengthen HS building blocks), policy guidance, financial, research support, support to engage other ministries/partners; etc.

American Public University System discussion


Bottom of Form Tracing Your Email

Most email today is spam, unwanted commercial email, or phishing, fake email designed to separate you from your money. Criminals routinely send fake emails that try to get you to tell them your log-in information for your bank or your PayPal account, so they can steal the information, log-in as you, and steal your money. It is very easy to fake a return address on an email, so simply looking to make sure that an email has a valid sender is not sufficient to ensure that the email was actually sent by the person or company that claims to have sent it.

The objective of this Activity is for you to trace an email you have received to see if the sending address on the email is actually the organization that sent it. There are many tools you can use to trace your email. For this exercise we will use a tool called eMail Tracker Pro, which has a free version that lasts 15 days. Go to and download and install eMail Tracker Pro. When you’re ready, follow the detail instructions for this activity located on page 53 in your textbook


Create a Word document that contains the following information:

Note: This activity must be completed prior to starting Discussion 2.

  • Discussion 2
  • Discussion Topic Top of Form Bottom of Form In order to complete this discussion, you need to have completed Exercise 2. Post your deliverables (files and results) as attachments to this discussion post.

    Read and respond to at least two other students’ submissions for this topic providing meaningful feedback to their posting by analyzing their SMTP mail trace results. Address the following points when reviewing student results:

  • After reviewing the student’s trace results, make your own assessment and determine whether you consider the email message to be legitimate, SPAM, or a phishing attempt.
  • What information did you consider when you made your determination?
  • Were there any obvious tell tail signs within the email message body that hinted at its legitimacy? (i.e. spelling and/or grammar errors, links that do not point to the stated host name, poorly worded pleas for money or help, or if legitimate, was the message absent of anything you would consider abnormal)