Financial market


Answer the following questions related to Mutual Funds.

Much has been written about the rise of passive (“indexed”) mutual funds over the years and the accompanying decline of active (“managed”) mutual funds.

Explain the recent changes in popularity between ‘passive’ mutual funds and ‘active’ mutual funds.

State the case for investing in passive mutual funds.

State the case for investing in active mutual funds.

Where do you see the future of the ‘passive vs. active’ debate heading? Explain.

Select three mutual funds to compare/contrast. The funds you choose should be:

One target/retirement fund using your expected retirement date (active/managed).

One passive/index fund.

One additional active/managed fund of your choosing

Find the following information for each fund. It is probably easiest to create this in a table format (17 rows x 4 columns).

Fund name & company

Asset class

Fund objective & strategy

Risk level (be descriptive; how risky is it?)


Net asset value (NAV)

NAV 12-month range (high & low)

Total net assets of fund

Top 5 holdings in the fund with % held

Asset allocation

Load type/amount

Expense ratio

Other fees

1-year performance

5-year performance

10-year performance

Portfolio managers

If you were going to start saving for retirement and had to choose to allocate your retirement contributions to these three funds, how would you choose to do it? You are free to allocate all of the money to one fund or split it out into two or three of the funds as you see fit.

Most importantly, thoroughly explain your choices. Address why you chose the fund(s) you did, your allocation percentages, and why you excluded any funds. What were the most/least important factors in your decision?


When submitting your assignment, you must submit your answer text in the ‘text entry’ box within the individual assignment link. You may choose to save your answers in another program (such as Microsoft Word), then copy/paste your responses to Canvas once you are ready to submit the activity.

When typing your answers, please make sure to list the question number for every question. Do not re-type the question.


Alongside the SIE material, we typically have an Activity or set of Case Questions in each chapter. These extension activities are designed to get you to think more deeply and critically about the course content. It is this kind of reflection that ultimately leads to learning, which is my #1 goal as an instructor.

With that in mind, please make sure your answers are robust. Students that offer weak, unsubstantiated answers will receive grades reflective of their effort. Take some time and BS (“build support”) through your answers. Be thorough!

Debate should English be the official language of the US


Debate – should English be the official language of the U.S.?

The issue of whether or not the United States should have an official language is highly debated. This week, I want you to make an argument for one side of the debate (either pro or con, your choice). Use evidence from the articles provided below and make sure to include a citation in your essay for each example.  In addition, discuss your own opinion and give reasons for your opinion.  If you wish, you can also offer some anecdotal evidence, or evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them.  This written assignment requires a minimum of 250 words.

There are 2 required reading materials for this assignment (see below). Please read both of these before writing your response.

1)  please read Chapter Two “Symbolic Politics: Theory and Evidence.” I HAVE ATTACHED THE PDF

2)Newspaper article I HAVE ATTACHED THE PDF 

Can students use AI tools for their coursework?

Yes, you can use AI tools to brainstorm ideas and for general background research on a topic. HOWEVER, as previously mentioned, there are limits on how AI tools are used. You MUST check AI-generated material for any errors or inappropriate use. Also, you MUST cite any and all AI-generated material just as you would in any other instance that requires a reference citation. That is, in any situation in which you are including material that is NOT your own.

Whether or not you use artificial intelligence to assist you with your assignments, the CSUN university policy on plagiarism still applies. You are REQUIRED to properly cite all sources in your assignments. I take plagiarism very seriously and there are consequences for violating this policy. See also the Academic Dishonesty section earlier in this syllabus. Just as with all other written assignments, it MUST be clear which words and ideas are your own and which are taken from outside sources such as books, articles, websites, artificial intelligence tools, etc.

How to cite tools from Artificial Intelligence sources using your query

Please use the following format:

Name of AI tool used. (Year, Month Day). “Words used for query search.” Generated using OpenAI. Website address of AI tool used.

Sample entry for AI tool used:

ChatGPT-4. (2023, August 8). “Limitations of language-based ai tools for student assignments.” Generated using OpenAI.


2nd rough draft on Review article



Clarity and structure: our introduction clearly states the purpose of the literature review, highlighting the significance of exercise on mental health. However, it could benefit from a more detailed outline of the main themes or findings that will be discussed. Ensure each section transitions smoothly into the next, guiding the reader through your analysis.

Depth of Analysis: You have successfully synthesized a wide range of studies to support the argument that exercise positively impacts mental health. To enhance your review, consider a deeper analysis of the mechanisms through which exercise affects mental health. Discuss conflicting evidence or studies with nuanced findings to provide a balanced view.

Critical Evaluation: While you have summarized various research findings, the critical analysis could be stronger. For each study mentioned, evaluate the methodology, sample size, and potential biases. This will demonstrate your ability to assess the literature critically and not just summarize it.

  1. Integration of Literature: You’ve integrated findings from different studies well. To further improve, draw direct comparisons between studies, highlighting agreements or discrepancies in findings. This approach will add depth to your review and showcase your understanding of the field.

References and Citation Style: Ensure all references are accurately cited in the APA format. Pay attention to the details like author names, publication year, and page numbers where applicable.

  1. Recommendations for Future Research:
  2. Based on the reviewed literature, you’ve made some recommendations. Strengthen this section by suggesting specific areas where further research is needed, considering gaps you’ve identified in the current literature.               7. 
  3. Conclusion: Your conclusion effectively summarizes the key findings and the importance of exercise in promoting mental health. Reinforce the conclusion by briefly restating the critical insights and their implications for practice and policy
  4. 8. Writing Style: Your writing is generally clear and coherent. Watch for repetitive phrases and aim for conciseness to maintain reader engagement. Utilize active voice where possible to make your arguments more direct and compelling
  5. Adherence to Instructions: Ensure all assignment instructions are met, including the required sections, word count, and formatting guidelines. Double-check that your review aligns with the objectives outlined in the instructions document.

Engagement with Current Literature:

Consider including more recent studies to ensure your review reflects the latest research in the field. This will make your review more relevant and informative.

By addressing these points, you can enhance the quality and impact of your literature review. Remember, the goal is to critically analyze and synthesize the existing literature to provide insightful conclusions about the relationship between exercise and mental health.

homework week 7


Focus on Positive & Negative Messaging, Organizing Information and Research

4 Tasks

Portfolios are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Please complete the following assignments in the exact order listed. Each assignment should be at least one page in length, but all should be submitted in ONE document. Click on Portfolio Part 2 under Week 7 to attach your assignment.

1. Write a Formal Letter: Use Format on Page 543.

NEGATIVE LETTER: Sending negative messages to real audiences (page 303, Exercise 10.20)

Choose one of the four options outlined in the exercise. Remember to include:

main points


negatives (address any resistance)

reader benefits


You should also take the time to look up or create names and addresses for the person/people/organization to whom you are writing your letter.

2. Write a Memo: Use Format here

REPORTING A PROBLEM: Consult pages 277-286 for guidance on how to contruct a ‘bad news’ message.

In any organization, things sometimes go wrong. Write a memo reporting a problem (use your imagination!) and recommending a solution. Be sure to be objective in your QUESTION – QUESTION. For this portfolio item, address a superior. You can find specific advice on the best way to deliver bad news to superiors on page 277.

  1. Describe the problem
  2. Tell how it happened
  3. Offer options for fixing it
  4. Recommend solution and ask for action
  5. 3. Write a Email: Use Format on Page 547

REQUESTING YOUR FIRM USE SOCIAL NETWORKING:   Your small but prestigious firm has a web page that increasingly gets traffic and now you, the communications director, want to convince upper management to branch out to use Facebook and Twitter (recently rebranded as ‘X’). Several of the senior partners think that social networking sites are trendy and informal and don’t accurately reflect the firm’s conservative image.  You know that convincing some of the partners to adopt more modern strategies may be difficult,  but you also know the firm stands to lose its competitive edge in a rapidly changing world. Send an email message requesting the firm use social media. Remember to acknowledge the senior partners’ concerns, be positive and optimistic and use YOU-attitude.

4. Write a Short Report in Memo Form:  Use Format from Item 2


Consult pages 72-82 from Ch 3 of our textbook. Evaluate five websites related to your potential Formal Report topic. For each source provide:

Author and  URL link

Summary of source

Reliability Assessment: Is the site objective? Reliable? Current?

Revision date

Relevancy to your report

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation 3


Step 1: You will use the Graduate Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template Download Graduate Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Templateto:

Compose a written comprehensive psychiatric evaluation of a patient you have seen in the clinic.

Upload your completed comprehensive psychiatric evaluation as a Word doc. Scanned PDFs will not be accepted.

For the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Presentation Assignment: You will need to get it signed by your preceptor for the presentation (actual signature, not electronically typed).

Step 2: Each student will create a focused SOAP note video presentation in the next assignment. See Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Presentation 3 for more details.

SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.  

S = 

Subjective data: Patient’s Chief Complaint (CC); History of the Present Illness (HPI)/ Demographics; History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem (OLDCARTS or PQRST); Review of Systems (ROS) 

O = 

Objective data: Medications; Allergies; Past medical history; Family psychiatric history; Past surgical history; Psychiatric history, Social history; Labs and screening tools; Vital signs; Physical exam, (Focused), and Mental Status Exam 

A = 

Assessment: Primary Diagnosis and two differential diagnoses including ICD-10 and DSM5 codes 

P = 

  1. Plan: Pharmacologic and Non-pharmacologic treatment plan; diagnostic testing/screening tools, patient/family teaching, referral, and follow up 
  2. Other: Incorporate current clinical guidelines NIH Clinical GuidelinesLinks to an external site. or APA Clinical GuidelinesLinks to an external site., research articles, and the role of the PMHNP in your evaluation.   

Psychiatric Assessment of Infants and ToddlersLinks to an external site. 

Reminder: It is important that you complete this assessment using your critical thinking skills.  You are expected to synthesize your clinical assessment, formulate a psychiatric diagnosis, and develop a treatment plan independently. It is not acceptable to document “my preceptor made this diagnosis.”  An example of the appropriate descriptors of the clinical evaluation is listed below.  It is not acceptable to document “within normal limits.”   

Graduate Mental Status Exam Guide Download Graduate Mental Status Exam Guide 

Successfully Capture HPI Elements in Psychiatry E/M NotesLinks to an external site.
AAPC Admin. (2013, August 1). Successfully capture HPI elements in psychiatry E/M notes. Advancing the Business of Healthcare.…

Submission Instructions: 

Upload your completed Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation as a word document. It will be assessed through Turnitin.

Effective communication


Given the following information, brainstorm potential new strategies:

  • Senior leadership is concerned about the company’s ability to effectively communicate a new value proposition to potential customers and other stakeholders.
  • Shareholders are asking tough questions about the likely changes in projected cost estimates, revenue, profit, and cash flow.
  • A number of employees have expressed worry that a disruptive shift in REvolt’s business model may negatively impact their positions with the company.

Be sure to maintain your disciplinary perspective when discussing the above (see Discussion 01 for the list of disciplines).

Create a mind map (a.k.a. brainstorming diagram) to identify and summarize the primary features of commonly used applications software. Your diagram should address personal application software, workgroup application software, and enterprise application software. Related information can be found in Chapter 2 of the classroom textbook. Your mind map should be visually coherent; the content should be easy to understand and follow also be consistent with fonts and capitalization.

The following is an example of a mind map flow for a specific personal application software (Microsoft Word):

Application Software -> Personal Application Software -> Word Processor -> Save, Edit and Print documents

In your mind map, show us at least 2 more Personal Application Software mind map flows and at least 3 mind map flows each for the workgroup application software and enterprise application software.

  • Option 1: Go to Coggle ( and click on the Tutorial Video in the center of the screen. You can use the Coggle website to create your mind map and then save the document to your computer as a PDF. You will need to click on “Sign Up Now” below the Tutorial Video and create a free account before you use Coggle, but it is very quick and easy.
  • Option 2: You may also draw your mind map by hand and scan your drawing into your computer and save as a PDF. If you choose this option, be sure it is clear and easy to read.
  • Option 3: You can choose to create a your mind map in Microsoft Word using shapes and symbols. (If you aren’t familiar with using symbols and shapes in Microsoft Word, the NAU Online Library’s Learning Express video tutorials can help, or you can view “Creating a Simple Flowchart in Microsoft Word,” a YouTube video hosted by Floyd Jay Winters, for a very quick introduction – be sure to create a mind map, not a process-based flowchart.)
  • Discussion 11 reply


    Other student discussion:

    The content presented in the videos likely emphasizes the complex interplay between adolescent development, addiction, and the neurological impact of substance use, highlighting the significance of early education and intervention in substance use disorders (SUDs). Insights from these videos may include:

    The Role of Adolescent Brain Development in Addiction: Adolescence is a critical period for brain development, making young individuals particularly susceptible to addiction. The videos probably showcase how the prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and impulse control, is not fully developed in adolescents. This underdevelopment can lead to increased risk-taking behaviors, including drug use, and heightened vulnerability to addiction (Volkow, N.D., Koob, G.F., & McLellan, A.T., 2016).

    Mechanisms of Relapse: Understanding the science behind relapse, including the triggers and neurological pathways involved, offers crucial insights into the chronic nature of addiction. These mechanisms underscore the importance of comprehensive treatment approaches that address both the physiological and psychological aspects of SUDs (Sinha, R., 2011).

    1. Impact of Drugs on Brain Functioning: The effects of substances, such as stimulants, on brain function are profound. Stimulants increase the levels of dopamine in the brain, which enhances feelings of pleasure and reward but also leads to significant changes in the brain’s reward system, potentially leading to addiction (Volkow, N.D., et al., 2007).
    2. Biases regarding individuals with SUD can range from viewing addiction as a moral failing rather than a medical condition, to underestimating the potential for recovery. These biases may affect the delivery of compassionate and effective care. Education and self-awareness are key to overcoming these biases, enhancing empathy, and improving treatment outcomes.
    3. Substance/addiction education is paramount for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs) and others in the healthcare field. It equips professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, treat, and support individuals with SUDs, contributing to more effective care and better patient outcomes.

    Increasing knowledge on SUDs can involve engaging with continuing education programs, attending workshops and conferences focused on addiction medicine, and staying updated with current research in the field.

    For an additional resource, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) offers a wide range of educational videos and materials on the effects of drugs on the brain and body. Specifically, their video content on stimulants, such as cocaine or methamphetamine, highlights how these substances increase dopamine levels in the brain circuits related to reward and movement, leading to intense feelings of euphoria but at the risk of developing addictive behaviors and other severe health consequences (NIDA, 2020).

    4-1 Excel Workbook: Perform Bivariate Regression


    MBA 504 Module Four Excel Workbook Guidelines and Rubric


    Bivariate regression analysis is an excellent tool to help you answer questions about a business. When you use bivariate analysis, you can discover whether there is a strong correlation between a dependent and an independent variable.

    In this scenario, you will continue to work as a business consultant trainee with TC Ice Cream. The TC Ice Cream management team would like to know which key attributes have an impact on the Quantity Sold variable. The team would like you to perform two bivariate regressions to analyze the data. Remember that TC Ice Cream is interested in whether specific trends are identified that can help grow its business through improved operations and sales. Then you will create a PowerPoint presentation for the TC Ice Cream management team in which you describe the regression models, the variables, and the testing conducted.

    As a reminder, the WEST NORTH CENTRAL division cannot be used for your assignment. Use the division and the two flavors you selected for Milestone One.


    Your task is to create two bivariate regressions using Excel. You will also create a presentation that describes the regression model you used and why you chose to analyze your selected independent variables.

    For all bivariate regression models and calculations, use the same division and flavors you selected for Milestone One. It is recommended that you use the scatter plot chart (visualization) in Excel and display the trendline, equation, and R2 value on the visualization.

    Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

    1. Create two bivariate regressions using Excel. 

    Bivariate Regression for Flavor One: 

    • Use the “Flavor One Bivariate Regression” sheet to create and place your bivariate regression models.
    • Create a bivariate regression model: the dependent variable is Quantity Sold and the independent variable is Advertising Expenses.

    Bivariate Regression for Flavor Two: 

    • Use the “Flavor Two Bivariate Regression” sheet to create and place your bivariate regression models.
    • Create a Bivariate regression model: the dependent variable is Quantity Sold and the independent variable is Advertising Expenses.
    1. Use the Module Four PowerPoint Template to create a presentation explaining the results of the bivariate regressions. This should include key visualizations and analysis to support your answers. The template includes specific questions to answer. Use the bivariate regression models from the “Flavor One Bivariate Regression” and “Flavor Two Bivariate Regression” sheets to support your analysis.

    social work su


    Mitch & Elanor Scenario

    Mitch and Eleanor Connors have come to the Family Service Association for marital counseling.  Eleanor is concerned that their marriage is cracking under the strain of the prospect of Mitch losing his job.  Mitch tells the marital counselor that he does not want to go to counseling.  He has only agreed because Eleanor harassed him so much.  As far as Eleanor is concerned, she does not need counseling.  She is in counseling because Mitch is a problem.  Eleanor is hoping that you, the social worker, can talk some sense into Mitch. 

    Mitch currently works at a local plastics factory called Superior Plastics.  For the past 6 months, there has been talk of the main branch of Superior Plastics moving to Southeast Asia, where labor is cheaper.  If this happens Mitch will lose his job within the next 6-8 months.  Mitch’s wife, Eleanor, also works part-time in personnel at Superior Plastics.  Mitch and Eleanor have 3 children, ages 12, 10 and 8.  The family has a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. 

    Mitch is extremely distressed over the prospect of losing his job.  There is a 75% chance that this will happen.  He does his best not to think about the situation.  He is watching more T.V. after work, and having a few extra beers at night.  After all, what can he do?  He cannot control Superior Plastics or the economy.

    Eleanor wants Mitch to start looking for a new job.  She thinks perhaps they should move to another area with more industry.  She is angry that Mitch is just watching T.V. and not doing something about the coming financial disaster.  She has begun looking around for a new job, but the jobs available pay less than her current part-time job at Superior Plastics.  

    Eleanor has been spending hours on the telephone with her two sisters, who live in another state, talking about her fears of Mitch losing his job, and the family going under, financially.  Eleanor believes that the family could be homeless if nothing happens soon.  Mitch wishes Eleanor would stop nagging him and let him have some peace and quiet.  He feels he is under enough pressure right now. 

    For the discussion:

    Please list all of the strengths you find in this scenario

    What are contributing factors to the problem? In other words, list what you believe is contributing to the problem/making it worse. 

    Reply to one of your peers regarding what you appreciated about their response.

    Pharmacology Question


    Week 4 Assignment 2: Hypertension, Diabetes, and CKD3 Case Study

    Value: 100 points

    Due: Day 7

    Case Study Scenario

    Rachel Jones, a 63-year-old woman (weight 184 lb.), is a new patient referred to your primary care clinic. Her medical history includes type 2 diabetes mellitus (diagnosed in 2016), hypertension (diagnosed in 2012), and CKD3 with albuminuria (diagnosed in 2018). Ms. Jones is also a former smoker (quit in 2010).

    Ms. Jones’ current medications include:

    Lisinopril/HCTZ 20/12.5 mg twice daily

    Aspirin 81 mg daily

    Metformin 1000 mg twice daily

    Dulaglutide 0.75 mg weekly

    Glipizide XL 5 mg daily.

    • A baseline lipid panel returns with the following results:
    • TC 183 mg/dL
    • TG 123 mg/dL
    • HDL-C 41 mg/dL
    • LDL-C 115 mg/dL

    Renal function test results include eGFR of 53 mL/min/1.73m2 and urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio of 74 mcg/mg. Ms. Jones’ BP today is 155/74 mm Hg and pulse 76 bpm. Her calculated 10-year ASCVD risk is 13.2%.

    Assignment Instructions

    • Part A: Which one of the following diabetes-specific risk enhancers do you think is the most relevant when initiating high-intensity statin therapy in Ms. Jones? Explain not only your decision, but also why the other choices are not as relevant. Please use the textbook, as well as any relevant guidelines or primary literature, to formulate your selection and explain your answer.
    • Type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis within last 5 years
    • Presence of albuminuria
    • Baseline LDL-C above 100 mg/dL

    Former smoker

    Part B: You decide to initiate high-intensity statin therapy for Ms. Jones. Address each of the following:

    Which drug do you choose?

    Which one of the following is the best primary LDL blood work target for Ms. Jones according to the 2018 ACC/AHA guidelines?

    Explain your decision about which medication to start, which target you will select, along with why the other choices are not optimal for Ms. Jones.

    LDL Blood Work Target Choices:

    • LDL-C reduction of 30% from baseline
    • LDL-C reduction of at least 50% from baseline
    • LDL-C of <70 mg/dL
    • LDL-C of <100 mg/dL

    Part C: Ms. Jones’ blood pressure is again high today when you see her in clinic. You check her home blood pressure monitoring log and see that her blood pressure fluctuates between 142-161/74-91, indicating poor control. You ask Ms. Jones if she has been compliant with her medications. She states she has been, but may have missed 3-4 doses per month. You note Ms. Jones is currently taking Lisinopril/HCTZ 20/12.5 mg.

    Discuss Ms. Jones’ current hypertension regimen and explain what changes (if any) you would make and why. In addition to the textbook, please use the current AHA hypertension guidelines as a reference(s).