Introduction and experience with research



Have you ever considered the importance of research in nursing? How might research shape the delivery of healthcare?

In this course, you will consider the importance of research in nursing and analyze your previous experience and familiarity with research. Research in nursing began with Florence Nightingale in 1850 and has continued to transform in complexity and scope every year since (Gray & Grove, 2020).

Not surprisingly, the field and practice of nursing is greatly influenced by the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) or rather, nursing practices and guidelines that are strongly supported by research and data outcomes.

For this Discussion, take a moment to introduce yourself to you peers and describe your current or previous role in nursing practice. Reflect on your experience with EBP and consider whether your current organization supports EBP.

Reference: Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2020). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



DB – Organizational Structure, Systems, and Implementation


Organizational Structure, Systems, and Implementation

In this module, we explore strategy execution and learn that strategy formulation and strategy implementation cannot be separated. Strategy implementation considers broad organizational concepts such as organizational design and behavior as well as human resource management. We will also utilize a strategic viewpoint to focus on strategy implementation from a front-line perspective, particularly considering organizational structure and management systems. We will continue to learn about organizational resources and capabilities because they form the foundation from which strategy can be implemented.

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

Read Case 6: BP: Organizational Structure and Management Systems (R.M. Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 11th ed. Wiley, 2022).

Remember that a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and discussing the specific case questions below, develop your proposed solution by following these steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

The disastrous explosions at BP’s Texas City refinery and its Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico have drawn attention to the organizational structure and management system created at BP by former CEO John Browne. 

Discuss the role that specialization with coordination and cooperation played in the BP disaster? Provide examples of organizational capabilities that could have facilitated this process.

What structure is used in your organization and is this model appropriate to the industry in which you work?  Why or Why not?


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources. 

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the processes of strategy execution.

Reconcile specialization with coordination and cooperation.

Identify organizational capabilities needed to implement strategy.

Examine types of structures and systems and how they are suited to particular contexts.

12 slides ppt


This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

Examine the history and theories of the development of health care delivery in the U.S.

The United States federal government oversees multiple regulatory aspects of healthcare. For this assignment, you will identify a specific topic from the website www.regulations.govLinks to an external site. and analyze its impact. Then, you will summarize your knowledge for an internal audience, from the healthcare administrator perspective.


Navigate to the regulations.govLinks to an external site. website.

Learn about the regulatory process here: to an external site. and to an external site.

From the home page to an external site., search for proposed rules or dockets in a topic area of your interest. This could include quality metrics, reimbursement changes, etc.

All key word results will be displayed. You may use the filter menu on the left sidebar to narrow the selection. Begin filtering results by “agency” such as CMS, HHS, AHRQ, etc. You may also filter by date range, and other options.

Review the results. Select one that interests you, and that you feel would be relevant to share in a presentation with your desired [fictional] internal audience.

Keep in mind, these dockets are open for public comments. Read the comments, and consider the perspectives presented. These comments may be biased or come from places of frustration, or a desire to enact or resist change.


Create your PowerPoint presentation

  1. Your role: Hospital administrator

Your audience: Internal stakeholders (this could be a physician group, managers, financial leadership, or any other internal audience of your choosing.)

Length: 10-12 slides of content.

A voice-over narration is required (directions for creating narrated PowerPointsLinks to an external site. )

Presentation Content

While you may include additional relevant points that you believe are important about your selection, make sure that you address the following questions in your presentation:

  • How does this issue affect your facility/patients/providers?

What changes will your organization need to implement to adapt and move forward, if this ruling is enacted?

Who should be informed and involved with the change management process? (What departments, managers, groups)

Make sure that you speak with both authority and enthusiasm in your narration. Your slides should be visually pleasing and contain assorted visuals, appropriate use of color and varied fonts, imagery, and perhaps data or charts to support your narration. It should be both a professional and satisfying visual and audio experience.



What is the format for the assignment?

Your executive summary should be no longer than 1,500 words, not including headings and references. Note
that figures, charts, tables or pictures are not usually included in an executive summary.
The headings below should be used. In-text citations are required for any statement that is not your original
Where can I find a startup?
You could try website for the DMZ, other zones at Toronto Metropolitan U., MarsDD, other GTA incubators,
google search, the list of supplemental sources in the course outline – any organization that supports
entrepreneurship. Note: do not directly contact the company. It is your responsibility to research and identify a
subject company.
What is the definition of a startup?
To be classified as a “startup” and thus be eligible for this assignment, a startup must not exceed any of the
1. The startup must have less than 30 full time employees;
2. The startup must be less than 7 years old; and
3. The startup must have less than $50,000,000 in revenue for the last 12 months.
Be aware that the subject you chose must also be arm’s length from you. Before settling on a subject for your
paper, ensure the company fits the criteria. Exceptions will not be granted for companies outside the restrictions
How do I get full marks?
Make sure you reference all your sources with in-test citations. Include a reference list and make sure you
properly identify and apply course concepts to your company. Be sure to refer to the course concepts in the
same terms as used in the course – reference the class slide (week and slide number) or page in the readings
where the concept is discussed.
How should my executive summary look?
Use the framework below, including the headings. There is a reason it’s standardized.
Should I write in first or third person?
Neither. An executive summary describes a company, so it should be referred to as ‘the company’, or ‘Company

X’. Occasionally, executive summaries and business plans are written in first person, singular or plural, as
though the founders are speaking. This is acceptable if you are the founder but you cannot be for this
Who is the audience for the executive summary?
Your executive summary should be written for potential investors. The tone should be positive but factual. Avoid
marketing ‘spin’. Limit the use of effusive, vague adjectives and adverbs, such as ground-breaking, awesome,
innovatively etc. You should show the reader what a great business has been created, not tell them. They will
want to decide for themselves if the business is great or not, based on the objective information provided.

PSCH 320 Community Psychology


This worksheet aims to help you organize your thoughts and prepare for the first major paper assignment this semester, Paper 1. You may earn a maximum of 10 points on this assignment; please see the syllabus for late assignment policies. 

For Paper 1, you are asked to select a social problem you believe deserves more attention and explain what the current literature says about the problem. You can take inspiration for your topic anywhere. Most, if not all of us, have observed some type of injustice or adversity that you believe can be prevented, reduced, or better managed. I encourage all students to select a problem that is personally meaningful to them but not so emotionally charged for them that their work will be undermined by their feelings. Many of the issues students are likely to select are complex, meaning that there are multiple contributing factors and no obvious, easy solutions. Your goal is to better understand the problem using scientific, academic literature.

Keep in mind, that the more information and writing you include in this worksheet, the more feedback you can get ahead of time, which may help you out as you prepare for your Paper 1. 

Finally, you might consider thinking through whether you want to look at “causes” or “effects” of your social problem. As previously indicated, the literature on many of these topics is complex, so finding a way to narrow your topic might help. 

Note: Each response below is worth 2 points. 

1. Which social problem will you write about? Be sure you are specific. I recommend using APA PsycInfo for a bit to refine your topic. It’s really important that your topic is not too broad nor too narrow or finding scientific studies and connecting them will be difficult.  

2. Please list the full references, in APA Style 7, for the three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles about your social problem. Use Purdue OWL and/or APA Style guide to help you format the references correctly.

3. For each of your three articles, tell us what was the methodology? Did the researchers use surveys, observational data, experimental methods, etc.? Who were the participants? You should write at least one paragraph about the methodology used in each article you selected. 

a. Article 1: 

b. Article 2: 

c. Article 3:

4. For each of your three articles, tell us what was the main finding, or major takeaway for the article? You should write at least a paragraph about each article you selected. 

a. Article 1: 

b. Article 2: 

c. Article 3:

Reply to The Nature of Change Discussion 2


Reply to The Nature of Change Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Please provide the references you used.


Eastman Kodak’s transition from traditional photography to digital imaging provides a compelling case study in strategic management amid technological evolution and shifting market dynamics (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). The photography industry’s evolution, shaped by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, economic factors, and political influences, offers a complex narrative of adapting to disruptive change.

Primary drivers behind the industry’s evolution include the widespread adoption of digital technology, which fundamentally altered how images were captured, stored, and shared (Bower & Christensen, 1995). Kodak, renowned for its traditional photographic film, struggled to adjust as digital cameras supplanted film-based ones. This digital revolution was propelled by sensor advancements, data storage innovations, and the rise of the internet, enabling instant image sharing and manipulation. The increasing demand for convenience and decreasing costs of digital devices further propelled the industry towards digital solutions.

Kodak’s traditional business model heavily relied on film-based photography, encompassing film sales, chemicals, and paper for development. However, the shift towards digital imaging eroded this model, leading to declining revenues and market position (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). Despite Kodak’s initial ventures into digital technology, including the development of the first digital camera, the company struggled to pivot away from its film-centric roots.

During Kodak’s digital transition, the photography industry entered a phase of renewal characterized by digital disruption (Christensen & Overdorf, 2000). New technologies redefined industry boundaries, presenting both challenges and opportunities for Kodak.

To adapt, Kodak pursued various strategies, including diversifying into digital cameras and online photo services (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). However, these efforts yielded mixed results, failing to offset the decline in the traditional film business.

Looking back, Kodak could have pursued more aggressive divestiture of its traditional film assets, focused on software and online services, and sought strategic partnerships or acquisitions for quicker entry into emerging digital markets.

Kodak’s ability to navigate strategic change and respond to disruptive technologies was hindered by a lack of organizational ambidexterity (Henderson & Clark, 1990). Deeply entrenched in film-based photography, Kodak’s organizational culture hindered its pivot to new digital paradigms.

In conclusion, Kodak’s journey highlights the challenges of strategic management amidst technological disruption. The company’s struggle to transition from a film-based photography giant to a digital imaging player underscores the importance of agility, foresight, and the ability to realign business models in response to industry shifts.

Logic Model Development Macro View



The rationale for the strategic plan should be logical. As such, it should be able to be mapped as a next step following the comprehensive community health needs assessment. This mapping process can occur using a tool called a logic model, which is a one-page diagram that presents the conceptual framework for a proposed project or plan, as described in the Week 3 readings. It explains the links among all elements, logically connecting the dots, which is a useful tool in the design and implementation of public health strategies. While there are many versions of logic models, for the purposes of this assignment, your logic model should concisely summarize in brief phrases the connections among the inputs, goals, objectives, activities, and outcomes (both short- and long-term). Creating a logic model can be an iterative process that is revised over time.

In this assignment, you will adopt a macro-view of the overall strategic plan, its design, implementation, and evaluation. Refer back to your Assessment of the Current State assignment in Week 2 to recall the overall purpose, scope, and approaches that will be utilized to implement the strategic plan for your community. Use the Logic Model Template in the Resources for this assignment.


The numbered assignment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment rubric, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level Questions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

The macro-view of the overall strategic planning process should be organized into the following sections, using the Logic Model Template provided. Use the second page of the template to write a brief, 1–2 paragraph summary of your logic model.

Recommend ways to cultivate fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic plan in the community. (For further background, use the Week 4 readings on traditional and innovative ways to develop resources.)

Identify fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal.

  1. What are the inputs? What resources will go into the plan to make it successful?

What personnel are required to successfully execute and support the strategic goal?

  • What are the revenue source(s) and cost(s) associated with executing the strategic goal?
  • How will you solicit or encourage people or organizations to support your initiative?
  • Develop distinct goals for the strategic plan in the community.
  • What are the aims of the plan?
  • Develop supporting objectives aligned to the distinct goals of the strategic plan.
  1. What are the supporting objectives (aligned to the goals) of the plan?

Communicating and Linking


answer to the following discussion questions. 

Discussion Question #1: Kaplan and Norton describe the second step of the strategic management process as “Communicating and Linking.” This step allows managers to communicate their strategy up and down the organization while linking that strategy to departmental and individual objectives. Discuss the three activities that balanced scorecard users generally engage in to align employees’ individual performances with the organization’s overall strategy. Do you feel that individual performance metrics in most organizations focus on short-term more than long-term goals? If so, does this have a negative or positive impact on the overall organization? Explain your answer and provide a real-world example.

Discussion Question #2: The authors discuss a disconnect between most firm’s vision for the future and the execution of day-to-day actions of both employees and executives. To address this issue, the 25 executives at Metro Bank had to “clarify the meaning of the strategy statement.” Clarifying the strategy statement was the groundwork for creating a balanced scorecard. Do you think that your company’s mission is clear and that it is being executed in an efficient way? Discuss in what way(s) your company would benefit from clarifying the mission statement. If you feel it is clear already, have executives balanced the focus on strategic as well as financial objectives?   

Discussion Question #3:  Kaplan and Norton explain that in order to create a successful strategic management system, it is important that companies engage in strategic learning. What do they mean by “strategic learning?” Use a real-world example in your explanation. Explain the difference between “single-loop” learning and “double-loop” learning. The article discusses how budget reviews and other financially-based tools do not facilitate double-loop learning because they generally only use a single perspective. Can you think of ways management can use double-loop learning to manage the performance of the firm’s strategic objectives? The authors warn against managers not taking disconfirming evidence seriously. What is disconfirming evidence and why is it important? Give a real-world example. 

Discussion Question #4: The article discusses the differences between “intangible” and “tangible” assets. Is one more important than the other? Is one more likely to give a firm a sustainable competitive advantage? What recent social, economic, or political changes have led to this? Discuss and provide the rationale for your answer, and in doing so, be sure to provide some real-world examples of how firms have used their tangible and/or intangible assets to develop a sustainable competitive advantage.

Videolink: Balanced Scorecard (

Race and Ethnicity in society SOC 338


part 1) Read the textbook (Chap 4: Patterns of Ethnic Relations: Assimilation and Pluralism) carefully and answer the following questions.

What is assimilation?

What is pluralism?

What is cultural assimilation?

  • w5r4
    What is structural assimilation?
  • w5r5
    What is psychological assimilation?

What is biological assimilation?

Milton Gordon’s theory of assimilation proposes seven stages through which various groups pass. According to Gordon, which of these seven stages is the most critical in the process of assimilation?

Based on the discussion presented in the textbook, is it accurate to describe the US as “the melting pot”? Explain your answer.

What is the difference between cultural pluralism and structural pluralism?

What is the difference between corporate pluralism and equalitarian pluralism?

What is inequalitarian pluralism?

  • w5r12
    Based on the discussion presented in the textbook, is it accurate to describe the US as a society of “corporate pluralism”? Explain your answer.

part 2) 

Which country in the world experienced this type of assimilation (i.e., biological assimilation) to a great extent? Explain your answer.

Which country in the world has this type of pluralism (i.e., cultural pluralism)? Explain your answer.

Which country in the world has this type of pluralism (i.e., corporate pluralism)? Explain your answer.

  • w5r4
    Is the US an assimilationist society or a pluralistic society? Explain your answer.

part 3) Week 5 Quiz

Week 5 Quiz

Click the above link to take the quiz for Week 5, covering Chap 4.


  • This quiz tests your understanding of key concepts presented in Chapter 4. Take this quiz after you have finished reading Chap 4, Chap 4 Notes and Supplementary Readings. This is an open-book quiz.

There are 16 multiple-choice questions in this quiz. You can have 1 hour and 15 min to complete this quiz. Once you start taking the quiz, you have to finish it in one setting.

Part 4) Writing Assignment

Writing Assignment

For this assignment, you are going to analyze your and your family’s experiences in the United States. More specifically, you are going to analyze how much you and your family are assimilated into America. Make sure to analyze along the dimensions of assimilation discussed in the textbook (p. 81-p. 85). At the end of your paper, discuss how much overall you and your families are assimilated in the US considering these different dimensions.

  • Do not write a general paper. Do not write about the general experiences of your ethnic/racial group. Your paper should describe concretely and analyze specifically your own and your family’s experiences in the US.

Human trafficking infographic


Slavery Footprint & Reduction Plan

Navigate to and take the survey. On each survey page, you will see a gear icon on the left. If you click on it, it will expand, and you can provide additional information to fine-tune your survey. You will need your results for this 

Many federal and state agencies, non-profits, academic institutions, and research think tanks create and consume infographics. Therefore, one purpose of this assignment is to help you develop your visual communication and data presentation skills. The other is to get you thinking about how you (yes, YOU) can combat human trafficking through your daily practices. You will use your data from the Slavery Footprint exercise to create an informative, visually appealing infographic detailing 1) what you expected to find; 2) what you found; 3) how you felt about what you found; and 4) what steps can (or will) you take to reduce your footprint.

You may use any software you like to create this infographic. I strongly recommend Canva because it is easy to use, has many elements to choose from, includes templates to help inspire you, and (most importantly) it’s free! If you use PowerPoint, please try to keep it to less than 8 slides.

Content: your content should include the above information. You may also include information outside of the simulation to compare your results to national trends or to suggest ways to reduce your footprint. If you choose to include outside information, be sure you are using data and information from credible sources 

Design: layout and color choices can make or break an infographic. You should choose a layout and color scheme that is visually appealing and aids in comprehension. Avoid clashing colors and many patterns. There is much research about color theory that should help you make your decision. Consider the size of the font and the use of charts, graphs, or images to help get your point across.  

Components: your infographic should have a concise and descriptive title; relevant charts and graphs to help communicate your points, a few words/sentences to introduce and conclude the content of your topic; and references.

Remember:  Infographics are a powerful medium for presenting information, so be creative and make sure your infographic effectively communicates your chosen topic to your target audience. An infographic is a collection of imagery, data visualizations like pie charts and bar graphs, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic.