Informative Speech


Informative Speech Assignment


The purpose of the Informative Speech is to give the audience novel information about your topic. You can do this by describing a process, procedure, event or object, defining a term, system or idea, or explaining how something works or operates. The general idea is for you to create more knowledge and awareness of your subject matter.


All topics must be cleared with your instructor. It is up to each instructor to determine how topics will be selected and what is and is not appropriate in his or her class. Your instructor may choose to add more topics to the banned topics list, so be sure you check with him/her on banned topic ideas.

When choosing your topic try to pick a subject that foremost interests you. Then, based on the information you read from your textbook about audience adaptation, try to make that subject interesting to your classmates. It’s always a good idea to ask class members what they think about your topic—this gives you a better idea of their interest in it. Even if audience members don’t seem to be interested in your topic, the ultimate power of making your speech engaging and interesting lies in your hands. Remember, the more you care about your topic the more likely the audience is going to be interested in it, even if they weren’t before your speech.

The topic is appropriate for the assigned general purpose

A minimum of four sources should be used to provide adequate supporting material
•  These sources must be cited in the delivery of the speech as well as on a reference page. You should also cite any additional sources you use.
•  Encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia, CDROMs and other general reference materials may not be used. •  Only one source may come from the Internet. •  At least one of the sources must carry a publication date within the last 12 months.

One copy of your preparation outline (typed) must be submitted to Canvas. If you fail to submit an outline at all then 20 points will be deducted from your speech grade. Please note that all outlines become part of the Department of Communication and Journalism’s speech files.

  1. A copy of the bibliography/reference should be attached to your outline. We use APA style for source citation.
  2. A PowerPoint Visual Aid
  3. TIPS: Remember the following make for excellent types of supporting material:



  1. Contrasts
  2. Comparisons
  3. Quotations



  • Make sure you review the grade sheet your instructor has posted for this assignment. It includes all the necessary elements of your speech and should serve as your guide/checklist to what you should include in your speech. Don’t forget to pan out and show me your audience members before you begin speaking if you are in an online section.



Writing Assignment-Reaction Papers (3 x 65 = 195 points): You will beexpected to watch one assigned video (see below) and two videos fromthe approved list on Blackboard under Course Information and write a 5page papers (APA style) on each video. Each one of these will have a specific question you will answer in the paper See each Video. You are also expected to find a second reference (The first being the video itself) related to the specific question.

Remember to answer the following questions for any and ALL Reaction papers:

How did this video impact your Christian perspective? Are there “life lessons” to be learned from this video?You will turn in your papers into BlackBoard through a designated portalfor each paper. You will also turn in a copy of your article for your second reference into Black Board through a specific portal.

These papers are worth 50 points each. The cover page and reference page do not count as one of the 5 pages. If a student does not use in-text citations and/or is missing a reference that was cited in this assignment a zero will be given for the entire assignment. There will be an example of a Reaction page on BB for purposes of how to format one and the Rubric that will be used to score the paper.

The 2nd reference, which is to be an article from a scientific journal (not People or Psychology Today) is to be discussed also in the paper and how it relates to the subject matter in the video. This is worth 15 points. You are to turn in a pdf or doc of the actual article, OR a link to the article. Do NOT send in the Reference page of your paper!

You will turn in your papers into BlackBoard through a designated portal in the week the paper is due for each paper. You will also turn in a copy of your article for your second reference into Black Board through a specific portal in the week it is due.

Some of you may ask what do I write about in a reaction paper? 

How do I get 5 Full pages? Here are some suggestions: What did you watch that was related to Psychology? What surprised you? What shocked you? Did you learn any new words or phrases (like “McHangover”)? What did you like? What did you find discomforting or disturbing? What did you find funny? Was there anything that the video should have spent more time on? Is this a video that should be “required” viewing in H.S. or college? What did you take away from this video that will influence your future thinking or your out look on certain subjects?

social work first raj


Social Work Values

Objective:  Define social work and introduction to social work values.

Social work is a dynamic and demanding profession that requires a variety of skills and qualities. Whether these skills are innate or acquired, success in the field requires social workers to continually develop them throughout their career. While this list is not exhaustive, the following skills are vital for all social workers.

Social workers rely on their values and skills to help individuals address issues.  One of the core values of social work is the importance of human relationships.  To start building a strong relationship a social worker will begin applying the skills we learned about in this module.  One of the most significant one being empathy.

Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand another person’s experience and point of view. NASW defines it as “the act of perceiving, understanding, experiencing and responding to the emotional state and ideas of another person.”¹

“Stepping into someone else’s shoes” and recognizing that experiences, perceptions and worldviews are unique to each individual enables social workers to better understand and build stronger relationships with clients. It is a vital skill that helps social workers to determine a client’s needs based on his or her unique experiences in order to efficiently provide services.

¹Barker, R. L. (2003). The Social Work Dictionary. 5th ed. Washington, DC: NASW Press.

The difficult thing about empathy, as you saw in the video On Empathy  is that sometimes we might not agree with our client or in an attempt to be positive, we want to cheer them on and say something completely opposite so they feel better, what I like to call “the cheerleader response”.  See examples below:

Client (when discussing her daughter) :   “I am a terrible parent, she just doesn’t listen to me and I have to yell at her to get her attention”

In this situation we might be tempted to say “Of course you are a good parent…don’t be so hard on yourself”...however that is not true empathy.  Empathy would be  something like “What I hear you say is that parenting is hard” or “That sounds like a struggle, it must be very hard for you”.

Adolescent Client (when discussing his dad):  “My dad hates me, he is the worst dad ever!”

In this situation we might be tempted to say “No he doesn’t! He loves you so much, he buys you food and clothes…” or “You are mad, but you know that’s not true.”  An empathic response would be something such as, “I am sorry to hear that, what does it meant to you that he hates you?” or “Help me understand why he hates you, that must be lonely and hard for you…”

SOSC Lab 1


Dr. Rose was interested in studying student involvement in extracurricular activities, residence, school motivation scores, life satisfaction scores, and their scores on exams 1, 2, and 3. He found that students were either (0) not involved with extra-curricular activities on campus or (1) involved with extracurricular activities and either lived (1) on campus, (2) off-campus, or (3) with their parents. Using these data Lab 1.omv Download Lab 1.omv, please answer the questions below and provide your Jamovi file with analyses completed.  Be sure to open the Jamovi software FIRST and then open the file within the Jamovi software.  Here is a Step-by-Step Guide 

Actionsto assist you in completing this lab in Jamovi.  

Note the different variable icons used in Jamovi to represent different variable levels.  These are important since a mean or average, for example, cannot be computed with Nominal Data. 

measure type nominal, data type text measure typ ordinal, data type integer measure type continual, data type decimal

Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with an omv extension. NOTE that you will not be able to Preview your submission since you are only able to see the file when in the Jamovi application.  

Create a variable called Average Exam Score, the average of exam scores 1, 2, and 3. Use the compute mean command to do this. 

Transform the Motivation Variable into Motivation Groups with three groups: Low (1-3), Medium (4-6), and High (7-9). Use the layered IF command to do this. 

Create a frequency table for the residence variable. 

Use the descriptive statistics function to find the mean and standard deviation of the life satisfaction variable split by two variables; extra-curricular involvement and Motivation_Groups. Report each mean and standard deviation and provide output. 

Find the mean and standard deviation for exam 1, exam 2, exam 3, and average exam scores variables. 

Compute histograms with a normal curve (density) for average exam scores and life satisfaction scores. 

Create a histogram without a normal curve (density) for exams 1, 2, and 3. 

Split the data by the motivation groups variable and find the mean exam score and life satisfaction score for each group as well as the histogram and density for each group. 


This lab will utilize Jamovi, to review the resources linked in your Course Tools and Resources to get started with Jamovi. Please reach out to your instructor with any questions or concerns.

You may find it best to download the software for Jamovi directly to your device for free if you wish. This can be done through the Jamovi webpage.

LSA Discussion Question


180 words

NOTE: Read the post below and answer any 1 question (out of three). This is an Ethics class.


Smartphone driven services like Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash allow customers to quickly and

easily arrange for a ride or get food delivered. At the same time, they also provide just

about anyone with a driver’s license and a working automobile the ability to earn money

as drivers.

For many people who work for these companies, the goal is simply to earn additional

income over and above their primary job. Others prefer the freedom and flexibility of “gig

work,” and may be employed in freelance or contract work in a variety of roles


At the same time, some people would prefer the stability, benefits, and job protections

normally associated with full-time employment to apply to all workers. In addition, union

leaders, as well as some politicians, have criticized the growing gig economy for reducing

the bargaining power of workers and giving more control to corporations.

Reacting to the rapid growth of the ride-share companies, California passed a law in 2019

that required companies to treat contract workers as employees. In reaction, Uber, Lyft,

and DoorDash threatened to cease operating in the state, and then supported a ballot

initiative known as Proposition 22. Prop 22, as it is known informally, modified the 2019

law by allowing drivers to remain classified as independent contractors but to be eligible

for some benefits, such as better pay and accident insurance (Conger & Browning, 2021).

Prop 22 passed in November 2020 with 59% of the vote, which seemed to settle the issue.

However, in August 2021 a judge in California ruled that Prop 22 was unconstitutional for

several reasons, including a provision that prevented drivers from unionizing (Conger &

Browning, 2021). The ruling will most likely be appealed in the future, meaning that this

controversial issue will be with us for some time to come.

As you write your initial post this week, consider the following questions:

Question 1: Much of this controversy seems to revolve around the

concept of freedom. Should companies like Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash be

free to run their businesses as they see fit? Should drivers have the

freedom to unionize? Whose freedom is more important?

Question 2: Many employers now operate using a combination of full-

time employees and contract workers. From the employers’ perspective,

this allows for greater flexibility, and gives people who don’t want to work

full-time an opportunity to contribute. On the other hand, this

arrangement may also be seen as creating a hierarchy in which the full-

time employees earn better pay and benefits while the contract workers

don’t share equally in the prosperity. From the standpoint of equity, are

companies that rely heavily on contractors treating all their workers


Question 3: Have you ever had a gig job? If so, how does that impact your

view of this issue?

TIM685 First Solar Additional Section


Company: First Solar (FLSR) Please include any relevant data and references

A. Corporate Structure

1. How is the corporation structured at present?

a. Is the decision-making authority centralized around one group or decentralized to many units?

b. Is the corporation organized on the basis of functions, projects, geography, or some combination of these?

2. Is the structure clearly understood by everyone in the corporation?

3. Is the present structure consistent with current corporate objectives, strategies, policies, and programs, as well as with the firm’s international operations?

4. In what ways does this structure compare with those of similar corporations?

B. Corporate Culture

1. Is there a well-defined or emerging culture composed of shared beliefs, expectations, and values?

2. Is the culture consistent with the current objectives, strategies, policies, and programs?

3. What is the culture’s position on environmental sustainability?

4. What is the culture’s position on other important issues facing the corporation (that is, on productivity, quality of performance, adaptability to changing conditions, and internationalization)?

5. Is the culture compatible with the employees’ diversity of backgrounds?

6. Does the company take into consideration the values of the culture of each nation in which the firm operates?

Corporate Resources – Marketing

1. What are the corporation’s current marketing objectives, strategies, policies, and programs?

a. Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance and/or budgets?

b. Are they consistent with the corporation’s mission, objectives, strategies, and policies, and with internal and external environments?

2. How well is the corporation performing in terms of analysis of market position and marketing mix (that is, product, price, place, and promotion) in both domestic and international markets? How dependent is the corporation on a few customers? How big is its market? Where is it gaining or losing market share? What percentage of sales comes from developed versus developing regions? Where are current products in the product life cycle?

a. What trends emerge from this analysis?

b. What impact have these trends had on past performance and how might these trends affect future performance?

c. Does this analysis support the corporation’s past and pending strategic decisions?

d. Does marketing provide the company with a competitive advantage

3. How well does the corporation’s marketing performance compare with that of similar corporations?

4. Are marketing managers using accepted marketing concepts and techniques to evaluate and improve product performance? (Consider product life cycle, market segmentation, market research, and product portfolios.)

5. Does marketing adjust to the conditions in each country in which it operates?

6. Does marketing consider environmental sustainability when making decisions?

7. What is the role of the marketing manager in the strategic management process?



Please respond to discussion 

Dermatologic disorders constitute a diverse array of conditions that manifest on the skin, hair, and nails, impacting individuals across age groups. Among these, psoriasis stands out as a prevalent dermatological condition characterized by the emergence of red, scaly plaques on the skin (Lowes et al., 2019). This autoimmune disorder is intricately linked to an abnormal increase in the synthesis of skin cells, ultimately resulting in the formation of these distinctive plaques.

     Addressing psoriasis often involves a multifaceted approach, with treatment strategies ranging from topical therapies to complementary interventions. For cases of mild to moderate psoriasis, healthcare professionals routinely recommend the use of topical corticosteroids, which effectively suppress the skin’s immunological response (Menter et al., 2019). Additionally, calcipotriene, a vitamin D analog, serves as another topical option that slows skin cell development and mitigates inflammation. These topical treatments, marked by their lower likelihood of side effects, are generally considered the initial line of defense against psoriasis.

    Phototherapy, involving the exposure of the skin to regulated ultraviolet (UV) light, offers another dimension to psoriasis management (Nguyen et al., 2021). UVB phototherapy, encompassing narrowband UVB and PUVA therapy, has demonstrated efficacy in reducing inflammation and limiting cell proliferation. This modality is particularly recommended for individuals grappling with moderate to severe psoriasis, providing an additional tool in the comprehensive treatment arsenal.

    In cases where psoriasis necessitates systemic intervention, various medications come into play. Biologics, a distinct type of systemic drug, target specific inflammatory chemicals implicated in psoriasis pathology (Tausend et al., 2020). While these biologics showcase remarkable efficacy, they often come with a considerable cost. On the other hand, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), including methotrexate, operate by modulating the immune system to curb inflammation (Menter et al., 2019). However, their usage demands careful monitoring due to potential adverse effects.

    Complementary therapies represent an expanding realm of options for individuals navigating the complexities of psoriasis. Practices such as acupuncture, dietary adjustments, and the incorporation of herbal supplements are examples of complementary interventions that patients may consider (Fleischer et al., 2019). Nevertheless, it is imperative to approach these complementary approaches with caution, emphasizing evidence-based therapies and engaging in informed discussions with healthcare professionals to ascertain their potential benefits.

    In conclusion, psoriasis emerges as a complex dermatological condition with profound implications for those affected. The treatment landscape spans topical therapies, phototherapy, systemic medications, and complementary interventions, offering a spectrum of options to tailor treatment plans based on individualized considerations. Factors such as the severity of the condition, patient preferences, and potential side effects play pivotal roles in shaping the approach to psoriasis management. The ongoing trajectory of research instills hope for continued advancements in understanding and effectively addressing this intricate dermatologic disorder.

SEU Fostering STEM Leadership and Gender Diversity Discussion


Reply to Introduction to Leadership Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


Introduction to Leadership

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 has some exciting plans for the future. One of the key goals is to create a thriving economy by focusing on STEM education and entrepreneurship. This will not only help in achieving economic diversification but also empower women through education and entrepreneurship. Another important aspect is developing a skilled and educated workforce that is ready for the future, which will help in achieving the goals of Vision 2030 (Saudi Vision 2030, “Vision 2030” section). 

In this discussion, I have chosen Nouf Al-Gosaibi as a leader who shows an excellent leadership identity.

It’s fascinating to see how Nouf Al-Gosaibi, the CEO of Al-Khaleej Training & Education Company (KTEC), has been a driving force behind the company’s success and its alignment with SV2030’s goals. The transformational leadership style that she follows, as described by Bass & Avolio in 1994, has played a crucial role in KTEC’s empowerment of women through STEM education and entrepreneurship (Bass & Avolio, 1994).

Al-Gosaibi’s leadership concept aligns perfectly with SV2030’s vision of a thriving economy, ambitious nation, and vibrant society. By empowering women through STEM education and entrepreneurship, KTEC is contributing towards workforce diversification and economic growth. Al-Gosaibi’s advocacy for innovation and knowledge-based development is also in line with SV2030’s drive for a competitive and future-oriented economy. Moreover, KTEC’s focus on social impact, promoting inclusivity, and empowering women is contributing to a vibrant and diverse society.

Al-Gosaibi’s leadership style is also reflected in the French and Raven’s Base(s) of Power. As a recognized expert in education and entrepreneurship, she holds expert power and influences others through her specialized knowledge and skills. Additionally, she serves as a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs and women leaders, inspiring others through her achievements and charisma (French & Raven, 1959).

What sets Al-Gosaibi apart is her embodiment of leadership over management. Her visionary approach has set a clear and inspiring vision for KTEC and beyond, where Saudi women drive innovation and economic success. She actively challenges the status quo by advocating for educational reform and fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem, demonstrating proactiveness and a commitment to positive change. Overall, Al-Gosaibi’s transformational leadership style and embodiment of leadership over management have played a crucial role in KTEC’s success and its alignment with SV2030’s goals.


Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage Publications.

French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. H. (1959). The bases of social power. Psychology Review, 66(3), 133-145.

Saudi Vision 2030. (2024). Retrieved January 21, 2024, from

Crisis and Trauma: Case Study Module 3




For thisCase Study Assignment, you will interview an adult who has experienced a traumatic event. You can complete the interview either face-to-face or via a video-conferencing application such as Web-Ex or Skype. In addition to listening to the interviewee’s presentation of the situation, you must also note non-verbal aspects of the person’s response, and both of these aspects should be included in theCase Study Assignment.


You must use your counseling skills to build rapport with the interviewee and be sensitive and
empathetic as he or she is providing a narrative of his/her experiences. Make sure the interviewee
clearly understands that you will capture an account of their experience for this Case Study
Assignment, but not provide counseling. Ask follow-up and probing questions as needed, but do
not offer feedback or advice.

Structure the interview around these questions (revise as appropriate):

1. Describe the traumatic event you experienced.
2. How did you respond immediately following the event?
3. What coping strategies did you use?
4. What longer-term symptoms or effects did you experience?
5. Did you receive a formal diagnosis?
6. What counseling services and treatment have you receive, if any, and how did these help?
7. How has your life changed as a result of this trauma?

Include the following components when writing your Case Study Assignment:

1. The Case Study Assignment must be written in current APA format and include a title
page, running head, abstract, and a reference page.

2. The Case Study Assignment should be well written, free of grammar, spelling, or other
writing errors, and be well organized.

3. Include at least three scholarly citations to illustrate the nature of the trauma, the
reaction(s) of the interviewee, or other relevant factors discovered or witnessed.
Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years, or
academic texts, other than those used in this course.

4. The body of the Case Study Assignment must be 8–10 pages (not including title page,
abstract, or references)

5. In the introduction, provide details about date, time, location, and length of the interview.

6. After the introductory paragraph, organize the content using two subheadings as indicated

a. Interview Findings

Under this subheading, describe what you learned from the interview. If possible, include
short excerpts from the interview to illustrate and support your report, but keep this
section free from literature references and analysis. Note: This section should account for
no more than half of the Case Study Assignment length.

b. Analysis and Discussion

Under this subheading, provide an evaluation and analysis of the case, drawing upon
Levers, Briere and Scott, and additional literature as needed. The interviewee’s unique
situation must be compared to national data on incidence rates, symptomology, sequelae,
and comorbidity for those who have experienced similar trauma. You may use the first-
person pronoun in this section as you offer your own reflections.

COM3112 Florida International University


You will be asked to watch factually based short videos about a specific company or an issue that is a concern to many companies today. For these videos, you are required to submit a 250 word detailed answer to the question presented in this activity. The assignment is graded using a 50 point scale (50 (A), 25 (C), or 0 (F)). This assignment is to be submitted through Canvas.

This week’s topic will be Low Context vs High Context. Please view the two videos below: