health education 3


Write down everything you eat and drink for one day. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. You do not need to write down water as it has no calories. If you drink alcohol, you need to add the amount as alcohol does have calories. 

You will need to create a free account when you are ready to analyze your food intake. 

Click on the Cronometer Link to enter your 1-day food intake. 

CronometerLinks to an external site.

To create your account, click the green “Sign up for Free” tab. Enter your email (you may use your college email if you don’t want to use your personal email). Create and confirm a password and write it down. Enter the information for “Your Body Type.” Then, click the box for “I agree to the Terms of Service.

You may then begin adding your food by clicking the “ADD FOOD” tab. Type a food into the search box and find the closest choice from the list. Continue adding until all the food you consumed for the day has been added. You must add a minimum of 1500 calories for this assignment!

You will need to save and submit the analysis as part of this assignment. (20 Points) You can save your Cronometer analysis by clicking “Print” then instead of printing, choose “Save as PDF”.

If you need help, click on the help tab and refer to the user’s manual. You are also welcome to join me during my office hours!

Once you have finished adding all of your foods, scroll through the Nutrient Target Summaries.

By default, Cronometer set each nutrient to the recommended values as set by the DRI nutrition standards. The basic idea for these targets is to get at least 100% of the minimum value each day to have good nutrition. For nutrients that have a maximum, it is recommended to not exceed the maximum value.

Bars colored in yellow mean you have not yet reached your minimum target
Bars colored in green mean you have met the minimum target and not yet exceeded your maximum target.
Bars colored in red mean you have exceeded your maximum target.

You can mouse over a bar to see the top contributors from your diary on that day to meet this specific target.

Answer the following questions and submit them along with your saved Cronometer food analysis.

How many calories did you consume? 

What percentage of Carbohydrates, Lipids (fats), and Proteins did you consume?

Referring back to the foods you consumed the day of the analysis, what are two changes you can make to improve your nutritional intake? Please talk specifically about your foods. For example, if you are consuming too much fat, discuss the specific foods you ate that are high in fat and give me alternative foods to decrease your fat intake. 



You are to develop a creative Travel Show Slide Presentation playing the role of a Human Aid Worker who is seeking the involvement and soliciting additional voluntary workers to accompany you on a humanitarian mission to a certain locale throughout the world where your team will study one of the major World Religions AND will be actively engaged in a humanitarian relief effort with the local residents as a way to experience the religion first-hand.

Your Travel Show Slide Presentation should include the following components:

The clear identification of (1) one of the World Religions we are studying in this course.

A purpose statement and objective for studying this religion and your humanitarian relief effort.

  • The identification and application of the most effective academic perspective of religious studies for your team as presented in your Week #1 course materials.
  • Provide a brief QUESTION of the major religious beliefs of your selected religion.
  • The clear identification of a specific location in the world – not a generalization like – India.
  • The significant role geography plays within this region and the impact on religion and the people.
  • Research this religion in an actual area of the world in need of humanitarian relief efforts. Possible areas of assistance for your topic may be found in (United Nations Website), (Access specific Christian Missions for examples, or Non-Profit Organizations.).  You will need to design your humanitarian mission to include the following:
  • The reason humanitarian aid is needed in this area of the world
  • The type of humanitarian aid is needed and will be provided

The types of service projects your team will be engaged for distributing this aid

The anticipated results of your humanitarian relief effort

  • The benefits your team members will gain by participating in this effort
  • You will want to generate excitement for the service and religious study opportunities for persuading people to partner with you as a member of your Mission Team.
  • You will want to maximize the advanced functions of your software to communicate your message with such things like:
  • Voice-Overs
  • Continuous Loop Presentations
  • Zero-Touch or Zero-Click Advancements
  • Or other multi-media software presentations

This is to be a research presentation, and you will need to use in-text citations directly on your slides to identify your resources and avoid plagiarism using your favorite academically approved citation format and resource page.

  • Your presentation will need to demonstrate strong research skills and incorporate a variety of different types of resources to support your objectives.
  • Your presentation can be in the form of any of the following formats. Please ensure that your presentation is accessible to your instructor by either uploading or linking to your project. Here are some free, online format suggestions:
  • Infographic (visit “10 Free Tools for Creating Infographics” to gather ideas)
  • Storybook software like Storybird
  • A website like Google Sites

Research and pamphlet outline


Educational pamphlet outline for patient living with asthma (MLA style) and a one page research paper (APA style).

Research Paper (APA style) 

Education Plan for living with Asthma (with Graphics Team)

Discharge Planning


Write a one-page paper briefly discussing the following:

3.1 List the duties and responsibilities of the discharge planning coordinator, team members, patient, and family in the discharge process.

3.2 Describe the process of identifying patients that require home care equipment and services.

3.3 Discuss the process in determining the matching of the patient with proper reimbursement.

3.4 Describe the criteria and process used to determine the home care provider (vendor).

3.5 Identify situations of “conflict of interest”

3.6 Discuss the different organizations that are used as home care providers.

3.7 Identify common problems and their solutions encountered by the discharge planner.

Pamphlet (MLA style)

I. Collaborative Partnership with Graphic Design Team (4 points)

  A. Graphic Design Responsibilities

     1. Creation of visually appealing media materials

     2. Incorporation of engaging graphics and design elements

  B. Respiratory Team Responsibilities

     1. Content creation with relevant knowledge on Asthma

     2. Correlation of benefits of quitting smoking with a specific disease process

II. Highlight the Benefits of Topic (4 points)

  A. Program Benefits

      1. List 5 benefits of following the program or education on both pamphlet or media and written document






     2. Identify a specific disease process and explain how patients benefit from quitting smoking

Specific disease process:

III. Define Purpose of the Program (10 points)

  A. Clearly Stated Program Objective

     1. Clearly articulate the program objective on both pamphlet and written document

Program Objective:

     2. Ensure clarity in conveying the purpose of the education program

IV. Explaining the Therapy Plan (4 points)

  A. Therapy Plan Explanation

     1. Clear explanation of the therapy plan on both pamphlet and written document

     2. Ensure understanding of the proposed therapy for living with asthma 

V. Goals and Desired Outcomes (4 points)

  A. Clear Articulation of Goals

     1. List 5 goals and desired outcomes on both documents






     2. Emphasize non-reversible outcomes and provide coping mechanisms

VI. Optimal Therapeutic Outcomes (4 points)

  A. Clearly Stated Outcomes

     1. Clearly state 5 optimal therapeutic outcomes on both documents






     2. Ensure clarity in articulating the expected positive results of the cessation program

VII. Counseling Patient and Family Information (5 points)

  A. Comprehensive Counseling Information

     1. Provide counseling information and resources on both documents

How can patients seek help?

     2. Clearly explain counseling criteria in the written document

VIII. Include Both a Pamphlet Handout and a Written Explanation (10 points)

  A. Professional Presentation

     1. Ensure both documents have a professional presentation with advanced formatting

     2. Maintain consistency in design elements and avoid spelling/grammatical errors

IX. Cite Any References (5 points)

  A. Standard Format Citations

     1. Include references in MLA formatting on media

     2. Use superscript references numerically on the pamphlet media

     3. Ensure all factual statements are properly referenced

     4. Respiratory student report will use APA formatting

Topic: Asthma 

Program Objective:

Goals of Program:

Summary of Topic:

Resources where patients can seek additional help:

1. List 5 goals and desired outcomes of program






2. Clearly state 5 optimal therapeutic outcomes on both documents






Week 3 Case Study


Week 3 Discussion

Instructions: Pick one case scenario to discuss in your initial post. For your peer responses, please reply to the case scenario you did not choose for the initial post. You are expected to respond to two different peers.

Case Scenario 1: A 59-year-old male with PMH of COPD, DM, HTN, CKD stage III, and HLD who presents due to worsening SOB x 5 days despite regular use of his home inhaler. The patient reported other symptoms, including non-productive cough, wheezing, and chest discomfort. He states this is his 4th ED visit within the last 2 months due to worsening SOB and wheezing.

Answer the following questions:


a. What pertinent questions will you ask to describe the patient’s chief complaints?

b. What are the risk factors and co-morbidities?


Based on the patient’s HPI, how do you classify his symptoms? Complete the 2018 GOLD Report Classification of the Severity of COPD table below. 2018 GOLD Report – Classification of the Severity of COPDGOLD 1GOLD 2GOLD 3GOLD 4Symptoms and Risk ComponentsGROUP AGROUP BGROUP CGROUP DExacerbation of COPDClassificationTreatmentMILDMODERATESEVERE

What tests or procedures (Lab or Diagnostic) would you perform or order for this patient?

  1. What other diagnostic tools would you use to help you diagnose the patient?


  • What are the top 3 differential diagnoses you would consider for this patient, and what is your rationale?
  • What is the patient final diagnosis?
  1. Plan:

What is the gold standard treatment for this patient’s final diagnosis?

  • What is your disposition? Admit or discharge? Why?

Case Scenario 2: A 78-year-old female patient with PMH of HTN, HLD, Iron Deficiency Anemia, COPD, and OSA who presents due to productive cough x 2 weeks. The patient reports a productive cough with greenish sputum, wheezing, subjective fever, and chills. Vital signs: HR 120, RR 30, BP 100/59, O2 sats 90% on room air, Temp 101.3 F

Answer the following questions:


What pertinent questions will you ask to describe the patient’s chief complaints?

What are the risk factors and co-morbidities for this patient?


Complete the table below to differentiate the classification of pneumonia based on the patient clinical presentation. Typical PneumoniaAtypical PneumoniaSigns and SymptomsChest X-ray

What tests or procedures (Lab or Diagnostic) would you perform or order for this patient?

What other diagnostic tools would you use to help you diagnose the patient?


What are the top 3 differential diagnoses you would consider for this patient, and what is your rationale?

You obtain labs, and the results are as follows:
Na= 136
WBC = 18,000
K = 3.7
Platelet = 98,000
BUN = 25
Creatinine = 1.3

Chest x-ray: Right lower lobe consolidation

How do you classify this patient based on the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Severe Pneumonia Criteria? Severe or non-severe? What are the criteria? Complete the IDSA Severe Pneumonia Criteria table below. IDSA Severe Pneumonia CriteriaMinor CriteriaMajor Criteria


What is the gold standard treatment for this patient?

What is your disposition? Admit or discharge? Why?

Reply to Performance Management Discussion 2


Reply to Performance Management Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.



Job Analysis and Design: A more thorough job analysis could have resulted in a more comprehensive job Question outlining the specific duties, responsibilities, and required skills for the Administrative Assistant role.This would have provided Amal with clearer expectations and helped her understand her performance better.

Workforce Planning: Considering future talent needs and potential skill gaps during workforce planning could have identified the need for more in-depth training for the Administrative Assistant position, ensuring Amal had the necessary skills from the outset.

Performance Planning:

Goal Setting: Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals collaboratively with Amal during the onboarding process would have provided her with a clear understanding of performance expectations and enabled her to track her progress effectively.

Performance Expectations: Clearly outlining specific performance expectations through a detailed job Question, along with regular feedback discussions, would have helped Amal understand how her contributions align with organizational goals.

Performance Execution:

Training and Development: Providing Amal with more comprehensive training beyond the two days she received could have equipped her with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in her role. This could include on-the-job training, mentoring programs, or external training opportunities.

Performance Coaching and Feedback: Regular performance coaching sessions, along with constructive and timely feedback, would have allowed Amal to identify areas for improvement and course-correct early on.

Performance Assessment:

Performance Measurement: Utilizing multiple assessment methods, such as self-assessment, peer review, and 360-degree feedback, could provide a more holistic view of Amal’s performance and identify areas where she excels or needs support.

Calibration: Regular calibration sessions among managers can ensure consistent performance evaluation standards across the organization, preventing any biases in Amal’s assessment.

Performance Review:

  • Development-Oriented Discussions: Shifting the focus of performance reviews from solely evaluating past performance to a more development-oriented approach could create a collaborative space for Amal and her supervisor to discuss her strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth.

Action Planning: Setting clear action plans with specific and measurable goals following the performance review would provide Amal with a roadmap for improvement and ensure accountability for both her and her supervisor.

  • Additional Considerations:

Organizational Culture: Fostering a culture of open communication, feedback, and continuous learning can create a supportive environment where Amal feels comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and taking ownership of her development.

Managerial Support: Proactive and supportive managers who provide regular feedback, coaching, and opportunities for growth play a crucial role in employee success.

By addressing these aspects of the performance management process, organizations can create a system that supports employee success and development. It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and the specific changes needed will vary depending on the organization and the individual employee.

Analyze literary works from world cultures



You, the traveler, will demonstrate what you have learned in the literature level of the campaign by composing a codex (slideshow) on a topic that correlates with the literature level. You will analyze a specific piece of literature; a poem, or a short story (found at the Reading Selections link below), and compose a slideshow displaying, analyzing, and showing a justification of your interpretation (in the form of quotes from the text). Convince your audience your interpretation is valid. In your analysis, include a short summary of the work including characters, setting, and plot. To prove your overall mastery, discuss the overall theme, the symbols and what they represent. Additionally include your interpretations of the work, what the work is criticizing, explaining, and /or demonstrating. Once again to ensure your mastery and that your interpretation is valid, use evidence from the work in the form of quotes (minimum of 4). Be sure to use proper vocabulary and terminology of the literary devices used and analyzed within the works.

The ability to analyze, extrapolate, and share data/information will be key in any industry as it shows the ability for critical and independent thinking. Likewise, it shows the development of soft skills such as using computerized presentation software, creating files, documenting source information, and being able to organize information in a coherent manner.


In this assignment you will:

Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.

Articulate how these works express the values of the individual and society within an historical and social context.

Demonstrate an awareness of the creative process and why humans create.

Demonstrate critical thinking skills (CT), such as creative thinking, innovation, and inquiry, and analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information.

Demonstrate communication skills (COM) such as effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written and visual communication. 

  • Create a mini slideshow for a piece of literature so they can see different art in multiple forms of the humanities (artwork, literature, music) which will help students to realize the there is more than just one type of literature in the world and the significance of that literature on various levels.


You can embark on the next level of your journey in the humanities by showing you have mastered Module 5. To conquer level 5, you must present your findings by showing you have learned and interacted with elders from the literature module. Only by understanding how literary advancements shape and influence a culture will you be able to take those tools to the next level of the course of the defense of the humanities.

View and select a reading selection.

You will upload a slideshow presentation into Canvas for grading.

Listen to the Module 5 Mastery Assessment Instructions

MSN 591 CCC Understanding Maternal Health in Utah Discussion


Peer Responses:

  • Length: A minimum of 170 words per post, not including references
  • Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
  • Relate to another journal article

The population I have chosen is pregnant women in Utah. The health behaviors of pregnant women in Utah have a unique cultural population due to its large religious population. For instance, the smoking rate in the last trimester of pregnancy is 1.4% (Department of Health, 2024), which is well below the national average. Pre-term birth rates are also one of the lowest States at 9.98% (Stats of the States – Preterm Births, 2024). The c-section rate is the lowest in the country at 23.4% (Stats of the States – Cesarean Delivery Rates, 2024). 24.3% of women are obese when beginning pregnancy (Department of Health, 2024). Maternal mortality in Utah was 15 per 100,000 births in 2020 (Department of Health, 2024). All rates for pregnancy in Utah are climbing from year to year. This trend is conducive to the rest of the country (NCHS Pressroom – Stats of the States, 2024).

Transportation issues are a barrier to healthcare and prenatal care for many Utah women. In large rural areas without access to public transportation, access to care on a regular basis is limited (Utah Infrastructure | ASCE’s 2021 Infrastructure Report Card, 2016).

One health issue in this population is the lack of providers that are trained to do vaginal breech birth thus reducing the overall c-section rate. Lowering the c-section rate reduces short and long-term complications for both the mothers and babies in Utah. Vaginal birth facilitates a faster recovery with reduced postpartum depression rates and infections (Grisbrook et al., 2022). To make vaginal breech birth safe, providers must be properly trained in methods of fetal rotation and how to correct deviances in rotation. There needs to be more incentives for providers to be trained in vaginal breech birth rather than a c-section for every breech baby.

While Utah has some of the lowest rates related to negative outcomes in pregnancy and birth in the nation, outcomes can always be improved, especially since trends go up every year rather than down.


Department of Health. (2023). IBIS-PH – Complete Health Indicator Report – Birth rates.…

Grisbrook, M., Dewey, D., Cuthbert, C., McDonald, S., Ntanda, H., Giesbrecht, G. F., & Létourneau, N. (2022). Associations among Caesarean Section Birth, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Postpartum Depression Symptoms. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4900–4900.

Stats of the States – Cesarean Delivery Rates. (2024).…

Stats of the States – Preterm Births. (2024).…

Utah Infrastructure | ASCE’s 2021 Infrastructure Report Card. (2016, October 27). ASCE’s 2021 Infrastructure Report Card |.…



  1. Read the instructions.
  1. Use the examples from presentations submitted by other students as a benchmark.
  1. Check the totals. That’s what people look at first.


  • Please prepare a chart and/or table to explain sales growth for a prior period. You can use any period you like.
  • Please identify the most relevant drivers of growth for the two periods you are comparing. Drivers may include units sold, pricing, foreign exchange, regions (e.g. China, India), business units (e.g. skin care, cosmetics).
  • Pick a period for which more data is available (typically the annual report has the most data).
  • If you can’t find the data, please use one of these two options:
  1. Estimate the individual drivers and do tie the totals. For example, Estee Lauder grew $1.2 B in 2019 vs. 2018. You could estimate $0.5B for unit growth, +$0.4B for pricing, $0.3 for foreign exchange, +$0.1B for M&A and $-0.1 B for other. Please make reasonable assumptions to estimate the drivers, based on the research you conducted.
  1. Use numbers from the annual report, where more information is available.
  • Use as many slides as needed.
  • The preferred method is a waterfall chart. You can use the excel template (saved on resources) to populate figures and then edit, copy, paste the formulas to the waterfall used for Nestle (you will need to adjust the scale). You can also build your own waterfall chart directly from PPT. I have added several templates to make it easier. It’s critical to follow the steps (see blog) for it to work.
  • I’ve also added a video with details on how to use the waterfall template here

Example 1…

Rewriting Question


Assignment topic: Rough Draft


Your rough draft should be a close-to-complete version of your final paper. The more you have done for your rough draft, the better your feedback will be for the final product. Keep this in mind when you work on and submit this assignment.

This assignment should be at least six- to eight-pages in length. Note: As with the final draft, this does not include the cover page, abstract, or references.

For the rough draft, you should include:

an early version of your introduction

a literature review (you may want to check this Literature Review Reminder)

a conclusion

a bibliography

Optionally, you can include an abstract, but we will focus on that for the final paper.

As with the final paper, the introduction should set up a history/background of the topic, which can include a discussion of the impact of the topic (who/what does it affect) and a broad discussion of social science methods. You should also introduce the three major themes that you will be discussing in the literature review. For your conclusion, recap your overall discussion and the major points of the literature review. What does this tell us about your topic overall? How does the information fit together to portray the state of American culture? Reestablish the impact of the topic. Also cover any future directions that research should move in. Are there unanswered questions? Unstudied populations?

Avoid using first person. Do not say, “I want to discuss,” or similar things. Focus on the topic and the themes, not you or your experiences. 

As an example, instead of saying, “I want to explore how gender, race, and sexuality influence inequality,” you could say something like, “Inequality is influenced by a wide range of factors, including gender, race, and sexuality.”

  • This would be a thesis statement to set up the rest of the paper from your introduction
  • You should have at least eight to ten academic sources in your rough draft, though you can have more than ten.

What kind of sources can be used where

  • Introduction: 
  • Course readings


Non-peer-reviewed materials  

Peer reviewed articles

Literature Review

Peer-reviewed, academic articles (here are some tips for double checking:

It is best if these are published since 2010, but you can use articles published since 2005.

Lecture (I base lectured on peer-reviewed materials, so if you want to cite the lecture, that’s okay)


Course readings


  • Non-peer-reviewed materials  

Peer reviewed articles

  • Professor’s Feedback: Unclear thesis. Unclear themes (-1). Little in-text citations. Many of your paragraphs are too short (less than 3 sentences) to make a coherent argument. Your essay is also hard to follow since you don’t have clearly defined themes, which is a bit concerning at this stage in the quarter. Remember, you are expected to write a literature review of scholarly sources, rather than a historical overview of what happened. Also HIGHLIGHT THE THESIS STATEMENT

Casual writing


The enduring tradition of donning ugly sweaters has become an integral and cherished component of our family’s annual Christmas festivities. Without fail, we gather together each year for an exuberant ugly sweater party, proudly showcasing our most outlandish and eccentric fashion choices. This beloved tradition originated five years ago during an impromptu shopping excursion my mother and I embarked upon just days before Christmas. After selecting Kohl’s as our destination, we immersed ourselves in various merchandise, ranging from household items to baby clothing.

As we leisurely perused the extensive aisles, we were immediately captivated by a prominent display of ugly Christmas sweaters. Intrigued, we gravitated towards the section, eager to explore the offerings. The racks were brimming with sweaters of various shapes, sizes, and patterns, each one more audacious than the last. It felt as though we had stumbled upon a hidden trove of fashion disasters, and we couldn’t help but be enthralled by the sheer audacity of these garments.

Excited and curious, my mother and I meticulously combed through the racks, examining each sweater. We were chuckling at the garish designs, clashing colors, and over-the-top embellishments. This shared experience fostered a sense of connection as we exchanged thoughts and opinions on the sweaters we found most delightfully hideous. After much deliberation, we made our final selections and proceeded to the checkout counter, eager to bring our newfound treasures home.

Little did we anticipate that this spontaneous shopping expedition would mark the inception of a cherished family tradition. On Christmas Day, our extended family convenes, each member proudly adorned in their chosen ugly sweater. As we exchange gifts and regale one another with stories, we take pleasure in recounting how this tradition came to fruition as if it were a recent occurrence. The room fills with laughter and joy as we revel in the absurdity of our fashion choices and the memories they evoke.

Following the festivities, the sweaters are meticulously stored away, each serving as a tangible reminder of the love and laughter shared during this time. They transcend their status as mere articles of clothing, becoming vessels of cherished memories interwoven into the very fabric of our family traditions. As we bid farewell to yet another Christmas season, we eagerly anticipate the forthcoming year’s memories and moments that our beloved ugly sweater tradition will undoubtedly bring.

In conclusion, donning ugly sweaters has become an indelible cornerstone of our family’s Christmas celebrations. It unites us, ignites laughter and joy, and engenders enduring memories we hold dear. It serves as a testament to the power of tradition and the significance of finding delight in the most unexpected places. As we gather once more, donning our striking fashion choices, we are reminded of the love and togetherness that this tradition embodies.