Reply to Performance Management Discussion 1


Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


Performance management is known as aligning a team or individual with company goals and helping them increase their performance to reach targets. It offers a standard for monitoring advancement and draws attention to operational deviations from predetermined business objectives. Effective performance management evaluates and reinforces good conduct, while poor performance is eliminated (Aguinis, 2023). Planning, monitoring, developing, rating, and rewarding are the five component operations that come together to make natural, efficient performance management.

What aspects of the performance management process need revision?

Amal should have thoroughly addressed a few crucial aspects in her job preparation, which would have ensured her strong performance (Pinto, 2019). First, management did not adequately communicate the company’s overarching objective, long-term vision, and core values to Amal. She was a new hire; therefore, it was inevitable that her performance would stray from the corporate plan. Effective performance management must communicate to the workers the value they bring to the company. In Amal’s situation, this distinctly absent was lacking. Second, Amal’s work Question needed to be more specific to acquaint her with the expected duties and responsibilities (Aguinis, 2023). It needed to give her a clear plan for tackling upcoming chores. Even though she was a model employee, her performance did not meet the expected standards at work.

How can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?

Management should concentrate on providing Amal with the necessary tools, such as training and skills, to enhance his performance. Amal should have access to further training on carrying out her responsibilities to fill in any knowledge gaps the prior instruction leaves. Given the deficiency of her onboarding training, an endeavor ought to be undertaken to elucidate her anticipated responsibilities and the overarching objectives of the firm (Pinto, 2019). Maintaining a high degree of interaction with the employee during this period is necessary to ensure that all ambiguities are adequately resolved. Also, management must regularly assess how well she achieves her objectives. This needs to be stated regarding incremental goals that will be evaluated regularly. This should help her gain self-awareness and pinpoint areas for improvement that she can focus on. An efficient evaluation system ought to be implemented to encourage her to perform better and recognize her exceptional accomplishments in enhancing her job performance (Aguinis, 2023). Feedback should be given concurrently with performance evaluation about predetermined goals. However, providing feedback is a difficult task most managers need help with when conducting performance reviews. It is essential not to alienate the employee by expressing unfavorable criticisms that come off as judgments or verdicts that make them uneasy. Instead, the strategy should be to accept change and look toward the future. This guarantees that the entire procedure is fruitful and produces the required or desired response.

health 251 1


Write down everything you eat and drink for one day. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. You do not need to write down water as it has no calories. If you drink alcohol, you need to add the amount as alcohol does have calories. 

You will need to create a free account when you are ready to analyze your food intake. 

Click on the Cronometer Link to enter your 1-day food intake. 

CronometerLinks to an external site.

To create your account, click the green “Sign up for Free” tab. Enter your email (you may use your college email if you don’t want to use your personal email). Create and confirm a password and write it down. Enter the information for “Your Body Type.” Then, click the box for “I agree to the Terms of Service.

You may then begin adding your food by clicking the “ADD FOOD” tab. Type a food into the search box and find the closest choice from the list. Continue adding until all the food you consumed for the day has been added. You must add a minimum of 1500 calories for this assignment!

You will need to save and submit the analysis as part of this assignment. (20 Points) You can save your Cronometer analysis by clicking “Print” then instead of printing, choose “Save as PDF”.

If you need help, click on the help tab and refer to the user’s manual. You are also welcome to join me during my office hours!

Once you have finished adding all of your foods, scroll through the Nutrient Target Summaries.

By default, Cronometer set each nutrient to the recommended values as set by the DRI nutrition standards. The basic idea for these targets is to get at least 100% of the minimum value each day to have good nutrition. For nutrients that have a maximum, it is recommended to not exceed the maximum value.

Bars colored in yellow mean you have not yet reached your minimum target
Bars colored in green mean you have met the minimum target and not yet exceeded your maximum target.
Bars colored in red mean you have exceeded your maximum target.

You can mouse over a bar to see the top contributors from your diary on that day to meet this specific target.

Answer the following questions and submit them along with your saved Cronometer food analysis.

How many calories did you consume? (4 Points) You must enter a minimum of 1500 calories for this assignment.

What percentage of Carbohydrates, Lipids (fats), and Proteins did you consume? 

Referring back to the foods you consumed the day of the analysis, what are two changes you can make to improve your nutritional intake? Please talk specifically about your foods. For example, if you are consuming too much fat, discuss the specific foods you ate that are high in fat and give me alternative foods to decrease your fat intake. 

Southern New Hampshire University IT 202 Project One Milestone



For the purposes of this assignment, imagine that you are a systems architect at a medium-sized publishing company with 130 employees. The company primarily publishes books, both in print and online. It also produces other kinds of content, such as audiobooks, interactive reading material, and magazines. Your leadership has decided that it is time to either upgrade the current OS or adopt a new one (e.g., Windows, Linux, macOS).

As the systems architect, you have the responsibility to determine which OS the company should implement for each department. There are many aspects to consider when making this decision, including what existing applications are used by employees on a frequent basis, cost, functionality provided, performance, vendor support, and so on. To determine which OS should be implemented, you need to complete a site survey first. Later, the site survey can be used to help you make a decision as to which operating systems to implement based on what is currently used in the department. For this activity, you will conduct a site survey. This is also a step that you will need to take when you submit Project One in Module Four. The feedback that you receive after submitting this activity should be implemented as you craft your Project One submission.


Complete a Site Survey: A site survey compares the three different operating systems that the company is planning to implement. To complete this task, use the Project One Site Survey Template linked in the Supporting Materials area. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Operating Systems: Acknowledge what OSes are already used in your site survey. The type of OS already used and how many employees are using it can influence your decision making.

Server: Determine whether the desktops are on a hardware or cloud-based server.

Although not required in this portion of the project, you may want to think about whether or not the server should be changed. This change could be recommended in your proposal.

  • Standard Hardware for Operating System Types: Determine the minimum required hardware. This could include desktop and server.

Network Connection: Determine whether the network is wired or wireless. 

  • You will want to think about whether or not the network connection should be changed. This change could be recommended in your proposal.

Applications: Identify what software applications need to be supported by the OS. Your survey of what applications desktop users use most frequently will influence your decision making, as some applications are not supported by certain OSes.

Supporting Materials

  • The following resources support your work on the project:
  • Reading: Organizational Needs
    This document will provide you with context on the company’s needs and industry best practices. As you review this document, you will learn about what the company currently uses when it comes to hardware and software. Learning about the organization’s needs can help you make an informed decision on which OS to implement.

CCC Understanding ADHD Impulsivity, Distraction, and Social Impacts Discussion


Peer Responses:

Peer response to Charma Lou

  • When I started my clinical rotation and started working with my preceptor, I observed that everyday we have cases of ADHD, from teen population, mostly for evaluation and adjustment of meds, new diagnosis, and wellness check. I am surprised at how prevalent ADHD is, and how it affects daily lives of individuals dealing with it, as well as family members who have to take care and support of these people. According to CDC, there is a prevalence rate of 12-<15% of children aged 3-17 y/o who were diagnosed with ADHD in the state of Georgia.

To describe ADHD, it is a form of developmental disorder associated with pattern of distraction, hyperactivity, impulsivity that interferes with normal daily functioning (Bjerrum et al.,2017). Individuals with this condition find it difficult to focus, listen attentively, and wait. These behaviors often impact school performance, social life, and the ability to control emotions.

Management of ADHD is a journey and treatment remains multimodal. Currently, pharmacological approaches yield positive benefits in helping patient’s cope with difficulties. However, the ultimate goal is to minimize the impact of ADHD symptoms and putting into perspective the long-term outcomes with the treatment in combination with specialized services that will monitor improvement/worsen ADHD symptoms.

One of the barrier in maintaining long-term consistency with treatment is access to care and the availability of ADHD specialists. In the facility where I am doing my rotation, I was surprised that it is the only clinic that specializes in ADHD. Many patients are put on waitlist and some tried to find another facility in other cities but did not work out due to traveling issues.

When care is initiated, engagement effort should begin with measuring personal goals and scheduling routine visits to assess medication response, with family members being involved in the process (Baweja et al., 2021). Part of the assessment is the family members’ level of motivation in the treatment process especially during stressful times. It is essential to understand that caregivers also have needs that have to be addressed and fulfilling these would increase sense of control in taking care of their child with ADHD (Pahlavanzadeh et al., 2018).


Baweja, R., Soutullo, C., Waxmonsky, J. (2021). Review of barriers and interventions to promote treatment engagement for pediatric attention deficit hyperactivity disorder care. World Journal of Psychiatry, 11(12), 1206-1227. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v11.i12.1206. 

Bjerrum, M., Pedersen, P., Larsen, P. (2017). Living with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adulthood: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implement Reports, 15(4), 1080-1153. doi: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003357. 

Center for Disease Control. State-based Prevalence of ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment 2016-2019. Retrieved in…

Pahlavanzadeh, S., Mousavi, S., Maghsoudi, J. (2018). Exploring the needs of family caregivers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a qualitative study. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 23(2), 149-154. doi: 10.4103/ijnmr.IJNMR_16_17.

Publishing Question


In this assignment, you will be imagining a fictional new application of emerging technology within your problem space.  Using the knowledge and analysis from your digital curation, how might your chosen technology be used in a new way alone or in combination with other existing or emerging technologies within your chosen business or societal context.  Instead of creating a prototype product, service, process, or experience, you will be communicating a fictitious (i.e. not currently existent) but possible future use case in a manner that accomplishes the following objectives:

Help managerial decision makers and other stakeholders with limited technical knowledge imagine how a specific technology or the convergence of multiple technologies might be used in the future within a specific context

Provide the means to consider implications of design decisions

  1. Part 1:  Design Fiction
  2. Select a year from 1-15 years in the future.  Be sure to state this at the beginning.  From the rest of Part 1, your point of view should be from that time in the future.  

Select a perspective: Optimistic, neutral, pessimistic

Select a format for conveying your imagined future. Options include:

Narrative story conveyed by essay, storyboard, comic, podcast, or video

  • Artifact from the future such as an advertisement, press release, quick start guide, Instagram story, Twitter feed, Video blog, YouTube unboxing video, user testimonial, etc.
  • Stretch your imagination and get creative within your problem space and design fiction format. If you want to use visuals, please don’t worry about artistic skill – stick figures, boxes, arrows, etc. are fine.Part 2:  Reflection on Design Decisions
    Identify 3 positive and 3 negative implications related to your design fiction in Part 1
  • Implications of design decisions include risks and benefits associated with intended usage as well as unintended consequences if technology is misused (e.g. Farhad Manjoo’s “gadget’s worst nightmare” – )

In addition to economic implications, please consider environmental and socio-cultural impacts, especially on minority, marginalized or disadvantaged populations (e.g. EthicalOS Risks -)

  • In addition to your personal perception of implications, share your design fiction with others and capture their reactions, both positive and negative. You can cite people by their initials to maintain anonymity.  
  • Submission
    You can submit your Design Fiction (Part 1) and Implications (Part 2) as one or multiple file uploads depending on your format decisions
  • Text submissions can be uploaded as Word, PowerPoint, PDF, Google Doc, etc. 

Hand-drawn or other non-digital visuals can be photographed or scanned.  If you want them to be viewed in sequence, I encourage you to paste your images into PowerPoint file (or similar)

Video is fairly easy to share using Panopto in Canvas, though you can also upload to another video platform and simply share a URL

Zoom is a useful tool for recording a podcast either with audio only or a simple visual (e.g. title) on screen as you record audio. You can upload an audio file or share a URL to your podcast.  




You work for a global health and beauty company that has decided to move to a strategic focus on the triple bottom line (TBL). TBL means it will measure its success based on people, planet, and profit rather than profit alone. This strategic decision is based on a desire to be true to the company’s mission and vision and because engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) will make the company more successful.

The company objective is to transition from its current business model to CSR and TBL in three years. If the company successfully makes this transition, it would be the first in its industry to do so. This would create a first-mover advantage. As part of the TBL focus, the company CEO has asked each departmental manager to conduct a SWOT analysis of how transitioning to TBL will affect their departments.

You work in a rewards/membership product line that offers discounts, special services, and other benefits to customers for maintaining a fee-based membership in the company’s membership rewards program. Now that the CEO has collected the SWOT analyses from all company departments, she has asked you to focus on how the TBL project will impact two cross-functional departments for your product line: marketing and sales.

To allow you to do the analysis she requires, your CEO has provided you with the following documents:

Her letter outlining the company’s commitment to CSR and its plans for using TBL

The company’s vision, mission, and values statements

  • The company’s triple bottom line strategies document
  • Two SWOT analyses: one for marketing, one for sales
  • The CEO wants you to use this information to create key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your product line’s progress on meeting the company’s CSR goals.
  • Directions

Your CEO has requested that you develop a memo that outlines the strategic KPIs for TBL in sales and marketing. She has asked that each of the following tasks be clearly communicated in the memo, and that they be addressed in the order given.

Develop one strategic question for each element of TBL: people, planet, and profit. These questions should give insights on how to measure the sales and marketing departments’ success in achieving the company’s goals. As you develop your strategic questions, follow these guidelines:

Consider how each question relates to your interpretation of the provided SWOT analyses.

Consider how each question will help achieve the CSR goals outlined in the CEO’s letter.

  • For your strategic questions, identify key performance indicators (KPIs) of successful strategy development and implementation.

Identify at least one KPI for each strategic question you provided.

Explain how the KPIs will be measured.

  • How will your KPIs help the company achieve its goals?
  • Identify functional considerations related to TBL.
  • How does the interconnectedness of the sales and marketing departments impact the measurement of TBL?

This memo will be shared with your CEO and other stakeholders. So, please check the memo for spelling and grammar.

Florida Springs powerpoint


The Florida Springs seem to be in the news quite a bit, mainly due to the challenges faced in overcoming pressures from development, pollution, and human activities. The springs have been around for thousands of years and have an interesting and varied history. Humans have valued them for many reasons over many years and are still valued today as an important natural freshwater resource.

Research and read articles, books, etc., for this assignment about Florida Springs. You can use any reputable peer-reviewed source; be sure to include proper references using APA standards. Concentrate on the environmental aspects of the springs and bring attention to problem areas, but do not neglect any social, business, and/or political overlap. Consider the freshwater resource aspects as well.

Complete a project in one of the following formats, but regardless of the format chosen, remember that the intended audience is the general public:

  1. Develop a written brochure: It can be any number of designs (e.g., tri-fold Word file), but must be written and produced as a Public Service Announcement. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the brochure. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the information.
  2. Film a short video commercial: One to two minutes long following an introduction and produced as either a Public Service Announcement or a news media reporting story. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the video. Use only yourself as the narrator and do not include other people in the video. Use video format/software generally available and provided with PC or MAC operating systems (e.g., MP4, MPEG, MOV, WMV, SWF or FLV). Remember, the instructor must be able to open the video file and view it for a grade.
  3. Draft a PowerPoint Presentation: 10 to 15 slides long; at a minimum, all criteria below must be fully addressed. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the presentation.

Address the following criteria at a minimum:

  1. Course name, student name, module number, and date.
  2. Choose an example of a Florida Spring and briefly describe it as a freshwater resource and what it has been used for.
  3. Report the federal and state government rules or regulations that apply to Florida Springs, their protections, their use, and any oversight.
  4. Name the government agencies that have authority over the Florida Springs and describe their involvement.
  5. Report and briefly explain at least two major environmental concerns related to the Florida Springs and one freshwater resource issue.
  6. Explain the human activities that negatively impact Florida Springs.
  7. Report on what is being done to protect the Florida Springs and the costs involved.
  8. Propose at least one further action that could be taken to protect the Florida Springs.

PSCH320 Writing in Psychology


For paper 3, you will design a short survey study, collect, and analyze data. You will work in a team of 2-3 students. Thus, this unit requires a combination of group work and individual work. To help you with Paper 3, follow these guided questions to help you organize your thoughts and writing. Further, as was the case with the previous worksheets, you will receive feedback that you are expected to incorporate into your final experiment and final paper. As such, the more you write for this worksheet, the more feedback you will get, which will aid you in your final paper assignment for this unit. This worksheet is an individual assignment, and as such, every student needs to complete this worksheet independently

For Paper 3, you are asked to identify a question related to a psychological question. Bear in mind that you are not implementing an intervention. Rather, you are collecting data from other undergraduates. For instance, past students have successfully completed this assignment by measuring attitudes about their social problem, along with another variable (i.e., the relationship between attitudes about homelessness and willingness to help people who are homeless). To protect your respondents, I ask that you limit your questions to topics that do not require respondents to disclose deeply personal or painful experiences (e.g., exposure to trauma, sexual behaviors, etc.). Whereas the previous papers in this class focused on core community psychology principles, Paper 3 will be broader in scope. You will use self-report measures to examine the relationship between at least two variables. 

Once you develop your research question, you can design your study. 

Please answer the following questions (each response is worth up to 2 points):

1. Provide four or more references (in APA style) that you will use in your literature review. These references should be about the topic you selected for Paper 3. 

2. Provide an outline of “what is known” about your variables. Think of this as an outline of your literature review section of your paper. 

3. Explain the variables you wish to study. 

4. Why do you think the variables in your study are related to one another? Rely on the existing literature for your evidence and rationale. 

5. How could you measure these variables? For this response, please list the names of measures and the original references for these measures. I recommend making sure you can get the full measures before committing to a particular measure.

6. How will you score the measures? In other words, how do you use the data from the measure once respondents complete it? 

7. Are your variables continuous or categorical? Explain. 

8. Provide at least one hypothesis for your study. 

9. What statistical analysis will you need to test your hypothesis? 

10. What information should participants know before completing your study? Are any of your questions likely to embarrass or distress participants? Explain.

MAN3504CBE Section 01CBE Operations Management


Course Scenario

Presently, your multinational organization uses steel at locations across the U.S. and globally with operations in Mexico, Russia, India, and China. Your boss is tasked with developing a global Request for Proposal (RFP) for gathering and comparing steel suppliers. In preparation for the RFP, he has tasked you with building an internal data collection tool to identify key questions to include within the RFP. The purpose of your survey is to identify all key information that is needed for the RFP, and the data collection tool will be sent to managers across the U.S. and globe. The data collection tool is a survey administered through email. Furthermore, the tool must contain a maximum of 10 questions and include the following:




  • Safety
  • Instructions
  • Your job is to complete the RFP template for the execution of the data collection tool. The RFP needs to include milestones, key events associated with creating data collection tool, and corresponding dates. You will also need to create templates supporting the project plan, including an action list, meeting minutes, and a risk management tool with strong supporting evidence. The time allotment from start to finish for this project by your boss is three months. 
  • Project Phases and Milestones:

Project Initiation (Week 1 – Week 2)

Define project scope, objectives, and stakeholders.

Identify project team members and their roles.

Develop a project charter.

Requirement Gathering (Week 3 – Week 4)

  1. Work with stakeholders to identify specific questions for the data collection tool.

Determine the data format and structure for efficient analysis.

Create a draft of the data collection tool questions.

  • Survey Development (Week 5 – Week 6)
  • Finalize the list of questions to be included in the survey (maximum of 10).
  • Design the survey layout and format.
  1. Develop and test the survey tool.

Template Creation (Week 7 – Week 8)

Create standard templates for project management, including:

  • Action list template
  • Meeting minutes template
  • Risk management tool template
  1. Internal Testing and Review (Week 9 – Week 10)

Conduct internal testing of the data collection tool and templates.

Gather feedback from stakeholders and make necessary adjustments.

  • Documentation and Training (Week 11 – Week 12)
  • Prepare detailed documentation on how to administer the data collection tool.
  • Provide training to managers on using the tool effectively.
  1. Finalize all project deliverables.

Key Events:

Project Kickoff Meeting (End of Week 1)

  • Introduce the project to the team.

Discuss roles and responsibilities.

  • Set expectations for the project.
  • Question Review Workshop (End of Week 4)
  • Review and finalize the survey questions with stakeholders.
  1. Template Review Meeting (End of Week 8)

Review and finalize the project templates with relevant team members.

Internal Testing and Review Session (End of Week 10)

  • Conduct a review session to identify and address any issues with the data collection tool and templates.
  • Training Session (End of Week 12)
  1. Conduct training sessions for managers on how to use the data collection tool and project templates.



  • Corresponding Dates:
  • Project Start Date: [ any prefrable  Start Date]
  • Project End Date: [any prefrable  End Date]

Santa Monica College art final 1


Create an artwork that is stylistically or conceptually linked to an artist, artwork or movement that has been discussed over the course of the semester. This project does not necessarily require artistic skill in the traditional sense (you don’t need to be able to paint like an Old Master). You can choose any medium including paint, collage, photography, performance, video, music or anything else that comes to mind. If the work is too large to bring to class then a slide or photograph of the artwork/event will suffice. The work must in some way address a historical figure, artwork, style, theme, philosophy, event or movement that has been studied in this class.

Your work should address these issues from a fresh perspective. The goal is not to reproduce a work or idea from the past but to interpret or critique it in a subjective manner that sheds new light on an older idea. In support of your visual arts project you will be required to turn in a one-page artist’s statement that explains why you chose the subject and what you intended to communicate to the viewer. Feel free to discuss your ideas with me in advance. Your grade for this project will be based on the conceptual strength of the project and not the beauty or skill required to create the work.


Curator in museum

Are you a Curator?

What does a curator do? He or she comes up with ideas for exhibitions that they think are important or interesting to the public, selects the artworks for display, writes brochures or wall labels, and sometimes give tours of the exhibition. Imagine that you have been given this job and the director of your museum has asked you to come up with a concept for an art exhibition that includes at least five works of art that were either discussed in the lectures or in your textbook. The works in your exhibition must support a common theme or idea that you think would be compelling for the public but should not need to be of the same time period, style, or by a single artist. Be creative and message me with your concept so in advance so that I may approve it before you get too far along.

Once you have decided on the artworks to be displayed, create either an exhibition brochure or film/record yourself giving a tour of the show. If you choose the exhibition brochure, it must include at 500 words of text explaining the theme and why each work was selected. If you film yourself giving a tour, you must do it in a format that can be be shared. For both options, be sure to explain why you made the choices you did and how the works relate to each other.