response to theory kevin ngugyn


I  chose to compare and contrast Sister Callista Roy’s The Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) an interactive process and Margaret Newman’s Health as an Expanding Consciousness (HEC) a unitarian process. While both acknowledge the multifaceted nature of individuals, their concepts, assumptions, and applications differ significantly. Understanding these frameworks equips us to deliver holistic and patient-centered care. RAM offers a practical approach to addressing immediate needs, while HEC encourages us to consider the bigger picture

RAM implications provide a framework for assessment using the four adaptive modes. RAM guides nurses to design interventions that address specific adaptive challenges. RAM emphasizes adaption as a key concept. It allows individuals to constantly adjust to internal and external stimuli to maintain balance and well-being (Jennings, 2017). The model identifies four adaptive modes: physiological, independence, self-concept, and role function. RAM assumptions are individuals strive to maintain a state of adaption, adaptation is influenced by philosophical, scientific, and cultural factors, and nursing intervention aims to promote these adaptations. RAM is applied in guiding assessments and interventions with diverse health conditions. It is useful for addressing the challenges derived from the four modes (McEwen & Wills, 2023,178). 

HEC presents a more philosophical perspective. It views health as a continuous process of expanding consciousness. Illness is not solely the absence of disease, but an integral part of the individual’s life experience. From the next, “persons as individuals and human beings as a species, are identified by their patterns of consciousness (McEwen & Wills, 2023,198).”The focus is on recognizing patterns within these experiences and fostering growth through them. HEC assumes Health is an evolving unitary pattern of the whole, including patterns of disease, Consciousness is the informational capacity of the whole and is revealed in the evolving pattern, Pattern identifies the person–environment process and is characterized by meaning.

(Endo, 2017) . HEC implications encourage nurses to view patients’ experiences with a broad perspective focused on personal growth and emphasize the importance of therapeutic communication to facilitate self-discovery. The application of HEC Is more relevant in chronic illness. Nurses are encouraged to support patients in finding meaning in their experiences and fostering resilience in the face of illness (McEwen & Wills, 2023,198). 

Understanding these frameworks equips us, as future nurses, to deliver holistic, patient-centered care.  RAM provides a roadmap for addressing immediate needs. At the same time, Newman’s theory encourages us to consider the bigger picture, fostering the individual’s potential for growth and a deeper sense of well-being.

Endo E. (2017). Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness and a Nursing Intervention from a Unitary Perspective. Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing, 4(1), 50–52.

Jennings K. M. (2017). The Roy Adaptation Model: A Theoretical Framework for Nurses Providing Care to Individuals With Anorexia Nervosa. ANS. Advances in nursing science, 40(4), 370–383. to an external site.

McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2023). Theoretical basis for nursing (6th ed.) (pp.164-212).Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


strategic plan


Company: Patagonia


Summarize the purpose of the assignment and what the reader should expect to learn from your analysis

  • Company profile


Background (describe what the company does and offers)

  • Industry (provide a primary SIC or state the industry your company is in)
  • Revenue and profits (provide a table with the last three to five years of each and discuss trends)

Number of employees


  • Internal analysis (Week 3)
  • Business model (identify the customer value proposition and profit formula)
  • Vision and mission (discuss these overarching goals)
  • Ratio analysis (interpret the ratios in the context of the company’s current strategic effectiveness)
  • Core competencies (conduct a VRIO analysis to identify them)
  • (Sustained) Competitive advantages (check whether the company is generating above-average returns)
  • Value-chain analysis (three to four functions where the core competencies are created)

Overall strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) (two of each derived from your internal analysis) (Week 2)

External analysis (Week 2)

Macro-environment (conduct a PESTEL analysis)

  • Industry environment (conduct a Porter’s five forces analysis)
  • Overall opportunities (O) and threats (T) (two of each derived from your external analysis)
  • Business-level strategy in its effectiveness (Week 4)
  • Type of business-level strategy/strategies your company is using (discuss the competitive advantage [cost vs. leadership] and competitive scope [broad vs. narrow] providing relevant evidence)
  • Examples of other competitive strategies deployed by competitors (identify a close competitor and briefly state what their business strategy is)
  • Soundness of the company’s competitive strategy (Is it appropriate, and why?)
  • Corporate-level strategy (Week 5)
  • Type of diversification the company is using and the evidence (Is the company using related or unrelated diversification?)

Level of diversification of the company and evidence (e.g., low, moderate, or high, based on reliance on single source for revenue)

Means of diversification of the company and evidence (e.g., acquisitions, JVs)

  • Appropriateness of the corporate-level strategy and evidence
  • International strategy (Week 6)
  • Type of international strategy utilized and evidence (e.g., multidomestic, transnational)

Type of entry modes used and evidence (exporting, international JVs)

Appropriateness of the international strategy and modes and evidence

  • Problems

Based on your assessment of the company’s external and internal environment, as well as of its strategies, concisely state the main strategic problems the company is facing (two to three such problems)


  • Briefly state an overarching solution for all the problems you have identified. The solution must be at the level of corporate- and business-level strategies. The elements of these two types of strategies should be clearly recognizable in the solution you propose
  • Recommendations (Week 8)
  • Translate your overarching solution expressed at the level of corporate- and business-level strategies into actionable items. For example, if one of the ways a company can address the problems you identified is via international expansion, determine what countries the company should enter, what its international strategy will be, which entry modes will be used, what company it might partner with, etc. Also, discuss potential strategy implementation concerns
  • Conclusions

State your conclusions based on your assessment of the case of your company, restating the purpose and some of the key findings and recommendations

NURS 696 Discussion


Instructions: Pick one case scenario to discuss in your initial post (initial post must be 300-500 words and at least 1 reference-peer review journal within the last 5 year). For your peer responses, please reply to the case scenario you did not choose for the initial post. You are expected to respond to two different peers

Case Scenario 1: A 59-year-old male with PMH of COPD, DM, HTN, CKD stage III, and HLD who presents due to worsening SOB x 5 days despite regular use of his home inhaler. The patient reported other symptoms, including non-productive cough, wheezing, and chest discomfort. He states this is his 4th ED visit within the last 2 months due to worsening SOB and wheezing.

Answer the following questions:


a. What pertinent questions will you ask to describe the patient’s chief complaints?

b. What are the risk factors and co-morbidities?


Based on the patient’s HPI, how do you classify his symptoms? Complete the 2018 GOLD Report Classification of the Severity of COPD table below. 2018 GOLD Report – Classification of the Severity of COPDGOLD 1GOLD 2GOLD 3GOLD 4Symptoms and Risk ComponentsGROUP AGROUP BGROUP CGROUP DExacerbation of COPDClassificationTreatmentMILDMODERATESEVERE

  1. What tests or procedures (Lab or Diagnostic) would you perform or order for this patient?

What other diagnostic tools would you use to help you diagnose the patient?

  • Diagnosis:
  • What are the top 3 differential diagnoses you would consider for this patient, and what is your rationale?
  1. What is the patient final diagnosis?


  • What is the gold standard treatment for this patient’s final diagnosis?

What is your disposition? Admit or discharge? Why?

Case Scenario 2: A 78-year-old female patient with PMH of HTN, HLD, Iron Deficiency Anemia, COPD, and OSA who presents due to productive cough x 2 weeks. The patient reports a productive cough with greenish sputum, wheezing, subjective fever, and chills. Vital signs: HR 120, RR 30, BP 100/59, O2 sats 90% on room air, Temp 101.3 F

Answer the following questions:


What pertinent questions will you ask to describe the patient’s chief complaints?

What are the risk factors and co-morbidities for this patient?


Complete the table below to differentiate the classification of pneumonia based on the patient clinical presentation. Typical PneumoniaAtypical PneumoniaSigns and SymptomsChest X-ray

What tests or procedures (Lab or Diagnostic) would you perform or order for this patient?

What other diagnostic tools would you use to help you diagnose the patient?


What are the top 3 differential diagnoses you would consider for this patient, and what is your rationale?

You obtain labs, and the results are as follows:
Na= 136
WBC = 18,000
K = 3.7
Platelet = 98,000
BUN = 25
Creatinine = 1.3

Chest x-ray: Right lower lobe consolidation

How do you classify this patient based on the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Severe Pneumonia Criteria? Severe or non-severe? What are the criteria? Complete the IDSA Severe Pneumonia Criteria table below. IDSA Severe Pneumonia CriteriaMinor CriteriaMajor Criteria


What is the gold standard treatment for this patient?

What is your disposition? Admit or discharge? Why?

Graphic Design Question


Part 1

Look at this poster. Respond in a short paragraph with your analysis of the following:

Is there a grid in this poster? If so, elaborate

  • Talk about the alignment

Talk about the number of colors

  • Talk about the number of fonts
  • How many different sizes of type are there?
  • What do you notice about the symmetry/asymmetry?
  • Does the treatment of visual elements create a pleasant/sophisticated presentation?
  • image.png
  • Write your analysis down. Do some research and find another Swiss-type poster similar to this. 
  • Embed the poster you found and find similarities and differences between them.

Come back and respond to two friends. Talk about their findings and say what you find interesting in them.

Peer post 1. 

Yes their is a grid. The lines that are creating the heaxgons help to create the grid. The main set a words are aglined to the right with the first letter starts in the middle. The second set of words is aliged to the left with smaller text. Their are three colors Red, Black, and Cream. It has one constant font. Their is three to four different type of font sizes. Their is a mix of symmetry and asymmetry the shapes are creating asymmetry but the words are creating symmtery. It does create pleasant/sophisticated it shows off the skills of the desginer. 

  1. poster disscuion .webp
  2. Similaries:
  3. The color patellate is very similar

font ans text 


The design

The way the words are placed on the page 

Peer post 2.

Yes, there is a grid in this poster. We know that there is a grid because of how the points of each hexagon align with one another. The hexagons are aligned side by side with one another while alternating colors. There are three colors: red, black, and an off-white. These colors work against each other, offering a visually interesting form of contrast. There is only one font that is being used in this poster. However, there are also varying sizes (3 sizes) for specific lines of text in order to organize information. The shapes on the poster are symmetrical. However, the symmetry breaks when the design reaches the edge of the page, making the design unpredictable. This poster gives off a sophisticated feel because of the colors chosen and its simple design. 

  • image.png
  • The poster above is similar to the example because they both share symmetrical attributes and follow a grid. There are 3 colors: black, beige, and orange. Much like the example poster, the colors chosen to offer a unique sense of contrast. The pattern is predictable because unlike the example poster, there is no deviation from symmetry. There is one font, but two variations in size. Much like the example, it offers a sophisticated but simple feel.

Part 2

Post an interesting design that you saw (either in person or online) and write a little paragraph about why you found it to be interesting. The visual can be an ad, a billboard, a poster, basically any kind of a designed image

Develop a research-based policy statement for your setting that addresses a human resources issue for the LGBT


Develop a research-based policy statement for your setting that addresses a human resources issue for the LGBT population.

Expand All


Practicing psychologists are often hired to consult with organizational policy-makers; and to develop intervention plans, sensitivity training, and policy implementation programs for government, business, education, industries, and health care organizations.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

How does the understanding of perceiving persons and attribution bias help you in your personal or professional life?

What theories could be applied to reduce prejudice, discrimination, or sexism in your professional setting?

What factors influence the link between attitudes and behavior?


  • Read the Assessment 2 Context document for information about the subject of this assessment.
  • Use the Capella library and the Internet to research current LGBT workplace legislation: hiring, firing, and retention, promotional opportunity, health insurance, or parenting leave. Some suggested keywords for searches include a combination of LGBT and: protection in the workplace; inclusion; self-concept; self-esteem; self-efficacy; normalization; discrimination; social support; and perceived stress in sexual minorities.
  • Use this template to complete your assessment.

Policy Statement Template [DOC] Download Policy Statement Template [DOC].

The deliverable for this assessment is a research-based policy statement. Sample policy statements and templates are available on many websites, if you wish use them as guides.

The purpose of a policy statement is to state acceptable methods or behaviors in an organization. Essentially, a policy states the organizational values and how those values relate to the organization’s purpose.


Assume the role in the scenario described below.


You are a consulting organizational psychologist. You have been retained to develop a new policy for the LGBT population in your professional setting (or for a setting from your experience.)

  • Deliverable

Propose a research-based policy for one specific issue regarding the LGBT population for a setting.

For example, propose a new policy for hiring, firing, and retention, promotional opportunity, health insurance, or parenting leave.

Identify the professional setting related to your experience.

The Policy Statement should be two pages, maximum.

Brevity does not mean this assessment lacks academic rigor. Disciplined, succinct writing requires thorough knowledge of the subject and excellent writing skills.

Address each of the following elements in your policy statement, using the template provided:

Analyze research related to concepts of self-esteem, self-concept, self-presentation, and self-efficacy for the LGBT population.

Integrate social psychology principles and research to propose an LGBT policy for a workplace.

Analyze how the proposed policy and current workplace legislation reflect social psychology principles.

How does the research-based proposed policy meet the requirements of current laws?

How do laws reflect principles of social psychology?

Evaluate the implications of a new policy for the organization and individuals.

How will this new policy be perceived by others in the organization?

How will this affect the organizational culture?

What suggestions do you have for addressing resistance or changing the culture?

Support positions with references from scholarly and professional literature.

marketing management, communications strategy, business design


Information technologies suporting design methodsDesigning a Restaurant as a Cultural Hub

design a venue that serves not only as a restaurant but also as a space for cultural events. This place should be versatile and functional, enabling the organization of various cultural activities, from exhibitions and author meetings to workshops.


Create a space that merges gastronomy with culture.

Design a multifunctional and flexible interior.

Promote cultural and social integration.

  1. Project Phases:
  2. Concept and Mission:
  3. Define the mission and main idea for a space that combines a restaurant with a cultural center.

Determine what types of cultural events will be supported.

Interior Design:

Develop an interior design that is welcoming for restaurant guests and flexible enough to facilitate cultural events.

  1. Implement solutions that allow easy adaptation of the space for different needs.

Visual Identity and Promotional Materials:

Create a visual identity that merges restaurant and cultural elements.

  • Produce promotional materials highlighting the uniqueness of the place as both a cultural center and gastronomic spot.
  • Menu and Culinary Offerings:
  1. Develop a menu that reflects cultural diversity and appeals to event attendees.

Consider catering options for cultural events.

Promotion and Integration Strategies:

  • Devise a plan to promote the place as a cultural hub.
  • Plan events that can attract diverse social and cultural groups.
  1. Final Presentation:

Prepare a final presentation of the project.

Discuss how the designed solutions facilitate cultural and social integration.

  • Example of such a place: 
  • Name of the Place: Czech Café “Praga”
  1. Location: Kraków, Poland

Question of the Place:

Czech Café “Praga” is a unique establishment in the heart of Kraków, blending the elements of a café and a restaurant while celebrating the richness of Czech culture. It’s a gathering place for Czech music, literature, and film lovers, offering an array of traditional Czech culinary delights.

  • Interior and Design: The interior of Czech Café “Praga” captures the spirit of Prague’s cafés – it’s cozy, warm, and filled with an artistic ambiance. The walls are adorned with posters of Czech movies and reproductions of famous Czech painters’ works. A small stage in the corner of the café regularly hosts concerts by Czech musicians and readings by Czech authors.
  • Cuisine and Café: The menu is inspired by classic Czech cuisine. Guests can enjoy both traditional dishes and modern interpretations of classic recipes. The café offers a wide selection of Czech beers, wines, and coffee specialties. Additionally, thematic brunches dedicated to different Czech regions are served every weekend.
  1. Cultural Events: Czech Café “Praga” also serves as a cultural hub. It hosts regular movie nights featuring Czech cinema, meetings with Czech authors, discussions about Czech history and art, and concerts. This place has become a meeting point for Poles interested in Czech culture and for Czech tourists seeking a piece of home in Poland.

Mission and Vision: The mission of Czech Café “Praga” is to bring Polish and Czech cultures closer together through shared culinary and artistic experiences. The café aims to create a space conducive to cultural dialogue, and the exchange of thoughts and experiences, combining the traditions of both nations into a harmonious whole.



Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”?

When you first went to work for your current organization, experienced colleagues may have shared with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even attended an orientation session to brief you on these matters. As a “rookie,” you likely kept the nature of your questions to those with answers that would best help you perform your new role.

Over time and with experience, perhaps you recognized aspects of these processes and procedures that you wanted to question further. This is the realm of clinical inquiry.

Clinical inquiry is the practice of asking questions about clinical practice. To continuously improve patient care, all nurses should consistently use clinical inquiry to question why they are doing something the way they are doing it. Do they know why it is done this way, or is it just because we have always done it this way? Is it a common practice or a best practice?

In this Assignment, you will identify clinical areas of interest and inquiry and practice searching for research in support of maintaining or changing these practices. You will also analyze this research to compare research methodologies employed.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. Keep in mind that the clinical issue you identify for your research will stay the same for the entire course. 

Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles.

Review the results of your peer-reviewed research and reflect on the process of using an unfiltered database to search for peer-reviewed research.

Reflect on the types of research methodologies contained in the four relevant peer-reviewed articles you selected.

  • Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies
  • After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:
  • The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.
  • A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.

A brief (1-2 paragraph) QUESTION of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.

A brief (1-2 paragraph) QUESTION of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.

A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) QUESTION of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected

create a power point presentation using a Rogerian app to solve a problem within your field of study (paralegal law).



The final project will be a multimedia presentation. Imagine that you’re giving this presentation to your colleagues/employees/employers/stakeholders as a way to reach common ground to resolve a problem.Although this is to be completed as a multimedia presentation, you will still need to show a strong use of the Rogerian structure and argument. Ensure this is a Rogerian approach and not an informative speech or a Toulmin argument.

Choosing a topic:
For this project, you’re not trying to take a stance and prove your stance, rather you’re trying to solve a problem within your field of study (or workplace or home or wherever). Focus on what problems need to be resolved. Explore the proposed solutions from various viewpoints. Propose the “best” solution by establishing a common ground for all stakeholders. Much of the challenge with this project is that you must demonstrate you’ve analyzed multiple solutions from multiple perspectives and found a solution that is (cleverly) based on the common ground of those perspectives.

Structure of presentation: Make sure to include the following sections in your presentation:

  • introduction,
  • argument/presentation objectives,
  • claim,
  • background,
  • body,
  • conclusion.

Make sure your presentation includes the following:

  • A brief background for your topic and the problem you’re addressing,
  • A discussion of the various sides of the debate, including core values or warrants underlying their arguments
  • The common ground you’ve identified for those various perspectives
  • The proposed solution based on that common ground.

What does Multimedia mean?Any of the following artifacts can be compiled as part of a multimodal project: advertisements, audio files, blogs, collages, comic books, video clips, interviews, phone conversations, lectures, field observations, photos, blogs, posters, presentations, charts, graphs, skits, films, videos, television shorts, websites, performances. You can convey information and images in any way you like to communicate your message.A few apps you might consider using on their own or in combination:

  • Powtoon
  • Prezi
  • Animoto
  • Audio Voiceover
  • Instagram
  • Storbird
  • PowerPoint
  • Screencast (Jing)
  • Google Sites
  • Canva
  • Smore

Feeling stuck? Here’s some inspiration:


Your project should in some way incorporate the following, however briefly:

  • Engage a minimum of 2 scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources (from APUS library) and 2 sources of your choice (4 sources total).
  • Introduce key issues of this problem—why is it a problem? Why has the problem not been resolved already?
  • Consider key limitations and barriers to solving the problem.
  • Address key voices within the conversation—what has been proposed so far? Why have those proposals not been implemented?
  • Address the commonalities of the viewpoints on how to resolve the problem while also addressing the key differences.
  • Offer your opinion or impression of the proposed resolutions based on close analysis.
  • Tempt your audience through common ground to consider the solution you’re proposing.

the projects will be run through Turnitin upon submission, and all distinctive matching information caught by Turnitin must be formatted as a quotation. DO NOT copy-paste material without immediately marking it as a quotation and citing it.

Government Housing Programs Essay


Discussion 6 Chapters 11 & 12

Mar 16



March 16, 2024

BRE-126 Real Estate finance

Huber, W

Chapters 11 & 12


The overview of Chapter 11 is learning the government programs like Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Veterans Affairs (VA) Loans. “Neither FHA nor VA makes loans “directly” to the public. The FHA insures, but the VA guarantees loans made by “appropriate lenders.” (Huber, 2017, p. 289) Neither FHA nor VA loans are included in the secondary market. Some things they do not do is Buy loans or sell loan-backed securities. On the contrary, FHA is viewed as a federal insurance agency whereas VA acts as a guarantor to protect the approved lenders against borrower’s defaults.

Key Concept from Chapter 11

One thing I learned from reading Chapter 11 is that in 1934 FHA was created by Congress. Its purpose was to create new jobs through building. To increase the mortgage market and to show that financing is available, repair and sale of real estate exists. “The FHA’S primary function is to insure loans, FHA “approved lenders” are insured against losses caused by borrower default” (Huber, 2017, p. 291). One of the many insurance programs that they are joined with is called Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP).

Key Concept from Chapter 12

In chapter 12 we learned about the advantages and disadvantages of a lease option. The advantage of a lease option is that the seller is receiving income from the property. The disadvantage is that the seller cannot sell the property to anyone other than those who are renting during the time of the lease. “The lease/option is used only when it seems unlikely that other offers will be forthcoming in the near future” (Huber, 2017, p. 323). The seller cannot engage in utilizing the property during the term of the lease.

Key Concept from Chapter 11

The second concept that I learned in Chapter 11 is an FHA loan term is between a 15–30-year period. FHA also offers adjustment loans and home repair loans which is a 203 (k) loan. FHA conventional rates are typically lower than any other loans but the risk from the lender is less because of the FHA mortgage insurance. “Unlike Conventional Loans, FHA loans are fully assembled without any increase in interest rates. A lender is prohibited from exercising any “due sale” clause on a transfer” (Huber, 2017, p.293).


by Celene Cruz

After reading these chapters it has been an eye-opener to when I purchased our home on understanding why FHA was not the best fit for us at the time. Seeing the breakdown of the requirements, and the legal documentation behind it makes a lot more sense. Moving forward as I am preparing myself to become a real estate agent, I am eager to learn more about these home loan programs because I am sure it will be in the state exam. As well as it will be brought up in the field.

health 251 2


Write down everything you eat and drink for one day. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. You do not need to write down water as it has no calories. If you drink alcohol, you need to add the amount as alcohol does have calories. 

You will need to create a free account when you are ready to analyze your food intake. 

Click on the Cronometer Link to enter your 1-day food intake. 

CronometerLinks to an external site.

To create your account, click the green “Sign up for Free” tab. Enter your email (you may use your college email if you don’t want to use your personal email). Create and confirm a password and write it down. Enter the information for “Your Body Type.” Then, click the box for “I agree to the Terms of Service.

You may then begin adding your food by clicking the “ADD FOOD” tab. Type a food into the search box and find the closest choice from the list. Continue adding until all the food you consumed for the day has been added. You must add a minimum of 1500 calories for this assignment!

You will need to save and submit the analysis as part of this assignment. (20 Points) You can save your Cronometer analysis by clicking “Print” then instead of printing, choose “Save as PDF”.

If you need help, click on the help tab and refer to the user’s manual. You are also welcome to join me during my office hours!

Once you have finished adding all of your foods, scroll through the Nutrient Target Summaries.

By default, Cronometer set each nutrient to the recommended values as set by the DRI nutrition standards. The basic idea for these targets is to get at least 100% of the minimum value each day to have good nutrition. For nutrients that have a maximum, it is recommended to not exceed the maximum value.

Bars colored in yellow mean you have not yet reached your minimum target
Bars colored in green mean you have met the minimum target and not yet exceeded your maximum target.
Bars colored in red mean you have exceeded your maximum target.

You can mouse over a bar to see the top contributors from your diary on that day to meet this specific target.

Answer the following questions and submit them along with your saved Cronometer food analysis.

How many calories did you consume? (4 Points) You must enter a minimum of 1500 calories for this assignment.

What percentage of Carbohydrates, Lipids (fats), and Proteins did you consume? 

Referring back to the foods you consumed the day of the analysis, what are two changes you can make to improve your nutritional intake? Please talk specifically about your foods. For example, if you are consuming too much fat, discuss the specific foods you ate that are high in fat and give me alternative foods to decrease your fat intake. (9 Points)