Journal 7 568


This assignment will demonstrate your ability to provide age-appropriate anticipatory guidance while recognizing the need to refer patients that are outside of the scope of practice of the family nurse practitioner. This will be demonstrated by completing a SOAP note based on the virtual reality patient that you evaluated in Unit 6 platform. 



Mr. Anthony Quinn, 58 y/o male, has come to the clinic today with concerns of increased confusion.

Vital Signs

BP 150/78 

Pulse 80

Temp 37.1 °C 

Past medical History: Hypertension

  • Medications: Atenolol 50 mg, Tylenol 

Has family: wife and three kids

  • Alcohol: a beer or two occasionally on weekends

Tobacco: Does not use.

  • Psych: No feelings of depression or unhappiness. 

Neuro Assessment: He is alert and oriented x4. Knows where he is, full name and date of birth, knows who the president is.

Urinary Assessment: “I’m not sure. Sometimes not much urine comes out, but other times it’s a normal amount.” I don’t pee as much as I used too”. 

Surgical history: Vasectomy 22 years ago.

Previous Hospitalizations: None.

Allergies: no known allergies.

Family medical History: High blood pressure from my mom and diabetes from my dad runs in my family.

LABS Ordered: Albumin, 24 hour urine, basic metabolic panel, BUN/CR, CBC, CMP, renal profile, UA.

Referral to nephrologist.

Follow up with primary care physician.

Top differential diagnosis: Dementia

Lead Diagnosis: Acute Kidney Injury.


The SOAP note serves several purposes:

It is an important reference document that provides concise      information about a patient’s history and exam findings at the time of      patient visit.

It outlines a plan for addressing the issues which prompted the      office visit. This information should be presented in a logical fashion      that prominently features all of the data that’s immediately relevant to      the patient’s condition.

It is a means of communicating information to all providers who are      involved in the care of a particular patient.

It allows the NP student an opportunity to demonstrate their ability      to accumulate historical and examination-based information, make use of      their medical knowledge, and derive a logical plan of care.

The core aspects of the SOAP note are described in detail below.

For ease of learning, a SOAP Note Template has been provided. For this assignment, proper citation and referencing is required because this is an academic paper.

S: Subjective information. Everything the patient tells you. This includes several areas including the chief complaint (CC), the history of present illness (HPI), medical history, surgical history, family history, social history, medications, allergies, and other information gathered from the patient. A commonly used mnemonic to explore the core elements of the history of present illness (HPI) is OLDCARTS, which includes: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Treatments, and Severity.

O: Objective is what you see, hear, feel, or smell. Your physical exam, includes vital signs.

A: Assessment/Your differentials

P: Plan of care including health promotion and disease prevention for the patient related to their age and gender.

1004.1.6 : The First Civilizations (through 250 BCE)


The first human civilizations emerged in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southern and East Asia approximately five thousand years ago. The civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China were all significantly influenced by their respective geographical surroundings, and they structured their agricultural practices, trade patterns, and even religious beliefs around the natural world. Members of these early communities crafted unique social, cultural, and political institutions that reflected their relationship with nature and with each other.

In this task, you will be required to describe the key geographical features, religious beliefs, political structures, and social structures of ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. You will then compose a brief essay that compares your choice of two of these civilizations by using one characteristic from the table. 

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1004.1.6 : The First Civilizations (through 250 BCE)

The graduate examines how primary characteristics (political, religious, and geographical features) of the first civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China) contributed to the development of these societies.

  • :



The first human civilizations emerged in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southern and East Asia approximately five thousand years ago. The civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China were all significantly influenced by their respective geographical surroundings, and they structured their agricultural practices, trade patterns, and even religious beliefs around the natural world. Members of these early communities crafted unique social, cultural, and political institutions that reflected their relationship with nature and with each other.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Describe each of the following characteristics of the four early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China, using the attached “Early Civilizations Table” or similar document:

1.   key geographical features

2.   religious beliefs

3.   political structures

4.   social and/or cultural characteristics

Note: You may include a short paragraph in each cell or a thorough bulleted list with significant key terms. Please be sure to include appropriate source references for the information in your chart.

B.   Write a brief essay (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) in which you compare similarities and differences of two civilizations from part A using one characteristic described in the attached “Early Civilizations Table” or similar document.

C.  Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and references, for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content.

1.  Include the following information when providing source references:


designing a concept cafe as a cultural hub


Information technologies supporting design methods

Designing a Restaurant as a Cultural Hub

In this project, your task is to design a venue that serves not only as a restaurant but also as a space for cultural events. This place should be versatile and functional, enabling the organization of various cultural activities, from exhibitions and author meetings to workshops.


Create a space that merges gastronomy with culture.

Design a multifunctional and flexible interior.

Promote cultural and social integration.

  1. Project Phases:
  2. Concept and Mission:
  3. Define the mission and main idea for a space that combines a restaurant with a cultural center.

Determine what types of cultural events will be supported.

Interior Design:

Develop an interior design that is welcoming for restaurant guests and flexible enough to facilitate cultural events.

  1. Implement solutions that allow easy adaptation of the space for different needs.

Visual Identity and Promotional Materials:

Create a visual identity that merges restaurant and cultural elements.

  • Produce promotional materials highlighting the uniqueness of the place as both a cultural center and gastronomic spot.
  • Menu and Culinary Offerings:
  1. Develop a menu that reflects cultural diversity and appeals to event attendees.

Consider catering options for cultural events.

Promotion and Integration Strategies:

  • Devise a plan to promote the place as a cultural hub.
  • Plan events that can attract diverse social and cultural groups.
  1. Final Presentation:

Prepare a final presentation of the project.

Discuss how the designed solutions facilitate cultural and social integration.

  • Example of such a place: 
  • Name of the Place: Czech Café “Praga”
  1. Location: Kraków, Poland

Question of the Place:

Czech Café “Praga” is a unique establishment in the heart of Kraków, blending the elements of a café and a restaurant while celebrating the richness of Czech culture. It’s a gathering place for Czech music, literature, and film lovers, offering an array of traditional Czech culinary delights.

  • Interior and Design: The interior of Czech Café “Praga” captures the spirit of Prague’s cafés – it’s cozy, warm, and filled with an artistic ambiance. The walls are adorned with posters of Czech movies and reproductions of famous Czech painters’ works. A small stage in the corner of the café regularly hosts concerts by Czech musicians and readings by Czech authors.
  • Cuisine and Café: The menu is inspired by classic Czech cuisine. Guests can enjoy both traditional dishes and modern interpretations of classic recipes. The café offers a wide selection of Czech beers, wines, and coffee specialties. Additionally, thematic brunches dedicated to different Czech regions are served every weekend.
  1. Cultural Events: Czech Café “Praga” also serves as a cultural hub. It hosts regular movie nights featuring Czech cinema, meetings with Czech authors, discussions about Czech history and art, and concerts. This place has become a meeting point for Poles interested in Czech culture and for Czech tourists seeking a piece of home in Poland.

Mission and Vision: The mission of Czech Café “Praga” is to bring Polish and Czech cultures closer together through shared culinary and artistic experiences. The café aims to create a space conducive to cultural dialogue, and the exchange of thoughts and experiences, combining the traditions of both nations into a harmonious whole.

Product Management university of maryland Project management theory


1.During your interview process for the position of Project Manager you are asked to explain the relationship between cost, schedule, and performance. What is your answer to the interview panel? – (5 points)

2.For your final question the interviewer asks you to explain the definition of a project and how work on a project differs from ongoing operations. How would you answer the interviewer? (5 points)

3.You’re the project manager on a fixed price project. Is it feasible to use an agile approach in managing the team’s activities? Provide reasoning for your stance and discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of doing so.(5 points)

4.As a newly hired program manager you have a meeting to meet all your project managers and learn about the current status of their projects. As your discussion continues with one of your PMs, you find out that one of the reasons their project is behind schedule is because the PM claims that the program has been forced to do a lot of work and reporting that isn’t necessary for this type of project. You ask your PM if they attempted to tailor the work and reporting requirements. Your PM simply asks you what tailoring is (5 points) and how it could have helped prevent this issue (5 points). What is your response?

5.You are in the planning phase of a new project and are starting to work with your team to create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). How would you explain to the team what a WBS is and why we have one on a project? (5 points) What issues might a project face if it did not have a WBS? (5 points)

6.You are a project manager leading a cross-functional project team in a weak matrix environment. None of your project team members report to you functionally and you do not have the ability to directly reward their performance. The project is difficult, involving tight date constraints and challenging quality standards. What type(s) of project management power will likely be the most effective in this circumstance? (5 points)

7.While explaining how matrix organizations support program/projects to your project manager, it becomes obvious they know nothing about different organization structures and who is responsible for various activities under each structure. How do you explain to your PM the types of organization structures and differences between the responsibilities of the project manager from that of the functional manager in the execution of a project in each organization type? (5 points) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different organizational types. (5 points)

8.Your fellow project manager tells you they are about to start a new project but are unsure about the phases. Explain to them the phases of the project management lifecycle (5 points) and the purpose of each phase (5 points).

9.What is the most interesting or helpful thing you have learned so far this semester and what upcoming topic is of most interest to you? (5 points)

Comparative rssay


In this comparative essay, you will analyze and compare how filmic adaptations embody a key theme or issue from a literary text. In this three page essay (not including Works Cited), you will analyze either The Secret Life of Walter Mitty or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and their filmic adaptations. Once you’ve picked a story narrative, you will then need to note a theme or issue found in the text (short story/novel) and each filmic adaptation. As a reminder, a theme is a topic, subject, or even message within an artifact. To help identify a theme, you can ask yourself “what does [text] say about [theme/issue]”?

I choose Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you would need to discuss the 1964 children’s book ( I will attach the book for you ) and the two films: 1971 and 2005.

*** Note, I have taken out the option to write on Wonka. I will explain this in class.**

As an example, I might explore “fatphobia” as a theme in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I would need to establish that this is a theme in the text and then explore how the the 1971 film and 2005 film portray fatphobia. I would need a clear claim, such as

“Despite a more modern approach, the 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory uses similar filmic elements as the 1971 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to portray fatness as inherently bad”

“Both filmic adaptations further the them of “fatness” as inherently bad through their portrayal of Augustus.”

Rhetorical Situation

Audience: Professors within the HU/COM department

Task: Analyze and compare the treatment of one theme or issue and its representation in two filmic adaptations

Context: You can assume that readers will know of the artifacts, but may have not seen or read them in some time.

Purpose: Identify and discuss trends between an original artifact and it’s adaptations

Essay Structure and Minimum Requirements:

Must include an engaging title, intro, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion

Provide and follow a clear, engaging thesis, supported by topic sentences

Create a Works Cited (may be attached at end or on new page – up to you!)

Use MLA formatting throughout

Effectively and ethically uses textual evidence (from class texts and films) to support your claims

Do not use outside sources – this is a close analysis essay!

Have 3 double-spaced pages, 12 pt. Times New Roman black font

Clearly identify the theme/issue in the artifact and explore two filmic adaptations

Implement an effective organization strategy (suggestion: dedicate one body paragraph per film)

Student Learning Outcomes this Achieves:

Recognize the relationship between particular cultures and their artifacts; for example, understand the relationship between the dominant values of the cultures and the revolutionary quality of artifacts that challenge these cultures.

Understand the humanities as a record of what the culture values.

Recognize themselves as part of a cultural tradition, as inheritors and contributors to it.

Extend their critical thinking skills through examining and discussing primary texts.

Extend their writing skills through a variety of interpretive writing assignments.

CJ 140 Module Two Practice



In this course, you have learned the importance of different communication styles, methods, and approaches. Now, you are learning about crisis communication techniques and how to use them to effectively communicate. This assignment will help you practice identifying when to use different crisis communication techniques in different situations.


For this assignment, you will need to choose which crisis communication techniques you would use at different points of time in two different scenarios.

Scenario One

You are working as a Department of Children and Families (DCF) counselor, and you are meeting with a young, single mother at the DCF office. The mother is present with a close female friend, and you, as the DCF caseworker, must deliver a custody order from the family court. The mother has been deemed temporarily unfit to care for her daughter, who is two years old. As the meeting begins, the mother is seated in a chair, holding her daughter. The mother thought the meeting was a regular monthly meeting and does not know that she is about to lose custody of her daughter. You tell the mother about the custody order stating, “I am sorry about this, but this is the best for your daughter, and you, right now.” The mother begins to cry loudly and is refusing to let go of her daughter.

At this point, what crisis communication technique would you use to immediately handle the situation, and why?

An hour has passed; the mother still will not comply.

You now need to change your choice of crisis communication technique to handle the situation. What crisis communication technique would you use now, and why?

Scenario Two

A security officer (SO) at a local power plant responds to a report of a small group of protestors at the main gate to the property. The SO observes five demonstrators with signs demanding cleaner plant emissions, and they want to deliver a letter to the president of the power company. When asked, they state they will not leave until they deliver the letter. The ages of the demonstrators range from 65 to 80 years old. The SO advises the group, “You are trespassing on private property. I have called the police, and you will be subject to arrest if you do not leave.” The group responds loudly, “Hell no, we won’t go!” When the police arrive, the group is again told to leave. In response, they begin to blow bubbles at the officers.

Acting in the role of the police officer, what crisis communication technique would you use in this situation, and why?

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

Identify a crisis communication technique to immediately handle the situation in Scenario One.

Provide a rationale for the identified technique to immediately handle the situation in Scenario One.

Identify a new crisis communication technique for Scenario One.

Provide a rationale for the new crisis communication technique for Scenario One.

Identify a crisis communication technique for Scenario Two.

Provide a rationale for the identified technique in Scenario Two.



Case Study # 2: Managing Fluid Overload with Diuretic Drugs


Complete the following case study.  Students must handwrite their responses and upload to Canvas as a word doc or pdf file. 

Students must use resources and cite them in APA 7th edition format- click on link or go to the writing center for further assistance (APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition) – Purdue OWL® – Purdue University.  Answers must include in-text citations to back up the responses.

The APA citation page is the ONLY thing that can be typed.  Do NOT use a citation machine as it can be incorrect formatting.

Sources must be within 5 years of the current date (evidence-based practice). Earliest date that is allowed = 2019

View the rubric below to know how the case studies will be graded. 


Mr. Thompson is a 70-year-old Caucasian male who is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF). He has a history of hypertension and was recently diagnosed with systolic heart failure. Mr. Thompson reports progressive dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, and lower extremity edema for the past two weeks. His blood pressure (BP) readings are elevated, ranging from 160/100 mmHg to 180/110 mmHg.

Medical History:

  1. Systolic heart failure diagnosed recently


Progressive dyspnea, orthopnea, and lower extremity edema

  1. Current Medications:
  2. Lisinopril 20 mg once daily for hypertension

Physical Examination:

Blood pressure: 175/102 mmHg

Heart rate: 90 bpm

Respiratory rate: 24 breaths per minute

Bilateral crackles on lung auscultation

  • Lower extremity edema
  • Laboratory Results:
  • Elevated B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP): 800 pg/mL

Serum creatinine: 1.2 mg/dL

Electrolytes within normal limits

Assessment: Mr. Thompson is diagnosed with systolic heart failure exacerbation, and his hypertension needs to be managed to improve his symptoms and reduce fluid overload.

  • Plan:

Diuretic Medication Adjustment: The physician decides to adjust Mr. Thompson’s diuretic regimen to address fluid overload.

Selection of Diuretic Agent: Considering his clinical presentation, the physician chooses a loop diuretic for its potent diuretic effect.

Monitoring and Symptom Management: Close monitoring of fluid balance, electrolytes, and symptom improvement is crucial. Adjustments to the diuretic dose may be necessary.

  • Prescription: Furosemide (Lasix) 40 mg IV push, followed by 20 mg IV every 12 hours
  • Questions for Students to Answer:
  • Pathophysiology Understanding:
  • Explain how systolic heart failure contributes to fluid retention and the development of symptoms such as dyspnea and edema.
  • Diuretic Medication Knowledge:

Describe the mechanism of action of furosemide (Lasix).

What distinguishes loop diuretics from other diuretic classes, and why are they often preferred in heart failure management?

Patient Assessment and Monitoring:

  • Identify at least 3 key assessments and monitoring parameters to evaluate the effectiveness and potential complications of furosemide in Mr. Thompson.
  • Patient Education:
  • What information will you provide to Mr. Thompson regarding his new diuretic medication, furosemide?

How will you educate him on signs of worsening heart failure and the importance of medication adherence?

Collaborative Care:

What other interventions or therapies might be considered in the collaborative care plan for Mr. Thompson?

For all of the questions, make sure you include a rationale for your answers and use in-text citations to backup your response.  This helps build critical thinking skills. 

UMKC Discussion Forum #3


part one

The historian James Broussard explains how the actions of the British government shaped the colonial American mindset.

Citing evidence from Dr. Broussard’s lecture, explain the two most important factors the prepared the colonists to rebel against their home nation. to an external site.

part two:

American Yawp chapters:

Each week, students will practice using the 5 C’s of History to create an analysis of the two assigned chapters in The American Yawp. Each analysis will be written in essay form: 500 to 750 words long, written in complete sentences, and using paragraphs. When addressing the material from the chapters, students should quote from the text to support their claims.

Each analysis will take the following form:

  • Introductory paragraph concluding with an argumentative thesis
  • Five body paragraphs, one for each of the Five C’s
  • Conclusion

Five C’s and definitions:

Causality The clear, direct cause and effect relationship between two historical people, places, things, or ideas.

Contingency Outcomes that are possible but are dependent upon other historical factors.

Complexity Scrutinizing, considering, and identifying possible relationships between historical people, places, things, or ideas.

Change over time The difference in a single historical variable going forward in time.

Context The circumstances and facts required to understand and assess a specific event, person, or concept.

part three:

Jeffery Rosen (Constitution Center) and Jill Lepore (Rock Star Historian) discussed the Constitutional Convention.

Dr. Lepore argues that contradictions were embedded in both the nation and its constitution. What made the young nation a paradox? to an external site.

Cite evidence from the lecture to support your position.

part four:

American Yawp chapters:

Each week, students will practice using the 5 C’s of History to create an analysis of the two assigned chapters in The American Yawp. Each analysis will be written in essay form: 500 to 750 words long, written in complete sentences, and using paragraphs. When addressing the material from the chapters, students should quote from the text to support their claims.

Each analysis will take the following form:

  • Introductory paragraph concluding with an argumentative thesis
  • Five body paragraphs, one for each of the Five C’s
  • Conclusion

Five C’s and definitions:

Causality The clear, direct cause and effect relationship between two historical people, places, things, or ideas.

Contingency Outcomes that are possible but are dependent upon other historical factors.

Complexity Scrutinizing, considering, and identifying possible relationships between historical people, places, things, or ideas.

Change over time The difference in a single historical variable going forward in time.

Context The circumstances and facts required to understand and assess a specific event, person, or concept.

Discussion Board #10


Use the categories introduced in the text and pictured in Figure 10.1 on page 324 to describe which one (chose the closest one) communication pattern best describes your family origin.

Please be sure to give examples of your family using the communication pattern.

Then please respond  to another classmate’s post as required for all Discussion Board posts. Remember, that responses to classmates must also be two paragraphs.



Consensual families

Protective families

Pluralistic families

Laissez-faire families

surprising that conflict in these families is characterized by avoiding and obliging strategies.65 By contrast, communication in families with a low conformity

orientation is characterized by individuality, independence,

and equality. The belief in such families is that individual growth should be encouraged and that the interests of each individual member are more important than those of the family as a whole.

Conversation and conformity orientations can combine in four ways,

as shown in Figure 10.1. Each of these modes reflects a different family communication pattern: consensual, pluralistic, protective, or laissez-faire. To understand these combinations, imagine four different families. In each, a fifteen-year-old daughter wants to get a very visible and irreverent tattoo that concerns the parents. Now imagine how communication surrounding this issue would differ depending on the various combinations of conversation and conformity orientations.

A family high in both conversation orientation and conformity orientation is

consensual. Communication reflects the tension between the pressure to agree and preserve the hierarchy of authority and an interest in open communication and exploration. In a consensual family, the daughter would feel comfortable making her case for the tattoo, and the parents would be willing to hear the daughter out. Ultimately, the decision would rest with the mother and father. Families high in conversation orientation and low in conformity orientation

are pluralistic. Communication in these families is open and unrestrained, with all family members’ contributions evaluated on their own merits. It’s easy to visualize an ongoing family discussion about whether the tattoo is a good idea. Older and younger siblings—and maybe even other relatives—would weigh in with their perspectives. In the best of worlds, a consensus would emerge from these discussions. Families low in conversation orientation and high in conformity orientation

are protective. Communication in these families emphasizes obedience to authority and the reluctance to share thoughts and feelings. In a protective family, there would be little if any discussion about the tattoo. The parents would decide, and their word would be final. Families low in both conversation orientation and conformity orientation

are laissez-faire. Laissez-faire roughly translates from French as “hands off.” Communication in these families reflects family members’ lack of involvement with each other, and decision making is individual. In this type of family, the daughter might not even bring the tattoo up for discussion before making a decision. If she did, the parents would have little to say about whether their daughter did or didn’t decorate her body with permanent art. With the tattoo—and most other matters—their response would be an indifferent “Whatever.” 

you have to make an 8-10 slide presentation. I will provide all the intructions below, and readings.


For this first major assignment you are asked to work collaboratively with your peers (OR ON YOUR OWN)  to read, analyze, and synthesize sources on our case study topic: surveillance and privacy. We will be discussing the topic via our discussion boards in advance, but the collaborative presentation will give you a chance to go into more depth and will give you practice in developing an inquiry topic, conducting research, and analyzing sources.

If you want to work in a group, email me and (if I have others who want to collaborate) I will connect you. If you want to work with particular people (and they want to work with you too!) email me and copy those individuals on the email so I know you want to work as a group.

Please note that you DO NOT have to do this assignment as a group assignment!


We will all read and discuss the six essays on surveillance provided in the Module, which will give you multiple perspectives on the topic.

In addition, you/your assigned group will view at least one of the videos I’ve posted to Canvas on the topic of surveillance and privacy  ( video are below) and read one additional source (which should be a peer-reviewed journal article)   on the topic.

You/your group should imagine that you are being assigned to write a capstone-type project on this topic (remember, you will be choosing your own unique topics for the capstone project). Based on your readings and small group discussion, the group should come up with a hypothetical inquiry question on the topic (see The Craft of Research Ch. 3 and 4) and then choose a minimum of three sources to examine in depth. Provide an overview of each source you choose, which should include:

a brief summary of the source’s main arguments;

the disciplinary perspective(s) the source come from;

an examination of the validity of the source and any potential biases;

  • a brief QUESTION of how you could use the source in your hypothetical project. Would the source help support your argument? How so? Or would you argue against the points made in the source? Why? 
  • One of the major goals of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to explore different presentation styles so as to help you assess which methods would work best for your own research presentation later in the semester. Your group can choose to use PowerPoint or Prezi, but there are other options out there. While all presentations should have text, you can also choose to incorporate visuals.
  • Regardless of which program you choose, you should all have:
  • a title slide with a potential title for your project (and your group members’ names if appropriate);

a slide with your inquiry question;

slides with overviews of 3 sources – it should be clear which slide pertains to which source;

a conclusion slide in which you reflect on what you learned about developing inquiry questions and working with sources.