Circuit Training-


This week we will be focusing on circuit training. Circuit training is a workout method that involves rotating through several different exercises for a certain amount of time or number of repetitions, with little to no rest. You go from one exercise station to another, targeting various muscle groups.

Here are some key points about circuit training:

1) In circuit training, you move through a sequence of up to 10 exercises, each focusing on different muscle groups. You complete a set of exercises for a specific number of repetitions or a set amount of time. Then, without much rest, you swiftly transition to the next exercise station.

2) Time-Efficient: An entire circuit session can usually be completed in just 30–45 minutes. So, if you’re short on time but want an effective workout, circuit training is a great choice. 

3) Increased Strength: Circuit training targets both upper and lower body muscles, helping boost overall strength.

4) Weight Loss: By combining strength and cardiovascular exercises, circuit training aids in improving body composition—building muscle and shedding fat.


7 stations, 2 rounds, 1min and 30sec each station- Rest can be anywhere from 10-30sec depending on your level of fitness. 

1) Walking Lunges from one cone to another and jog back.

2) Cross-Lunges 10x, High Knees 10x

3) Plank Saw 10x, Shoulder Taps 10x

4) Mountain Climbers 20x, Prone Jack side Jumps 20x

5) Walkouts 10x, Cross punches (across body) 10x

6) Squats 10x, Shoulder press 10x (let’s get creative on what you use as weighs)

7) ABS —-> Your choice, choose 2 new exercises. 20x each.

Cool Down and Stretch 

After you complete the workout include the following questions in your exercise log, don’t forget to include the FIIT details! What type of equipment did you use for station number 6 that required some type of weight added? What are some of the differences you see when working out on your own vs working out with an instructor present?



Please complete this 8 Station Circuit, for 2 rounds, 40 seconds each station. Please limit rest to 10-30secs only. If any of these exercises are unfamiliar to you, please look up a video on how to properly do it. If you need to modify anything, please do and write it in your log. 

This is a dumbbell workout, if no weights are available, please use anything you may think of for added weight. 

1) Dumbbell Back Row – (Both arms at the same time)

2) Dumbbell Single arm Row – (Use a chair for this one if no bench available)

3) Dumbbell Chest Press – (Please use a bench or you can lay on the ground. Get creative!)

4) Dumbbell Chest Fly – (Please use a bench or you can lay on the ground. Get creative!)

5) Sumo Squat – (Feet should be wider apart than hip width)

6) Dumbbell Swing – (This exercise works your hamstrings and low back) 

7) Scissor Kicks – (May place hands behind your back on the ground for added support)

8) Leg swings – (Place hands under low back for added support when swinging legs back and forth)

Activity 41: Cultural Values & Communication (Part 1)



This discussion asks you to analyze the impact of cultural differences on business conversations and devise ways to improve understanding through cultural awareness of differences. It builds on the weekly learning goal of developing a culturally intelligent strategy for communicating with people from different cultures.

From the first moment, we begin talking with another person, we are opening the channels of communication to form an interpersonal relationship. “Relationship” is broadly defined as two people interacting in an interpersonal, one-on-one communication setting. However, cultural differences in communication styles affect perceptions and hinder understanding in relationships.

Post Instructions 

For this forum read the Cultural Conflicts section of the Script for Cultural Awareness published by Big World Media (pages 2-3). The section features a conversation between a U.S American on assignment in a Middle Eastern country and another employee of Middle Eastern origin. After reading the script, you will explore the importance of understanding other people’s values and see how different styles of communication based on cultural value dimensions can hinder understanding.

While people often share common values, they sometimes prioritize them differently. Brian and Ahmed both stress productivity; however, it’s comparatively more important for Brian based on his culture’s value dimension stressing competition. This is true for communication styles as well. Being direct is more efficient, but it can be disrespectful. Indirect communication is more diplomatic but can frustrate and mislead.

In low power distance cultures, such as the United States, the emphasis is on direct communication. High power distance cultures, which are more hierarchical, do not want to appear to challenge authority and are more indirect in their communication styles. It’s easy to spot differences in appearance, but our values and priorities are often hidden within. You need to cultivate awareness and sensitivity to understand our world’s diverse cultures, such as the Middle East in this business scenario. This is where an understanding of cultural value dimensions and differences becomes important, such as time orientation, low vs. high context, direct vs. indirect communication, individual vs. collective cultures, competitive vs. cooperative cultures and others discussed in the readings this week.

For your post to this activity forum, take the role of one of Brian’s friends or one of Ahmed’s friends.

Writing as Brian’s Friend

Brian tells you about his conversation with Ahmed; he asks for your opinion and advice. You gently cue Brian into the mistakes that he made and give him some suggestions for better preparing himself next time.

Writing as Ahmed’s Friend

Ahmed approaches you about the conversation; he feels like he failed to explain his culture to Brian. What should he have told Brian about his values and beliefs? You also give him some advice on how he could have communicated with Brian without offending him.

Regardless of your perspective, include terms and concepts from all of the week’s readings to support your ideas. After addressing the prompt, write a few sentences specifying examples from the readings that helped you to better understand the cultural value differences that Ahmed and Brian are facing.

seven doctrines of salvation



(Bilateral Covenants: Involving two parties.) (Unilateral Covenants: Occurring on or affecting one side only.) The seven doctrines of salvation are forgiveness, justification, reconciliation, redemption, sanctification, newness of life, and adoption. The seven elements or doctrines of salvation are divine works; they designate the divine side of salvation.  There are eight covenants between God and humanity or man. As we discussed in our earlier studies, covenants are the same as contracts. Meaning they can’t be broken or nullified. No matter how man breaks his end of the covenant, God finds another way to save or salvage out of the ruins and offer salvation.   I would like for you to use the seven doctrines of salvation to describe God’s willingness to save humanity. For example, take a look at biblical scripture concerning each covenant and give a brief summation by using one of the seven doctrines.                                                                                                                                                           [Promise]          [Penalty 1). EDENIC: covenant means rule: this is a bilateral covenant (Genesis 2:15-17) Eternal Rulership.   [physical                                                                                                                                                                                     [death   2). ADAMIC: covenant means redemption: is a unilateral covenant (Genesis 3:14-21) victory over Satan and death.                                                                                                                                                                                     [Penalty                                                                                                                                                                                      [None   3). NOAHIC: covenant means restraint. is a unilateral covenant (Genesis 6:7 8:21) not to destroy with flood.                                                                                                                                                                                      [Penalty                                                                                                                                                                                      [None   4). ABRAHAMIC: covenant means restore. is a unilateral covenant (Genesis 12:1-3 15:9 10:17) land, lineage, blessing.                                                                                                                                                                                     [Penalty                                                                                                                                                                                      [None              5). MOSAIC: covenant means revealed. “Israel” is a bilateral covenant (Exodus 19:5, 8) become God’s people                                                                                                                                                                                      [Penalty                                                                                                                                                                                   [Removal of                                                                                                                                                                                  [God’s blessing   6). PALESTINIAN: covenant means return. “Israel.” Is a unilateral covenant (Deuteronomy 30:1-10) return & dwell in land.                                                                                                                                                                                      [Penalty                                                                                                                                                                                       [None   7). DAVIDIC: covenant means reign. Is a unilateral covenant (2 Samuel 7:16) Descendent of David on the throne.                                                                                                                                                                                      [Penalty                                                                                                                                                                                      [None   8). NEW: covenant means regenerate. “Israel & grafted church” is a unilateral covenant (Jeremiah 31:31,34) indwelling Spirit.    [Penalty None]   1 John 5:16-17 KJV If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.   [17] All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.  (The book of Galatians explained) God has already chosen his clergy and positioned them with authority and power. These covenants will be established and completed.  Matthew 22:14 KJV For many are called, but few are chosen.  We are all facing challenges that may lead us to choose not to try our best or to give up but we are invited by God to live by Jesus’ example and by persevering, helping others and trying hard we can be chosen; just like Abraham and Moses who we have been learning about.  To be chosen, a person must accept his or her calling, be grateful for it, and move forward in serving God and His Son. However, being called is not enough to be a Saint. We must respond to that calling (invitation). Positive action is required! 

Stanford operational supply chain managment Creative Analysis of a Service System, Project Management with Correlated Activities


  1. CASE 1
  2. Describe the scenario you propose to analyze. Clarify your creativity in this example.
  3. Develop a model in Arena that reflects your scenario. There are no limits on how you choose
    to model the system. The model must have at least one of each of the following components
    (you may have more of each component):
    o Arrivals
    o Decision node or nodes
    o Process
    o Assign
    o A schedule
    o Optional1 components are not required, but are worth 0.5 points each
     A variable
     A Record module
  4. Explain metrics used to evaluate the system. These could be the default metrics from Arena,
    or new metrics. You should discuss at least 4 metrics.
  5. You may (but are NOT required to) develop a creative metric. This can be a combination of
    current metrics from Arena, or something else you measure in the simulation.
  6. Run the model for the base case, with at least 100 trials. Discuss key results from the Arena
    analysis. Make sure to highlight the metrics you proposed earlier.
  7. Suggest a recommendation for improving performance of the system. This recommendation
    must involve a policy class related to a key parameter or input of the model. Explain the
    rationale for using this policy class. The purpose of this policy class is to identify the
    relationship between one aspect of the model and various performance metrics you suggested
    earlier. (As an example, the policy class might be to change the arrival rate. The levels of the
    policy are the different arrival rates. This is probably a bad example, because arrival rates are
    not under your control.)
  8. Analyze this policy class using the Arena PAN tool. The policy class must have at least 10
    levels for the policy parameter. (This is called a Control in PAN.)
  9. Develop a table to clearly identify the relationship between different levels of the policy class
    and the metrics proposed earlier.
  10. Present at least 3 trade-off curves between important metrics of the model.
  11. Make a recommendation to management. Provide arguments justifying the recommendation.
  12. CASE 2
  13. Activities A and B start immediately. The time for each activity follows a Normal
    distribution with mean 50 days, and standard deviation 10 days.
    o The completion time for activities A and B is correlated, and the correlation parameter
    is . We will investigate how varying the correlation between these activities affects
    completion time of the project.

    •  Activity C begins only after both Activities A and B are completed. The time to complete
      Activity C follows a Uniform distribution between 20 and 40 days. Time for Activity C is
      not correlated with the other activities.
    •  Formally, we have:

    o Time-A ~ N(50 , 102)
    o Time-B ~ N(50 , 102)
    o Time-C ~ U[20 , 40]
    o Corr(Time-A , Time-B) = 

    •  Develop the analysis in Crystal Ball (or @Risk or Python)
    •  Evaluate completion time for the project, as a function of different levels of correlation
      between times of Activities A and B. Remember that correlation can be between -1 and +1.
      Include a printout of the completion times.
    •  If the objective is shortest completion time, what’s the best form of correlation between
      activities? Explain this result.

Discussion and reply


Initial post:

In preparation for the initial post, consider two (2)?of the leading causes of the American Revolution: 

The Proclamation Act of 1763 

The Navigation Acts 

The Stamp Act 

The Declaratory Act 

  • The Townshend Act 
  • The Boston Massacre 
  • The Coercive Acts 
  • Then, in one (1) to two (2) paragraphs, address one (1) of the following:  
  • Analyze the cause and effect of two acts passed by the British Parliament on British North America. Which of your two selections from the list above do you consider the most significant and why? 
  • Examine and explain the significance of the Declaration of Independence to the development of the American Revolution.
  • Use your own words use 2 scholary sources cited and use apa format


For this week’s discussion, I chose to analyze the cause and effect of the Stamp Act and the Boston Massacre.

The Stamp Act of 1765 was a direct tax imposed by the British Parliament on the American colonies, requiring them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. The act was met with widespread opposition among the colonists, who argued that they should not be taxed without representation in Parliament. This led to protests, boycotts, and acts of civil disobedience across the colonies. The Stamp Act Congress was convened,uniting colonial leaders in opposing British taxation policies and laying the groundwork for future cooperation and resistance.

  • The Boston Massacre of 1770 was a violent confrontation between British Soldiers and a crowd of colonists in Boston, Massachusetts. Tensions had been rising between the colonists and the British authorities, particularly due to the presence of British troops in Boston and the enforcement of unpopular policies. The massacre occurred when a mob began harassing British soldiers, leading to the soldiers firing into the crowd and killing five civilians. This event further inflamed anti-British sentiment in the colonies and fueled calls for independence.
  • In terms of significance, while both the Stamp Act and the Boston Massacre were crucial events leading to the American Revolution, in my opinion, the Stamp Act had a more profound and far-reaching impact. The Stamp Act directly challenged the principle of colonial autonomy and sparked organized resistance and unity among the colonies. It prompted the formation of the Stamp Act Congress, which laid the groundwork for future intercolonial cooperation and resistance against British policies. Additionally, the repeal of the Stamp Act marked a significant victory for the colonists and demonstrated the power of their collective action.

On the other hand, the Boston Massacre served as a rallying cry for the. Colonists further fueled anti-British sentiment, but it did not have the same organizational impact as the Stamp Act. While it contributed to the growing tensions between the colonies and Britain, the Boston Massacre was more of a catalyst for further resistance rather than a unifying force for colonial opposition. Therefore, while both events played important roles in the lead-up to the American Revolution, the Stamp Act is considered more significant due to its broader implications and its role in galvanizing colonial resistance against British taxation and control.

Project One Planning Document First Draft



You have identified an issue in the natural sciences and developed an  initial research question. In Modules Three and Four, you will practice  evaluating scientific sources and then identify and describe sources  related to your topic. As you investigate your topic through these  sources, you will revisit your research question and make adjustments.


In this first draft, you will identify appropriate resources related  to your issue and begin to analyze them and compile your reference list.  You will complete the first two critical elements (introduction and  body) of Project Part One, and you will complete a draft of the  conclusion in Modules Five and Six. You will also begin building  critical element IV, the reference list, in this draft.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Introduction: In this section, you will discuss  your natural science issue and select resources that you can use to  research the issue. This will lead you to the development of a research  question related to your issue. Specifically, you should: 

Describe the issue in the natural sciences that you  have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant? (You  identified this issue in Module One, but how would you revise this piece  now that you have received instructor feedback and investigated your  sources?)

Describe at least three science resources that you  could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be  relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for  the issue. In your Question, consider questions such as: What are  the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What  makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What  was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did  you make choices?

Based on your review of science resources, develop a specific question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?

  1. Body: In this section, you will use the natural  science resources that you selected to investigate your question,  focusing on an appropriate audience and the scientific principles  related to the issue. Make sure to cite your sources. Based on your  research: 

Identify an audience that would be interested in  your issue and the question you developed. For example, who would  benefit most from hearing your message, or who could best help in  addressing the issue?

Describe how and why you can tailor your message to  your audience, providing specific examples. For example, will your  audience understand scientific terminology and principles, or will you  need to explain them? How will you communicate effectively with your  audience?

Identify the natural science principle(s)  that apply to your question and issue. For example, if your issue is  global climate change, the principle you might identify is that the sun  is the primary source of energy for Earth’s climate system.

  1. Explain how the principle(s) you  identified apply to your issue and question. In other words, how are the  natural science principle(s) you identified relevant to your question  and issue?

INFO 4230 Section 001 – Records Management Operations (Spring 2024 1


Module 1 Discussion


The readings introduce you to records and document management, the differences between documents and records, and the competencies required for certification. Using the Vesper video and one other source, post at least 2 thoughts about what you learned about EDM and ERM. (2 sources required; 1 must be the Vesper video)  with the complete citation using APA style

Peer Post Response:

You are expected to reply to at least ONE response made by other students in class. (Note: No citations to readings are required for responses). The reply posts should be composed of “value-added” information reflecting your opinion and input. 

Discussion Tips:

Provide your original post or response to the discussion question (minimum of 200 words) in the “Message” box of the discussion thread (Note: attachments will not be accepted). The discussion posts must be thoughtful, reflective, and supported by evidence such as assigned readings or other external publications and websites.

Module 2 Discussion

Records and document management are NOT the same things, and it’s important that you can articulate the differences. For this post, compare and contrast the major differences between records management and document management.

Discussion Tips:

Provide your original post or response to the discussion question (minimum of 200 words) in the “Message” box of the discussion thread (Note: attachments will not be accepted). The discussion posts must be thoughtful, reflective, and supported by evidence such as assigned readings or other external publications and websites.

The initial post should address the question and include at least TWO references or citations from the readings or external material. If a link exists, provide a citation and link; otherwise, provide the complete citation using APA style.

Module 3 Discussion


you may choose one Topic.

  • Topic 1. Discuss the relationship between records management and risk management. Your discussion should include a brief Question of what both records management is/does and what risk management is/does. Then, explain/illustrate how records management relates to risk management. Use at least 2 sources

Topic 2. List at least 4 major benefits of deploying an electronic document and records management system AND explain why they are important/beneficial. You may respond to this prompt in list or paragraph format – just make sure what you say is comprehensive and makes sense. You also may want to refer back to the readings in weeks 1& 2. Be sure to use in-text citations to reference the course materials you use to create your post. Use at least 3 sources/ citations  in this post.

Peer Post Response:

You are expected to reply to at least one response made by other students in class. (Note: No citations to readings are required for responses). The reply posts should be composed of “value-added” information reflecting your opinion and input. 

Discussion Tips:

Provide your original post or response to the discussion question (minimum of 250 words) in the “Message” box of the discussion thread (Note: attachments will not be accepted). The discussion posts must be thoughtful, reflective, and supported by evidence such as assigned readings or other external publications and websites.

Final Project Proposal


Final Project Proposal


This is an individual effort assignment from each student in the course.


The Final Project Proposal is a written submission in which students identify and discuss the issue(s) surrounding their chosen themes/topics and propose a program, initiative, or activity that will address those issues. For example, a student from a previous semester chose the theme of Climate Change and Natural Disasters for his project package. For the Final Project Product Proposal, he discussed how climate change affects agriculture in South and Central America. Within the proposal, he identified the issue and causes, prior attempts and deficiencies in addressing the issue, and proposed the solution of enhancing global awareness through art (making information pertaining to climate change more appealing and interesting for a targeted audience). 

Sample Final Project 

Final Project Proposal TemplateActions

Students are required to submit drafts of the Final Project Product Proposal for feedback before submitting the final draft of the proposal.

Part 1:

The problem to be addressed

  • Problem subtopic

Possible causes and maintaining forces

Background and Justification

  • Part 2:

Newly proposed deliverable


Here are the recommended completion steps:

View the provided example and the sample template.

The student should select a global healthcare-related topic that truly interests them; they should not feel confined in this process. However, check with the instructor to confirm this topic is “OK.”

Identify a problem within that topic area, and then, write that problem as a research question. <<<<< Take time with this step. Historically, this is what students have struggled with the most. Here is a very brief example:

Topic = WNBA Basketball

  • Problem = There are not as many teams as the NBA so there is a limited variety of matchups.

Research question/subtopic = Based on past research, what are the major hurdles that are delaying the expansion of the WNBA?

  • Write part 1 mentioned above.
  • Identify a possible solution to the research question and substantiate why this is unique and better than previous solutions to the problem.
  • *NOTE: This will be the catalyst for the dynamic deliverable. For example, If your solution to the lack of teams in the WNBA is to write an NBA bylaw that requires NBA teams to also have a “sister” WNBA team. The dynamic deliverable would be that bylaw. If your solution is to have a TV campaign to encourage fans to write letters to NBA owners (who don’t have a WNBA team) and encourage them to start one, the dynamic deliverable would be an original video of that TV commercial.
  • Write part 2 mentioned above.
  • Review to ensure all the required subheadings, from the template, are included and covered.  

Example themes/topics/global health problems may include (but are not limited to):

  • Obesity & Heart Disease

Food/Water Insecurity, Hunger, & Poverty

Medical Tourism

  1. Climate Change & Natural Disasters
  2. Abortion & Family Planning
  3. Universal Healthcare vs. Private Sector Insurance-based Payers

Health & Wellbeing for Nations at War/Unrest

  1. Vaccinations, Genetic Testing, Autism & Developmental Disabilities
  2. Global Health Security & Preparedness for Aggressive Communicable Diseases
  3. LGBT Community Health
  4. Cancer
  5. Euthanasia / Death & Dying 

Attention Research Proposal for a product with two ads



Choose a product or other “offering” (e.g., Diet Coke) and find two ads for it from 2018-2024. The offering can be anything, like a good, service, event, or activity. Both ads need to come from the same type of medium (e.g., magazine, commercial, podcast, etc.), but can be from different specific sources within that medium. For example, if the medium you choose is podcasts, then the Diet Coke ads you select could be from Planet Money and Radiolab podcasts.

Begin by briefly (in a sentence or two) describing each ad. What offering do the ads promote? In what main ways do the ads differ? Please attach the ads to the assignment (photo, screenshot, or link to the source). 

  • Next, state your hypothesis: which ad do you predict to be more likely to attract consumers’ attention? State your reasons for formulating this hypothesis: what, specifically, about this ad will make it more attention-getting? Be sure to support this hypothesis with what you’ve learned in class and from the readings. 
  • Now, propose two research methods to test this hypothesis. 
  • The first one should NOT be an experiment. That is, it should describe how you could find correlational evidence that is consistent with your hypothesis out in the real world, but it should not involve causality / random assignment to different conditions. (We saw some examples of non-causal data in Class 2: see slides 25 and 30-32.)
  • The second research method SHOULD be an experiment. I.e., it should involve your intervening by randomizing things or people to different conditions. In this case, “things or people” can be consumers, locations, days, or any other unit you think makes sense.

For each research method, discuss how you would implement these research methods. In other words, describe exactly what would happen. Who would your participants be? What would you ask them to do, or what kind of data would you seek out? You can assume that you have no cost or time constraints in implementing your methods. 

  • For each method, describe exactly how you would operationalize attention. That is, how would you measure attention to know which ad better attracted attention? For example, would you ask participants which ad got their attention? Would you test their memories for the ads? Would you monitor whether the ads distract them from some other task? You can be creative, but be sure to explain how you would determine whether an ad has gotten someone’s attention. 
  • You should use different operationalization categories for your two methods. For example, if for your non-experiment you are measuring attention by observing behavior, your experiment should use a survey scale or a biological marker.
  • Discuss the advantages and the limitations of each of the research strategies you’ve developed, focusing both on the experimental versus non-experimental dimension, and the different attention operationalizations you’ve chosen. Don’t just copy the pros and cons from your notes: be specific and thoughtful in describing how these pros and cons would play out in the settings you’ve created. 

Post your completed outline


Week 6 – Outline for week Final Research Paper


This week (week 6) you will be completing your outline for your research paper which is due by the end of Week 7.  This weeks assignment is a one-page outline for your week 7 paper.  You will use proper outline formatting and address key points for your paper.  Remember – this week is just an outline!  You will gather your thoughts and begin to lay the foundation for your paper.  (An example is attached).

Use outline formatting, such as:

I.  Introduction

    A.  Main Point

    B.  Secondary Point

II.  Body – Paragraph 1

    A.  Main Point

    B.  Secondary Point  …

There are three parts to this requirement.

1. You will complete an outline for your paper that will serve as your basis for writing your research paper. Be as detailed as possible, using an outline format.  Be sure to include references.

2. You will post your outline in the Week 6 discussion area. Classmates will have the opportunity to review and recommend changes or additions to your outline.

3.  By Sunday, you will consider those suggestions and revise your outline, then submit it to the assignment link.

Instructions: In this course, we look at a verity of different interview techniques and styles. We also look at the different kinds of perspectives on ethical issues and how they fit into properly conducting interviews.

For this paper, you will pick a course related topic to discuss, but one that is not a specific topic addressed in our text. Be creative! I do not want you to reiterate the text, but choose a topic in the text and expand on it. Don’t provide the same examples the text uses. Some examples are given below, but it is recommended that you choose to write on a topic you have already encountered or you have thought about previously. Of necessity, the instructions for this assignment are somewhat vague. Each student will have to explore different resources and will need to develop an individual approach to the subject. The goal is a brief but detailed exploration of some narrowly defined aspect of Interviewing Practices.

Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic and what some weaknesses are. Drawing on various sources, explain the details of your topic. Assume I know nothing about this topic and share your research on it with me. Why is it important? What have you learned? What are the Pro’s and Con’s? When would this be used? What is the history on this topic?

Research papers are generally divided into two main categories: informative or argumentative. Informative papers generally demonstrate your understanding of a subject, simply reflecting what information is out there. Or you can choose to write an argumentative paper. You could information, offering commentary and opinions though taking no clear position, or you may offer a solution to a problem or argue that a law is having an unwanted effect.

The more specific you can be the better, and feel free to include examples that will strengthen your account.