Acquire and prepare datasets of your choosing for your own chosen location and study. Now, it

is your turn! Your task is to choose a place and bring together a variety of data in ArcGIS Pro,
such that the data are ready for study with each other. Do NOT merely replicate the datasets
that are already provided for your location of interest. You may go through similar types of
workflows as described in the sections above. Your requirements are as follows:
a. Choose a bounded location. You can use an administrative boundary, such as a
neighborhood, city, or county boundary, or you can draw your own boundary, as was done
in the above workflow.
b. Choose your location carefully. If you choose a very large area, your processes with take
longer than they would for smaller areas. Similarly, you can choose anywhere in the world,
but your work will be much more streamlined in you choose a place with good data
c. Find four sets of data from at least four data sources. Do NOT merely replicate the
datasets that are already provided for your location of interest.
d. Choose at least one raster layer.
e. You can choose your data as if you were going to conduct a study, such that all the data
layers are relevant to your given topic, but you are not required to do so. If you propose a
study, it need be only generally stated, as the study described herein is a broadly described
study of buildings and land cover at the UPC campus.
f. Choose an appropriate projected coordinate system for a spatial analysis in your study area.
g. Ensure that none of your data exceeds your chosen boundary.
12. Write up your results in a short report. The report should have your name, a title, and section
headings. The report should have high-quality language, free of grammatical and spelling errors.
Figures should have captions and be referred to in your text, as done in these instructions. Write
out prose in complete sentences for each section; do not just use bullet points. All language must
be in your own words no quotations, even properly cited ones. Citations to your sources of
information, such as for information about your chosen datasets and projected coordinate
system, should be in the Author-Date format of Chicago Manual Style and properly referenced
at the end of the written report. The report need only be long enough to clearly respond to the
listed topics for each of the following sections:
a. Introduction. Briefly summarize the data, methods, and goal of your data acquisition and
preparation project. (1 pt.)
b. Assessment of exemplar project. Briefly summarize the exemplar project and respond to
the questions posed in step 10 in prose NO bullet points or pasting of the
prompt/questions. (1 pt.)
c. Study area and coordinate system. Describe the geographic location of your data
collection and preparation project. Describe the boundary that defines the study area.
Describe and explain your choice of coordinate system for your study. (1 pt.)
d. Data Acquisition and Preparation. Go through each of your (at least) four chosen data
sets, and provide: (1.5 pts. per data set; 6 points total)
i. A QUESTION of the data, including what aspect of the real world it purports to

Geology of the National Parks


Q1. Use the correct ONE WORD geologic term to identify the particular type of unconformity this man is pointing to with his hands:

Q2.Question (10 points): In the area below use a word or phrase to answer each of the 3 questions about these rocks in the Grand Canyon NP.

1) Start with the oldest layer – Layer A:

1. What is the name of this formation in the Grand Canyon?

2. What type of rock is this: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary?

3. What is the name of the other rock type (but not shown in this picture) that is associated with Layer A in the Grand Canyon?

4. What type of rock is this second rock unit: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary?

5. Using the Geologic Time Scale (Lec 3 & Lec. 6), in what geologic time Period did both of these rock types form?

2) Next, write 2 short sentences to describe the 2 primary events what happened between Layer A and Layer B. How much time does this represent?

3) Finally, answer these questions about the younger Layer B:

1. What is the name of this formation in the Grand Canyon?

2. What type of rock is this: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary?

3. Using the Geologic Time Scale (Lec 3 & Lec 6), in which geologic time Period did

Layer B form?

Q3. In the area below write 3 paragraphs with a total of at least 18-20 lines of text using well-formed, complex sentences that describe the significance of this feature for the science of geology. The answers for this question come directly from the slides in Lecture 2 and Lecture 6. Do not use online sources, including Al, to answer these questions.

Paragraph 1 = 15 points. Relate this feature to relative dating techniques, that were used prior to radiometric dating to determine the sequence of geologic events shown in this

Image. This first paragraph must include and define all the relevant Principles of Relative Dating seen in this image.

1. (A) Start by listing and defining all the Principles of Relative Dating that relate to the formation of Layer A.

(B). Next, describe the complete sequence of events for the formation of Layer A, starting with the probable original rock type for Layer A (refer to Lec. 6). Include how Layer A is associated with the second rock type of the same age (but not shown in this image).

2. Describe the 2 primary events that occurred between Layer A and Layer B. What is the time interval between Layer A and Layer B?

3. Next for Layer B describe the complete sequence of events to explain how it formed.

Paragraph #2 = 5 points: Describe basic information about Radiometric Dating techniques, including how ions decay and timing of decay. How are radiometric dates used

with relative dating? What information does radiometric dating provide about the age of the Earth?

Paragraph #3 = 5 points: Do you believe it is necessary to know the absolute radiometric dates to determine the sequence of events in this image? Why or why not? If you see

these relationships in another location, what will be your interpretation for the events that caused such relationships in that location?

51 Discussion


Background Information

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.(English Standard Version, 2016, Romans 5:1-5)

In your Applied Doctoral Projects, you need to justify yourself. After conducting a robust literature review, guided by your research questions, you will carefully consider the remaining knowledge gaps, and then select a methodology to complete your research. This selection must be robustly defended in your ADP. You will be expected to clearly justify your reasons for making your decision.

But in Christianity, justifying yourself isn’t possible. Virtually every religion teaches that humans, due to their sinful natures and failings, owe a debt to God. This debt must be paid before we are allowed to enjoy the eternal blessings of an afterlife (Heaven). But unlike with other major religions, in Christianity, this debt was paid for us. We were justified by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

We all fall short of God’s standards and are ultimately bankrupt. When a debtor is unable to repay their debts, the lender might choose to forgive those debts. The debtor is released from their obligation, but the cost was never actually paid. Perhaps you have been in this position, where you forgave someone who has wronged you or who owed you money. If you have been in this position, you will likely understand that while you forgave the debt, it wasn’t completely forgotten. It likely changed the nature of your relationship with the person who wronged you.

Justification is something above and beyond simple forgiveness. Jesus Christ, the son of God, through his death, paid off our debt of sin for us. The debt wasn’t just forgiven; instead, it was justified the price has been paid in full! In so doing, Jesus reconciled all of us sinners into a fully restored relationship with God the Father.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review the background information provided and seriously consider how it applies to your current relationship with God and your fellow debtors (all humanity).
  3. Access the discussion below and respond to the following questions:
    1. In your ADP, you will be expected to justify your positions not by faith, but by works – With sound reasoning and lots of citation support. How do you feel about this requirement? Is it fair? Why is it important to those who will review your work?
    2. In Christianity, you are justified by faith, not by your works With the recognition your salvation depends on Jesus, not yourself. How do you feel about this reality? Is it fair? Why is it important to Those who will judge your time on earth?

I-human HPI and Management Plan template


CC (reason for encounter): brief subjective QUESTION. You will type this and the HPI in the EHR section of the case (NOT the problem statement).

HPI (History of present illness): It can only be graded from this place!  You will receive a zero for this section if not in the correct place.   

This is the symptom analysis section of your note. Thorough documentation in this section is essential for patient care, coding, and billing analysis. Paint a picture of what is wrong with the patient. This is for subjective findings. Use LOCATES or OLDCARTS Mnemonic to complete your HPI, but this is meant to help you develop the paragraph and should not be headings in a professional note. You need to start EVERY HPI with age, race, and gender (e.g., 14-year-old AA male). You must include the seven attributes of each principal symptom in paragraph form not a list. Include any pertinent history information that might impact the differential diagnosis formulation. If the CC was “headache,” the LOCATES for the HPI would include the following information: 

Onset: 3 days ago 

Location: head 

Duration: Lasts for an hour or two

Character: pounding, pressure around the eyes and temples 

Associated signs and symptoms: nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia 

Relieving factors/Exacerbating factors: light bothers eyes, Aleve makes it tolerable but not completely better 

Timing: after being on the computer all day at work 

Severity: 7/10 pain scale 

Management Plan Templatemust include these headings: This section is worth 70 points.

1. Problem Statement 5 pts 

Problem statement should include:

a. CC

b. Key subjective findings (symptoms)

c. Key objective findings (PE)

2. Primary Diagnosis, Differentials & Coding—10 points (all areas must be addressed)

a. What is the primary dx ICD-10 code (1 point):

b. What is your rationale for arriving at this primary diagnosis? You must integrate the pertinent finding and support your rationale with evidence-based literature (resources) (4 points)

c. Include CPT codes, and any procedural codes (such as nurse lab draws, vaccinations given, biopsies) (2 points):

d. Differential diagnoses (ddx)with rationale and resources. Minimum of 3-5 differentials (primary dx does not count as a differential). For well-child visit, if there are no other health issues, then differentials are not needed. (3 points)

i. DDx#1-

ii. DDx#2-

iii. DDX #3-

3. Medications: (10 points)- Must be written as a prescription.

For example:

Med: Amoxicillin 400mg/5ml, 5 tsp po BID x 10days

4. Treatment plan / SDOH / Health Promotion 20 pts

a. Treatment plans-should be supported by clinical guidelines.  Should include non-pharmacological interventions. (10 points)

b. SDOH: address all 6 areas of social determinants of health (5 points)

c. Health Promotion/Anticipatory guidance: (5 points)

Must list a minimum of 5 age appropriate. Do not simply write f/u on vaccinations, be specific. Use your Bright Futures to help you with this area.

5. Pt. education (10 points)- – Educate parent and patient about today’s visit/diagnosis/meds etc. Must list a minimum of 5 patient education regarding today’s visit.

6. Follow up- 10 pts

a. Timing/when: (2 points)

b. Instructions: (4 points)

c. Symptom to watch for that will prompt a return (red flags): (4 points)

7. References 5 pts

a. *In text citations- (1 point)

b. *Min 3 evidence-based references  less than 5 y/old ( 3points)

c. *Clinical guidelines cited in treatment plan- ( 1 point)

Edit and re-write the atrocious rough copy into a minimum 325-word, maximum 375-word hard news story


When rough copy makes its way to your computer, fixing GSP errors, rooting out bias or judgmental reporting and paying attention to AP Style presents challenges for a copy editor.

Luckily, you’ve taken a course that has trained you for the job.

Chapter 7  from this module provides guidance about holes, redundancies, tone, bias and other problems associated with rough copy.

Use your knowledge from this and past chapters., plus  your proficiency with AP Style, grammar, punctuation and spelling to edit this news story: Highway Patrol investigates statewide crashes

Please download the Editing Rough Copy assignment.

Once you have finished editing and polishing this story, submit it as a Word document following the directions below.


Edit and re-write the atrocious rough copy into a minimum 325-word, maximum 375-word hard news story following the tips in Chapter 7,  the examples and style sheets provided.

Do not go over or below the word count.

This means many details in this rough copy story will have to be revised or not used. AP style errors abound in this story. Incorrect punctuation, abbreviations and grammar/spelling/punctuation errors can be found in the story.  

As an editor, you have to make decisions. Follow the editing instructions below or lose points.

Edit this story like a pro, by checking:

Headline: The one provided for the story doesn’t work. Revise.

Lead: Do the edits make the lead readable? Does the edited lead follow the structure of an inverted pyramid story?

Lead rules. The lead should be one sentence. A lead does not contain names of persons who do not have prominence. Review the style sheet for leads in the assignment.

Paragraph length. After the lead, paragraphs are 1-3 sentences. That’s the style best used for print and online stories. Blocks of type are not readable.

  1. Sentence lengths. Generally, 15-30 words. Overly wordy sentences require punctuation and often the meaning of the sentence is lost. Breaking up wordy sentences into two sentences or trimming excess words is the key to success here.
  2. Body: Is the body of the story free from grammar/spelling/punctuation and AP errors?
  3. Make sense. Does the story flow logically?
  4. Are there statements in the copy that have no attribution/source that raises questions that need to be answered? If so, find an answer or delete the statement.
  5. Quotations: Do the quotations follow the quotation style published in the AP Style Book? Are they punctuated correctly?
  6. Direct quotations are always stand-alone paragraphs. Don’t combine then with other copy, it dilutes the readability and impact of a direct quotation.
  7. Writing quality. Are the paragraphs connected to each other by transition sentences? Is the information arranged in inverted pyramid format?
  8. Libel/fairness. Is there faulty or biased information that needs to be taken out of the story regarding libel and fairness?
  9. Delete button. Some details in the rough copy need to be deleted or rewritten. Not every detail deserves to be in the story.
  10. Redundant terms, words etc. Write concisely and eliminate redundancies and clunky ways of saying things.
  11. Revise, revise and then, yes, take another look at the edited story you turn in.
  12. Does the final product look and read like a news story you would read online or in print? 

MSW 640 week 10 discussion post



It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. All posts should be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource, ideally within the last 5 years. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citations and references must adhere to APA format.

Classroom Participation

Students are expected to address the initial discussion question by Wednesday of each week. Participation in the discussion forum requires a minimum of three (3) substantive postings (this includes your initial post and posting to two peers) on three (3) different days. Substantive means that you add something new to the discussion supported with citation(s) and reference(s), you are not just agreeing. This is also a time to ask questions or offer information surrounding the topic addressed by your peers. Personal experience is appropriate for a substantive discussion, however, should be correlated to the literature.

All discussion boards will be evaluated utilizing rubric criterion inclusive of content, analysis, collaboration, writing and APA. If you fail to post an initial discussion or initial discussion is late, you will not receive points for content and analysis, you may however post to your peers for partial credit following the guidelines above.

Initial Response


The U.S. Census Bureau defines family as a “household that has at least two members related by blood, marriage, or adoption, one of whom is the householder.”

What do you think about this definition?

Does this definition reflect your family or other families you know?

Is this definition limiting?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 25 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Peer Response


You are expected to actively participate in the forums each week. Responses to others must add substantively to the discussion by building upon classmates’ ideas or posing critical questions to further the discussion. For example, a posting of “I agree with what people are saying” is not sufficient. What is considered sufficient is initiating further discussion, promoting further thought, providing critical or integrative dialog providing effective support or encouragement, challenging by showing supporting literature or other documentation, and/or self-reflecting regarding the topic. You must respond to at least two other peers’ initial posts. 

Please read and respond to at least two of your peers’ initial postings. You may want to consider the following questions in your responses to your peers:

Compare and contrast your initial posting with those of your peers.  

  • How are they similar or how are they different?

What information can you add that would help support the responses of your peers?

Ask your peers a question for clarification about their post.

  • What most interests you about their responses? 



An understanding of the respiratory system is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the fact that oftentimes, the respiratory system works closely with the cardiovascular system. A variety of factors and circumstances that impact the emergence and severity of issues in one system can have a role in the performance of the other.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their capacity to work together. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact.

An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in the respiratory system is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

Note: These readings are intended to serve as supplementary to the Lecturio content provided in this course. Please refer/review these supplementary resources should you need help in reinforcing concepts and in preparation for completing this week’s Assessments.

  • McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.
    • Chapter 32: Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems; Summary Review
    • Chapter 33: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function (stop at Dysrhythmias); Summary Review
    • Chapter 35: Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System; Summary Review
    • Chapter 36: Alterations of Pulmonary Function (stop at Disorders of the chest wall and pleura); (obstructive pulmonary diseases) (stop at Pulmonary artery hypertension); Summary Review

The Assignment

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

  • The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
  • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
  • How these processes interact to affect the patient.
  • In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following
    • The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
    • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
    • How these processes interact to affect the patient.

    Scenario: A 50-year-old white female presents to the emergency room with complaints of increased chest congestion with purulent sputum production for the last 3 days. The patient reports she has had some increased dyspnea and is using her albuterol inhaler which isn’t helping her symptoms. The patient reports a history of tobacco use for last 10 years and a history of COPD which was diagnosed last year. The patient reports that her primary care provider ordered another medication for the COPD but she couldn’t afford it. The patient denies fever. The patient’s vital signs: BP 148/90, pulse 108, respirations 22, O2 sat 92%, and temp 98.1F. Chest x-ray reveals hyperinflation with flattened diaphragm but is without effusions or infiltrates.

Ad Lib & Ethogram Observational Studies


Lab Breakdown Video:

In this lab, students will observe primates. They will conduct an ad lib study and create an ethogram. Instructors may choose to assign this lab along with the “Primate Behavior Lab: Part II,” in which students use the ethogram they create in this lab while conducting scan sampling and continuous focal animal sampling.

Collecting Data in an Online Lab Class

For our online class you will be practicing the following instructions either using a primate webcam at a zoo or by observing a group of humans using this particular technique. 


Conduct an ad lib observation of one species of primate to look for patterns of behavior you have read about.  Then provide an Ethogram of the primate species


Collect your observations of a group of primates via one of the zoo webcams linked below. If you aren’t able to access the webcams, you may observe a group of humans. If you observe humans, use the same procedures and pretend you don’t understand why they might be doing things, only describe what they are doing with out any interpretation. Create an ethogram of the behaviors you observed.

Chattanooga Zoo TamarinsLinks to an external site.

Detroit Zoo Japanese MacaquesLinks to an external site.

Houston Zoo ChimpanzeesLinks to an external site.

PIN Common MarmosetsLinks to an external site.

Reid Park Zoo LemursLinks to an external site.

San Diego Zoo BaboonsLinks to an external site.

San Diego Zoo OrangutansLinks to an external site.


  • 1. Ad lib data:

Review one of the previous pages on: Ad Lib Studies

On any piece of paper you have handy (8 1/2 x 11 notebook paper or printer paper is best), write the common and scientific names of the species you have selected, as well as the number and types of individuals (how many primates, females, males and children). You may need to browse on the zoo website to find the needed information. Write everything you see happening in the enclosure for a period of 30 minutes (make sure you review the example on the Ad lib study page). Do not rewrite or type up your notes. Use additional sheets of paper if needed. Write down what happens, who does it, and when. Submit a photo or several photos, or a scanned version, of the actual notes you wrote at the zoo. You can take the photo with your phone or any other tech you have available. 

2. Review Developing an Ethogram: After you collect your ad lib notes, complete the table on the Week Download Week2 Ad Lib Ethogram.docx Download 2 Ad Lib Ethogram.docxworksheet listing and describing the behaviors you observed for your species. Please open this in Word or Google docs and type your work into the table. Save it and upload it back into the assignment along with the photos of your ad lib notes.

Effect of interest rates on bond value and the ripple effect


Changes in value of financial assets, and bonds in particular, is the topic for this discussion. The US Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) has increased interest rates, specifically the federal funds rate (the rate banks charge other banks, usually for overnight loans).

Fed interest rate today 2022-present: The Fed’s latest moves in an era of soaring inflation

Rate hikes 2022-present

Meeting date

Rate change

Target range

March 15-16, 2022

+25 basis points

0.25-0.5 percent

May 3-4, 2022

+50 basis points

0.75-1 percent

June 14-15, 2022

+75 basis points

1.50-1.75 percent

July 26-27, 2022

+75 basis points

2.25-2.5 percent

Sept. 20-21, 2022

+75 basis points

3-3.25 percent

Nov. 1-2, 2022

+75 basis points

3.75-4 percent

Dec. 13-14, 2022

+50 basis points

4.25-4.5 percent

Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2023

+25 basis points

4.5-4.75 percent

March 21-22, 2023

+25 basis points

4.75-5 percent

May 2-3, 2023

+25 basis points

5-5.25 percent

July 25-26, 2023

+25 basis points

5.25-5.5 percent

Source: Fed’s board of governors

As you can see from the data above, interest rates increased by 5% between March 2022 and July 2023. With these changes, there was a ripple effect felt across the economy. The value of bond portfolios held by banks as well as individual investors dropped, the “cost” of borrowing money increased across the board from car loans to mortgage loans as well as business loans.

For your discussion this week, I’d like for you to pick a sector or topic and discuss the impact of the interest rate increases. Below are examples of directions you could take:

Personally (Never put personal info in the post that you are uncomfortable with!! Speak in generalities if you prefer, the point is to apply the interest rate change impacts to your post.

How have the interest rate changes impacted on your purchase decisions maybe it is to delay a major purchase (car or house maybe).

What about the buy vs. rent decision? There have been articles on how the relative economics have changed recently.

Have you modified investment allocations in your portfolio or IRA/401K investments?

Banking sector:

Pick a bank that has failed or was purchased by another bank because of problems with their bond portfolio or similar situation. What was the underlying problem at the bank? What was the outcome? Yes, a deeper discussion of SVB is acceptable here as long as you cite an additional outside credible source. The number of troubled banks is limited.

Corporate sector:

Pick a company that may have had to change their plans on raising funds because of required higher coupon rates. Maybe the company has experienced changes in its sales because consumers are holding off on spending.

Maybe discuss a firm that has had a hard time getting loans because of high rates.

There are a lot of different directions you can go with your post, but no matter what you choose (even personal) you MUST have at least one credible outside source (remember that Investopedia and Wikipedia are not considered reliable). As with any discussion, be sure to reread the grading rubric before posting.

Bottom line:

What aspect are you discussing? What changed, and why? How did decisions or outcomes change from what would have been expected without the interest rate increases? The “so what” is where I’m looking for. Go beyond “interest rates went up, bond prices went down”

PSY 211- Module Three Journal



Although their self-awareness is limited, newborns demonstrate some degree of it; this can be observed in the rooting response and what triggers it. From their earliest moments of life, newborns learn that their own crying may result in the attention of a caretaker on a continuous, interval, or ratio reinforcement schedule. This conditioning process, which involves a stimulus and a response, represents the fundamental basis of classical conditioning. Likewise, small children may get teased by their classmates or scolded by a teacher for picking their noses, causing them to refrain from engaging in the behavior in front of others. This associative learning process, or operant conditioning, continues throughout the life span.

These scenarios suggest that our self-awareness and self-regulation have social origins, which are influenced by our environment and experiences. Self-awareness, understanding what affects our behaviors, enables us not only to build upon our strengths, but to identify opportunities to improve upon those strengths. Self-regulation, the ability to control our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, enables us to learn new behaviors and change existing ones. Recall that both self-awareness and self-regulation are elements of emotional intelligence (EI).


The following resource supports your work on the activity:

Module Three Activity Template Word Document

For this journal activity, in order to better understand the principles of behaviorism, you will review the overview as well as thoughtfully apply theory to your lived experiences to complete the Module Three Activity Template. In the template, you must address each of the following rubric criteria with a minimum of 2 to 5 sentences.

  • Describe a specific behavior that you learned in response to an external stimulus. Address the following in your response:

What external stimulus affected your behavior?

Were you aware that your behavior was being influenced by the stimulus? If so, how did you know?

Explain whether the conditioned behavior was positive or negative.

  • If positive, in what ways can you continue to reinforce this behavior?

If negative, what are some steps you can take to change this behavior?

Describe a specific behavior that you changed in response to an external stimulus. Address the following in your response:

  • What external stimulus affected your behavior?
  • Were you aware that your behavior was being influenced by the stimulus? If so, how did you know?
  • Explain whether the change in behavior was positive or negative.

If positive, in what ways can you continue to reinforce this behavior?

If negative, and if it is something that you would like to change again, what are some steps you can take to change this behavior?

  • Explain why one of the behaviors described above is an example of classical conditioning (Watson), operant conditioning (Skinner), or neither of these. Address the following in your response:
  • If one of the above types of conditioning applies to your example, which specific features helped you to identify it?
  • Explain why this type of conditioning is most effective in learning or changing this behavior.

If neither type of conditioning applies to the behavior, why is this the case? Explain your response in terms of specific conditioning features (e.g., stimulus, response, association) or inherent aspects of the behavior itself.