report on uranus



  1. Where is the location?

What previous missions/spacecraft have explored this location?

What was the objective of the missions exploring there or was it frontier exploration?

  • Gradations:
  • Excellent [11-12pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  • Data [12pts]:


What types of instruments have been used to collect data about this location?

  • What kind of data has been collected (samples, pictures, measurements)?

What is the data going to be used for (i.e. learning about geology, mapping certain aspects of the surface, doing atmospheric science, etc.)?

  1. Gradations:

Excellent [11-12pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.

Phenomenon [18pts]:

  • Prompts:
  • What phenomena have been observed?
  • What makes this location special in regards to observed phenomena?

What aspects of this location are unique in the solar system, or archetypical?

What are the important discoveries that have been associated with this location?

  • Gradations:

Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 4 prompts with each meeting high standards.

  1. Processes [18pts]:


What processes have been suggested to explain why the observed features and phenomena occur?

  • What aspects of this location have helped build better understanding of these processes?
  • Where else in the solar system do these processes occur (or have been speculated to occur)?
  • Gradations:
  • Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.

Future study [18pts]:


  • What questions remain unanswered?

What competing theories are there?

  1. What evidence has been provided as support for each theory?

What new evidence will help resolve disputes and answer the remaining questions?


  • Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering 3 out of 4 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  • Clarity [24 pts]: The ease that the reader understands the information in the report. Use of
  • figures, equations, charts (which should all have captions) can greatly improve clarity and

complement the Questions and explanations that are provided in the text of the report.


  • Contains at least 2 visual items such as figures / drawings / graphs / charts

Each visual item is labeled, includes a caption, and is referenced in the text with additional Question

  1. The information contained in the report is highly organized


Excellent [20-24pts]: Contains all 3 criteria with all 3 meeting high standards.

  • Proper use of citation [12 pts]: All text should be written in your own words, and citations
  • should be provided to indicate the sources of information following APA 7 guidelines. A separate page of references used should be included at the end of your report. In the very rare case that highly technical, or complex, information cannot be paraphrased without significant degradation of the meaning, then it becomes appropriate to use quotations. These should be placed around any significant amounts of text (long phrases or sentences) that are identical to those in the cited reference. Otherwise, any information that was paraphrased in your own words needs to include the citation immediately following it.
  • Bibliography [6pts]: You should have at least 3 primary sources, with 4-6 usually being adequate, and having more than 10 would probably be a bit excessive. You can find documents on the NASA website, Wikipedia, web searches, or using google scholar.
  • please don’t use Ai and please paraphrase. Please try and utilise the these sources below + other sources you find and cite using APA 7. Include photos that you see fit. 

– attached is an example 🙂

SEU Enhancing Performance Management A Comprehensive Approach Discussion


Reply to Performance Management Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Please provide the references you used.

Ensure zero plagiarism.

Word limit: 200 to 250 words


Performance Management

The performance management system

Performance management is a continual process that encompasses identifying, evaluating, and enhancing individual and team performance in conjunction with an organization’s strategic objectives. This ongoing procedure involves establishing goals and objectives, monitoring performance, and providing continuous feedback and coaching. Managers utilize performance management to ensure that employees’ actions and outcomes align with the company’s objectives, providing the organization a competitive edge. Performance management creates a clear correlation between employee performance and organizational goals, streamlining the understanding of people’s contributions to the organization. (Aguinis, 2023)

Effective performance management is crucial for the success of any business. To better understand this concept, let’s explore some real-life examples of its implementation. Google is widely recognized as a trailblazer in innovative management systems, thanks partly to its commitment to training its managers and leveraging data and analysis to inform their decision-making. Google launched a project to evaluate its managers as part of its performance management efforts. This initiative led to a comprehensive training program and development process to help managers and staff thrive. Additionally, Google relies on a goal-setting methodology called Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), which has proven to be highly effective and has since been adopted by numerous other businesses. (Andreev, 2023)

Also, Cargill, a food producer and distributor based in Minnesota, has over 150,000 employees. The company has implemented an innovative system to replace cumbersome performance reviews. Cargill developed its “Everyday Performance Management” system in response to studies on managers’ frustration with outdated performance management procedures. The method focuses on fostering a positive relationship between employees and managers and integrating daily activities and feedback into problem-solving conversations instead of repeating previous actions. The system is designed to be continuous, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. According to surveys, 69% of workers found the feedback helpful for their professional development, and 70% felt valued due to the ongoing performance talks with their manager. (Andreev, 2023)

In order to implement an effective performance management system, an organization need to follow the following steps:

  1. Build documentation aligning with your company’s goals, objectives, and culture.
  2. Organize training sessions for managerial staff to explain the continuous performance management process.
  3. Communicate the changes to employees and explain how they will benefit from them.
  4. Managers should observe employee performance and behavior under the new guidelines.
  5. Conduct the first formal review under the new process and discuss the outcome of observations with employees.
  6. Implement necessary training and development to help employees reach their performance goals.
  7. Hold informal catch-up meetings to ensure employees and managers are on track with their obligations and objectives.
  8. Collect anonymous feedback from managers and employees to improve the process.
  9. Assess and implement changes if necessary.
  10. Repeat the cycle and maintain communication with HR if additional support is needed. (, 2023)


SUNY Reimagining Patient Provider Partnerships Using Technology among Older Adults Discussion




An “elevator speech” (or “elevator pitch”) is a succinct, persuasive statement that explains what you do, and why your initiatives are unique and important.  An elevator speech should last no longer than the time it takes for a short elevator ride (as the name implies).  The optimal pitch includes a memorable wrap-up BEFORE the elevator doors open! 

For this assignment, you will submit the transcript of your elevator speech.  It should be NO MORE than one page in length (given the elements of APA formatting that are described in the guidance below), which equates to a pitch of about one minute. 

Elevator Speeches are generally organized into three paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion), each starting with a topic sentence.   In a well-constructed paragraph, each sentence within the paragraph relates clearly to the topic sentence with the “controlling idea.” If topic sentences are not the most “overarching” sentence of the paragraph, or if there are not three paragraphs, write new topic sentences, and combine or separate written content to achieve an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Each paragraph must have at least two sentences, the first of which is the topic sentence.

Introduction: In this first paragraph of the Elevator Speech, the topic sentence generally introduces THE AUTHOR.  A “hook” should immediately follow to capture the interest of your audience.

Body: The middle paragraph is where your unique interest, initiative or expertise is presented. The topic sentence should introduce this interest, initiative or expertise.  Be sure to keep the information relevant, brief, and easy to understand.

Conclusion: In this last paragraph, the topic sentence should summarize and “sell” your unique interest, initiative or expertise.

Purpose Assignment Instructions 

The purpose of the assignment is not only to consider what makes you unique and your work important as an Family nurse practitioner , but to practice the process of writing clearly and succinctly.  Your grade for this assignment will depend on your ability to construct a one-page transcript that is readable, organized, and persuasive. These assignments will draw on your ability to use:

Prescribed assignment instructions;

Microsoft Word (and differentiate Word docs from Google docs);

File download and upload processes;

ZOOM videoconferencing software;

Defined elements from APA Style;

Appropriate grammar and writing mechanics;

Clarity, brevity and logical organization in writing;

Constructive critique.


Read assignment instructions completely (and request clarification) until you are confident with the instructions.

Your speech should consider a problem within nursing and what you think can be done to address this problem (think along the lines of a future DNP project!).  You will need to research your topic among various sources to assure that your speech has a razor-sharp focus. Begin the paper by introducing yourself as a (FNP or WHNP) DNP student. Explaining what you are interested in doing, why your interests are unique, why your initiatives are important, and how being a NP/DNP will help you attain your goal.  

Once you have explored your ideas and decide on a focus, develop a draft paper that:

Uses topic sentences to organize thoughts into paragraphs;

Has opening and closing sentences;

Is interesting and persuasive.

Revise your draft to produce a final ONE PAGE paper. In developing the final paper, include the following:

The following format elements from APA Style:

post a discussion to agree/disagree


A central line-associated bloodstream infection occurs as a result of infections introduced through central line venous catheters that reach the bloodstream of the patient. These infections can lead to increased complications, longer hospital stays, increased medical costs, and higher mortality rates. Central line bloodstream infections can be prevented by physicians’ and nurses’ adherence to sterile insertion techniques, central line maintenance bundle compliance, and education. Implementing infection control measures can not only promote patient safety and wellbeing but also reduce financial burdens on hospitals. 

The PICOT for the topic of central line-associated bloodstream infections is 

(P)- patients with central venous catheters in a critical care unit 

(I)- implementation of central line maintenance bundles and adherence to sterile techniques 

(C )- standard protocols for insertion and maintenance of central venous catheters

(O)- Reduction in the incidence of CLABSI rates on the unit 

(T)- to measure the incidence rates over months 

Creating a research question in the form of a PICOT can help assist in creating a research strategy by communicating the question in a manner necessitating extensive research (Riva et al., 2012)

The databases I used for my research include CINAHL Plus and PubMed. On CINAHL Plus, I searched for articles using the phrase “central line-associated bloodstream infections” in the search box. This generated 765 search results, but once I included Boolean operators such as “and prevention or intervention or treatment or program”. This narrowed down my search to CLABSI articles focused on the prevention of infections and included articles with specific treatments and more education on central line infection. The article I found discusses infection trends and several recommendations for enhancing the prevention process including bacteremia models and advanced IV dressings (Garcia, 2023). On PubMed, I was able to research CLABSI articles using search filters to narrow my results. I typed “CLABSI prevention” into the search bar and used filters to identify types of articles. I focused my search on “randomized controlled trials” to analyze studies that yielded results indicating that prevention strategies successfully reduced the incidence of central line infections. The article I chose describes the effect of alcohol-containing cap use for preventing bloodstream infections. By using specific filters, I am able to effectively search for relevant articles pertaining to study types that are appropriate for determining whether certain protocols or procedures had an effect on the risk of infection (Ta?delen Ö?ülmen & Ate?, 2020). 

Boolean operators serve as an effective tool for defining the search results between terms. The three common Boolean operators use keywords such as “and”, “or”, or “not”. Walden University describes Boolean operators as assisting the database in generating more precise results (Walden University, n.d.). However, these operators can also be used to reduce results. Using “and” combines different concepts, thus reducing produced results. Similarly, “not” excludes certain results from being included in the search, yet can narrow down a specific topic. On the other hand, using “or” phrases a concept differently ultimately expands the results. 

After incorporating Boolean operators, I have been able to refine my PICOT question to analyze the effects of implementation and adherence of central line care, followed by the reduction of infection rates as a result of standard protocols and maintenance. 

Reply to Poor Employee Performance Discussion 2


Reply to Poor Employee Performance Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Please provide the references you used.


Poor Employee Performance

Performance management involves two crucial aspects: an employee’s conduct and achievements and the consequences that stem from those actions. These actions and results are considered “performance” and possess two distinct characteristics. Firstly, they are evaluative, indicating that their impact on personal and organizational efficiency can be harmful, neutral, or positive. Essentially, their value is determined by how much they help achieve individual, team, and corporate goals. Evaluating an employee’s performance involves considering numerous factors and one effective method is using a competency scale with varying proficiency levels. Several elements can affect an individual’s ability to succeed, such as context, knowledge, skills, and personal traits and capabilities, such as cognitive abilities, steady motivation, and physical attributes. Job-related attitudes, adaptable motivation, and knowledge and skills are crucial factors. There are two types of knowledge and skills: declarative, which is information about task requirements, and procedural, which is knowing how to perform a task. When discussing performance management systems, it’s essential to consider the surrounding circumstances, including organizational culture, national culture, HR policies and procedures, leadership, concerns about timing and scheduling, and the resources employees have access to perform their jobs effectively. Furthermore, performance management systems generally measure outcomes or results that are believed to be directly linked to employee actions (Aguinis, 2023).

In my capacity as a former leader, I had the opportunity to observe an employee who was acting out towards his supervisor. Specifically, the employee raised their voice, disregarded instructions, and failed to provide feedback. As a result, I took several steps to address the matter. Firstly, I gathered all relevant information from various sources, including emails, feedback from the supervisor, and input from trusted team members both within and outside of my department. This approach ensured that I was fully prepared for the meeting with the employee. During our meeting, I provided honest feedback on what I had observed. I elucidated how the employee’s conduct would impact the individual, the supervisor, the work environment, and the organization. I also afforded the employee the opportunity to share his feedback and learned that he believed the supervisor was targeting them personally. However, I provided evidence to refute that claim. Together, we established a performance improvement plan encompassing a range of actions, such as anger management and training on understanding different perspectives. Besides, activities were intended to help the employee better comprehend how to lead and cope with work-related challenges. We agreed upon review meetings and criteria for measuring progress, including key performance indicators on providing updates, supervisor and colleague feedback, and observations. As a result, the employee’s conduct and overall performance improved significantly, which is a testament to the efficacy of the performance improvement plan.

In conclusion, enhancing employee performance requires both their willingness to improve and understanding gaps from the manager’s perspective. By addressing both, poor performance can be treated effectively.


Aguinis, H. (2023). Performance management (5th ed.). Chicago Business Press. ISBN: 978-1-948426-48-0

ENC 1102 English Composition


M2: L6: Discussion on Integrating Sources in APA (D-06)

? Instructions

Write a few sentences (about 100 words) integrating a quote from any of the articles that you will be using in your paper. Be sure to connect your quote to the rest of your sentences. You can do this via signal phrases (“Smith argues” OR “According to Smith,” etc) or by integrating your quote as it grammatically fits into your sentence. Document your quote by using the APA in-text citation guidelines you have studied in this lesson.

When you are done posting your response, reply to at least one classmate in no fewer than 75 words. Comment on how effectively they have integrated a quote.

Your discussion post will be graded according to the following criteria:

80% – Thoughtful original post that properly integrates a quote from one of your sources in at least 100 words

20% – Thoughtful response to a classmate’s post that comments on how well they have integrated their quote with the rest of their sentences (at least 75 words)

M2: LESSON 6 – Cover Page and Abstract (A-06)

  • Directions
  • Before you submit your assignment to this dropbox, be sure to study and use the information in Module 2, Lesson 6 titled “APA Components for Essay 2.” 

Submit the cover page and abstract for your paper here. Attach your submission in order to retain the formatting.

M2: LESSON 6 – Reference Page (A-07)


Before you submit your assignment to this dropbox, be sure to study and use the information in Module 2, Lesson 6 titled “Learn How to Create Your List of References.” 

Submit your Reference page for your Documented Argument Essay in APA here. Submit as an attachment so that the formatting is retained.

Here are some guidelines to remember: 

Your reference page should have a minimum of four entries, meaning four sources. At least two of your sources should come from the MDC databases.

Formatting for reference page: 

Center the words Reference one inch from the top of the page.

Double space within and between entries–no extra spaces between entries.

Every line after the first for each source is indented.

Sources are listed in alphabetical order.

You can use one of the citation builders to create the entry: Easy Bib, Citation Machine, or an othe that you find reliable and helpful. HOWEVER, remember that these don’t always provide you with the correct spacing and indentation, and you may have to tweak those in your paper. Also, check that the entry looks like an APA reference page entry should for the type of document you are citing–whether a journal article, an interview, a magazine article, a chapter from a book, etc. 

Email your professor with questions. You want to get this right so that no points are lost to formatting errors. 

Your Reference page will be graded according to the following criteria: 

Centered heading that says References  10 points

  • Alphabetical listing of sources                  10 points
  • Correct spacing and indentation               20 points

Correct information in each entry              20 points

  • At least 4 sources
    (at least 2 from the MDC databases)        40 points
    (all sources can be from the databases)
  • Please note that you can list more than four sources. Four is the minimum and must adhere to the above guidelines. 
  • references_instructions.pdf
  • Actions
  • PreviousNext

Entering a Foreign Market


Entering a Foreign Market Through Exports

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 20, 21, and 22 assigned this week. 

NOTE: I did the first few I just need the last 4 questions. ITS in bold text and numbered . Attached is my paper.

This paper must be the final version of your Entering a Foreign Market Through Exports: A Rough Draft of Final Paper assignment from Week 2. It should conclude the work you started in Week 2. As a reminder, this is the scenario for your final paper:

High-Tech Tools, Inc. is a company based in Otay Mesa, California. Among other high-tech equipment, the company specializes in manufacturing of the hand-held radar speed gun, a device used to measure the speed of moving objects. The radar speed gun is mostly utilized in law enforcement to measure the speed of moving vehicles. It is also often used in professional sport for measuring bowling speeds in cricket, speed of pitched baseballs, and speed of tennis serves. The company has seen a clear trend in the competition’s exportation of similar goods around the world. As the manager of international logistics for this company, you have been asked by senior management to help identify a foreign country where the High-Tech Tools, Inc.’s export sales of radar speed guns may become successful.

The goal of this paper is to identify a new country for export of high-tech equipment manufactured by an American company and formulate a successful global supply chain management strategy.

Using the material developed for Weeks 1 through 5, write an eight- to ten-page recommendation to High-Tech Tools, Inc.’s senior management advising them of a potential export country based on research conducted throughout this class. Your proposal should start with a one-page executive summary (for assistance, see the Writing Center’s Writing an Executive SummaryLinks to an external site.) that identifies a new export country and provides a concise overview of the key points of your paper. The main points of your proposal must address the following:

Present an executive summary that identifies a new export country.

Describe the benefits of exporting hi-tech equipment to the chosen country from the perspective of international trade theories and economic agreements.

Explain any advantages or deficiencies in a transportation, communication, or utilities infrastructure in the selected country that may affect international logistics operations.

1.Prepare an assessment of the supply chain strengths, weaknesses, and factors of competitive advantage existing in the chosen country.

2.Recommend the sales contract terms related to the method of payment and the use of Incoterms® 2020 rules.

3.Develop a transportation plan for moving goods efficiently and effectively, in an intermodal shipment from the manufacturing facility in Otay Mesa, California to the port of final destination in the chosen country.

4. Explain your rationale for implementing the transportation plan.

Conclude your proposal with an informed decision regarding exporting to the chosen country based on your presented data.

Note that the first three items and the final item above were developed earlier in Week 2 and possibly revised for improvement following your instructor’s feedback.

The Entering a Foreign Market Through Exports final paper

HIST1301 LSC Development of and Experience within The Atlantic Slave Trade Discussion


Each discussion has three steps:

Choose one of the questions below and make an initial post in this discussion forum that follows the instructions by the deadline.

Create a document file that contains your initial post and make sure it’s compatible with (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), Plain text files). You will upload this document to the corresponding folder under the Assignments tab in the “Activities” drop down above. This step will allow me to check for both plagiarism and for AI-generated text. (You can also access these folders using the module titled “Discussion Check” on the left side of the screen.)

  1. Reply to at least three of your peers’ posts according to the instructions by the second deadline.
  2. Remember that your initial post must cite (mention in the post) and discuss the primary sources in the question you picked.
  3. Choose one of the questions below and respond (for this discussion, each question can have a maximum of FIVE posts). Put the question you’re responding to in the title of the post. When you post your 3 replies later, make sure that at least 2 of them respond to posts about questions you did not pick.

After reading Columbus’s diary entry in the Week 1 “Read” section, respond to the following question: What does this diary entry tell us about what both Columbus and the indigenous people he encountered hoped to achieve? Why does that matter?

Imagine you are an attorney accusing Spain of human rights violations in a sixteenth-century world criminal court. Draw on the two Voices of Freedom documents in chapter one to 1) help you prepare your closing argument. And 2) address what you imagine Spain’s defense attorney would argue regarding Spanish and Indian interactions?

According to Henry Care in English Liberties (see the “Who Is an American?” feature in Chapter 2), how do Care’s notions of liberty compare to Gov. John Winthrop’s ideas in Massachusetts (see the Voices of Freedom feature in Chapter 2)?

Based on your chapter 2 reading for Week 2 and on your analysis of the Anne Hutchinson document in the Week 2 “Read” folder, why do you think John Winthrop and other leading men of the Massachusetts Bay Colony believed she was such a threat? What was she accused of, and how did she respond?

Read Nathaniel Bacon’s Manifesto (week 2 “Read” folder), and review the timeline of events in Virginia (week 2 “Read” folder), including the development of slave codes (Also review a similar law in Maryland in Chapter 3’s Voices of Freedom feature on p. 104). Based on your analysis, and on your reading of Ch. 2 in the textbook, discuss the impact Bacon’s Rebellion had on indentured servitude and African slavery.

After watching the videos about the Atlantic Slave Trade (the animated maps, the Crash Course video, and the 3D tour of the slave ship), reading the document by Olaudah Equiano, and viewing the print of the slave ship “Brookes,” respond to the following question: What are the most important things that these sources tell us about the development of and experience within the Atlantic Slave Trade?

Micro Economics Question



  1. Select a firm that you have interacted with. Based on what you know about that firm’s market, is it closer to Perfect Competition or Monopoly? Explain.
  2. Why are generic pharmaceuticals significantly cheaper than name-brand ones?
  3. Intellectual property laws are intended to promote innovation. However, some economists argue against them. Make an economic case for, or against, a government granting intellectual property rights to innovative new ideas or products.

Post 1:A firm I interact with is doll sellers on mercari. They’re in perfect competition with each other where each doll seller is attempting to find the price to make a profit on the doll they’ve purchased, and are trying to resell the price of shipping, while still offering a competitive price on the doll that they are selling against other sellers. A local Monopoly interact with is Georgia Power. You move to the area and you set up an account and that’s it it would not make Financial sense for there to be two or three sets of infrastructure around an electrical company. Partially because the Innovation around what is offered by a an electrical company is minimal as compared to breaking up the Monopoly of the AT&T phone company. Generic Pharmaceuticals are significantly cheaper than name brand ones because they are not recouping the cost of research and development from creating the product and making sure that it doesn’t kill people.

The government should grant intellectual property patents for Innovative products economically because giving a company a chance to recoup costs on innovation research and development would hopefully Give Them Enough Runway to fund their next research project and be able to continue to innovate that product until that patent is expanded to the public.

Post 2:

  1. I interact with Flint Energies too many times to count. Based on what I have read, I believe that Flint energies is a monopoly because there is no competition whatsoever. Flint is just in our area, but it is the same for any power or water company. Almost every area only has one power company to choose from and water is billed through the city. There is no competition, and they could charge what they like for their services.
  2. Generis pharmaceuticals are cheaper than name brand ones because the FDA has already improved the ingredients that are in generic drugs. Name brands require more testing and research before they can be put on the shelf.
  3. Having Intellectual property laws is great for new ideas or products. This can give the person who created the product, idea, or whatever it was they created protection from it being stolen from them. Having this protection would also give the creator or company a good advertising point and be able to say they are the only ones that use this type of technology or that they are they one company that can use this material in their product. It is not saying that other companies can’t use the idea completely. They just wouldn’t be able to do it exactly like the original company. They would have to do something different to get the same result.

Final Project: Introduction and Submission link


Throughout this course we have briefly explored several techniques that have the potential to deepen your wellbeing. For our final project, you will be expanding your knowledge and experience of a wellbeing technique. This can be a new practice, or one which you would like to do research on. This project has several key steps:

First, pick a well-being practice. A list of potential practices are at the end of these assignment guidelines. You are welcome to pick a practice that is not listed here, if you have any doubt, feel free to contact me for clarification.  

Second, become familiar with how this practice is carried out by doing background research; you might read online articles, popular press book chapters, or watch YouTube videos.

Third, find and read at least 3 academic journal articles that discuss the benefits of this practice. As a strategy, you might use Google Scholar, and put the practice name in quotation marks, i.e. “walking meditation” and then add another phrase or set of search terms in separate quotes i.e. “wellbeing” “quality of life.” Including terms in quotes will require that the search brings you back articles that contain those phrases explicitly.

Fourth, for at least two weeks, begin engaging with this practice. Use the online journal to document your process, and what comes up, as you explore this new practice. Four one-paragraph journal entries are required for this active-learning part of the project.  Go to the Discussions page to upload your journal entries there.

Fifth, create a max-3 minute Public Service Announcement video about the practice you have identified. Your audience are university undergraduate students, and your goal is to communicate the science-based benefits of this practice, how to go about engaging with it, and what benefits they might expect to experience. End you PSA with a slide/screenshot of the three articles you read AND two questions for others to reflect on as they engage in this practice. Your questions and references will provide a guide so that others interested in this practice can deepen their own understanding.

If you have never created a PSA before, don’t worry. It can be quite simple if you’d like, narrating over power point slides. You can also choose to get creative with it, adding music and video content. You might begin by looking at examples of other student PSA’s from YouTube (such as (Links to an external site.)), you’ll then want to plan your PSA, sketch out your storyboard, film it/or create a screen capture if you would like to narrate over slides, gather other fair use resources to enhance it like background music, and edit it.

General PSA Guidelines

Either video or audio (I.e. radio) based

Introduces, provides instructions to, and explains the benefits of a well-being practice.

List of Potential Wellbeing Practices
(Shauna Shapiro’s book “Good Morning, I love you” describes many of these practices and offer citations for research articles that explore the benefits of these practices)


Cultivating awe

Radical responsibility

Loving kindness meditation


Shifting perspective

Emotion regulation



Conscious eating

Mindful decision making

Mindful parenting

Interdependence meditation

“Good morning, I love you”


  • Empathic joy (Mudita)

Seeing the good in others

  • Cultivating generosity

Gratitude letters

  • “Three good things”

Smiling meditation