Peer Response


Peer Responses – Pratiksha

  • Relate to another journal reading
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS or Stein Leventhal syndrome is a disorder that primarily affects women in their childbearing years. It is a condition characterized by periods, difficulty getting pregnant, excessive hair growth, acne and weight gain. The causes of PCOS are varied. Include factors, insulin resistance and environmental influences. Factors such as levels of hormones disruptions in hormone release from the brain and irregular development of ovarian follicles play a role in the development of this syndrome. (Singh et al 2023) 
  • Epidemiology 

Globally Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects around 8% to 20% of women during their years according to diagnostic criteria (Singh et al., 2023). The prevalence varies across populations due, to environmental factors. 


The underlying mechanisms of PCOS involve metabolic disruptions mainly characterized by levels of androgens and insulin. Increased androgen levels originating from the ovaries and adrenal glands result in symptoms such as hair growth (hirsutism) and acne while disturbing ovarian function (Witchel et al., 2019). Imbalances in the ovarian axis worsen excess androgen production, influenced by genetic factors affecting steroid production. Additionally, insulin resistance contributes to insulin levels, which in turn stimulate androgen production and lower sex hormone binding globulin levels intensifying the effects of androgens. 

Clinical Presentation 

Common symptoms include cycles, hirsutism, acne, weight gain and difficulty conceiving. Long term implications involve metabolic issues, like diabetes, abnormal lipid levels and cardiovascular problems (Bulsara et al., 2021). 

Diagnostic Criteria 

To diagnose syndrome (PCOS) healthcare providers consider various criteria outlined by the Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group in 2004. These criteria involve the presence of two out of three key features; hyperandrogenism (HA) ovulatory dysfunction (OD) and polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM) observable on ultrasound scans. The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society (AE PCOS) criteria also consider hyperandrogenism and ovarian dysfunction for diagnosis. Anti Mullerian hormone (AMH) plays a role as an indicator in PCOS reflecting the maturation and development of ovarian follicles. Elevated levels of AMH can hinder development contributing to the dysfunction commonly seen in PCOS cases. 

Non-Drug Treatment Approaches 

For women with PCOS lifestyle modifications are fundamental in managing the condition alongside medication. Engaging in activity is vital as it improves insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health. Including both aerobic exercise and resistance training in routines has been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity and regulate androgen levels. Following glycemic index (LGI) diets that’re high in fiber and plant-based fats can provide metabolic benefits by helping to regulate glucose levels and hormones that control appetite. 

It’s important to steer diets that’re high in calories, sugar and saturated fats to help reduce inflammation and insulin resistance linked to PCOS (Singh et al., 2023). 

Pharmacological Management 

Oral contraceptives (OCPs), including both progesterone-only pills and combined estrogen-progesterone pills, serve as first-line therapy for menstrual irregularities and ovulation suppression (Bulsara et al., 2021). Antiandrogens such as spironolactone, flutamide, and cyproterone acetate are preferred for managing hirsutism. Insulin sensitizers like metformin improve insulin resistance and restore menstrual regularity, while thiazolidinediones (TZDs) offer additional benefits in improving ovulation and reducing androgen levels (Bulsara et al., 2021). 


Patient education on lifestyle modifications, contraception, and long-term health risks is crucial. Encourage adherence to treatment and regular follow-ups. 


Regular monitoring of menstrual cycles, androgen levels, and metabolic parameters is essential. Adjust management strategies based on patient response and goals. 

Discussion 1 reply



You should respond to peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. 

Please respond to student below:

  • Advanced practice nursing was initially created in the mid-1960s to address health services gaps. Since then, it has played a significant role in improving healthcare outcomes and meeting the healthcare needs of diverse populations. Three barriers that have slowed down the progress of advanced practice nursing include regulatory restrictions, lack of interprofessional collaboration, and reimbursement challenges.

      Regulatory restrictions are one of the barriers that have impacted the progress of advanced nursing. Regulations regarding the scope of practice and licensure differ across the states and regions in the U.S. It is necessary to establish uniform standards for education and regulations (Lowe et al., 2012). Furthermore, approximately one-third of the country has fully authorized NPs to practice law and be licensed, whereas the other states have limited or restricted licensure and practice options (Hein & Fleck, 2014). The disparities in state regulations could impede access to healthcare. One strategy that can help combat this particular barrier is advocating for state legislative reforms and policies that allow advanced nurses to practice fully. Advanced practice nurses and associated organizations can also advocate for standardized licensure and practice regulations across all states.

      The second barrier that has reduced the progress of advanced practice nursing is the need for interprofessional collaboration. While enhancing patient outcomes is a shared aim between physicians and NPs, there are obstacles to their successful cooperation (Hein & Fleck, 2014). Successful collaboration is hampered by a need for more understanding of NPs’ scope of practice (Hein & Fleck, 2014). Lack of collaboration among the interdisciplinary team, which often includes both advanced practice nurses and physicians, frequently harms a patient’s health outcome. Strategies such as developing educational programs and campaigns to raise healthcare professionals’ understanding of their mutual roles and responsibilities can help overcome the lack of collaboration among advanced practice nurses and physicians. Establishing and initiating collaborative care models that clearly outline each healthcare professional’s duties and obligations is another strategy that can aid in combating this barrier.

      The third barrier mentioned that has slowed down the progress of advanced practice nursing is reimbursement challenges. NPs are frequently not recognized as primary care providers by commercial health plan payment regulations, which might vary (Hein & Fleck, 2014). Additionally, these payers may be reluctant to pay NPs for their services directly or to credential them (Hein & Fleck, 2014). For advanced practice nurses, reimbursement is crucial because it impacts their capacity to work autonomously. Financial impediments to practice may result from reimbursement systems that favor services rendered by physicians over those rendered by advanced practice nurses. Strategies that can help overcome reimbursement challenges include creating or participating in collaborative campaigns that advocate for changes in reimbursement regulations to guarantee fair compensation for the services rendered by advanced practice nurses.

      Although advanced practice nursing has evolved, many barriers continue to exist. Barriers such as regulatory restrictions, lack of interprofessional collaboration, and reimbursement challenges have slowed the progress of advanced practice nursing. Strategies to help overcome such barriers include advocating for state legislative reforms and policies, establishing and initiating collaborative care models with clear roles, and creating or participating in collaborative campaigns that advocate for changes in reimbursement regulations.

Nursing Research Methods Mount Saint Mary College answer discussion


Purnell Model for Cultural Competence


          The present-day healthcare landscape is characterized by multiculturalism and diversity, which underscores the importance of leveraging strategies to foster cultural competence to avoid disparities in care provision. The importance of healthcare practitioners providing culturally competent care, hence improved care cannot be overstated. Cultural competence broadly encompasses developing an awareness and understanding of one’s and other’s cultures, accepting and respecting cultural differences, and resisting judgmental attitudes (Purnell, 2020). It also involves being open to cultural encounters and adapting care to be congruent with a client’s culture. Purnell model is a widely recognized and leveraged organizing framework that provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to understanding and integrating cultural competence in the healthcare domain. It has the potential to be used by distinct healthcare providers, with unmatched effectiveness as evidenced by the improved ability to provide culturally congruent healthcare services. Note that the model aims to optimize the quality of healthcare services provided, and overall healthcare outcomes. It has been shown to promote sensitive interactions between healthcare practitioners and individuals from different cultures.

The model embeds distinct domains that aid in the assessment of cultural attributes of an individual, family, or group, and their impact on health and healthcare. Based on an assessment of the domains, the importance of understanding an individual’s cultural background, the different communication styles, the roles and dynamics of an individual’s family, and promoting cultural diversity and sensitivity has been emphasized. Besides, the domains seek to enable individuals to better understand cultural attitudes and practices during pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum care, ways culture influences an individual’s spiritual beliefs and practices, the cultural perspectives that affect an individual’s attitudes towards care, and the importance of healthcare practitioners developing cultural competence subsequently adapting their practices to meet the needs and preferences of diverse population groups (Purnell, 2020). As earlier noted, effective use of this model positively impacts healthcare processes and outcomes by fostering trust and understanding between patients and healthcare providers.

How the Model can Help One to Apply the Transcultural Concepts Learned to:

Clinical Practice 

          Practitioners can use the model to conduct a comprehensive assessment of an individual to aid in understanding their presenting beliefs, values, and practices. This can, in turn, be used to tailor culturally competent care plans (Rukadikar et al., 2022). Nurse practitioners can build rapport with patients before providing them with patient-centered care.

Nursing Education 

          Purnell model can be integrated into the nursing curriculum to help students learn about the distinct cultural factors that influence health. According to Rukadikar et al. (2022), this could involve developing simulation exercises that challenge learners to employ the model to gain a better understanding of real-world situations.

Nursing Administration 

          The model can be integrated into staff training programs for healthcare practitioners as a basis for enhancing their ability to provide equitable and respectful care to diverse patient populations. Cultural competence principles can also be integrated into organizational policies to streamline processes.

Nursing Research 

          The model can be used to promote evidence-based practice through research, for instance, in investigating cultural disparities in health outcomes, leading to a more nuanced understanding of ways culture can contribute to health disparities, and subsequently informing interventions. This could involve investigating multiple domains to identify specific cultural factors that impact health and well-being thereby designing appropriate interventions.

UNLV 2 short peer review answer (


very casual writing, based on personal opinion

1) Operators now face a challenging situation due to the complexities between state and federal laws around cannabis legalization, especially in areas where following rules is crucial, including hospitality and gambling. There are additional levels of complication and uncertainty due to the clash between the federal classification of marijuana as a controlled narcotic and the many state-level legalization initiatives.

The position adopted by regulating agencies, including Nevada’s Gaming Control Board, is indicative of the balance in negotiating these complicated regulations. The strict ban on gaming license holders taking part in state medical marijuana programs, without a change in federal law, emphasizes the regulatory authorities’ dedication to maintaining current national standards despite state laws that are constantly changing.

Businesses like Colorado’s Sky Ute Casino have shown practicality in removing marijuana-related pre-employment tests, indicating a need to adjust to the current reality. This action recognizes that it can be challenging to recruit skilled workers who can pass standard drug tests, especially in areas where marijuana use is legal.

Updates to the law, like Nevada’s Assembly Bill 533, indicate a deliberate effort to bring cannabis laws closer to the gaming industry. Establishing specialized commissions signifies that tensions between these two changing sectors must be addressed and harmonized.

The traditionally strict position taken by the Gaming Control Board demonstrates a dedication to keeping a distinct division between the gaming and cannabis businesses. The decision to deny gaming licenses to those operating cannabis businesses highlights how important it is to protect the integrity of the gaming sector, even if it means being firm about possible conflicts.

Another layer of complexity is the impact of money laundering concerns on the division of the casino and cannabis businesses. The regulatory authorities have adopted a cautious stance, which is reflected in the increased monitoring of funding sources, particularly those associated with the cannabis industry.

The advice for operators to uphold a drug-free workplace culture compliant with state and federal legislation is a sensible and essential step in navigating this complicated legal landscape. A strategy designed to tackle the obstacles presented by the changing legal landscape must include regular assessments, legal compliance audits, and remaining up-to-date on advancements in cannabis law. Enforcing these regulations and providing managers with comprehensive training is essential for guaranteeing equitable and efficient handling of issues about employee cannabis use.

2-3 sentences of feedback on this

2) I agree that a flexible strategy is vital to handle the sophisticated regulations in the casino industry. Marijuana laws are changing rapidly, and even if they become legal nationwide, the decision to eliminate pre-employment testing for marijuana should be made after careful consideration of all relevant factors. In this discussion, my top priority is guest and employee safety, and my second priority is the employee’s ability to perform the job if they use any addictive substances. I would rather not 100% eliminate pre-employment testing for marijuana, but I will set a standard threshold limit for an acceptable amount of marijuana to ensure employees will not be impaired at work. I may also set up workplace impairment policies and communicate clearly with every employee about expectations and consequences. This approach will focus on employees’ ability to perform their jobs effectively rather than their off-duty activities.

discussion 4 502


Urinary Function:

Mr. J.R. is a 73-year-old man, who was admitted to the hospital with clinical manifestations of gastroenteritis and possible renal injury. The patient’s chief complaints are fever, nausea with vomiting and diarrhea for 48 hours, weakness, dizziness, and a bothersome metallic taste in the mouth. The patient is pale and sweaty. He had been well until two days ago, when he began to experience severe nausea several hours after eating two burritos for supper. The burritos had been ordered from a local fast-food restaurant. The nausea persisted and he vomited twice with some relief. As the evening progressed, he continued to feel “very bad” and took some Pepto-Bismol to help settle his stomach. Soon thereafter, he began to feel achy and warm. His temperature at the time was 100. 5°F. He has continued to experience nausea, vomiting, and a fever. He has not been able to tolerate any solid foods or liquids. Since yesterday, he has had 5–6 watery bowel movements. He has not noticed any blood in the stools. His wife brought him to the ER because he was becoming weak and dizzy when he tried to stand up. His wife denies any recent travel, use of antibiotics, laxatives, or excessive caffeine, or that her husband has an eating disorder.

Case Study Questions

The attending physician is thinking that Mr. J.R. has developed an Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). Analyzing the case presented name the possible types of Acute Kidney Injury. Link the clinical manifestations described to the different types of Acute Kidney injury.

Create a list of risk factors the patient might have and explain why.

Unfortunately, the damage on J.R. kidney became irreversible and he is now diagnosed with Chronic kidney disease. Please describe the complications that the patient might have on his Hematologic system (Coagulopathy and Anemia) and the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved.

Reproductive Function:
Ms. P.C. is a 19-year-old white female who reports a 2-day history of lower abdominal pain, nausea, emesis and a heavy, malodorous vaginal discharge. She states that she is single, heterosexual, and that she has been sexually active with only one partner for the past eight months. She has no previous history of genitourinary infections or sexually transmitted diseases. She denies IV drug use. Her LMP ended three days ago. Her last intercourse (vaginal) was eight days ago and she states that they did not use a condom. She admits to unprotected sex “every once in a while.” She noted an abnormal vaginal discharge yesterday and she describes it as “thick, greenish-yellow in color, and very smelly.” She denies both oral and rectal intercourse. She does not know if her partner has had a recent genitourinary tract infection, “because he has been away on business for five days.
Microscopic Examination of Vaginal Discharge
(-) yeast or hyphae
(-) flagellated microbes
(+) white blood cells
(+) gram-negative intracellular diplococci

Case Study Questions

  1. According to the case presented, including the clinical manifestations and microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge, what is the most probably diagnosis for Ms. P.C.? Support your answer and explain why you get to that diagnosis.
  2. Based on the vaginal discharged described and the microscopic examination of the sample could you suggest which would be the microorganism involved?
  3. Name the criteria you would use to recommend hospitalization for this patient

Web article draft


My web article topic:

My persuasion article, based on my previous submissions, is about how individual differences in personality and experiences influence a person’s dream content. My purpose of this persuasive article is to push this information and evidence forward so more people will believe in this statement. I hypothesized that a person’s dreams directly correlate to their personality and what they have gone through and experienced in their lifetime. I will price this to an audience with evidence and persuasive writing techniques. This is the thesis I decided on because it leaves a side for people to argue against my findings and use evidence and other opinions to combat the claim I made. People may hypothesize against me and argue that dream content may correlate with different things, such as medications, anxiety, emotions, sleep patterns, or some may argue even external temperature. Based on my findings I believe in my previously stated hypothesis that it is the most affective way to predict dream content. I will include graphics of both people dreaming/sleeping in peace, paired with different charts and graphs that prove my thesis correct. I want to share this information in a persuasive manner by stacking evidence to sway the audience into backing me and believing that the most affective and prominent deciding factor of dream content is based on personality. I want to remain formal to show scientific proof of my thesis in a manner that influences people to believe in expert analysis.

This assignment asks you to lay out some ideas for your web article. If you are still stuck or unsure about how you’ll approach your article, it is okay to use this assignment to explore a couple possibilities or start planning an idea that you’re still figuring out how to approach. As always, it is better to submit something on time that is a little unpolished than it is to turn in nothing because you’re worried it is not good enough. 

Step 1: Explain 

Discuss your purpose and audience:What do you hope to accomplish with your web article? Are you trying to persuade your audience to change their behavior? Take action? Argue in favor of a particular solution? And who is this argument is directed to? Be as specific as you’re able to with your audience — since you’re writing persuasively you should think about who you’re hoping to persuade, to take action based on your argument. Take some time to explain why you have decided on this purpose and what you really want to say.

  1. Discuss your thesis: State the working thesis that you will assert in your web article, and explain why this will be the stance you’ve decided to take. Here, it is a good idea to also reference some of the research you’ve done, showing how you plan on incorporating different sources in support of this stance.

Step 2: Draft

Provide me with a short draft of your report – at least 300 words (between 1/3 and 1/2 of the final draft). This can be of any section of your report but it should be as well written as you can make it. I want to be able to comment meaningfully on it and understand the direction you are headed in. 

How Starbucks Convinced Indians to Embrace Coffee


Happy to work with you again, I have an assignment that I need your help with. As usual, please refrain from using a single word many times.

You will read a case study about Starbucks’ expansion into the Indian market (p. 413 in the textbook).

Respond to, and make decisions, based on the following questions:

What inspired Starbucks to venture into India? What were some of the company’s early concerns and other obstacles? 

How would you describe Starbucks’ approach to entering India and how Starbucks was influenced by cultural differences to adapt its offerings for the Indian market?

Why did Starbucks want to enter India through a joint venture? Specifically, what benefits did Starbucks and the Tara Group both gain by partnering with one another? What synergies were present? What conflicts occurred and how were they resolved?

  1. Now, assume the role of the Director of Starbucks’ Indian strategic planning team. You have been tasked to explore the benefits and challenges of expansion into foreign countries through joint-venture partnerships. Describe the opportunities, benefits, and concerns that Starbucks might face by doing so. Summarize the cultural environment, choose an entry strategy from the text, and describe how you would implement this entry strategy. Make sure you are very detailed in your explanation. 
  2. Based on the lessons learned from Starbucks case study, what lessons would you apply to those implementing Saudi Vision 2030 as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia embarks on this multi-year strategy to attract multinational corporations? 
  3. Essays should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, make sure you clearly delineate each section of your answer so it can be matched with the relevant question.
  4. the assignment is required to be five to six pages in length and requires adequate references with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  5. Here is a format for you to use to ensure that you have covered what you will be graded on.

Cover page


Tell your readers what they will read in your essay.

Starbucks Expansion to India (heading)

What inspired Starbucks to venture into India? What were some of the company’s early concerns and other obstacles? 

Starbucks Approach (heading) 

How would you describe Starbucks’ approach to entering India and how Starbucks was influenced by cultural differences to adapt its offerings for the Indian market?

Starbucks Entry Strategy (heading)

Why did Starbucks want to enter India through a joint venture? Specifically, what benefits did Starbucks and the Tara Group both gain by partnering with one another? What synergies were present? What conflicts occurred and how were they resolved?

Director of Starbucks Indian Strategic Planning Team (heading)

Now, assume the role of the Director of Starbucks’ Indian strategic planning team. You have been tasked to explore the benefits and challenges of expansion into foreign countries through joint-venture partnerships. Describe the opportunities, benefits, and concerns that Starbucks might face by doing so. Summarize the cultural environment, choose an entry strategy from the text, and describe how you would implement this entry strategy. Make sure you are very detailed in your explanation. 

Lessons for Vision 2030 (heading)

Based on the lessons learned from Starbucks case study, what lessons would you apply to those implementing Saudi Vision 2030 as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia embarks on this multi-year strategy to attract multinational corporations?

Topic Proposal Summary – Communications


Research Question: Is gender an important defining factor in how people communicate with each other?

Independent Variable – Gender

Dependent Variable – Inter-Personal Communication

Utilize only approved communications journals for the proposal. A list of approved communications journals is attached

For this project, you will begin to create a pathway to original research on a communication topic of your choice. By the end of this course, you should be able to identify communication concepts and propose original research surrounding communication for both academic and proprietary purposes. This assignment has you begin your research journey by identifying a topic of interest, justifying examination of that topic, creating research questions and/or hypothesis to explore, and providing resources that can be used in your literature review assignment.


The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success:

           Create hypothesis/Research questions for Communication research.

           Identify the variables/concepts associated with Communication research.

Compose clear conceptual definitions to identify the variables that you will discuss in future papers.  

To do this, you will propose a topic of interest and begin researching that topic.

Step by Step Guide

  • To complete this assignment, follow these steps:

Requirement #1: Cover Page

You need an APA (7th edition) cover page. See the resources at the end of this document for guidelines on APA.

  • Requirement #2: Introduction
  • The topic proposal is the first phase of your research project.  For the first part of this assignment, you will write a short introduction (1 page) on the topic/question of interest.  These pages should introduce your topic.  You will want to have an attention getter, justification statements, thesis and preview of your main points.  Your topic proposal must focus on communication behavior.  You need to make sure that there is some sort of message focused behavior being discussed.  If you are unclear as to what this means, please ask! You should be using what you learned in COM 207 when you develop this first paragraph. If you did not complete COM 207 with ASU, please look into these resources
  • Requirement #3: Hypothesis and Conceptual definitions
  • After providing your introduction, please provide the following:
  • Preliminary research question or hypothesis. This may change as your paper develops, but please provide the RQ or H as you are currently thinking about the topic.

Conceptual definitions for all IV(s) and DV(s).

Please use third person (i.e., avoid “I”, “me”, “you”, etc.) to help get you comfortable with this type of writing.

Requirement #4: APA Reference page

After you have your topic defined, you need 6 peer-reviewed journals for your bibliography in APA format. Please use journals from the Communication discipline.  An easy way to find these journals is using COMABSTRACTS through the ASU library. This resource should be helpful: Library Guide,  See the list provided for approved communication articles. Approved Communication Journals List.doc

  • Please keep these journals recent.  You should search for articles that:

Help describe the problem you are studying and why it is important

Define key variables or concepts

Provide a theoretical foundation for your argument

  • Help establish the links in your argument/explain why you think something should happen

Describes previous research on the key variable, population, etc.

Address the same question you are interested in only in a different setting, population, etc.

Read Poem and Respond


Exercise 2: Pablo Neruda’s The Word

Explicating a Poem

Write an Explication and Analysis of no less than 300 words of the poem The Word by Chilean author Pablo Neruda. Following the poem you’ll find a link to how to write a poetry explication, and a paragraph sample written by a student.


It was born
in blood, the word
grew in the dark body, beating
and flew through the lips and the mouth.

Further, and nearer
still, still it came
from dead fathers, nomadic races,
from lands made of stone,
that were tired of their wretched tribes,
because when pain set out on the way
the villages walked and arrived
and new earth and water joined again
to sow their words anew.
And so this is the legacy:
this is the air which connects us
to the dead man and the dawn
of new beings not yet woken.

The atmosphere still trembles
with the first word
in panic and moans.
It rose
from the shadows
and even now no thunder
yet thunders with the clang
of that word
the first
word spoken:
perhaps it was only a sigh, a drop,
and yet its cascade falls and falls.
Then sense fills the word.
The word was made pregnant and filled with lives.
It was all births and cries:
affirmation, clarity, force,
negation, destruction, death:
the verb assumed all those powers
and merged existence and essence
in the electricity of her beauty.

Word, human, syllabic, pelvis
of wide light and solid silver,
hereditary cup that receives
the communication of blood:
here is where silence was fused
in the total human word
and not to speak is to be dying among beings:
language springs from the roots of the hair,
the mouth talks without the lips moving:
the eyes of a sudden are words.

I take the word and traverse it
as if it were solely human form,
its lineaments delight me and I fly
through each resonance of language:
I pronounce and I am and I reach without speech
the silence at the end of words.
I drink to the word, lifting
a word or a glass of crystal,
in it I drink
the wine of language
or the interminable waters
maternal fount of words,
and glass and water and wine
originate my song
because the verb is the origin
and the living channel: it is blood
the blood that speaks its substance
and so is ready to flow:
giving crystal to crystal, blood to blood
and giving life to life, the words.

poetry-explication.pdfDownload poetry-explication.pdf

How to Explicate a PoemLinks to an external site.

“On Pablo Neruda’s “The Word,” the third stanza delves in the notions that words are pregnant with meaning, and the comparison suggests that words are personified, as though they were a woman with child. When integrating lines from the poem, be sure to enter a parenthetical citation with the number of the line (Line 3) (Neruda, Lines 3 and 7).

1-Identify literary devices such as allusion, tone, metaphor, style, etc.

2-When you integrate actual verses or lines from the stanza, as to provide evidence to your interpretation, be sure to insert these lines into quotation marks.

3-Avoid writing “Pablo’s poem entitled “The Word” is about… Instead, Neruda’s poem relies upon language , and the power of word as a means to convey notions of existence and the human need to communicate experience. Never call the author by their first name. 

4- Always introduce the title of the work you are responding to, and the author’s full name. Subsequently, use only the author’s last name.

Biology Forum


Questions for group discussion:

Draw the cell on the right (note that the letters indicate the gene and alleles present in each chromosome, show those letters on every drawing) as it goes from the G1 phase, to the S phase, G2 and then every phase in meiosis. Indicate the main things that happen to its chromosomes at each stage (label: sister chromatids, homologous chromosomes, Meiosis I, Meiosis II, identify which cells are haploid and which are diploid). Draw it in paper and upload a photo or scan, post it as an image not as a file to the discussion post (use the image icon to upload).
Cell with four chromosomes. Two of the chromosomes are long and the other two are short. 
Long chromosomes:
First long chromosome has alleles A (uppercase) and b (lowercase) . Second long chromosome has alleles a (lowercase) and b (lowercase). 
Of the short chromosomes: one has allele r (lowercase) and the other chromosome has allele R (uppercase). image link

Based on the diagram you drew above: A) Which events are unique to meiosis. B) The main purpose of sexual reproduction is to produce genetic variation in the offspring. Explain at least 3 ways in which meiosis promotes genetic variation. C) Explain which events in meiosis are responsible for the principle on segregation and which events are responsible for the principle of independent assortment.

  1. Given what you have learned about the principle of independent assortment and how meiosis induces variation in the genetic composition of gametes, discuss the following: Some plants can reproduce asexually (by mitosis they produce structures that can break apart from the parent plant and sprout as an independent plant with the same genetic composition as the parent plant) and sexually (by meiosis, ultimately producing male and female gametes). However, many plants can do self-fertilization (male and female gametes from the same parent plant fertilize to form a zygote). Do you think that the offspring created through self-fertilization are genetic clones of the parent, just as it occurs during asexual reproduction? Explain your choice.

A) When predicting the phenotype of the offspring from a dihybrid cross, why is it so important that each gene is located in a different chromosome? B) You crossed a tall plant that produces purple flowers with a short plant that also produces purple flowers. Assume tall and purple flower are dominant traits. The 2165 offspring were: 100% tall plants, ¾ of the plants produced purple flowers and the remaining 1/4 of the plants produced white flowers. What were the possible genotypes of the parents???

For the pedigree on the right, individuals affected with the genetic condition are indicated by the shaded symbols. A) Based on this pedigree, what type of inheritance does this genetic condition have (dominant, recessive, sex-linked)? Explain. B) What is the genotype of the parents? C) What makes an allele dominant or recessive? mod6_discussion Q5.jpg image link

Mendel was very lucky to study traits that follow simple hereditary rules. We now know that there are multiple factors that can interfere with the expected Mendelian ratios. A) Explain 3 genetic mechanisms that can prevent Mendel’s results from being observed and B) give an example of each.