chamberlain university HIST405N Week 4 Discussion


The Reconstruction period in American history saw the implementation of three different plans: Lincoln’s Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (10% Plan), Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan, and the Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Congress) (OpenStax, 2014).

First, we have Lincoln’s Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. This plan offered a pardon to Confederates, except high-ranking officials and war criminals, who pledged loyalty to the Union and supported the end of slavery. Once 10% of the state’s voting population took the oath, they could form new state governments and be readmitted to the Union (OpenStax, 2014).

Next, we have Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan. Johnson took a more lenient approach, requiring Southern states to declare secession illegal, ratify the 13th Amendment, and nullify Confederate war debts. Once these conditions were met, the states could be readmitted to the Union (OpenStax, 2014).

Lastly, there was the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, also known as Radical Reconstruction. This plan aimed to punish the South and protect African American rights. It divided the South into military districts, required states to draft new constitutions granting voting rights to African Americans, and ratify the 14th and 15th Amendments. Only then could the states be readmitted to the Union (OpenStax, 2014).

Now, let’s address the topic of whether the South should have been treated as a defeated nation or rebellious states. The South had seceded from the Union and fought against it to preserve slavery. Treating the South as a defeated nation would suggest a harsher approach with more severe consequences. On the other hand, treating them as rebellious states acknowledges their former allegiance to the Union and aims to reintegrate them back into the country. The decision to treat the South as defeated or rebellious had significant implications for the Reconstruction process and the relationship between the North and South (Foner, 1988).

Moving on to the changes in American culture and society during Reconstruction, there were notable differences between the North and South. The North had already undergone significant industrialization and urbanization, leading to the growth of cities, factories, and a more diverse economy. In contrast, the South was primarily agrarian and heavily relied on enslaved labor. During Reconstruction, the North continued to industrialize and modernize, while the South faced challenges in rebuilding its economy and adapting to the end of slavery. African Americans in the North experienced more opportunities for education, employment, and political participation compared to their counterparts in the South (Foner, 1988).

Lastly, let’s analyze the impact of the Compromise of 1877 that ended Reconstruction on African Americans. This compromise marked the end of Reconstruction and had significant consequences for African Americans. In exchange for the disputed electoral votes in the presidential election, Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South, effectively ending the military occupation and protection of African Americans. This compromise allowed Southern Democrats to regain political power and implement segregationist policies, leading to the establishment of the Jim Crow system and the disenfranchisement of African Americans. As a result, African Americans faced increased discrimination, violence, and limited opportunities for social and economic advancement (Foner, 1988).

In conclusion, Reconstruction was a complex period in American history with differing approaches and outcomes. It shaped the future of the country, particularly in terms of race relations and the rights of African Americans.


Foner, E. (1988). Reconstruction: America’s unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. Harper & Row.

OpenStax. (2014). U.S. history. OpenStax CNX. Retrieved from…

Scientific Investigative Techniques in Arson Investigation


You are a senior member of the Prometheus City Arson Squad. It is 3:00 a.m., and the temperature is below freezing. Your unit is called to an active fire scene. Your team consists of you and 3 others. Upon arrival, you discover that the fire is at the Acme Hardware Store. There are 2,000 of these stores in the United States, and they are very successful. This store is a three-story building. There is a customer elevator in the front of the store that only services the first and second floors. There is a freight elevator in the rear loading dock area.

The fire scene commander reported to you that there is a crowd of about 100 onlookers who are braving the cold to watch the fire incident. In addition, the fire scene commander provides you with a large plastic 3-gallon gas container, the type used for putting gas in lawn mowers. The container has a residual amount of liquid, which smells like gasoline. The spout is attached, and the cap is off of the tip of the spout. One of your investigators takes it as evidence.

The battalion chief said that the fire had 3 points of origin. One point of origin is on the third floor in the rear storage section, one on the second floor in the paint department, and one is on the ground floor, just inside the loading dock entrance, in the rear of the store, where the outdoor and garden section is located. It is clearly an arson fire, due to multiple ignition locations. The fire scene commander advises that the fire will be under control in about 45 minutes, and she will release the scene shortly after that. You are aware, from local media sources, that this chain of stores has had employee-relationship problems, specifically with gender inequality, and the company recently laid off 11 women for complaining about inequity issues.

Prepare a report on the details of the Acme Hardware Store arson fire. You should include the processing of evidence, provided in the scenario, and the processing of evidence found at the points of origin of the fire. This includes how and why you recorded the artifacts and the scene. You should include safety equipment and precautions you took during processing.

Explain your probable cause for getting a warrant for the scene.

Review unit materials for this assignment.

What are 2 actions that can be taken pertaining to the crowd of onlookers that might help you identify the offender(s)? Explain.

What are 2 areas you would check to ensure the scene can be searched safely? Explain.

What personnel records and other business papers should you subpoena from the Acme Hardware Store? Explain why.

  • What are 3 artifacts of a fire that would indicate the heat of the fire and points of origin? Explain.

What are 2 elements of evidence you would expect to find in the scene? Explain.

  • How would you collect them for evidence? Explain in detail.
  • What is 1 method for search, other than visual, you would use to identify the presence of an accelerant? Explain the process.
  • What are 2 items of equipment that will be absolutely necessary to conduct the arson crime scene search? Explain.
  • Provide a theory, based on facts and not on emotions, on the circumstances surrounding this arson investigation. Be as creative as necessary but support all statements accordingly.

perform a series of calculations.


Q8. [5points] As apreviewexercise to Module IV’s group term paper,choose oneof the

following scenarios to perform a series of calculations. Please be explicit about the
assumptions and please be specific about the thinking/reasoning process.

A. A student proposed a summer basketball camp project in Kobe with an interesting twist.
As a former professional basketball player in Germany, he wanted to bring his former
trainers, a ‘hall of a fame’ basketball coach and three assistant coaches, to the students’
hometown during Japan’s summer break. Assuming a fourweek period and a summer
camp running 5 days a week, what are the expected sales, costs, breakeven points, return
on investment, etc to put on a summer basketball camp for local junior highschoolers and
B. An animal loving student who also volunteers at an animal shelter proposed a cat
sanctuary on an island off of Ehime Prefecture to take in abandoned cats from all over
Japan. Assuming an initial operation with three fulltime staff members and five
volunteers, calculate the expected sales, costs, breakeven points, return on investment,
C. An outdoor enthusiast proposed a solocamping operation in Nagano Prefecture.
Assuming that you are leasing just one camping van, calculate the expected sales, costs,
breakeven points, return on investment, etc.

Q9. [20 points] A typical deductive structure in a corporate setting is a new market entry.
Imagine that you have a new product X that you want to sell in Japan. This product X can be
anything but you should think about a specific product (e.g. a specific brand of energy drink,
men’s shampoo or premium icecream to name a few potential products).
a. Come up with a tree diagram to at least the 5th level on how you would market and sell
this product X in Japan. You may need to do some ‘desk’ research to get some appropriate
context and data points.
b. Using about 1000 words, write a memo to top management. At its core should be your
recommendations for the new market entry launch based upon your own structure for
what you think is appropriate for top management to know about your investigation.
Hint on part a: You need several trees. One tree could be a marketing plan. Another tree could
be a sales operation plan. The point is to craft several trees that will allow the executives to
understand your new market entry plan. You will need to clearly state your assumptions.

Hint on part b: The worst memo just describes your process. That is not what the top management is looking for.

Technical writing


Project 3 Redesign Portfolio

  • This unit emphasizes document design based on audience need, rhetorical situation, and design principles. In Project 3, you will be responsible for compiling a “Redesign Portfolio” of three technical documents to demonstrate your acquired skill and knowledge in the following areas:
  • Appropriate Design and Document Formatting: this includes applying theories of design, particularly with respect to balance, alignment, grouping, consistency, and contrast and implementing these design choices in design software, Canva.

Rhetorical Awareness: this includes tailoring your redesigned documents for a particular audience, medium, and purpose.

Creative Thinking: this includes analyzing and solving problems in the original documents as you consider your redesign choices and implement them in, Canva.

  • Writing Conventions: this includes writing with clarity, concision, and correctness.


  • Your redesign portfolio will include the following deliverables:
  • Introductory Memo In the introductory memo, you will explain design choices for each document: (1) discuss the design of the original document and what needs to be changed, (2) detail the changes made to the new document, and (3) defend the new design. The memo should be well designed and well structured. (1-2 pages long)

Document 1: Adapting to Your Audience You will choose one of the provided technical documents, each written for a particular audience, and redesign and rewrite the fact sheet for a different defined audience. Consider choices in content, language, formatting and structure, visuals, and other design principles appropriate for the named audience in your redesign. Choose between Option A and Option B.

  • Option A SAMHSA. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services administration prepared a fact sheet for adult survivors coping with grief after community violence. If you choose this option, you will need to rewrite and redesign the document to be appropriate for 8th grade children (12–14 years old) who are survivors of community violence. (1 page front and back)

Option B WorkCare. This technical document about avoiding and treating insect bites was prepared for employers and workers who are at risk for such injuries while on the job. If you choose this option, you will need to rewrite and redesign the document to be appropriate for parents and their families for at-home care. (1 page front and back)

Document 2: Adapting Content to a Form You will choose one of the provided brief reports, which rely primarily on written text and a deep-reader audience. You will transform the content of the report and turn it into an infographic, relying primarily on visual design principles to appeal to the skim-reader audience without sacrificing informative power. Choose between Option A and Option B.

Option A International Migrants. The United Nations published a report on number of international migrants in 2019. Access the report click here

  1. Option B Homelessness. The National Low Income Housing Coalition summarized a 2019 HUD report estimating homelessness in the United States. Access the article click here
  2. Document 3: Implementing Design Principles You will choose one of the provided flyers, whose poor designs frustrate readers’ access to content and fail to achieve its purposes. Identify the purpose of the flyer and the intended audience, and redesign the 1-page flyer, focusing on design principles of balance, alignment, grouping, consistency, and contrast. Choose between Option A and Option B.

Option A Film Fest Flyer

Option B Animal Clinic Flyer

  1. Your portfolio should include four documents—Introductory Memo, Document 1, Document 2, and Document 3—saved as a PDF file.

Extended definition and rationale


For this two-part assignment, you are responding to the following real-life situation: 

Northwest and Southeast campus course offerings in the next few semesters will include an increase in blended sections as well as a new option for synchronous online sections.  To ensure new and returning students choose the modality that will best meet their needs, a resource document that includes extended definitions of each modality is being created as a resource for advisors and students.    

Part 1 – Extended Definition

Write an extended definition of one of the following modalities: a) blended or b) synchronous. 

Begin your extended definition with a sentence definition.

From here, there several definition strategies you can use to write your extended definition. Use at least two of these strategies.

  • Visuals: provide a graphic representation of a topic. For example, for a definition of the water cycle, the writer might use a visual illustration of the process to supplement his or her written QUESTION.
  • Examples: explain an abstract or complicated topic. For example, for a definition of compound exercise, the writer might provide several compound exercises as examples (squat, bench press, deadlift, etc.).
  • Partition: divides complex topics into multiple categories. For example, for a definition of diabetes, the writer would want to partition the three kinds of diabetes (type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes) and discuss them one at a time rather than try to define them all at the same time.
  • Principle of Operation: defines a process or an object involved in a process; as such, it is likely to appear in documents like a user’s manual or instructions. For example, for a definition of four wheel drive, the writer could explain, step-by-step, how four-wheel drive works.
  • Comparison and Contrast: useful when the topic consists of two categories with clear similarities and differences. For example, for a definition of electric current, the writer might want to set up the definition as a comparison/contrast between the two types of electric current: alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC).
  • Analogy: draws a comparison between the topic and something likely already familiar to readers. For example, for a definition of central processing unit, the writer might want to draw an analogy between how a CPU works and how the human brain works.
  • Negation: defines the concept by what it is not. For example, one way to define automatic transmission would be to explain how it is different from manual transmission, its predecessor.
  • Etymology: explains where the name of the topic comes from. For example, for a definition of tyrannosaurus rex, the writer might explain that the name comes from the Greek words meaning “tyrant” and “lizard” and the Latin word meaning “king.” Typically, your extended definition will proceed from general to specific; start with the broad information—the “basics”—that your readers would need to know about your topic. Gradually make your paragraphs more and more specific, but remember that your larger document and your audience will determine how specific you need to get. 

Part 2 – Rationale

Write a two-paragraph explanation to your instructor of your choices.  In it, include: 

  • why you chose the modality you did
  • if you conducted any additional research, how you did and what resources you consulted
  • why you included the content you did
  • how your audience affected the way you wrote the definition
  • why you used the definition strategies you did
  • why you used the specific language you did (word choice)



The collection of evidence is an activity that occurs with an endgame in mind. For example, law enforcement professionals collect evidence to support a decision to charge those accused of criminal activity. Similarly, evidence-based healthcare practitioners collect evidence to support decisions in pursuit of specific healthcare outcomes.

In this Assignment, you will identify an issue or opportunity for change within your healthcare organization and propose an idea for a change in practice supported by an EBP approach.

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To Prepare:

Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you critically appraised in Module 4, related to your clinical topic of interest and PICOT.

Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about potential opportunities for evidence-based change, using your topic of interest and PICOT as the basis for your reflection.

Consider the best method of disseminating the results of your presentation to an audience. 

The Assignment: (Evidence-Based Project)

Part 4: Recommending an Evidence-Based Practice Change

Create an 8- to 9-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

Briefly describe your healthcare organization, including its culture and readiness for change. (You may opt to keep various elements of this anonymous, such as your company name.)

  • Describe the current problem or opportunity for change. Include in this Question the circumstances surrounding the need for change, the scope of the issue, the stakeholders involved, and the risks associated with change implementation in general.
  • Propose an evidence-based idea for a change in practice using an EBP approach to decision making. Note that you may find further research needs to be conducted if sufficient evidence is not discovered.
  • Describe your plan for knowledge transfer of this change, including knowledge creation, dissemination, and organizational adoption and implementation.

Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience. Provide a rationale for why you selected this dissemination strategy.

Describe the measurable outcomes you hope to achieve with the implementation of this evidence-based change.

Be sure to provide APA citations of the supporting evidence-based peer reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.

Add a lessons learned section that includes the following:

A summary of the critical appraisal of the peer-reviewed articles you previously submitted

An explanation about what you learned from completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template (1-3 slides)

Alternate Submission Method

  • You may also use Kaltura Personal Capture to record your narrated PowerPoint. This option will require you to create your PowerPoint slides first. Then, follow the Personal Capture instructions outlined on the Kaltura Media Uploader guideLinks to an external site.. This guide will walk you through downloading the tool and help you become familiar with the features of Personal Capture. When you are ready to begin recording, you may turn off the webcam option so that only “Screen” and “Audio” are enabled. Start your recording and then open your PowerPoint to slide show view. Once the recording is complete, follow the instructions found on the “Posting Your Video in the Classroom Guide” found on the Kaltura Media Uploader page for instructions on how to submit your video. For this option, in addition to submitting your video, you must also upload your PowerPoint file which must include your speaker notes. 

Preeclampsia – Peer Response


Peer Responses – Martha

Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years

  • Relate to another journal reading
  • The International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) defines hypertensive disorders in pregnancy as new onset hypertension after 20 weeks of gestation, affecting 10% of pregnancies, including preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, and chronic hypertension (Fox et al., 2019). Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy can significantly impact the mother and fetus’ health, increasing the risk of stroke, cardiovascular death, and long-term hypertension. Prenatal risks include intrauterine growth restriction, oligohydramnios, placental abruption, and preterm birth. Exposure to these disorders during pregnancy can lead to serious long-term consequences (Fox et al., 2019).
  • Risk factors for preeclampsia include hypertensive disease history, maternal diseases such as diabetes, and chronic kidney disease (Fox et al., 2019). Additional risk factors include advanced maternal age, obesity, multifetal pregnancy, or long pregnancy intervals. Preeclampsia risk can be heightened by clinical factors such as elevated blood pressure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, sleep difficulties, and infections. Obstetric history, oocyte donation, and vaginal bleeding during pregnancy increase the risk of preeclampsia (Fox et al., 2019).

Aspirin is the only medication supported by research to lower preeclampsia risk in high-risk women. Current guidelines suggest low-dose aspirin from 12 weeks gestation to delivery (Fox et al., 2019).

Preeclampsia is a condition characterized by hypertension and new-onset proteinuria under 20 weeks gestation (Dynamedex, 2024). In the absence of proteinuria, one of the following criteria must be present: thrombocytopenia, impaired liver function, severe pain, elevated liver transaminases, new renal insufficiency, pulmonary edema, headache, and visual disturbances (Dynamedex, 2024).

Preeclampsia involves dysfunctional placentation, systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress (Fox et al., para. 12, 2019). It causes oligohydramnios, placental abruption, IGUR, preterm birth, chronic placental ischemia, and fetal distress, among adverse outcomes  (Fox et al., para. 12, 2019).

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women with preeclampsia or hypertension undergo blood tests, including liver enzymes, electrolytes, serum creatinine, and platelet counts (Dynamedex, 2024). For women without severe features and under 37 weeks of gestation, ongoing observation, biweekly blood pressure monitoring, and weekly measurements of liver enzymes, serum creatinine, and platelet counts (Dynamedex, 2024).

Standard measures for fetal surveillance include monitoring fetal movements, biophysical profiles, cardiotocography, amniotic fluid volume assessment, ultrasound growth assessment, and ultrasound Doppler measurements (Fox et al., 2019).

Preeclampsia-related problems in the fetus are managed with antenatal corticosteroids and magnesium sulfate infusions to prevent adverse outcomes (Fox et al., 2019). The only effective treatment for preeclampsia is delivery. However, the delivery decision involves weighing the mother’s health against the fetus and gestation. Optimizing the mother’s health with antihypertensives (labetalol, nifedipine, methyldopa, or a beta-blocker) and magnesium sulfate may also benefit the fetus (Fox et al., 2019).

Patient education should include warning signs of preeclampsia, including shortness of breath, weight gain, visual changes, unrefractory headache, and nausea and vomiting in the second half of pregnancy (Roberts et al., 2023). Patients should be encouraged to exercise, maintain a healthy weight, and eat a well-balanced diet low in fat and sugar. Additionally, they should be advised to take prenatal vitamins and low-dose aspirin if indicated. Home blood pressure monitoring should be discussed in the care plan. Patients require cardiac monitoring after delivery, and yearly follow-up is recommended to evaluate for cardiovascular disorders (Roberts et al., 2023).

Summary & Critical Response


Major Paper #1—Summary & Critical Response (Part 1)

We will be working on this assignment for the next two units.  In this unit, we will focus on the summary.  In Unit 3, we will focus on the critical response.  The paper will be due at the end of Unit 3.


Most of us use critical reading strategies everyday to effectively process all of the information we are consistently bombarded with.  This assignment allows you continue to explore ideas of reading and writing rhetorically, as you will use different strategies to write your summary and your critical response.

The Assignment:

This assignment will have two parts:

In this unit, we will be focusing on Part 1:  The Summary.

The Summary

Summarize in 150-200 words the article your instructor has chosen from the assignment.  Please use “To Seek Common Ground on Life’s Big Questions, We Need Science Literacy” provided below.  In this summary, you should relay the article’s main points, completely and accurately, in your own words.  If you find yourself in a situation in which the author’s words needed to be quoted directly (perhaps for emphasis), you must make it clear that these words are the author’s by using quotation marks appropriately.  You will not want to quote anything over one sentence in length, and you will want to limit yourself to no more than 2-3 direct quotes, if you use any at all.  Remember that the whole point of this portion of the assignment is for you to restate the author’s points objectively in your own words.

In general, I recommend you structure your first sentence something like this:

          In “To Seek Common Ground on Life’s Big Questions, We Need Science Literacy,” Jonathan Garlick argues that…

This will function as the thesis statement of your summary, so this first sentence will need to convey the main point(s) of the article to give your reader an overall view.

Please be sure to review the Submitting Your Assignment of Unit #3 section for specific instructions on how you should turn in your work for grading. The Summary & Critical Response Essay with both required sections is due at the end of Unit #3.



Major Paper #1—Summary/Critical Response (Part 2)

In the last unit, we focused on crafting the summary.  In this unit, we will focus on the second half of this paper:  the critical response.  The paper (including both sections–the summary and the critical response) will be due at the end of this unit.

The Assignment:

This assignment has two parts:

In this unit, we will be focusing on Part 2, the Critical Response.

Critical Response

Write a two page response to the article your instructor has chosen from the assignment. Please use “To Seek Common Ground on Life’s Big Questions, We Need Science Literacy” provided below.

Before you even begin drafting, you will want to decide on the terms of your response.  Once you decide on the terms (or grounds) of your response, you’ll want to figure out how you can support your points—using logic, outside evidence—whatever is appropriate.  Your response cannot be based on simply your opinion about the issue.

Please be sure to review the Submitting Your Assignment of Unit #3 section for specific instructions on how you should turn in your work for grading. The Summary & Critical Response Essay with both required sections is due at the end of Unit #3.

Sociology Question


Case Assessment

As the world’s population nears 10 billion by 2050, the effects of global warming are stripping some natural resources from the environment. As they diminish in number, developing countries will face mounting obstacles to improving the livelihoods of their citizens and stabilizing their access to enough food. The reason these governments are struggling even now is that our climate influences their economic health and the consequent diminishing living standards of their people. Climate changes are responsible for the current loss of biodiversity as well as the physical access to some critical farming regions. As such, these changes in global weather patterns diminish agricultural output and the distribution of food to local and international markets. These difficulties will become even more significant for these countries as the Earth’s climate changes for the worse. Temperatures are already increasing incrementally, and polar ice caps are melting, so the salient question is: what does this suggest for developing societies?

The issue before the developing world is not its lack of food, but rather how to gain access to food. Simply put, changes in our climate are affecting the global food chain, and hence, the living standards of entire populations. Added to this is the fact that food is not getting to where it is needed in time to prevent hunger or starvation. In many developing countries, shortages are due to governments’ control over distribution networks rather than an insufficient supply of food itself. In effect, these governments are weaponizing food by favoring certain ethnic or religious groups over others. When added to the dramatic climate changes that we are experiencing even now, the future for billions of poor people looks increasingly dim.


You are to write a minimum of a 5-page persuasive paper for the UN that addresses the following questions about the relationship between atmospheric weather patterns and food security in the developing world:

  1. Climate change and global warming are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same phenomenon. What are the differences between the two concepts and what leads to the confusion between them?
  2. In 1900, the average global temperature was about 13.7° Celsius (56.7° Fahrenheit) (Osborn, 2021), but as of 2020, the temperature has risen another 1.2°C to 14.9°C (58.9°F). According to the Earth and climate science community, if the Earth’s surface temperature rises another 2°C (3.6°F), we will suffer catastrophic weather patterns that, among other things, will raise sea levels, cause widespread droughts and wildfires, result in plant, insect, and animal extinctions, and reduce agricultural productivity throughout the world (Mastroianni, 2015 and Lindsey & Dahlman, 2020). How much credibility do you place in these projections? Why?
  3. There is no question that the Earth’s food sources are threatened by changes in its weather patterns, but what specific challenges does climate change pose to the food security of people in the developing world?
  4. There is currently a debate among some multinational lending agencies like the International Monetary Fund, UNICEF, and AID over the financial support for food security that has been misused by recipient government officials. On the other hand, U.S. authorities insist that misuse of its assistance is not occurring because it has strict monitoring oversight in place. What is your position on this matter? Is there evidence that financial assistance to developing governments is being widely misused by government officials?

Real Estate Question


The reflections should consider one or more of the readings in the designated period.

TITLE. They should be in a reasonably sized font (no more than 11 or 12 point), with

one-inch margins. They will be graded for title, style (grammar, etc.) as well as content.

Proper citations are a must. Citations are essential because they represent the work

that you have done to prepare the paper, and the way that you are integrating other

ideas into your argument. Sources need to be provided for every direct quote, nonpublic information, or idea. If direct quotes are used, they should be brief and no more

than two sentences in length. Note that the citation comes before the sentence’s

period. Any doubts about how to cite a source or whether a citation, feel free to ask. In

the body of the paper, provide the author’s name, year and page number.

At the end of the paper, provide a bibliography in alphabetical order with a full citation

for each source: author’s name (alphabetically by author’s last name), full book title,

publishing information, and the page number. Note that the bibliography does not

count toward your 3 page limit.

What is a Reflection paper? Please, do not write a summary of the reading or a set of

disconnected thoughts or a question. Media cst ( have provided the

following suggestions (edited for length, and some language altered to make it

germane to our class):

In 1 or 2 sentences, summarize the main idea(s) in the reading in your own words using

precise descriptive language. After that, consider some of the following questions:

1. Does the reading challenge your thinking in any way? Does it provide information

that changes the way you think about planning and development history? Be specific in your answer

2. Is there an important question that arises as you read this chapter/article?

3. Is there something that you want to criticize or disagree with? Does anything make

you uncomfortable or contradict your ideas about planning and development?

4. How do the ideas connect with other readings, lectures, other classes or life

experiences you’ve had? How would you integrate these ideas with what you already

know or think about this subject? How could you apply what you learned?

5. Is there anything in your past and/or present experiences that resonate with or

clashes with this reading?

You need to write your essay, not just answer the questions. You should be asking

yourself how does this reading add to my knowledge of planning and real estate

development? How does it challenge my presumptions about the fields? How does it

challenge my own beliefs about the city and its development patterns and history?

How does it tie to other things I have been reading in other classes?

One way to show that you have accumulated knowledge during the class is to make

intelligent connections between the reading/s from the current week with ones from

previous weeks. This course has a series of threads that flow through it, and the later

readings do build on earlier ones. Using those thoughts, organize your reflection paper

to express those ideas, emotions, concerns, and understandings. You can include