Analyze business obligations


Purpose: In  this project, you will discuss and analyze the arguments for and  against Milton Friedman’s thesis that the only purpose of business is to  make money. You will apply the arguments for and against to a specific  ethical issue that you have previously discussed in a weekly discussion.Identify  ethical issues that arise in domestic and global business environments  using an understanding of ethical concepts and of legal and business  principles.Create a  Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point  font. The format should be in memo form. The final product will be  between 8-10 pages in length excluding the title page and reference  page. Write clearly and concisely.

You  serve as the assistant to the very recently appointed CEO of a prominent  start-up that is beginning to grow rapidly. The new CEO, Tara Richmond,  is a former general who gained visibility in the military for her  outstanding leadership qualities. Since her arrival, the Board of  Directors has had spirited debates on several proposals that would  increase corporate profits but would work to the disadvantage of some  members of the public as well as other stakeholders. Some members of the  board are arguing that the only obligation the company has is to make  profits for the stockholders. Other members of the board are arguing  that the company has an obligation to the community and to stakeholders  other than just the stockholders.  

Your  boss is baffled by the debate. “When I was in the military, my duties to  others were clearly laid out. Here, I am unsure to whom the company  owes a duty.” She turns to you for advice, requesting that you draft a  memo that explains what the company’s ethical obligations are in  situations like these. She asks you to start with Milton Friedman’s  opinion piece in 1970, arguing that a company’s only ethical  responsibility is to make profits. 

She also  asks you to review a much more recent memo from the Business Roundtable  that takes a more expansive view of the responsibilities of a company.  The Business Roundtable consists of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, many  of whom are familiar names to her. 

You  should do additional research on arguments for and against Friedman’s  proposition. Using your classroom materials as well as external sources,  respond to the following prompts:   Explain Milton Friedman’s arguments supporting that a company’s only obligation is to make money.

Explain the  arguments contrary to Friedman’s position including where the Business  Roundtable stands as well as other arguments you find in your research.

Using one  of the ethical issues that you posted in classroom discussions,  illustrate for the CEO, how that issue would be resolved using  Friedman’s perspective and how it would be resolved using the  perspective of the Business Roundtable.

Which of these positions do you find most compelling and why?

Your memo should begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion where you make recommendations to the CEO.

This project requires you to do research on UMGC Library Databases or on the Internet.  You are expected to use course material going beyond defining terms.  You are expected to explain the ‘why and how’ of a situation. Avoid  merely making statements but close the loop of the discussion by  explaining how something happens or why something happens,  which focuses on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will  demonstrate the ability to think clearly and rationally showing an  understanding of the logical connections between the course material and  the question(s) being asked. Using one or two in-text citations from  the course material throughout the entire paper will not earn many  points on the assignment. The support must be relevant and applicable to  the topic being discussed. Points are not earned for mentioning a term  or concept but by clearly and thoroughly explaining or discussing the  question at hand.

Lab 1: How to Make a Histogram in Excel


Make sure the Analysis ToolPak Add-in is active (follow the directions above if needed).

  1. You must choose an appropriate bin size for your data set. The bin size refers to the range of values that fall into a specific class. For example, if your data set is ages of people in the United States, set your bin size to 10 years. This makes the bins correspond to ages 0-10, 11-20, 21-30 and so on, with a maximum bin of 101-110. Select a bin width that creates five to 20 groups of data.  For the earthquakes data, we will use 10 years.

Type the bin widths (from step 3) in column K. In row one (cell K1) add the label Decades.  Starting with K2 enter the years begin with 1909 then 1919, up to 2019.

  1. At the top of the page click the Data tab

Under Analysis click Data Analysis

  1. Under Analysis Tools select Histogram and click OK.
  2. First select the data to create the histogram from. To the right of the box labeled Input Range click on the icon that looks like a little spreadsheet.  A small window pops up.  From the Earthquakes worksheet select the entire D column by clicking on the D at the top of the column and then hit Return.  The Input Range should read $D:$D

Repeat the process for Bin Range only this time, after the small window pops up, change to the Bins worksheet. Select all of the rows in you bin column.  If your data starts in cell K1 and ends in cell K13 with the mouse, left click on K1 and while holding the left mouse button down drag the selection box to cell K13 then release the mouse button. Hit Enter. The Bin Range should look like $K$1:$K$13

Make sure the Labels box is checked, your data has labels in Row 1.

Under Output Options, select the radio button New Worksheet Ply

Select “Chart Output” in the output options section to generate a histogram graph.

  1. Click “OK.”

A new worksheet (Sheet1) will be created that has the histogram data labeled Decades and Frequency. If you attempt the histogram creation multiple times, the sheet name will be incremented; Sheet2, Sheet3, etc.)

Delete the More line (line 14) by selecting the entire row (click directly on the row label, the number 14) right click and select Delete.

On the graph, click on the word Frequency.  A box will appear around the word.  Right click on the box and select Delete.  Alternatively, you can just use the Delete key on the keyboard.

  1. Next we want to modify the Decades column. This will change the labeling of the x-axis on the graph.  For the first line of information replace 1909 with ‘1900-1909 (be sure to include the single apostrophe at the start, it indicates characters and not math operations follow).

In the remaining rows replace 1919 with ‘1910-1919, 1929 with ‘1920-1929, etc. on down to ‘2010-2019. This indicates that the histogram is showing he number of earthquakes in the years 1900-1909, 1910-1919, and so on.

You will need to enlarge the graph. Left click on any white-space in the graph.  You will see small boxes surrounding the graph.  Drag the middle, bottom box down enlarging the graph until the numbers 1910-1919, etc. are clearly visible.

  1. Next, modify the appearance of the plot by selecting any of the histogram bars, pressing the right mouse button, and clicking on “Format Data Series…” A pane will open to the right.

Under Series Options set the Gap Width to 0%.

Close the pane by clicking on the x in the upper right corner of the pane (not the x in the upper right corner of the window).

When completed, upload your completed Excel spreadsheet here.  Your spreadsheet must have all the work you did to create the chart and the final chart. Your chart should look like the one below. 

  1. Histrogram.png

Employee Leadership Training Module


For your final assignment, you will be doing the leading on identifying a film that helps us understand leadership.  For this exercise, place yourself in the role of a manger interested in demonstrating aspects of leadership and its importance to your team. Your objective is not to tell them about why leadership is important or why they should respect you as a leader. Rather your objective is to train the team you lead as leaders.  You will be submitting a short introductory paper to your training program as well as the training material itself which could take the form of a narrated PowerPoint, a  short film, or even a series of guided conversation.  The training program might deconstruct specific scenes, the behaviors s of the characters or even how characters respond to circumstances.  All of these choices are yours.  

There are a few steps that are important. 

Step 1.  Select a film that you find interesting but is not one of the films we used in the course.  It should be a film that you enjoy or covers a topic that is important or even a person that you admire.   The film can be a documentary or a work of fiction. But it must be a film that we did not use in this course. 

Answer the following about the film:

What is the Name of the Film?

Who is the director of the film?

Briefly provide a synopsis of the film (about 300 words) describing what the film is about.  Use your own words.  Do not copy resources like IMDB. It is important you organize this synopsis from your point of view.

Step 2.  You have already done the readings from the chapters of the text for the course.  Select three theories/sections of the assigned chapters that compose the points you want to get across in your training . For example, you could choose The Ohio State Studies, PAth-Goal Theory and Trait Theory. What it important is that the combination can be taught in a short training session with a team of employees after they view the films. State in the introductory paper the sections your are covering and how they apply in the film.  Note:  This is not the training- it is more a summary. 

Step 3.  Describe briefly in your introductory paper how the film addresses or improves organizational culture?  What does the film help your team understand about organizational culture?  Again this is not the training just go right the point in about 150 words.  For example, you could write about Lincoln, the film helps the team understand not only the role of the leader on the team but the importance of individuals honoring one another respectfully.  Lincoln builds a culture of respect among his staff and shows teams how respect is a powerful means to accomplish their objectives in the longer term . 

Step 4.   Select a specific scene of the film you select and provide a detailed analysis (include this in the introductory paper but this becomes the introduction to your training program.  Make sure you cover the following:

Why is the scene important for understanding leadership?

  1. How does the scene invite a team member to become a better leader.
  2. Guidance: It really doesn’t matter what the film is.  This is about putting together a training intervention for your team. Remember that you are using the film to help the team understand that main point of leadership you want to communicate in Step 2.  You are also using the film to help model behavior for employees. If you can locate a copy of the relevant scene on a platform like YouTube, include the link. It will make your analysis easier to place in context.  
  3. Instructions:
    Insert rationale, set-up, background, or general instructions for this assignment. Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 CST Sunday.

Con E 101 Book report Fire in the Grove: The Cocoanut Grove Tragedy


Your report should answer the following questions:

    1. WHAT BOOK did you read (give a full bibliographic citation, attach after report as an appendix)?
    2. WHAT HAPPENED in this book? WHAT was built, WHERE, WHEN? Give a short summary of the structure(s)/city part/city and its intended functioning. Also, as part of this answer, explain how the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN of this fire relate to the topics discussed in terms of the different parties of the construction industry (e.g., builders, inspectors, engineers, owners, suppliers) who contributed to the severity of this fire.
    3. WHAT were the most important factors that led to the fire and loss of lives as described in your assigned book? Consider human and social aspects of the decisions made, existing laws/regulations/requirements in place at the time of the fire, business practices, ethics. Additionally, compare and contrast how the factors you discuss in this answer relate to the factors that contributed to the recent fire in Maui, Hawaii in August of 2023.
    4. WHAT were the impacts of the fire described in your assigned book? How did it impact the lives of people at the location where the fire happened? How did it impact the structure of the building, the city/State where it occurred? Similarly, compare and contrast how the impacts you discuss in this answer relate to the impacts that contributed to the recent fire in Maui, Hawaii in August of 2023.
    5. HOW did the built environment influence survival in positive and negative ways? HOW innovative was the design of this particular structure(s), in terms of its methods and/or materials of construction, in terms of its environmental social impacts, and in terms of its use? Did it function in the way in which it was intended?
    6. WHAT lessons did you learn from this book? How do they relate to existing buildings and building codes? How are these lessons used to design, build, and operate current buildings? Develop your answer using the ASCE Code of Ethics (available at to an external site.) and explain which areas of the code of ethics were violated by those who contributed to the fire and its aftermath.
    7. Did YOU like this book? Would you recommend it to others? Produce a review of it as an object of entertainment, perhaps using a review of a book in a magazine or newspaper as an example.


Report Format

I expect that you will submit this information in a 5-6 page written report (not counting any front or back matter, see details below). You should use Times New Roman, 12-point font, space-and-a-half, 1-inch margins all around. Number your pages. Spelling, grammar, and presentation will be graded. Also, use the following checklist to make sure your report meet what is expected from this assignment: Checklist Individual Report-CONE101 (pdf)


Suggested outline

The report should have headings for each section, as suggested below, do not write using an essay format without the headings this will severely impact your final grade.

Front matter:

  • Cover page with your name and title of the book
  • Additional page with the table of contents

Introduction: provide a general introduction about the book and how the report is organized.

QUESTION/Overview of the fire covered in your assigned book include answer to item 2 above.

Most important factors influencing the fire include answer to item 3 above.

Impacts of the Fire include answer to item 4 above.

Relationship to builders’ place and time include answer to item 5 above.

Lessons learned – include answer to item 6 above.

Conclusions – include your thoughts on, for example, whether a similar fire might happen today, and if so, how the design, construction, and use of similar structures might be approached differently today, and any particularly interesting thoughts or observations you have preventing a fire.



Case studies are a useful way for you to apply your knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic aspects of pharmacology to specific patient cases and health histories.

For this Assignment, you evaluate drug treatment plans for patients with various disorders and justify drug therapy plans based on patient history and diagnosis.

To Prepare:

  • Review the case study posted in “Announcements” by your Instructor for this Assignment
  • Review the information provided and answer questions posed in the case study
  • When recommending a medication, write out a complete prescription for the medication
  • Whenever possible, use clinical practice guidelines in developing your answers when possible
  • Include at least three references to support your answer and cite them in APA format.

For this Assignment, you evaluate drug treatment plans for patients with various disorders and justify drug therapy plans based on patient history and diagnosis.

Do Not place the references at the end of the assignment post, place the references after each individual scenario.

Below are the scenario cases:

Directions: For each of the scenarios below, answer the questions below using clinical
practice guideline where applicable. Explain the problem and explain how you would
address the problem. If prescribing a new drug, write out a complete medication order
just as you would if you were completing a prescription. Use at least 3 sources for each
scenario and cite sources using APA format.

1. Sara is a 45-year-old female presenting for her annual exam. Her blood pressure
today is 160/90 HR 84 RR 16. Her height is 64 inches and her weight is 195. Her
last visit to the clinic 3 months ago shows a BP of 156/92. She is currently taking
ibuprofen 600 mg tid for back pain. She has no known allergies. What is the goal
for her blood pressure? What medication would you prescribe to treat her blood
pressure? What education would you prescribe?

2. Monty is a 52-year-old male following up on his labs that were drawn last week.
He smokes 1 pack per day. He is currently on Lisinopril 20 mg po daily. He is
allergic to penicillin. Fasting lipid profile shows total cholesterol 266, LDL
cholesterol 180, HDL cholesterol 40, and Triglycerides 185. What treatment plan
would you implement for Monty’s lipid profile? What is the goal Total Cholesterol
(TC), HDL-C, and LDL-C level for Monty? How would you monitor the
effectiveness of your treatment plan? How many risk factors for coronary artery
disease does this patient have? Identify them specifically.

3. Beatrice is a 17-year-old female diagnosed with mild persistent asthma since age
7. During her visit today, she reports having to use her albuterol MDI 3 to 4 days
per week over the past 2 months. Over the past week she has been using
albuterol at least once per day. She reports being awakened by a cough three
nights during the last month. She is becoming more short of breath with exercise.
She also has a fluticasone MDI, which she uses “most days of the week.” Her
current medications include: Flovent HFA 44 mcg, two puffs BID, Proventil HFA
two puffs Q 4–6 H PRN shortness of breath, Yaz one PO daily, Propranolol 80
mg PO BID. What treatment plan would you implement for this patient? What
medication changes would you make? How would you monitor the effectiveness
of this plan?

4. Daute is a 56-year-old man seeking evaluation for increasing shortness of
breath. He noticed difficulty catching his breath about 3 years ago. Physical
activity increases his symptoms. He avoids activity as much as possible to
prevent any SOB. His previous physician had placed him on
salmeterol/fluticasone (Advair Diskus) one inhalation twice daily 2 years ago. He
thinks his physician initiated the medication for the shortness of breath, but he is
not entirely sure. He did not refill the prescription and has not been taking it.
Pertinent history Chronic bronchitis X 8 years with one exacerbation in last 12
months of treatment with oral antibiotics. He has a 40-pack-year smoking history.

What treatment plan would you implement for this patient? What medication(s)would you monitor the effectiveness of this plan?

poster presentation to communicate implementation plan to bridge gap between evidence research and clinical practice


Create a poster presentation to communicate an implementation plan to bridge the gap between the evidence you will research and clinical practice. You will then record audio of no more than five minutes presenting your poster.

Master’s-level nurses need to be able to think critically about the evidence, outcomes data, and other relevant information they encounter throughout their daily practice. Often the evidence or information that a nurse encounters, researches, or studies is not presented in the exact context of that nurse’s practice. A key skill of the master’s-level nurse is to transfer evidence from the context in which it was presented and apply it to a different context in order to maximize the benefit to patients in that new context.

Master’s-level nurses understand the importance of utilizing evidence-based practice in their health care setting. The challenge is bridging the gap between the evidence and clinical practice. “This is the way we’ve always done it,” is a common response and may not indicate evidence-based practice is being utilized. Furthermore, when a practice problem is identified, what are the steps to communicate the need for change with the interprofessional team?

One way to communicate the need for quality improvements, as well as your plans for achieving specific changes, is through a presentation poster. This type of communication tool is used in workplaces as well as professional and academic conferences. Being able to convey the essence and value of a project in a compelling and succinct way is a valuable skill, and it is vital within the constraints of a single poster.

You have been asked to give a poster presentation based on your work and research on a clinical problem in your practice setting. The purpose is to lay out the evidence and a potential implementation plan to your colleagues in order to bridge the gap between the evidence and the practice and improve the quality and outcomes of care.

Identify a clinical problem in your work setting and develop an implementation plan to carry out your evidence-based practice proposal using a poster presentation. You may use the Poster Presentation Template [PPTX] Download Poster Presentation Template [PPTX]to help structure and organize your assessment submission.

Your Implementation Plan should include the following:

Background on the clinical problem.

PICOT question.

Stakeholders that will be impacted.

Action plan for implementation.

Potential barriers to project implementation.

Baseline data that will be needed to evaluate outcomes.

Search strategy and databases used.

Summary of the evidence with a critical appraisal of its quality.

The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your poster presentation addresses all of them.

  • Develop a PICOT question for a chosen clinical problem.
  • Include a graphic that is relevant to the clinical problem.
  • Provide a background on the clinical problem identified.
  • Outline an action plan to implement the evidence-based project that includes:
  • The recommended practice change.
  • Proposed timeline for implementation.
  • The tools or resources that will be needed to support the project.
  • Identify the stakeholders, opportunities for innovation, and potential barriers to the practice change needed for project implementation.

Who are the stakeholders who will be impacted?

What are areas of the project that present opportunities for innovation?

  • What are the potential barriers, such as a lack of knowledge, time, skill level, motivation, or resources that could impact project implementation?

Propose outcome criteria to evaluate the evidence-based practice project and how they will be measured.

  • How will outcomes be measured?
  • How do your outcomes align with the Quadruple Aim?
  • How will your outcome measures inform evidence-based practice, guidelines, or policies?

Evaluate the evidence that supports the need for practice change.

  • In the notes section of your poster presentation:
  • Describe your search strategy and databases that were used.
  • Summarize your findings with a critical appraisal of the quality and relevance of your resources.
  • Convey purpose of the poster presentation, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.

Week 6 Case Study.



All students should complete the two (2) case studies below.  Note: All case studies are provided as a learning tool for students who wish to have them. 

Case 1 

See Thyroid Function Panel Reference Range on page 478. 

Review the following case and answer the questions.  

Ms. Jefferson is a 50-year-old woman who comes into the clinic to review her laboratory results from 2 weeks prior. She is in good health and has no complaints.  

Her laboratory values are normal except for the following: 

TSH = 30 mU/L; T4 = 3.0 mcg/dL 

free T4 = 0.5 mcg/dL 

free thyroxine index = 3.0 

T3 = 90 ng/dL 

Answer the following questions. 

  • Based on these lab findings Ms. Jefferson is diagnosed with which thyroid disorder? 
  • Hyperthyroidism 
  • Subclinical hyperthyroidism 
  • Hypothyroidism 

Subclinical hypothyroidism

The lack of symptoms in the type of thyroid disorder Ms. Jefferson has is uncommon.

  1. 2. The lack of symptoms in the type of thyroid disorder Ms. Jefferson has is uncommon. True or False 

3. Ms. Jefferson’s thyroid disorder is most likely caused by what? 

A pituitary adenoma (i.e., thyrotroph) 

  • Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (i.e., Hashimoto thyroiditis) 
  • Autoimmune Graves disease 
  • Iodine deficiency 
  • 4. Ms. Jefferson asks when she should return to evaluate her thyroid disorder. You should respond: 
  • An annual evaluation should be sufficient. 

Return to have a TSH level done 6 weeks after starting therapy. 

Six months from now. 

5. Ms. Jefferson asks what are some possible symptoms of her thyroid disorder? Indicate all that apply.  

Weight gain 

  • Diarrhea 
  • Anxiety 
  • Palpitations 
  • Fatigue 

Cold intolerance

Case Study 2

A 50-year-old woman with an 8-year history of diabetes mellitus presents with difficulty controlling her blood sugars for the past 2 weeks. Her self-monitoring blood glucose readings have been in the 200s–300s for 2 weeks. She has managed her type 2 DM with diet, exercise, and metformin 1,000 mg twice a day. Her last glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1c) level, which was measured 2 months ago, was 6.8%.  

  • She has had asthma since age 18. She felt her asthma was getting worse for the past 6 months as she was having increased dyspnea and dry cough. She has managed her asthma with a daily combined long-acting beta-2 adrenergic agonist, an inhaled corticosteroid, and montelukast. She also uses her short-acting beta-2 adrenergic agonist, albuterol, about once a day. She went to her pulmonologist about 2 months ago and was diagnosed with severe asthma. A decision was made to start her on oral prednisone (corticosteroid). The first month she took 5 mg a day with some relief, but the symptoms returned, so her prednisone dose was increased to 10 mg a day. She has been taking the 10 mg dose for 3 weeks. She says her breathing is better, but she feels increasingly tired and like she is gaining weight.  
  • Physical examination reveals an anxious woman with blood pressure of 144/92 mmHg; pulse of 90 beats per minute; respirations 20 per minute; and weight of 190 pounds. She is talking in full sentences. Lung sounds are clear bilaterally. No accessory muscles are being used. No cyanosis is present. 
  • Answer the following questions.

1. Though this item involves pharmacology, it is still important. Which is the most likely cause of this patient’s loss of glucose control?  

Inhaled corticosteroid 

Prednisone therapy 

  • Asthma exacerbation 
  • Albuterol 
  • 2. All of the following actions are important for this patient to learn regarding glucocorticoid therapy, but which is the most important?  
  • Monitor cuts for healing 
  • Take the medication with food 
  • Do not stop taking the medication abruptly 

Contact her healthcare provider if she has any manifestations of infection 

3. Which endocrine condition is this patient at risk of developing?  



Addison disease 

Cushing syndrome 

4. Given this patient’s acute loss of glucose control, which of the following interventions would be ordered for this patient?  

Insulin as needed per routine sliding scale (dosing based on blood glucose levels) 

Increase exercise 

  • Decrease caloric intake 
  • Decrease prednisone dose 
  • Please make sure you are using scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format.

humanities final


My Future as a Human Services Professional

[WLO: 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 13, 14 and the epilogue from your text, The generalist model: Where do the micro and macro convergeLinks to an external site. and Self-care in the world of empirically supported treatmentLinks to an external site.

Your final paper should identify and analyze a specific need identified by a community.

Your summative assessment will require you to reflect on your future as a human services professional. In your paper, you must comprehensively address the following:

Evaluate your career selection that was made in Week 1.

What populations do you want to serve and in what capacity?

What type of organization do you want to be working for in the future (or now if you plan to stay with your organization as you advance)?

Appraise the past, current, and future societal issues facing the human services profession with your chosen population and organization.

Evaluate a minimum of one historical issue related to your population.

What current challenges might your clients face and how might this impact your organization as well as your work?

What future societal issues might your clients and organization face?

Evaluate how you might perform your role in this field.

  • How might you be supervised?

What might your working relationships be with your colleagues?

  • How will you maintain healthy boundaries with clients?
  • What other services might your organization offer and how might these services interact with yours.
  • Assess the impact that the community will have on your clients and organization?

How will you work to serve your clients within the community?

  • How do you think you will have an impact on the global needs in terms of the population you have chosen to serve?
  • Compare the human services organization where you currently work or might work with a similar human services organization that serves the same population.
  • Outline the similarities and differences, evaluating which is more of an effective model of a human services agency.
  • The My Future as a Human Services Professional final paper

Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA StyleLinks to an external site.

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
  • Title of paper (bold and with a space between the title and the rest of the information)
  • Student’s name, followed by institution name (“University of Arizona Global Campus”)
  • Course name and number
  • Instructor’s name

Date submitted

For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.

  • Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Library Quick ‘n’ DirtyLinks to an external site. tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

DCL 600M Apply Critical Thinking


Your manager Phil visits your office. “I’m meeting with Betty. Would you mind joining us for a minute?”

You grab a notepad and pen and follow him.

“Betty and I have been talking about a serious problem we might be facing. Have you heard about it?”

You explain that you’ve heard some rumors, but don’t know the details.

“We’ve got the legal department involved, but we want to make sure we’re looking at this from all angles. We’re still sorting out the facts ourselves, so we’ll send you the details after this meeting. We need to know what we know and what we don’t know about the situation. Your critical thinking and analytical skills are going to be key for this assignment. Write up an analysis and deliver it to me by the end of the week.”

Step 1: Prepare to Think Critically

Prepare to respond to your boss’s request for an analysis of a problem in your organization. You realize that this will require careful thinking. So, you need to take time to review the process of critical thinking and problem analysis, as well as key habits of master thinkers and ethical decision making.

Step 2: Identify the Problem

Your first task is to figure out how the circumstances resulted in a problem for the organization. Remember the direction from your boss is to “apply your critical thinking and analytical skills to figure out what happened, what we know and don’t know, and how the organization might remedy this situation.”

What is the problem that resulted from the circumstances, and why might there be different interpretations of the facts? Outline the points that you want to make in the first two sections of your paper (introduction and explanation), and draft those sections.

Step 3: Analyze the Information

Now that you have some understanding of the nature of the problem and the parties involved, it’s time to gather and analyze information. The problem analysis resources will aid your analysis and development of the third section of the paper.

Outline the points that you want to make in Section 3: Analysis of the Information, then draft that section.

Step 4: Consider and Analyze Other Viewpoints, Conclusions, and Solutions

nce you have completed your analysis of the incident, the next step is to consider other viewpoints, conclusions, and solutions. To do this, you will need to apply ethical decision making skills. If you missed it earlier, we also recommend that you read Randolph Pherson’s “The Five Habits of the Master Thinker,” a paper written for intelligence analysts, but applicable to all analytical thinking and reasoning.

Outline the points that you want to make in Section 4: Analysis of Alternative Viewpoints, Conclusions, and Solutions, and draft that section of your paper.

Step 5: Develop Well-Reasoned Conclusions

Now that you’ve considered various viewpoints, you’re ready to develop your own personal conclusions and suggest solutions that your boss can bring to leadership in briefing them about the situation.

Remember, you may need to consult outside references, but this is not a research paper. It should be investigative in nature about the facts of the case. Cite any outside sources carefully.

Now, outline your argument and draft Section 5: Conclusions and Recommendations, the final section. Your boss is expecting to receive a concise, focused paper to prepare for further meetings. Stay focused on the main points, although you may have many facts that could be used to answer any questions.

Step 6: Submit Critical Thinking Paper

The final paper should be no more than five double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page and references page(s). Organize the paper in accordance with your preparatory steps, using these subheadings:

Title of Paper (centered and bold) There is no heading named “Introduction”

Explanation of the Issue (centered and bold)

Analysis of the Information (centered and bold)

Consideration of Alternative Viewpoints, Conclusions, and Solutions (centered and bold)

Conclusions and Recommendations (centered and bold)

3 sources and explanation of them


My Topic:  My persuasion article, based on my previous submissions, is about how individual differences in personality and experiences influence a person’s dream content. My purpose of this persuasive article is to push this information and evidence forward so more people will believe in this statement. I hypothesized that a person’s dreams directly correlate to their personality and what they have gone through and experienced in their lifetime. I will price this to an audience with evidence and persuasive writing techniques. This is the thesis I decided on because it leaves a side for people to argue against my findings and use evidence and other opinions to combat the claim I made. People may hypothesize against me and argue that dream content may correlate with different things, such as medications, anxiety, emotions, sleep patterns, or some may argue even external temperature. Based on my findings I believe in my previously stated hypothesis that it is the most affective way to predict dream content. I will include graphics of both people dreaming/sleeping in peace, paired with different charts and graphs that prove my thesis correct. I want to share this information in a persuasive manner by stacking evidence to sway the audience into backing me and believing that the most affective and prominent deciding factor of dream content is based on personality. I want to remain formal to show scientific proof of my thesis in a manner that influences people to believe in expert analysis.

Assignment: Research is a recursive process, meaning that we have to keep returning to it with fresh eyes. Each time we go back, we have new things we are looking for and new understanding of the ideas we’re reading about. At work and at school, as we get further along in a project, we will need more and different research to complete the different phases of the project and we may have revisit sources we already looked at. 

As you prepare to write your Unit 3 project, you will see that the research you did in Unit 2 was not enough to complete the project in this unit. There will be things you still don’t quite understand; things you remember reading but can’t find now; questions that come up as you write that you need to answer before continuing.


For this assignment, I want you to find 3 new sources to use in your Unit 3 project. Importantly, I do not mean any three sources that will just be tacked on to your works cited–but sources that will actually help you. I recommend making an outline of your Unit 3 project (building off of what you wrote for the Working Plan) or even starting a draft of the project and thinking about which sources from your Unit 2 project will help you write each section. Then ask yourself, “Where are the gaps? What kind of information do I still need?” This assignment will help you most if you think about what you still need before you set out to find it. 

Once you identify the three NEW sources that you will actually use for Project 3, list each source in MLA format (the complete citation). Then, for each source, write a brief explanation (at least 100 words each) why you are adding that source to your list. Here are some questions to consider as you write your explanation: 

Why do you need this source? 

What information does it contain that you did not have before?

How does it build on information you already had?  

What section or portion of your document will it help you write? 

What specific part of source, or what specific information within the source, will you use? 

How will this source help you to achieve your rhetorical purpose