focused soap note: complex case



Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide. Also review the Kaltura Media Uploader resource in the left-hand navigation of the classroom for help creating your self-recorded Kaltura video.

Select a child/adolescent or adult patient from your clinical experience that presents with a significant concern. Create a focused SOAP note for this patient using the template in the Resources. All SOAP notes must be signed by your Preceptor. When you submit your SOAP note, you should include the complete SOAP note as a Word document and PDF/images of completed assignment signed by your Preceptor. You must submit your SOAP Note using Turnitin.
Please Note: Electronic signatures are not accepted. If both files are not received by the due date, Faculty will deduct points per the Walden Late Policies.

  • Then, based on your SOAP note of this patient, develop a video case study presentation. Take time to practice what you will say beforehand, and ensure that you have the appropriate lighting and equipment to record the presentation.
  • Your presentation should include objectives for your audience, at least 3 possible discussion questions/prompts for your classmates to respond to, and at least 5 scholarly resources to support your diagnostic reasoning and treatment plan.

Video assignment for this week’s presenters:

Record yourself presenting the complex case study for your clinical patient. In your presentation:

  • Dress professionally and present yourself in a professional manner.
  • Display your photo ID at the start of the video when you introduce yourself.

Ensure that you do not include any information that violates the principles of HIPAA (i.e., don’t use the patient’s name or any other identifying information).

State objectives for the presentation that are targeted, clear, use appropriate verbs from Bloom’s taxonomy, and address what the audience will know or be able to do after viewing.

Present the full complex case study. Include chief complaint; history of present illness; any pertinent past psychiatric, substance use, medical, social, family history; most recent mental status exam; current psychiatric diagnosis including differentials that were ruled out; and plan for treatment and management.

Report normal diagnostic results as the name of the test and “normal” (rather than specific value). Abnormal results should be reported as a specific value. 

Pose three questions or discussion prompts, based on your presentation, that your colleagues can respond to after viewing your video.

  • Be succinct in your presentation, and do not exceed 8 minutes. Specifically address the following for the patient, using your SOAP note as a guide.
  • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
  • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment? 
  • Assessment: Discuss their mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses and why you chose them. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis, and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria and is supported by the patient’s symptoms.

Plan: What was your plan for psychotherapy (include one health promotion activity and patient education)? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan.  Discuss an identified social determinate of health impacting this patient’s mental health status and provide your recommendation for a referral to assist this patient in meeting this identified need (students will need to conduct research on this topic both in the literature and for community resources).

  • Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again? If you are able to follow up with your patient, explain whether these interventions were successful and why or why not. If you were not able to conduct a follow-up, discuss what your next intervention would be.



During my recent clinical rotation, I encountered a multitude of cases that underscored the importance of conducting thorough assessments and exercising critical thinking skills. Navigating through a clinic that predominantly serves older patients with a plethora of comorbidities posed initial challenges, as the signs and symptoms they presented with often pointed towards a myriad of potential disease processes. However, with the invaluable guidance of my preceptor, I quickly acclimated to the fast-paced environment and was able to adeptly manage the complexities inherent in such patient demographics.

    One particularly memorable case involved an 82-year-old African American female with an extensive medical history including type 2 diabetes, stage 3 chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and hypertension. She presented with complaints of sharp, tingling lower back pain that had been radiating to her hips for the past six months, accompanied by mild difficulty in ambulation due to the discomfort. Both my preceptor and I suspected sciatic nerve involvement based on her clinical presentation. However, abnormal results in her blood work, specifically elevated levels of creatinine, BUN, and calcium, prompted us to delve deeper into the diagnostic process. Consequently, we decided to refer her for spinal X-rays to confirm our preliminary diagnosis. To manage her pain, she was prescribed meloxicam 5mg PO BID and educated on the importance of adhering to the prescribed medication regimen, as well as utilizing a heating pad to alleviate inflammation. Given the complexity of her medical history, we also considered alternative diagnoses such as spinal stenosis, which could exacerbate her symptoms due to spinal degeneration (Goldsmith et al., 2019). Diabetic Neuropathy was another plausible explanation, given her history of type 2 diabetes, which could manifest as radiating pain in the lower limbs (Nordheim & Jenssen, 2021). Additionally, peripheral vascular disease was considered, given her advanced age and history of hypertension, potentially contributing to her ambulatory difficulties (Jaul & Barron, 2017).

    In light of her multifaceted medical conditions and associated risk factors, we prioritized implementing various health promotion strategies to optimize her overall well-being. These strategies encompassed educating her on the importance of glycemic control through medication adherence, regular blood glucose monitoring, and adhering to a balanced diet. Furthermore, we emphasized the significance of managing blood pressure and blood sugar levels to decelerate the progression of kidney disease, alongside advocating for regular kidney function tests to monitor renal health. In addition, we tailored a safe and feasible exercise regimen to her individual capabilities, advocating for gentle activities such as walking and stretching to enhance mobility and mitigate the risk of complications associated with her myriad of conditions.

    This clinical encounter served as a poignant reminder of the indispensable role of interdisciplinary collaboration in delivering comprehensive patient care. Engaging with other healthcare professionals, consulting specialists, and fostering collaboration within a multidisciplinary team framework proved instrumental in navigating the complexities of managing patients with multiple chronic conditions. Also, addressing medication management in such patients necessitates a nuanced understanding of potential drug interactions, side effects, and contraindications, further underscoring the importance of effective communication and coordination among healthcare providers.

    Drawing from evidence-based guidelines and recommendations, such as those provided by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for glycemic control and the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guideline for blood pressure management in chronic kidney disease patients, informed our approach to patient care (Reynolds et al., 2018). Additionally, leveraging evidence-based dietary guidelines from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics facilitated tailored dietary recommendations to effectively manage the patient’s complex medical conditions (Reynolds et al., 2018).

    This clinical experience exemplified the intricate interplay between comprehensive assessment, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary collaboration in providing optimal care for patients with complex medical histories and multiple comorbidities. By prioritizing patient education, implementing tailored health promotion strategies, and leveraging evidence-based guidelines, advanced practice nurses can empower patients to actively participate in their care and achieve improved health outcomes amidst the intricate tapestry of chronic disease management.

Humanities Question


General Assignment Instructions

• This assignment involves creating an original physical art project that will be photographed and submitted onto Canvas. The image of the work must be embedded into the Word document with the written response for the assignment.  Please make sure the image is embedded large enough to see the labeling. 

• Answer the following prompts in an MLA formatted Word document in a minimum of 300 words.

? Do not recopy the questions into your document.

? Be sure to number your answers.

• You must embed an image in this assignment. This is as simple as pasting an image file into the document from your device. Find the image file wherever it is stored, copy it, and paste it onto the document. Alternatively, you can upload the image directly into the document using the insert picture feature in Word. 

• A complete assignment applies the lessons of the unit to the assignment.

• Please read the rubric carefully before beginning the assignment.

Architectural Design Project Assignment Instructions

In Part One of this project, students will be designing a building.

• Architects are trained and licensed professionals who design buildings and play a role in the construction of those structures. Architects design structures with the purpose, style, and function of the building in mind.

Students will act as an architect and design an original building, then describe how they will make the structure strong and aesthetically pleasing. 

1 Students must select one of the following structures to design:  

? residence

? place of worship  

? commercial building  

? governmental building

2 Students must choose to create one of the following schematic designs to produce (students can find examples in the course materials):

? Elevation drawing

? Cross-section drawing

? Three-dimensional model of the exterior

3 While designing the original structure, students are required to label and use at least two building materials, two architectural elements, and two architectural principles from the following list. 

? Architectural building materials: stone, concrete, wood, steel, glass, iron, brick, carbon fiber, and plastic. 

? Architectural elements: post and lintel, rounded arch, pointed arch, gable, buttressing, flying buttress, arcade, tunnel/barrel vault, groin vault, ribbed vault, dome, pendentives, cantilever, columns. 

? Architectural principles: evidence of repetition, use of line, use of balance, use of scale, use of variety, use of texture. 

4 Create your physical project and label the completed design with each of the two materials, elements, and principles utilized. Be sure to make the labels large enough to read in your embedded photo.   

? Your original architectural design may be created in one of the following ways.  

? You may utilize any computer animation/drawing/drafting programs that you feel comfortable creating in.

? The free Microsoft 360 package includes Paint and Whiteboard, which could be useful tools for this project. 

? Minecraft, Roblox, or other videogame design software may be used to design your structure. *Take still photos of the finished design to label it appropriately.

? You may also create a physical three-dimensional model of your architectural design. You must label the fundamentals on the physical model or the photo or the model.  

? You may also hand draw and color your structure with any materials found in your home.  

In Part Two of this project, students will be writing a response about their architectural design.

In your written response (Minimum 300 -words), address the following (Be sure to number your answers):  

1 Why did you choose to utilize the materials and elements in the structure in the way you did? How do these materials and elements add to the strength of the structure?  

2 How did you utilize principles of design to add to the aesthetics of the structure? 

3 How did your project end up? Do you think your project represents your own individual style? Why or why not?

WCU Payment Disparities for APRNs vs Physicians Discussion


Jalil D Response 1

Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, and HMOs are reimbursement mechanisms designed to make payments to APRNs for services rendered. Notably, most billing regulations for insurers follow the Medicare guidelines. Payments to APRNs are only made on an assignment basis that follows the Medicare-allowed amount. Consequently, APRNS are not allowed to collect or bill the beneficiary any amount apart from unmet copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. However, payment is made to APRNs unbundled when inpatient and outpatient hospital services are billed directly. 

Differences exist between physicians and non-physician providers. For instance, while the reimbursement for non-physician providers tends to be based on direct diagnosis-related groups, provider services are made independently from the respective system. It is also important to note that payment for nursing services is equivalent to 85% of the doctor’s payment plan. The reimbursement of provider services is done independently from other services offered in healthcare facilities. On the one hand, payments for provider services are made through Part B of Medicare, which includes surgery, therapy, diagnosis, care plan oversight, consultations, and institutional and home visits. Billing done for inpatient services for physician services uses the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code system. On the other hand, non-physician services use the Evaluation and Management (E&M) service, which includes coordination of care, counseling, diagnosis, history taking, and examination.

Previously, APRNs were not allowed to have their practice in California. However, from the beginning of 2023, APRNs in California State could apply for licenses to operate their practice (Haney, 2023). The main reason for this authorization is that NPs are essential leaders in healthcare teams where standardized procedures are needed to ensure that they function within their area of practice to meet patients’ primary healthcare needs.

Rocio R Response 2

Reimbursement mechanisms for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) vary depending on the payer, whether it’s Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, or Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). In the case of Medicare, it reimburses APRNs for services provided under certain conditions. For example, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse-midwives can be reimbursed for services they independently provided within their scope of practice and state laws (Harrison et al., 2023). However, certified registered nurse anesthetists typically receive reimbursement under physician supervision rules (Harrison et al., 2023). In addition, Medicaid reimbursement for APRNs also varies by state regulations and scope of practice laws. While some states allow APRNs full practice authority, enabling them to bill Medicaid directly for their services without physician oversight, other states require that APRNs collaborate with physicians to receive reimbursement (Harrison et al., 2023).

Private insurers typically follow Medicare guidelines but may have their reimbursement policies regarding APRN services. Many private insurers reimburse APRNs for services within their scope of practice, although the rates may vary (Leger & Vanhook, 2021). On the other hand, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) often have reimbursement policies for APRNs that may reimburse APRNs depending on the specific HMO and its contract agreements with healthcare providers (Leger & Vanhook, 2021).

Regarding fee schedules, there are often differences between physicians and non-physician providers (NPPs) such as APRNs. 

According to Bischof & Greenberg (2021), Medicare generally pays APRNs at 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge or 85 percent of physician payment under the Medicaid Physician Fee Schedule. Those reimbursement rates differ due to the scope of practice between physicians and NPs, billing rules and market dynamics, that include negotiations between healthcare providers, insurers, and government agencies (Razavi et al., 2021).

Finally, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) can own their practices in Florida in primary care, including family medicine, general pediatrics, and general internal medicine (APRN, 2024). Florida is one of the states that allows APRNs to practice independently without physician supervision under certain conditions. The ability of APRNs to own their practices in Florida is influenced by factors such as the scope of practice laws, state licensing requirements, and business regulations (APRN, 2024). 

i need help with my excel analyzing


i have provided a excel file, where there are my results, i am missing some things in the project

Frequency analysis. Your first task is to analyze claim frequency by the rating variables available
for your data. Analyze each variable separately, looking at frequency = claim counts / exposure.
a) What are the frequency relativities for each variable?
b) How does the outer product of these relativities compare to the empirical relativities for
these variables? You can obtain the empirical frequencies by creating a cross tabulation
of the variables.
c) Are there any low-volume cells that are candidates for being combined? What criteria
could you use to select these candidates?
2. Severity analysis. In this section, you will look at the severity (Tot_Inc/Counts) for the rating
variables. The format and questions are similar to the frequency analysis:
a) Create tables of total loss, claim counts and severity for each variable.
b) Convert both severity tables to relativities to their respective base classes. What
stands out here

c)Create a cross tabulation of total loss, claim counts and severity by territory and rating class. What stands out here? Are there any combinations of the variables that are rare?

d) Convert the severity table you created in d) to a relativity table based on territory 4
and rating class A. Create an alternative relativity table using the outer product of
relativities from the tables in part c). The latter implicitly assumes that these
variables are independent. How do these two tables compare? Does it appear
appropriate to assume that these variables are independent?
e) Comment on the differences between your conclusions on claim frequency and
severity. Is there justification for considering frequency and severity separately, or
does one dimension appear to capture most of the differences in these classification
3. Pure premium analysis. In this section, you will analyze pure premium (Inc_loss/expos). Since
you have already looked at the components separately, you can go directly to the pure premium
a) Create a table of pure premium for each rating variable. Convert them to a relativity
table. How do these relativities compare to the frequency and severity relativities for
the same variable?
b) Create the cross tabulation of pure premium by territory and rating class. Convert this to
a relativity table. How do these relativities compare to the frequency and severity
c) Create a pure premium relativity table from the product of the relativities in part 4a).
What can you conclude about using separate multiplicative factors to predict pure
4. Minimum Bias Method. Since we don’t know the relativities currently used in the rating plan,
the adjusted pure premium method cannot be applied directly. However, you could try using
the estimated relativities for territory to compute the adjusted relativities for rating class, and
vice versa.
a) Try this method. Does it improve the results (in the sense of moving the estimates closer
to the “true” values?)
b) Chapter 9 of the Werner & Modlin text describes a “minimum bias” method for
estimating relativities. Your answer to part a) is the first step in this minimum bias
method. You can compute additional steps using the relativities from the previous step
to compute the adjusted relativities in the current step. Do this and run additional
iterations until there is no difference in the result for the first 3 decimal places.
c) Check to see if the outer product of the relativities produced by this method produce a
result closer to the actual relativities that you produced in step 3
d) Prepare a rate table. You may convert pure premiums to rates using the “all variable”
method with a permissible loss ratio of .73.

5. Credibility Adjustment. Prepare an alternative rate table using credibility to compute the
classification pure premiums. Use the traditional method (“square root rule”) based on claim
counts with 1,082 claims as the standard for full credibility. The complement of credibility
should be the pure premium for the entire state (country). Covert these estimates to rates,
adjusted for any off-balance introduced by the credibility process. How do these rates compare
with the minimum bias rates? Comment on differences? Which do you think best meets
ratemaking objectives?

Reply to Addressing Absenteeism In The Workplace Discussion 1


Reply to Addressing Absenteeism In The Workplace Discussion 1

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


Addressing Absenteeism In The Workplace

           Organizations continuously identify, measure, and develop the performance of their employees to align with their objectives and vision in a process called performance management (Aguinis, 2023). In performance management, organizations identify incidences of excellent or poor employee performance. In my previous workplace, I observed a situation where most employees were either absent or late for work. Absenteeism had become a serious problem in this organization to the point that half of the employees in every department were absent at least twice a week. Even those who came to work were also getting late on some days. I was also absent from work at least twice a month because it had become a habit. I realized that employees missed work because they were demotivated. The pay was relatively low, and the management did not reward employees based on their performance. I consider this an example of common poor employee performace.

           Managers can address absenteeism problems like the one witnessed in my previous workplace by introducing performance management strategies. One of the strategies is to monitor employees’ behaviors. This behavioral approach focuses on how employees do the job (Aguinis, 2023). When the managers monitor how employees work, they will be able to identify the pattern of absenteeism or lateness. Then, they can discipline or reprimand the absent employees to discourage this poor workplace behavior. Employees who understand that they will be punished for unjustified absenteeism will rarely be absent from work (Gupta, 2020). The other strategy is to measure employee performance results and compare them with the set targets. This result-based performance management strategy focuses on what employees produce (Aguinis, 2023). The managers understand that absenteeism leads to underperformance because employees spend less time working than anticipated. Therefore, results will indicate whether the employees are performing as expected. When they monitor and measure the outcomes of what employees do, they will identify the poor-performing employees and take the appropriate action. These two performance management strategies are meant to measure how and what employees do and then take corrective measures.

           In performance management, managers use different tools and models to measure the success of their approaches. In this case, after implementing the two strategies to solve absenteeism in the organization, managers need to evaluate their success by checking the key performance indicators (KPIs) and performance standards. KPIs indicate how well the employees perform in relation to the organization’s strategic goals and vision (Domínguez et al., 2019). Then, performance standards will show how well the employees have achieved the objectives set by the organization. The other tool that I would use to determine the success or failure of the recommended strategies would be Artificial Intelligence systems. AI is now an integral part of performance management, and it would help identify performance trends (Khaled et al., 2022). AI would help track and keep records of employee attendance and performance automatically. Once I employ these tools and models, I would know whether the recommended strategies for solving absenteeism problem have succeeded or failed.


Aguinis, H. (2023). Performance management. Chicago Business Press.

Domínguez, E., Pérez, B., Rubio, Á. L., & Zapata, M. A. (2019). A taxonomy for key performance indicators management. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 64, 24-40.

Gupta, R. (2020). Impact of Absenteeism on Employee Productivity with Special Reference to Manufacturing Companies of Nagpur Region. Our Heritage, 68(1).

Khaled, A. S., Sharma, D. K., Yashwanth, T., Reddy, V. M. K., doewes, R. I., & Naved, M. (2022, June). Evaluating the Role of Robotics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Performance Management. In Proceedings of Second International Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology: ICMET 2021, India (pp. 285-293). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

5 minutes presentation


In this project you will visit a restaurant or grocery store that serves food from a culture that is different from your own. Eat a meal and select the dish that you find most interesting, or purchase one or more prepared food items (frozen or deli style).

Take a picture of the dish. Research the origins of that dish, how it migrated to California and how it (may) have been modified from its original form in the migration. You are encouraged to be creative with your research. You may include interviews, internet and library searches.

Your final product will be a short (5 minute) recorded oral presentation or Sway infographic.

What you will do in this part of the project

In this part of the project you will visit the resturant or ethnic grocery store that you selected and try one or more dishes. Select one dish to focus your presentation on. You will present a short (5 minute) recorded presentation or create a Sway infographic to share with the class that summarizes the dish, its country of origin, its history and your reaction to it. This project is not a restaurant or food critique, it is a summary of a the Geography of a specific dish.


Your meal

Meals are more fun with friends. I encourage you to take several friends on this adventure. Be open minded and respectful of the culture you are visiting.

Take notes and pictures

Take notes during your meal or right afterwards. Jot down your impressions of the food, the restaurant decor, and the neighborhood that the restaurant is located in. Take several pictures of your dish (you will need them in your presentation)

Follow up

Google the dish. Look at several different recipes for it. What are the defining ingredients? These might be the primary grain or protein in the dish, or it might be defined by a specific spice or other ingredient.

If possible, try to talk with someone who cooks the dish. You could explain to your server at the restaurant that you are doing a project for a college class and would like to talk with the chef about their dish. See if you can call the restaurant or visit at a later time to chat with the chef. Ask them about how they make their dish and why it is important to them. This is actually pretty easy – chefs love to talk about their food, and it is an opportunity to meet an interesting new person and learn first-hand about the dish!

Your presentation

You have two options to present:

Record a 3-5 minute narrated slideshow (using Google Slides or Power Point) and Studio or another screen capture software of your choice. NOTE: I will stop watching the video after 6 minutes. Material presented in the video after 6 minutes will not be considered in grading.

A Sway or Story Maps infographic

Content of your presentation

You are encouraged to conduct first person interviews and include quotes from your primary sources in your paper.

  • Specifically, your presentation must address:

At least two photos of your dish

  • A QUESTION of the dish

The defining ingredients in the dish

How it is presented

How it is consumed

Note if any of the above have been modified in the dish’s migration to California

The country of origin

  • climate

dominant starches and proteins in the culture’s diet

  • How or when the dish migrated to California (or where ever you are currently located)

How the dish has been modified in its migration

Your overall impressions viewed through your geographer’s cultural lens.

  • Consider who consumes the dish (people from the dish’s source culture? others?)
  • Where or when is it usually consumed? Is this an ”anytime” food, or something specific to a holiday, season or time of day?
  • How is your perception of the culture from where the dish is from shape or inform your feelings about the dish?
  • How you view the dish, and if your perceptions of it changed between your first introduction to it and now.

power point



For this assignment, you will be asked to put yourself in the role of the Human Resources (HR) trainer for your law firm. You have been asked to provide a PowerPoint presentation for new employees in which you must discuss some of the important rules of professional responsibility. Seeing that these employees are new to your firm, you want to be sure to convey accurate, clear, and concise information at the initial orientation for employment because there could be “real world” implications.  Understand though that, oftentimes, the ethical dilemma may arise from the shadows around the seemingly clear rules.  If you see that, be sure to address such “shadows” to help the new employees avoid them.

In order to prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the American Bar Association Rules of Professional Responsibility.

You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation. The assignment requires a minimum of 10 slides, not including a title slide and reference slide. Your slides should include the following:

Part I consists of a defining and describing the unauthorized practice of law.

Part II consists of a discussion of confidentiality and the attorney client privilege.

Part III consists of defining and discussion conflicts of interest.

Part IV consists of a discussion of fees and sharing.

You must reference a minimum of two sources following APA (if you are not a Legal Studies student) or Bluebook (if you are a Legal Studies Student) format. 

Please do not copy and paste the rules of professional conduct. You need to incorporate the rules of professional conduct into your presentation, but your presentation must show creativity and originality to earn full credit. To create as perfect as possible presentation, be sure to review the rubric before you begin your work.  Pay close attention to the Exemplary column so that you will know the standards that you need to meet or exceed.

*****YOUR MATCH PERCENTAGE TO TURNITIN CANNOT BE OVER 50% . Student effectively communicates policy concepts and ideas. The project is creative, cohesive, organized and operates in a multimedia fashion. i created this outline to speed things up you are free to do it however you see best but this is to help

Title: “Professional      Responsibility in Law: A Guide for New Employees”

Slide 2: Introduction

Brief introduction to the      importance of professional responsibility in law.

Overview of the American Bar      Association’s Rules of Professional Responsibility.

  • Mention the goal of the      presentation: to ensure understanding and adherence to these rules.
  • Slide 3: Unauthorized Practice of Law (Part I)
  • Definition of unauthorized      practice of law.
  • Examples of what constitutes      unauthorized practice.

Consequences of engaging in      unauthorized practice.

Reference: ABA Rule 5.5 –      Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law.

Slide 4: Ethical Dilemmas in Unauthorized Practice (Part I Continued)

Discuss “grey areas”      and ethical dilemmas.

Case studies or hypothetical      scenarios.

  • Importance of seeking guidance      when in doubt.

Slide 5: Confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege (Part II)

Define attorney-client privilege      and confidentiality.

Explain their importance in legal      practice.

Reference: ABA Rule 1.6 –      Confidentiality of Information.

  • Slide 6: Navigating Confidentiality Challenges (Part II Continued)

Discuss potential challenges and      ethical dilemmas in maintaining confidentiality.

  • Examples of permissible      disclosures.

Importance of discretion in      sensitive matters.

  • Slide 7: Conflicts of Interest (Part III)

Define conflicts of interest in      legal practice.

Explain the types of conflicts      that may arise (personal, financial, etc.).

Reference: ABA Rule 1.7 –      Conflict of Interest: Current Clients.

Slide 8: Identifying and Resolving Conflicts (Part III Continued)

  • How to identify potential      conflicts.

Procedures for resolving      conflicts.

  • Emphasize the need for      transparency and integrity.

Slide 9: Fees and Sharing (Part IV)

  • Discuss rules regarding fee      arrangements and sharing.

Emphasize the importance of fair      and reasonable fees.

  • Reference: ABA Rule 1.5 – Fees.

Slide 10: Ethical Fee Practices (Part IV Continued)

Discuss common ethical dilemmas      related to fees.

Importance of clear communication      with clients about fees.

Guidelines for sharing fees with      other professionals.

  • Slide 11: Conclusion

Summarize key points.

  • Emphasize the importance of      adhering to these guidelines.

Encourage employees to ask      questions and seek guidance.

  • Slide 12: References

List the minimum two sources      cited in Bluebook format.

Include additional resources for      further reading. 

Watch video and answers all this questions


Assignment 3 Text mining

This is an individual assignment. Please be sure to watch the recorded “Assignment Lectures” for Assignment 3 (two parts) before you start. Lecture videos are under Content and contain step-by-step demos. You have to submit the Excel Graph activity before you progress to this assignment.

Purpose: Some of the most important data that we have are large quantities of text data. Text data includes books, articles, blog posts, social media posts, emails, reports, journals and diaries, shopping lists, etc. etc. etc. This data is unstructured and can be massive. We have software tools available to help us make sense out of large quantities of text data. When we use software to analyze and try to make sense out of text data, we call this text mining. A practical example of this is chat bots. Chat bots utilize algorithms to try to make sense out of what the user types so it can select an appropriate response. In this assignment we will explore the text mining strategies of looking at word frequency and occurrences. Other methods beyond the scope of this class include part of speech tagging and machine learning. 


In this assignment you will need files or web links (URLS) with text data. Please watch the How-To video before you start the assignment. You will use two free browser-based text mining tools to analyze your text. 

Task 1. Visualizing Word Frequency. Looking at the frequency of occurrence of each word can give you an overall sense of a document. You will use your first file to create a word cloud to visualize frequency and understand how stop words affect word frequency analysis. We will use WordClouds for this.

Task 2. Taking a deeper look at word frequency and occurrence. For the second text document we will use Voyant Tools to explore other visualization methods as well as look at word correlations. 

Download the attached Word document Template add your screen shot for Task 2 and answer the questions for each task. This website can show you how to take a screenshot on whatever device you are using.

Steps for Task 1:

1. Open the following website: Word Clouds

2. Watch this HowTo video. To create a Word Cloud, you can upload a file or paste text or submit a URL.

3. Personalize your Word Cloud by using different Theme, Shape, Gap, Font or other options. Observe that Stop Words can be included or excluded. They are excluded by default, so you have to create two Word Clouds from the same text: one with and one without the stop words. The website has the common English stop words already.

4. Save your Word Clouds as two images, called “WordCloud with Stop Words” and “WordCloud without Stop Words”. Use the PNG file format. Submit these images to the Assignment 3 drop box.

5. Answer the questions in the Word document for Task 1.

Steps for Task 2: 

1. Open the following website:

2. Paste in some URLS or paste the text from your Task 1 text file or from a different text file. 

3. You will see data in five different windows and each window has a tab. 

    a. In the upper left window click ‘Links’

    b. In the upper middle window click ‘TermsBerry’

    c. In the upper right window, leave it on ‘Trends’ (or click it if it’s not there)

    d. In the bottom left window, leave it on ‘Summary’ (or click it if not there)

    e. In the bottom right window, click ‘Correlations’

4. Take a screen shot of the entire screen and add it to your Word document. 

5. Answer the questions in the Word document for Task 2. 

P.S. Other tools that can also be used for this task: 

LINCS Project mirror

Huma-Num mirror

Discussion 2 1st reply


Primary Care NP Role vs. APN Roles

  • Thaiz 
  •     Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) play crucial roles in healthcare, providing specialized care, improving access to healthcare services, and promoting health outcomes (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, n.d). Among APNs, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) hold a significant position, with various specialties such as primary care, acute care, pediatric care, and more. This paper compares the primary care NP role with other APN roles, highlighting their similarities, differences, and methods of communication to healthcare providers and consumers.
  • Similarities among APN Roles

    All APN roles share several core similarities like advanced education and training. All APNs possess advanced degrees such as Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), which equip them with advanced clinical knowledge and skills (Chan et al, 2020).

    The scope of practice for APNs is more expanded scope of practice compared to registered nurses, including assessing, diagnosing, prescribing medications, and providing treatments independently or collaboratively with physicians (Chan et al., 2020).

    The APNs prioritize holistic, patient-centered care, emphasizing health promotion, disease prevention, and patient education to improve health outcomes (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, n.d).

    APNs often work in collaboration with physicians, other healthcare professionals, and interdisciplinary teams to deliver comprehensive care to patients (Pulcini et al., 2019).

Differences among APN Roles

    APN roles exhibit distinct differences, primarily in their scope of practice, patient population, and settings. Primary Care NPs focus on providing comprehensive care to patients across the lifespan, emphasizing health promotion, disease prevention, and management of common acute and chronic conditions in various primary care settings, including clinics, community health centers, and private practices (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, n.d).

    Acute Care NPs specialize in managing complex acute and critical conditions in settings such as hospitals, emergency departments, and specialty clinics. They often work with acutely ill or injured patients, conducting assessments, ordering diagnostic tests, and coordinating care in fast-paced environments (Pulcini et al., 2019).

    Pediatric NPs specialize in providing primary and acute care to infants, children, and adolescents, addressing their unique physical, developmental, and psychosocial needs. They work in pediatric clinics, hospitals, schools, and specialty practices, collaborating with pediatricians and other healthcare providers (Pulcini et al., 2019).

    Psychiatric-Mental Health NPs focus on assessing, diagnosing, and managing mental health disorders across the lifespan. They provide psychiatric evaluations, psychotherapy, medication management, and crisis intervention in various settings, including psychiatric hospitals, community mental health centers, and outpatient clinics (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, n.d).

Communication of APN Roles to Healthcare Providers

    To effectively communicate the roles of APNs to healthcare providers, it is essential to emphasize their advanced education, specialized training, and contributions to patient care. Healthcare providers should be informed about the specific responsibilities, scope of practice, and collaboration opportunities with APNs in different settings. Utilizing professional presentations, workshops, and informational materials can help raise awareness and foster collaborative relationships among healthcare teams (Chan et al., 2020).

Communication of APN Roles to Consumers

    Communicating APN roles to consumers requires clear and accessible language to transfer the benefits of receiving care from APNs. Consumer education efforts should focus on highlighting APNs’ expertise, personalized approach to care, and ability to address a wide range of health needs. Strategies such as pamphlets, websites, and community outreach events can be employed to educate consumers about the role of APNs in delivering high-quality, patient-centered care across various healthcare settings (Chan et al., 2020).

    In conclusion, while APN roles share commonalities such as advanced education and patient-centered care, they differ in scope of practice, patient population, and practice settings. Primary care NPs, along with other APNs, play integral roles in improving access to healthcare services and promoting positive health outcomes. Effective communication of APN roles to healthcare providers and consumers is essential for fostering collaboration, increasing awareness, and enhancing the delivery of healthcare services. By highlighting the unique contributions of APNs, healthcare teams can work together to meet the diverse needs of patients and communities.