post a discussion in agreement or against


The evaluation topic centers on the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023, which widens Medicare coverage for intensive behavioral therapy and includes diverse healthcare providers. Additionally, the act extends coverage under Medicare’s prescription drug benefit to encompass drugs used for obesity treatment or weight loss management in overweight individuals. The evaluation will focus on assessing the effectiveness of these expanded coverage measures in addressing obesity, their influence on healthcare costs, and potential criticisms or challenges in implementation.

Question of the Evaluation Procedure/Process/Criteria and Results 

Evaluation Procedure 

The “Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023” proposes Medicare amendments to address obesity. It expands coverage for behavioral therapy, involves various healthcare providers, and extends Medicare Part D to include obesity medications. The evaluation involves coordination, specific settings, and the Secretary submitting periodic reports to Congress detailing provisions and recommendations for improved coordination among federal agencies in supporting obesity research and clinical care (H.R. 4818, 118th Cong., 2023-2024). 

Process Procedure  

In addressing the obesity epidemic, the “Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023” outlines key findings on prevalence and health impacts. The legislation empowers the Secretary to expand providers for intensive behavioral therapy, emphasizing coordination. Additionally, it amends Medicare Part D to cover obesity medications for weight management with comorbidities. Regular reports to Congress are mandated, detailing implemented provisions and amendments, along with recommendations for improved coordination in obesity research and clinical care (H.R. 4818, 118th Cong., 2023-2024). 

Criteria and Results 

The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023 (H.R. 4818) proposes amendments to the Social Security Act, expanding behavioral therapy providers and including obesity medications in Medicare Part D. Findings highlight obesity prevalence and related risks, with the Secretary of Health and Human Services required to report annually on Act implementation (Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023, 2023). 

Discuss How Social Determinants Impact the Topic 

Health disparities persist in communities across the United States and globally, spanning various diseases. The culture of health inequities is, in part, driven by an imbalance in funding for biomedical research, originating from government agencies, private foundations, industry, and other funding sources (Shiramizu et al., 2016). The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023 acknowledges social determinants, focusing on age-related disparities in obesity rates among adults aged 60 and over. The Act expands healthcare provisions, addressing diverse needs and potential socioeconomic disparities. Periodic reporting to Congress emphasizes commitment to monitoring and mitigating systemic factors influencing obesity. In essence, the bill targets age-related disparities, enhances healthcare access, and promotes a comprehensive approach to obesity prevention and treatment (Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023, 2023). 

Reflection: What did you learn about Policy Evaluation? 

In reflecting on policy evaluation, it becomes evident that nurses, regardless of their role, expertise, or education level, possess a valuable skill set in evaluating the effectiveness of their efforts. The nursing process, with its foundational step of evaluation, provides a robust framework. Moreover, the principles utilized to assess clinical interventions are transferable to program/outcomes or policy evaluation. The critical aspects of evaluating impact, effectiveness, and value are instrumental in enhancing healthcare policies and programs, meeting the needs of stakeholders, and identifying areas for improvement (Milstead & Short, 2019, p. 117). Studying H.R. 4818 highlights the essence of effective policy evaluation: addressing obesity through targeted Social Security Act amendments. Data-driven findings emphasize obesity’s impact on Medicare, with specific criteria for intervention like expanding healthcare providers and extending Medicare Part D. The bill’s structure, with clear goals and periodic reporting, showcases key elements for successful policy evaluation defined issue focus, data-driven insights, targeted interventions, and ongoing oversight for improvement.  


Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed., pp. 117). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

Shiramizu, B., et al. (2016). Leading by Success: Impact of a Clinical and Translational Research Infrastructure Program to Address Health Inequities. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Advance online publication. to an external site. 

Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023, H.R.4818, 118th Cong. (2023-2024). to an external site. 

Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023. H.R. 4818, 118th Cong. (2023-2024.). Retrieved January 22, 2024, from to an external site.

Criminal Justice POL 217


Part 1) 1- Please read this article from last week on the NYT website. You should have access to 3 free articles per month, and if you cant open it try doing so in a private browser. Please discuss this article including the effects of crime on politics, who has ultimate control over crime policy, and whether you think this trend if crime being a major political issue for voters will increase in future elections.

2- Plea and Charge Bargaining
In New York City over 98% of cases are settled by a plea bargain, not a trial. During a plea bargain, the defendant gives up certain rights including the right to a trial, to call witnesses in their defense, to challenge evidence, the right to an appeal, and a variety of other constitutional rights. In exchange for pleading guilty and saving the Prosecutor’s office the expenses, human resources, and time of going to trials which can take weeks or months, the person is offered a more lenient sentence. Giving up one’s right to a trial in order to receive a lighter sentence in known as the “trial penalty” and many have argued that people are being pressured into waiving these and other rights by prosecutors who hold all of the cards. In the case where a person does not want to admit their guilty and instead opts for a trial, prosecutors have historically sought a much harsher sentence that carries substantially more prison time. A critique of the Khalief Browder case, and others, is that defendants are pressured into taking a plea because the costs of going to trial are so high.

At the same time, trials are imperfect, can still result in wrongful convictions and longer sentences, and often take years to be scheduled as lawyers are busy and dockets are full. Many argue that there is simply no realistic alternative to plea bargains and that if everyone had a trial the system would explode.

1) Read the PDF ” Plea and Charge Bargaining” on the Materials Page first.

2) Then read the article from the Atlantic listen to the Voir Dire Podcast “The Trial Penalty” for questions about NYC.…

Answer the following questions.

  • From “Plea and Charge Bargaining” What are the summary findings of the study of Federal Plea Bargains? What are the Policy Implications?
  • Given that there are hundreds of thousands of arrests in NYC every year, is it reasonable to completely do away with plea bargains? If everyone got “their day in court” what might happen?
  • Do you believe that prosecutors have too much discretion and that defendants incur a “trial penalty”? How might this be made more fair?
  • Your textbook argues that with “bargained justice” (Plea Bargains), victims are often disappointed as those who commit serious crimes are able to receive relatively light sentences. How does plea bargaining contribute to both excessive convictions and wrongful convictions as well as criminals escaping justice for serious crimes that injure members of society. Can we reconcile this contradiction under the existing system?

3)Read the PDF on Blackboard entitles “Bail Discovery and Speedy Trial Reform”. What changed in New York’s criminal procedure law in 2020 and why? Why was the former system considered unfair?

Read the following article about Bail reform what was changed under the law and what crimes are now eligible for bail?

Part 2) 1- Discuss Shane Bauer’s Piece “My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard”. What is his central argument? How did working at the private prison change him? Can private prisons be reformed or should they be closed? What were some of the issues the author raised with the private prison system? What does John Pfaff say about private prisons in “Locked In.”

2) Watch and discuss the content of the “College Behind Bars” Documentary on Netflix. What parts of this film did you find the most interesting? Do you think this program should be expanded? What other programs can we offer to people behind bars who may not be interested in education? Is it worth funding these programs? If so, how do we get public support for this?

Research & Summaries Question



In this thought experiment, we are really going to have a thought experiment. Before beginning, do an internet search or ask AI and define the Anthropocene. 

Watch PBS Space Time- What if Humans are NOT Earth’s First Civilization


Why did they propose the Silurian Hypothesis? What is the purpose of creating such a hypothesis? (you want to wait for the end of the video, not just take the answer in the beginning). 

What will our civilization look like in the future? What will happen to the proof of our civilization? What geophysical process is happening to cause this? 

Why is unlikely that we would have stumbled upon the physical remnants of a past civilization? Think about spatially and temporally and relate this to finding fossils of dinosaurs. 

  1. Summarize how we trace geologic time with sedimentary rock
  2. How big would our layer be in sedimentary rock?
  3. List some specifics about how we (in the Anthropocene) are going to confuse future geologists and paleologists. 
  4. How does the rise in temperature associated with atmospheric carbon influence the geologic record?
  5. What is a hyperthermal and what triggers it?
  6. What is an OAE- ocean anoxic event?
  7. What are we (in the Anthropocene) doing that is hard to explain naturally?
  8. What is the time scale paradox about searching the geologic record for ancient civilization? 
  10. Lesson 12: Ecosystems, Biomes, & Soils
  11. Give definitions in your own words for the following biogeochemical cycles: The flow of energy, Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Oxygen cycle

Humans have extensively modified the biosphere. Your book has several examples or find an example online. Describe and explain a detrimental modification and what it means for the future of the land or species in 1 paragraph. 

Briefly define the 5 principal soil-forming factors.

What is soil order? Choose 1 of the 12 soil orders and describe its 2 characteristics and in what climate it can be found.

  1. Lesson 13: Anthropogenic Effects, Geologic Time, & Climate Change

What are oxygen isotopes? What kind of information can scientists get from looking at isotopes?

  1. What is Traditional Ecological Knowledge? What how does this relate to geography and climate change? 
  2. Summarize climate change in a 2-3 paragraphs.
    How do we determine climates of the past?
    What are some causes of climate change?
    How do we model future climate change?
    Describe at least 1 feedback mechanism that would further increase global temperatures once a warming trend has started.

Lots of climate change information is all doom and gloom. Seems like we always hear about humans making a mess of the climate. Write 1 paragraph about some GOOD things that people are doing for the climate or find an example on the internet about adaption or mitigation and tell me about it.


Data Exercise: Survey Plan

You may either use Google Maps or a topo map to locate an area with no apparent sites or you may make up an imagined landscape to study. Your area should include changes in elevation, level areas and a water source.

  1. Map, draw, or describe through writing the landscape you will be surveying. You have ten crew members. Map out how you will conduct a surface survey by drawing transects on the map or describing how you will be placing your transects.  Indicate how far apart your transects will be. Keep in mind probable site locations and crew endurance.  Should they walk up and down hillsides or follow the terrain? Where should they focus their transects? What were your reasons for placing transects where you did?  Are there areas where sites may have been missed or do you think your crew covered the area well?
  2. To get full credit for this exercise:
  3. Map or describe the landscape you wish to survey.

Indicate on your map or give a written QUESTION of how you will survey this area for sites.

Be specific about how far part, where, and in what direction your transects will go.

Explain why you decided to place your transects as you did and why you think this will help you find sites in the area.

Accounting Question


Problem 1

The following information is available for Angelica Corporation for 2023:1. Depreciation reported on the tax return exceeded depreciation reported on the income statement by $207,000. The differences will reverse as follows:2024     138,0002025       34,5002026       34,5002. Annual interest received on municipal bonds was $18,000 in 2023 and $20,000 in 2024.3. Rent collected in advance on November 1, 2023, totaled $117,000 for a 3-year period. Rent was recognized monthly, starting on November 1, 2023 for book purposes.4. During 2023 and 2024, Angelica paid $25,000 (each year) for a life insurance policy on its executives, with Angelica as the beneficiary. In 2024, Angelica received $280,000 due to the untimely passing of its CFO.5. The tax rates are 20% for 2023 and 2024, and 30% for 2025 and beyond.6. A contingent loss due to litigation was accrued in 2023 for $295,000. The company expects to pay the loss in 2025.7. Pretax financial income for the year ended December 31, 2023 was $6,125,000, and $6,595,000 for the year ended December 31, 2024.8. The company has a $5,800 credit balance in the Valuation Allowance and a beginning balance of $17,000 in the DTA account due to a temporary difference of $85,000 caused by a deferred revenues for GAAP purposes. The difference was realized for tax purposes in 2023.9. Of the ending balance of the DTA account, the company believes that it is “more likely than not” that 9% will not be realized.10. On 1/1/2024, a surprise tax cut was implemented, causing the 2024 tax rate to increase by 2%, and the 2025 and beyond tax rates to decrease by 2%. What is the journal entry to record the adjustment to the DTA/DTL balances, and the valuation allowance.Instructions

Assuming no other differences between book and taxable incomes existed, except for those mentioned above, prepare the 2024 tax rate change journal entry, and the year end income tax journal entries to record Income Tax Expense, Deferred Tax Asset/Liability, Income Taxes Payable and Valuation Allowance for 2024 (separate the valuation allowance journal entry from the income tax expense journal entry).

Question 1 related to problem1: 

Assuming no other differences between book and taxable incomes existed, except for those mentioned above, prepare the year end income tax journal entries to record Income Tax Expense, Deferred Tax Asset/Liability, Income Taxes Payable.




Question 2 related to problem 1:

Assuming no other differences between book and taxable incomes existed, except for those mentioned above, prepare the year end Valuation Allowance journal entry for 12/31/2023.

Problem 2

Presented below is information related to NewCo Corp shareholder transactions during 2023:1. On January 1, the company was formed, and was authorized to issue 500,000 shares of $10 par value common stock.2. On January 2, 225,000 shares were issued for $45 per share.3. On March 31, NewCo issued a 3:2 stock split, in the form of a 50% stock dividend, when the shares were valued at $48 per share.4. On April 15, NewCo issued and distributed a 3% stock dividend, when the shares were valued at $10 per share. Shareholders with fractional shares were paid cash (totaling 1,350 equivalent whole shares).5. On June 30, NewCo declared a cash dividend of $0.35, payable to the shareholders of record on July 15, to be paid on July 25.6. On August 2, the company purchases 5,625 shares of the common stock outstanding at $8 per share and retired the shares.7. On August 15, the company purchases 6,188 shares of the common stock outstanding at $11 per share and retired the shares.8. On December 1, the board of directors declared a property dividend consisting of corporate bonds of Lopez Corporation that NewCo Corp was holding as an investment. The bonds were originally purchased for $1.9 million were classified as held-to-maturity investments. The bonds currently have a fair value of $1.75 million. The property dividend was payable to shareholders of record December 15, and distributed on December 31.Instructions(a) Prepare the general journal entries necessary to record these transactions. Identify each transaction by the date, and if no entry is required, write “No Entry.”(b) How many shares were outstanding as of December 31, 2023.

Module 4, Discussion: Geely Goes Global


Module 4, Discussion: Geely Goes Global

Discussions are designed to help you critically analyze an international business problem, at times using the theories and frameworks described in your textbook.Introduction


Read the closing case ‘Geely Goes Global’ at the end of the chapter on Foreign Direct Investment and answer the following: Following the Volvo acquisition, Geely built a new, wholly-owned factory to product Volve cards in the US.  Why was a direct investment strategy preferred to other ways of growing the US market, such as through exporting or licensing the Volvo brand and designs to another producer? 


Students are advised to post at least two responses to each discussion question, one of which should be a reply to someone else’s post. Students who post only one response will earn a maximum score of only 25/35 (71%) regardless of the quality of the post.

Discussions need to be professional. Please make proper use of capitalization to begin sentences; also make sure that there are no misspellings, incomplete sentences, or other violations of grammatical rules.

The basic criterion for a discussion post to be considered effective is that your message must be original and intelligible. You must communicate concisely and effectively. In addition, you must meet the weekly requirements for full credit on discussion assignments (additional criteria in the discussion rubric).

You should keep each response within a word limit of 300 words.

Evaluation Criteria

All discussions together make up 35% of the total course score. This discussion is worth 35 points. Here is the rubric Download rubricfor this discussion.

Write a comment for the each responses below: (keep each comment within a word limit of 300 words.)

  • Response 1:  Geely may have preferred to engage in an FDI project due to several factors. Freight costs might make it more cost-effective to build the vehicles in the USA. It’s also a very feasible project to undertake. The United States possesses the human capital, technological, and transportation infrastructure necessary to operate a vehicle manufacturing plant efficiently. However, one of the major deciding factors may have been the risks involved with licensing production to another firm. For example, if Geely were to license their Volvo production to a US manufacturer such as Ford, this licensee may gain a tremendous amount of insight into Volvo’s design and manufacturing process. This could erode Geely’s competitive advantage. This could happen even in a country such as the USA with strong patent laws and without any patent violations occurring. For example, assume that instead of an FDI project, Geely decided to license the production of Volvos to Ford. The process of building Volvos according to Geely/Volvo specifications (and presumably using machinery and tooling supplied by Volvo) might erode Greely’s competitive advantage by giving Ford insight into sensitive production techniques and processes that Ford may later incorporate into their own manufacturing processes.

It’s also possible that having the vehicles produced in the USA helps the Volvo brand to disassociate from the negative connotation sometimes attached to Chinese-made products.

  • Response 2: Geely agreed to purchase Volvo for $1.8 billion in 2010. Although people had low expectations of the acquisition, the combination of Volvo’s innovative design and Geely’s manufacturing prowess proved great success. By Geely acquiring Volvo, they gained access to the entire line of new technology, distribution channels, and new markets. The direct investment strategy gave Geely more control over the development and export of their products. There are a lot of costs associated with exporting products that were mitigated by direct investment and selling domestically. For instance, it avoids all transportation costs, import tariffs, and any currency exchange risks associated with foreign trade. Exporting or licensing the brand to other manufacturers would result in limited control over their quality and could constrain their marketing capabilities. All too often firms spread themselves thin by outsourcing work and cutting any cost deemed a non-necessity. They expand quicker than they can maintain for the prospects of more money. However, just like in personal finances, spending beyond your means will always result in less return. Geely’s strategy avoided this while maintaining their high-quality standards of safety and elegance.

Interview a Strategist


This interview aims to converse with a present-day leader who includes strategy creation as a part of their job responsibilities. While you may not have extensive knowledge of the theories underpinning modern strategy, listening to the practitioner’s approach will add an extra layer of analysis.

You will interview a leader within an organization with at least 10 years of professional experience in the relevant industry and whose job responsibility includes developing and implementing strategies. It will be ideal to observe your interviewee in what he/she does, while also being “close with” your interviewee so that you can best represent their worldviews and experiences. (Please read textbook chapter 25 “Researching strategies and their identity in practice: building ‘close-with’ relationships” before scheduling your interview.)

The interview should be recorded and transcribed (you will provide a transcript in the Appendix of your paper, deleting names or using pseudonyms). If your leader has concerns about being recorded, reassure them that you will delete the recording as soon as the transcription is complete and that the contents of the interview will be shared only within the confines of this class. Be prepared to type quickly and take detailed notes if they refuse to be recorded.

Appendix I

An Interview Guideline

The objective of this interview is for me to learn from you (i.e., interviewee) and understand your everyday processes, practices, and activities involved in the making and implementation of strategy. Please don’t share any confidential or financial information about your organization. All information will be kept confidential. I will debrief my project with you and discuss with you my learning about strategizing and implementing in your organization seven weeks later.

Personal Background

Years of working experience in this organization________________

Years of working experience in the area of strategy and implementation _____________

Interview Questions

General questions about strategy and strategist

When you hear the word “strategy,” what does it mean to you?

What are your experiences with the strategy process? What lessons have you learned?

Are you the only strategist in your organization? How long have you been in this position?

Describe significant workplace changes you went through to become a strategist in your organization.

What do you do when you are strategizing at the middle level or top level of your organization?

What does a typical decision-making process look like for you?

Specific questions about making and implementing strategies in your current organization

  • How does your organization make strategies?

Describe your personal experiences relating to major strategic changes faced by your organization and the industry. (Pay special attention to the strategic change your interviewee is experiencing when he/she recounts his/her professional experience).

  • What tools and technologies do you create/and or employ when you plan and implement strategy? (e.g., five force analysis, Post-it notes, specialized planning and analysis, software or workshops and awaydays…etc).

Have you been in strategy workshops and meetings in your organization? In what strategy workshops or meetings have participated? What is your role?

  • Describe the best and/or worst strategy workshops and meetings you have practiced for your organization.

What activities or events are meaningful to you and guide your strategizing practices in your organization?

  • What are the challenges of implementing strategies in your organization?

How would you create a successful environment for the strategic management process?

  • Reflections and recommendations

In your industry, how does one become a strategist?

  • When and how do people in many organizations claim to be doing strategy work? What are the contradictions, inconsistencies and ambiguities involved in this?

Do you have a sense that other executives engage with and prioritize strategy in a specific and well-though-out manner, or do you have a sense that other executives sometimes masquerade their involvement in strategic management with their impression management? In other words, have you observed any dishonest strategizing?

In summary, what are the characteristics of a good strategy process?

Thank you for your support! I would like to schedule an interview again for seven weeks from now to discuss my philosophy of strategizing and implementing in your organization with you. Would it be okay to schedule that now or should I reach out again in a few weeks?

Lastly, is it possible for me to join you in one or two of your meetings to observe you strategizing?

CCC Diagnosing Kawasaki Disease Strawberries and Symptoms Discussion


Peer response to Adam

  • A 10-year-old Asian patient presents with an erythematous maculopapular rash, conjunctivitis, a mild fever of 102.1 and a strawberry tongue. The rash started 4 days ago. How are you going to evaluate this patient? What is the differential diagnosis for this patient? Describe your treatment plan based on current guidelines.

The “strawberry tongue” noted in the prompt immediately draws one’s mind to Kawasaki disease (KD). This thought is then supported by the other information given. Diagnostic criteria for KD include fever for at least 5 days along with 4 out of 5 other criteria to include: 1) conjunctival injection without exudate, 2) oral or pharyngeal erythema or strawberry tongue, 3) erythema or edema in the feet and hands or periungual desquamation, 4) maculopapular rash, and 5) cervical lymphadenopathy (Gorelik et al., 2022). The patient’s Asian ancestry also makes KD more likely (Owens & Plewa, 2023). The patient has fever and 3 other diagnostic criteria, although we do not know how long the fever has been present. If cervical lymphadenopathy or feet and hand erythema and edema are present, complete criteria for KD would be present (Gorelik et al., 2022).

Evaluation for suspected KD should include a CBC, CMP, ESR, CRP, and UA. Expected findings in KD would be low hemoglobin, elevated serum WBC, elevated platelet count, low serum albumin, elevated liver enzymes, elevated inflammatory markers, and sterile pyuria (Owens & Plewa, 2023). Other findings that may be present on labs are elevated bilirubin, elevated Pro-BNP, and a positive finding on a viral respiratory panel (Owens & Plewa, 2023). Current or recent viral respiratory infection is a common finding in patients diagnosed with KD and siblings of patients that have had KD are 10-20 times more likely to experience the illness (Owens & Plewa, 2023). These facts make a thorough history very important. If KD is diagnosed, an echocardiogram is the only necessary test and it will rule out coronary artery aneurysm (Owens & Plewa, 2023).

There are many differentials based on clinical findings of KD. Some of these include peritonsillar abscess, retropharyngeal abscess, group A strep pharyngitis, measles, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, rocky mountain spotted fever, adenovirus, enterovirus, meningitis, and mononucleosis, among others (Owens & Plewa, 2023). The large number of possible differentials makes the history and thorough physical examination even more important.

If a diagnosis of KD is made, the most current clinical practice guidelines were released in 2021 by the American College of Rheumatology and the Vascular Foundation. Treatment is somewhat based on echocardiogram findings, so at diagnosis, an echo should be done (Gorelik et al., 2022).  Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is the standard treatment for KD (Gorelik et al., 2022). 2 gm/kg over 10-12 hours has been suggested (Owens & Plewa, 2023). If the patient is less than 6 months old or has a Z-score greater than or equal to 2.5 in the left descending or right coronary artery following echocardiogram, either glucocorticoids or an immunomodulatory agent should be added to the IVIG treatment (Gorelik et al., 2022). With persistent fever or a return of fever within 36 hours of this treatment, it should be repeated (Gorelik et al., 2022). A third treatment of only glucocorticoid or immunomodulatory agent may be considered if the fever again returns or persists within 36-48 hours after the second treatment (Gorelik et al., 2022). Use of high dose aspirin is also strongly recommended in acute KD while fever persists (Gorelik et al., 2022). Doses of aspirin range from 80-100 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hours (Owens & Plewa, 2023).


Gorelik, M., Chung, S. A., Ardalan, K., Binstadt, B. A., Friedman, K., Hayward, K., Imundo, L. F., Lapidus, S. K., Kim, S., Son, M. B., Sule, S., Tremoulet, A. H., Van Mater, H., Yildirim?Toruner, C., Langford, C. A., Maz, M., Abril, A., Guyatt, G., Archer, A. M., … Mustafa, R. A. (2022). 2021 American College of Rheumatology/Vasculitis Foundation guideline for the management of Kawasaki Disease. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 74(4), 586–596.

Owens, A. M., & Plewa, M. C. (2023). Kawasaki Disease. In: StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.


Complex Adult Health RUA Interdisciplinary Management of Healthcare



Early Mobility of the Ventilated Patient


The purpose of this assignment is for the student to present a complete picture of interdisciplinary care using specific therapeutic modalities in the care of a complex adult health client. The student will demonstrate clinical reasoning skills and will discuss interdisciplinary care that had been incorporated and/or anticipated using a healthcare technology or therapeutic modality for the care of the complex health client.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Provide patient and family centered nursing care to adults with complex health needs using theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)

2. Initiate the use of appropriate resources in direct care responsibilities within complex adult health situations. (PO 2)

3. Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication and relationship skills in family centered nursing care to adults with complex health needs. (PO 3)

4. Demonstrate effective clinical decision making based on critical thinking skills and legal, ethical, and professional standards and principles when caring for patients and families with complex adult health needs. (POs 4 and 6)

5. Implement a plan of care for continued personal, professional, and educational development related to nursing practice with complex adult health situations. (PO 5)

7. Use evidence including research findings from nursing and related disciplines to answer clinical questions related to nursing care of patients with complex adult health needs. (PO 8)

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

1) Choose a therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

2) Examples of a therapeutic modality include Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Automatic rotating pronation beds, right and/or left ventricular assist devices, nontraditional ventilator modes.

3) Examples of healthcare technology can include regional O2 saturation monitoring (NIRS).

4) Refer to your faculty member if your selection requires prior approval.

5) For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center.

6) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):

a. Introduction 5 points/5%

The chosen therapeutic modality or healthcare technology meets one of the following criteria:

o Has been introduced recently at the bedside for care of the complex adult patient.

o Is a non-traditional modality for very ill patients in special circumstances.

o Is being used in a new way to treat a patient with complex needs.

o Requires specific training above and beyond general entry-level nursing education.

Introduce the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

Name the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

A brief fictional case is used to illustrate the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

b. Explanation and Background15 points/15%

Include a clear QUESTION of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

  • Discuss how the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology works.

Describe the patient population it is used for.

Include medication, safety, and cost considerations as applicable.

c. Risks and Benefits15 points/15%

Describe how the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology can benefit the patient.

  • Discuss ways to promote positive outcomes.
  • Explain the complications that may arise.
  • Discuss considerations for preventing complications.

d. Interdisciplinary team’s Roles and Responsibilities20 points/20%

  • Identify all interdisciplinary team members caring for the patient, such as respiratory therapy, assistive personnel, providers, case managers, clinical nurse specialists, and researchers.
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of each member of the healthcare team that is involved in the use of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team caring for the patient.
  • e. Nursing Scope of Practice 15 points/15%

Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

  • Describe skills needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
  • Discuss attitudes needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.
  • f. Patient Education 20 points/20%
  • Describe the information to be taught to the patient and/or family.

Discuss how information will be taught.

  • Discuss potential cultural considerations to teaching
  • Explain how the effectiveness of the teaching will be evaluated.
  • g. Conclusion 5 points/5%

Provide a summary of the paper.

  • No new information is introduced.
  • Include additional resources for further learning.

Please be on time or before. I need a professional presentation, give me a polished presentation. DON’T USE ANY AI!


The Florida Springs seem to be in the news quite a bit, mainly due to the challenges faced in overcoming pressures from development, pollution, and human activities. The springs have been around for thousands of years and have an interesting and varied history. Humans have valued them for many reasons over many years and are still valued today as an important natural freshwater resource.

Research and read articles, books, etc., for this assignment about Florida Springs. You can use any reputable peer-reviewed source; be sure to include proper references using APA standards. Concentrate on the environmental aspects of the springs and bring attention to problem areas, but do not neglect any social, business, and/or political overlap. Consider the freshwater resource aspects as well.

Complete a project in one of the following formats, but regardless of the format chosen, remember that the intended audience is the general public:

  1. Develop a written brochure: It can be any number of designs (e.g., tri-fold Word file), but must be written and produced as a Public Service Announcement. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the brochure. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the information.
  2. Film a short video commercial: One to two minutes long following an introduction and produced as either a Public Service Announcement or a news media reporting story. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the video. Use only yourself as the narrator and do not include other people in the video. Use video format/software generally available and provided with PC or MAC operating systems (e.g., MP4, MPEG, MOV, WMV, SWF or FLV). Remember, the instructor must be able to open the video file and view it for a grade.
  3. Draft a PowerPoint Presentation: 10 to 15 slides long; at a minimum, all criteria below must be fully addressed. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the presentation.

Address the following criteria at a minimum:

  1. Course name, student name, module number, and date.
  2. Choose an example of a Florida Spring and briefly describe it as a freshwater resource and what it has been used for.
  3. Report the federal and state government rules or regulations that apply to Florida Springs, their protections, their use, and any oversight.
  4. Name the government agencies that have authority over the Florida Springs and describe their involvement.
  5. Report and briefly explain at least two major environmental concerns related to the Florida Springs and one freshwater resource issue.
  6. Explain the human activities that negatively impact Florida Springs.
  7. Report on what is being done to protect the Florida Springs and the costs involved.
  8. Propose at least one further action that could be taken to protect the Florida Springs.


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For a media file: Choose the Media tab and select the Record/Upload Media button. Choose the Record tab or Upload Media as appropriate to your submission. If recording, please review Canvas record video or record audio guides before getting started. Select the Upload Media tab and then the file type if uploading a media file. Be sure to monitor the upload to ensure the process finishes. With both options, remember to select the Submit Assignment button to complete your submission. Review the confirmation annotation that presents after submission. For more information, visit the Canvas page, How do I submit a media file as an assignment submission?Links to an external site.

Write a review that discusses the impact of at least 2 traditions on our popular music of today


Write a review that discusses the impact of at least 2 traditions on our popular music of today; expound on the innovations of the 21st century, including the advancement of technology and glocalization. Focus especially on how the key terms apply.  

Sources to choose from

Lorenzo Candelaria and Daniel Kingman, American Music: A Panorama

Part II, Chapter 9, “Rock Music,” pages 128-145.   

Part IV, Chapter 12, “Secular Music in the Cities (&tc),”pages 190-202 

Part IV, Chapter 14, “Popular Song, Dance, and March (&tc),” pages 222-245. 

Complete Listening Cues for all chapters as you read. 

Gilbert Chase, America’s Music: From the Pilgrims to the Present

Chapter 7: “American Pioneers,” pages 112-130. 

“American Revolutionary Song: Chester William Billings,” to an external site. 

“Northfield Jeremiah Ingalls Keene State College Chamber Singers,” to an external site. 

Chapter 23: “The Rise of Ragtime,” pages 413-428. 

“Tom Turpin, ‘Harlem Rag Two Step’ (1897),” to an external site. 

“Maple Leaf Rag Played by Scott Joplin,”  

“1911 Collins and Harlan Alexander’s Ragtime Band,” 

“The Carter Family Wildwood Flower,” to an external site. 

  • “Jimmie Rodgers T For Texas,” to an external site. 

“Gene Autry Back in the Saddle Again (from Back in the Saddle 1941),” to an external site. 

  • “Hank Williams Cold Cold Heart,” to an external site. 

“Bill Monroe Blue Grass Breakdown (1965),” 

“Down on the Picket Line,”  

“The Kingston Trio Tom Dooley Live 1958,” to an external site. 

“Phil Ochs Draft Dodger Rag,” to an external site. 

“Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited (Official Audio),” to an external site. 

“Joan Baez With God on Our Side (Live 1966),” to an external site. 

  • “Chuck Berry ‘Back in the USA’,” to an external site. 

“Elvis Presley Good Rockin’ Tonight (Live~RARE),” to an external site. 

“Janis Joplin Ball & Chain Monterey Pop,” to an external site. 

“Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit (Grace Slick Woodstock 1969),” to an external site. 

“Grateful Dead The Other One (Live at Civic Center, San Francisco, CA 12/28/83),” to an external site. 

“Jimi Hendrix Manic Depression1967,” to an external site. 

“The Doors Light My Fire Ed Sullivan Show 1967 (HD Remastered),” to an external site. 

“The Byrds 8 Miles high,” to an external site. 

“Plastic People,” (The Mothers of Invention), to an external site. 

“The Fugs ‘New Amphetamine Shriek” Virgin Fugs (1967) [Mono],” to an external site. 

“The residents The Walrus Hunt,” to an external site. 

Essay by William Brooks, “American Music on Record,” pages 639-646. 

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Remember to incorporate the following guidelines from the syllabus into your writing. 

The writing guidelines for reviews is broken down into 5 categories, with each category receiving up to 5 possible points:  

Does the response address the topic at hand?

  • Does the response show a knowledge of the reading and media materials?

Does the response demonstrate writing clarity and conciseness? (If your review is only 1 page, it needs to be extremely well-crafted in order to follow these guidelines.)

Does the response properly cite sources used?

Does the response demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other general writing skills?