ROLE TRANSITION TO ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSING ST Thomas University Role Transition to Advanced Practice Nursing Discussion



You should respond to your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. 

I need to reply to the student below:

  • Barriers for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • Student: Rachel


Over the course of the last few decades, advanced practice nursing has been confronted with a number of difficulties. (Altman, Butler, & Shern, 2016; Poghosyan, 2018) Some examples of the challenges that advanced method nursing faces include the fact that different states have different ranges of method, that orders must be signed off on by a physician, and that there are differences in the billing methods that are used by medical professionals and advanced practice nurses in Medicare.

According to Altman, Butler, and Shern (2016), only thirteen out of the fifty states in the United States have allowed advanced nurse practitioners to carry out their duties with full method authority since 2016. This is because the ranges of technique vary from state to state in the United States. Full method authority is defined as “the consent of nurse practitioners (NPs) to assess patients, identify, order and analyze diagnostic tests, and launch and handle therapies—including recommend medications—under the special licensure authority of the state board of nursing” (American Association of Nurse Practitioners [AANP], 2021, paragraph 1). This definition was provided by the American Nurse Practitioners Association (AANP). According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), as of the year 2021, almost half of the states have made full method authority accessible for nurse practitioners. This type of authority enables nurse practitioners to provide treatment for the state board of nursing rather than for a licensed physician.

According to Altman et al. (2018), removing this barrier will undoubtedly make it possible for advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP) to practice to the fullest extent of their education, learning, and training. Additionally, it will increase the number of healthcare providers working in primary care, which will subsequently allow for increased access to medical care for individuals. The major technique that would be utilized to overcome this impediment would be to grant entire method authority in each of the fifty states and territories that make up the United States of America. This would make it possible for everyone to have improved access to medical care. In order to equip ARNPs with the ability to deliver the highest possible level of care for each and every individual, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is collaborating with state boards of nursing and lawmakers in states that do not have total method authority (AANP, 2021).

An additional challenge is that, according to the criteria set out by the government, ARNPs are required to have a medical expert approve an order that is positioned in a number of states (Poghosyan, 2018). According to Poghosyan (2018), this makes it relatively difficult for ARNPs to provide home health care, despite the fact that they are the ones who provide one-on-one supervision. Advocate for full practice authority in the remaining states to ensure that advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) are able to provide the finest possible home healthcare services to patients. This is the most effective way to overcome this impediment.

The final obstacle that stands in the way of new nursing methods is the disparity in billing that exists between ARNPs and physicians. It is more advantageous for medical care techniques to charge for nurse practitioner services under the name of the physician in jurisdictions where advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) are required to work under a certified medical professional (Poghosyan, 2018). This allows the organization to collect a larger amount of reimbursement. In spite of the fact that this is advantageous for the company, it is not advantageous for the ARNPs. This is due to the fact that they are considered to be “invisible providers” (p. 1), and the high quality of treatment that is linked to individual end results is determined in an incorrect manner, which is essential for efficiency evaluations for ARNPs under Medicare (Poghosyan, 2018). It is necessary to make it possible for nurse practitioner services to be invoiced without the need for them to be supervised by a physician in order to overcome this impediment. According to Poghosyan (2018), this would not only make it possible to achieve more precise individual outcomes, but it would also facilitate more straightforward payment procedures.

Immunology Question


Arthropod-borne viruses(arboviruses)posea majorandglobal threat to human health, aided and abetted in

widespread and efficient transmission by their formidable mosquito vectors. While there are multiple viruses that
fall under this category worldwide, only a small proportion cause human disease.
In the Americas the region covering South, Central, and North America, and the Caribbean Islands the
increasing incidence and expanding geographic reach of arboviruses pose a growing and significant public health
challenge. Of greatest concern are the most prevalent of the arboviruses: dengue virus, chikungunya virus, and
Zika virus. How do these viruses cause disease and what are their clinical manifestations? How does our immune
system combat these viral infections? How do we test for and treat arboviral diseases? Are vaccines available for
any of these viral diseases or are they still in the developmental pipeline?
Arboviral infections have clinical and laboratory features similar to COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and influenza virus,
which can complicate treatment, especially in regions where only limited access to well-resourced testing and
treatment facilities might be available. What factors could pose additional challenges to disease control, and how
can some of these obstacles be overcome?
Arboviruses can be imported from endemic areas into non-endemic countries by infected travellers and may
establish new areas of local transmission in the presence of vectors and a susceptible population. Diseases caused
by dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viral infections are transmitted to humans through bites of infected mosquitoes,
primarily females of the Aedes genus (mainly, Aedes aegypti). Does this mean that vector-borne diseases might
be easier to prevent and control when the vector is targeted instead of the virus, or is it more complicated than
that? Recent advances in scientific technologies like genome sequencing and transcriptomics have increased our
understanding of vector biology, especially A. aegypti. What anti-arboviral immune responses are activated in
mosquitos? Are they immune tolerant to arboviruses? Could our knowledge of mosquitoes on a molecular level
help in treatment of arboviral diseases in humans?
Arboviral diseases are currently considered one of the greatest public health concerns in the Americas. To
underscore this growing concern, in March 2022, the World Health Organisation (WHO) launched the Global
Arbovirus Initiative, “an integrated strategic plan to tackle emerging and re-emerging arboviruses with epidemic
and pandemic potential, focusing on risk monitoring, pandemic prevention, preparedness, detection and response,
and building a coalition of partners”. In March 2023, the WHO reported increased transmission and expansion of
dengue and chikungunya cases outside of their historic areas of transmission in Central and South America and
the Caribbean. Even higher transmission rates are expected in the summer of 2023 due to weather conditions
favouring vector proliferation. Climate is closely linked to the ecological range, population dynamics, and disease
transmission rates of mosquitos. Northwards habitat expansion of some Aedes genus mosquitoes has already
been established from the United States into Canada, despite the harsh Canadian winters which would typically
be detrimental to mosquito reproduction. What would be the impact of climate change, warmer seasonal
temperatures, and extreme weather events, on the incidence and spread of arboviral diseases? What could this
mean in terms of the burden to public health?

Format: Your paper can
refer to any assigned course content (required/recommended readings (e.g., papers, textbook), references
provided on slides), or additional references that you find on your own. Please do NOT reference lecture slides.
Assignment Content: Your assignment can be approached in several ways, including (but not limited to) the
above prompts where you can focus on the:
1. Pathogenesis of arboviral diseases with a focus on 1 to 2 arboviruses (either dengue, chikungunya, or Zika
virus). How do these viruses cause disease and what are their symptoms? You should include a discussion of
anti-arboviral immune responses in humans. Consider how immune responses might differ in healthy versus
immunocompromised populations, and what that might mean in terms of treatment.
2. Transmission in endemic versus non-endemic regions of the Americas. What roles do vectors play and how
does our understanding of vector biology help in combatting and controlling arboviral diseases?
3. Epidemiological factors determining arboviral occurrence rates, distribution, and control of spread in
endemic compared to non-endemic regions. Do historical trends match what we are currently seeing?
Discuss the factors that might be contributing to changes in the epidemiology of arboviruses and their
4. Focus on the treatment and prevention of arboviral diseases. What antiviral therapies are currently used to
treat patients with arboviral infections? What might be done to protect people from infection in the first
place? Do vaccines against arboviruses exist, or can we leverage our knowledge of mRNA vaccine technology
developed against COVID-19 to target arboviruses?

Explain morphology and semantics


Explain morphology (REC 1.F.2) and semantics (REC 1.F.3) as it relates to vocabulary development. Then explain how formal and informal vocabulary assessments can be used to guide instructional decisions (REC 1.F.6).

(sample response below)

Morphology and Semantics in Vocabulary Development

The smallest unit of language with meaning is Morphology. Morphemes can be bound with other parts such as roots, prefixes, and suffixes. An example would be -sent with dissent as the word. They can also be free or stand-alone with a specific meaning. Examples of free morphemes include eat, weak, woman. Students need to be taught how to group morphemic elements. The lessons need to build on the student’s prior knowledge and grouped so connections can be made (Gunning, 2018; Reutzel & Cooter, 2016). It is necessary to teach morphology since many words students encounter have affixes and roots (Manyak et al., 2018). 

The relationship of words and how a person draws meaning from those words is semantics. Semantics involves understanding how individual words and combinations of words create phrases and sentences. It also includes the meaning of the words used in context. Semantics deals with the meaning of words and connecting a person’s background knowledge, interests, and perspectives with spoken and written language. It influences a person’s reading comprehension, as well as comprehension of other words. Prior knowledge, or lack thereof, can affect understanding language and word choices. Connecting synonyms, antonyms to the word you are studying is one example of semantics (Reutzel & Cooter, 2015). 

Informal assessments are a way for teachers to see how students are doing as they are learning. They are used to provide feedback on what students are understanding and applying.  They are used to drive instruction for the class and individual students giving teachers points of emphasis for the next steps in the instructional path. When assessing vocabulary depth, teachers receive a clearer picture of the understanding of the vocabulary a student has. This can be done through informal assessments and checks in the class (Teng, 2014).  Formal tests that can be used include Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) while informal could be Vocabulary Knowledge Scales (VKS), and Vocabulary Recognition Test (VRT). Observations, writing samples, and having and listening to conversations that the student is involved in are informal assessments that can give a teacher much information. Teachers can also use games, teacher-created tests, and student journals to assess students (Dougherty Stahl & Bravo, 2014; Saint Leo, n.d.).

Formal assessments tell us what students have learned over time. A grade is taken from these predetermined criteria. The assessments look at the product of student learning, not the process. Many formal tests, such as standardized tests, look at vocabulary breath as it is easier to assess. Some test also includes a vocabulary section where students must choose how the word is used in the given sentence taking it beyond just the memorization (Teng, 2014). Assessments come in a variety of ways, including chapter tests, final projects, or a portfolio. The Vocabulary Levels Test is an example of a formal teat that is easy to administer and access student’s knowledge of 10,000 words that occur frequently. It is used for English language learners but is valuable to use for all students (Gunning, 2018). The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test is another. Progress Monitoring drives instruction by providing teachers the ability to monitor if students are struggling or responding to instruction. The assessments happen on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, and results are charted to monitor progress. This not only drives instruction for the teacher but allows the student to track and monitor their progress (Furtak et al., 2017; Marzano, 2019: Saint Leo, n.d.b).

This text was chosen because it connects math, social studies, and reading together. It is especially crucial that teachers continue to teach phonemic awareness (PA) skills and vocabulary throughout the higher grades as the text is complex and a higher academic vocabulary that students must understand. When students can make the connection to the vocabulary, they can comprehend what is read. This book was also chosen as it is a multi-level book, meeting the needs of many students within the class. The more the students use the words orally and in writing, the better the connection is made to the meaning or meanings (Carver & Pantoja, 2015; Marzano, 2019; Saint Leo, n.d.). 

Law Question


  1. Itroduction with Quotes
    • Start with the quotes: “If I take the vaccine it will change my DNA” and “The government is always lying to us.”
    • Briefly set the scene where these statements were encountered and your immediate reaction.
  2. Encountering Misconceptions During the Pandemic
    • Discuss the broader context of these encounters during the pandemic.
    • Explain how these experiences highlighted the importance of clear communication and factual information for you.
  3. Realizing a Passion for Advocacy
    • Describe the moment you recognized your skill in advocacy and representation.
    • Connect this realization to your decision to switch majors from sociology to communication studies.
  4. The Shift Towards Law
    • Transition from your reaction to these societal issues to your growing interest in law.
    • Briefly mention your initial career path in pre-medical studies and what specifically about these experiences shifted your focus to law.
  5. Gaining Skills in Communication Studies
    • Summarize how your communication studies equipped you with essential skills for a legal career.
    • Highlight one or two key experiences or skills learned that are particularly relevant to law.
  6. Aspiring Towards a Legal Career
    • Articulate how your unique blend of experiences, including handling misinformation and studying communication, has prepared you for a career in law.
    • Specify what aspects of law you are most interested in and how your past experiences have influenced this interest.
  7. Conclusion
    • Reiterate your commitment to pursuing law as a means to advocate and represent those in need.
    • Conclude with a forward-looking statement, expressing your aspirations and what you hope to contribute to the field of law.

      “If I take the vaccine, it will change my DNA,” a patient muttered apprehensively as I prepared another COVID test in the makeshift tent. It was during the Omicron outbreak, and the air was thick with uncertainty and fear. “The government is always lying to us,” another voice added, echoing the pervasive mistrust. There I was, in the heart of a global health crisis, witnessing firsthand the consequences of misinformation and skepticism.

[Shift to Law Amidst Pandemic Challenges]

Initially, my role was straightforward – administering COVID tests to worried patients. However, as the pandemic raged on, my responsibilities evolved. The tent, once just a testing site, became a hub of queries and concerns. People from all walks of life poured in, bringing their anxieties and doubts. I found myself transitioning from a medical task executor to a manager, addressing patient questions, offering guidance, and providing reassurance amidst chaos. Each interaction, each fear allayed, and each myth debunked was a step towards understanding the critical role of clear communication in times of crisis.

[Realization of Advocacy Skills]

In this new role, amidst the confusion and fear, I discovered my innate ability to advocate for others. It was more than just answering questions; it was about being a voice for those overwhelmed by the situation. This realization was pivotal. It prompted me to switch my major to communication studies, where I could refine this ability, learning the nuances of effective communication and advocacy. Through courses in rhetoric and public speaking, I began to see the power of words and the impact they could have when used wisely and compassionately.

[Transition to Law as a Career Path]

As I delved deeper into the art of communication, the path to law became increasingly clear. The skills I was developing – articulating complex information, persuading, advocating – were not just tools for managing a health crisis; they were essential for legal practice. The field of law, with its vast potential to impact lives and society, beckoned me as the arena where I could make the most significant difference. I envisioned a career where I could bring the same sense of clarity and advocacy that I brought to that testing tent to a courtroom or legislative chamber.


My journey from a frontline medical worker to an aspiring lawyer might seem unconventional. Yet, each step – from handling COVID tests under a tent to guiding anxious patients, from studying communication to embracing the law – has been a step towards realizing my true calling. As I look forward to law school, I am committed to using my voice to advocate for those in need, to bring clarity where there is confusion, and to be an agent of change in the pursuit of justice. My unique experiences have equipped me with a profound understanding of the power of effective communication and advocacy, tools I am eager to employ in the legal arena. 

Sb HED 202 project.


This project is going to be a complete preparation for your preferred profession in healthcare. You are going:

to perform an internet search and find an interview of a professional already working in your preferred profession.

include a one paragraph analysis (4 sentences) of the interview and what information they included that was helpful to you.

  1. provide a Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis of your profession as you did in Module 6 including all parts. The example is provided below. (you made paste from your Module 6 project if you have already completed this portion).
  2. utilize Appendix C – “How to Create an Effective Resumé” (this is in the back of your textbook) to submit the resumé you think will be necessary to get a job in the profession you have chosen. This will require a little creativity on your part since you have probably not completed the education, certification, or obtained the license necessary for the job. This resumé is a projection of where you want to be with education finished, certification and/or licenses completed, and experience finished. The Bureau of Labor Statistics and this textbook should provide the details necessary for your resumé. Appendix C provides several examples and you may copy their format and insert your own information.
  3. Scoring components:
  4. In your submission (.pdf format only)

1. Locate one video on the internet of an interview of a person in your preferred profession used in this project. Submit the URL link (www.) – no personal interviews will be accepted. (20 points).

2. (30 points) Provide a one paragraph analysis of the interview.

3. (20 points) Submit a Bureau of Statistics Statistics analysis for your profession (this is the same procedure as in the Module 6 assignment).

4. (30 points) Include a Resume that represents all the items you should have to apply for a position (Appendix C in your textbook provides examples). Your resume should include the necessary education, degrees, certificates, experience, etc.

Example of BLS Assignment Format:

1. Open a new Word document to enter each requested data point or wording selection under a heading that identifies each section from which it was obtained. 

2. Log into

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.51.15 AM-1.png

3. Enter one of your preferred jobs from our health course.

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4. Click on the top option with a Occupational Handbook entry

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5. Review the summary. Cut and paste the 2021 Median Pay into your Word document under the heading “Median Pay”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.52.29 AM.png

6. Scroll to bottom and click on “What they Do” to advance.

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7. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “What they Do”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.08 AM.png

8. Scroll to the bottom and click on “How to Become One” to advance.

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9. Cut and paste the three sections indicated below into your Word document under the heading “How to Become One”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.50 AM-1.png

10. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Pay” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.09.29 PM.png

11. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Pay”.


12. Click on “Job Outlook” to advance.

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13. Cut and paste opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Job Outlook”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.54.25 AM.png

14. Click on “State & Area Data” to advance.

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15. Click on your occupation to advance.

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16. This page will show several US maps that reveal states that offer the highest pay and where more job opportunities are available compared to other states.

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17. Scroll down the page and examine the annual mean wage by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the mean pay differences under the heading “Pay Differences”.

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18. Scroll down the page and examine the location quotient by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the location differences under the heading “Location Differences”.

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Dimensions of Culture



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Examine dimensions of culture to support effective intercultural interactions


Quantigration Incorporated logo

You work for Quantigration, Inc., a semiconductor manufacturing plant headquartered in the United States. Quantigration’s main fabrication plant produces microchips used in mobile phones and laptops around the world. Capitalizing on advancements in its product, Quantigration has aggressively expanded and recently acquired two fabrication plants and workers from around the world.

Due to these acquisitions and partnerships, Quantigration must develop a plan to assist employees of different nationalities in understanding each other and working well together.

Interior view of a semiconductor plant featuring high-tech machinery and a complex ventilation system.

Yesterday, the plant supervisor, Gregory, called you into his office. He has some concerns about these cultural differences and is worried that the acquisitions might not go smoothly. The culture of a manufacturing plant in one country could be noticeably different from one in another part of the world. Gregory realizes that these differences could lead to conflict. To handle this issue, he has decided that Quantigration needs to update its company values to be more culturally inclusive.

Aerial view of a manufacturing complex, including buildings and parking areas.


Gregory would like you to begin by doing background research and analysis. He would like you to take stock of the current culture at Quantigration and then compare it to the national cultures of the two new acquisitions.

Part 1: Cultural Analysis

  1. First, examine your own national culture as a representative sample of the current Quantigration workforce. Think about how your own nationality relates to your culture. Consider the ways that your culture views interactions with others, workplace culture, teamwork, and communication.
  2. Then, select two countries different than your own. You may select two countries from the Understanding Global Cultures e-book, or, you may choose others that you have a particular interest in. You can find more information about some of the countries in the A to Z World Business resource and the Hofstede Insights Country Comparison Tool in the Supporting Materials section.
  3. Using what you have found, write a cultural analysis containing 250- to 500-word summaries of each of your selected cultures. Also include a summary of your own culture in this document. In these summaries, pay particular attention to how members of each culture interact with others, what values they consider important, and how they view work, family, and obligation.

Once you have completed your summaries of your selected countries, write a 500-word summary comparison to help Gregory understand the major difference and similarities between the cultures. In your comparison, identify three major cultural differences and three similarities between the cultures you’ve analyzed. As you write, consider common cultural dimensions that these cultures share, and the ways that they differ most.

Part 2: Cultural Value Reaction

Now that you have finished your analyses, Gregory would like you to examine Quantigration’s company values. (Read the article “How to Write a Company Value Statement That Will Achieve Strategic Impact” in the Supporting Materials section for more information on how company value statements can motivate employees and reflect company objectives.)

Review the three company values Gregory has given you:

  • Family: Everyone who works here is part of the Quantigration family.
  • Process: Following processes will result in quality products.
  • Numbers: Precision engineering requires precision thinking.
Two factory workers enjoying their coffee break.

Consider each company value from the viewpoint of each selected culture from your cultural analysis. Think about how these values relate to the cultural values you have uncovered in each of the countries you analyzed. Then, write a brief reaction for Gregory that examines the values.

For each company value, write a 200-word summary explaining whether it does or does not represent the values of the three cultures you have examined, providing specific reasons why or why not. In particular, ask yourself the following:

  • Which company values align closely with the values of the cultures?
  • Are there any values that seem directly opposed to any of your selected cultures?
  • Would any of the company’s values cause tension for an employee coming from one of your selected countries?

You should also include recommended changes to the values to better align them to your own culture and the cultures you have selected to examine, and to encourage better intercultural interaction.

Ah. HED 202 project


This project is going to be a complete preparation for your preferred profession in healthcare. You are going:

to perform an internet search and find an interview of a professional already working in your preferred profession.

include a one paragraph analysis (4 sentences) of the interview and what information they included that was helpful to you.

  1. provide a Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis of your profession as you did in Module 6 including all parts. The example is provided below. (you made paste from your Module 6 project if you have already completed this portion).
  2. utilize Appendix C – “How to Create an Effective Resumé” (this is in the back of your textbook) to submit the resumé you think will be necessary to get a job in the profession you have chosen. This will require a little creativity on your part since you have probably not completed the education, certification, or obtained the license necessary for the job. This resumé is a projection of where you want to be with education finished, certification and/or licenses completed, and experience finished. The Bureau of Labor Statistics and this textbook should provide the details necessary for your resumé. Appendix C provides several examples and you may copy their format and insert your own information.
  3. Scoring components:
  4. In your submission 1. Locate one video on the internet of an interview of a person in your preferred profession used in this project. Submit the URL link  (www.) – no personal interviews will be accepted. (20 points).

2. (30 points) Provide a one paragraph analysis of the interview.

3. (20 points) Submit a Bureau of Statistics Statistics analysis for your profession (this is the same procedure as in the Module 6 assignment).

4. (30 points) Include a Resume that represents all the items you should have to apply for a position (Appendix C in your textbook provides examples). Your resume should include the necessary education, degrees, certificates, experience, etc.

Example of BLS Assignment Format:

1. Open a new Word document to enter each requested data point or wording selection under a heading that identifies each section from which it was obtained. 

2. Log into

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.51.15 AM-1.png

3. Enter one of your preferred jobs from our health course.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.51.42 AM.png

4. Click on the top option with a Occupational Handbook entry

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.51.59 AM.png

5. Review the summary. Cut and paste the 2021 Median Pay into your Word document under the heading “Median Pay”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.52.29 AM.png

6. Scroll to bottom and click on “What they Do” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.52.44 AM.png

7. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “What they Do”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.08 AM.png

8. Scroll to the bottom and click on “How to Become One” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.34 AM.png

9. Cut and paste the three sections indicated below into your Word document under the heading “How to Become One”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.50 AM-1.png

10. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Pay” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.09.29 PM.png

11. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Pay”.


12. Click on “Job Outlook” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.54.16 AM.png

13. Cut and paste opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Job Outlook”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.54.25 AM.png

14. Click on “State & Area Data” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.11.56 PM.png

15. Click on your occupation to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.13.16 PM.png

16. This page will show several US maps that reveal states that offer the highest pay and where more job opportunities are available compared to other states.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.16.52 PM.png

17. Scroll down the page and examine the annual mean wage by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the mean pay differences under the heading “Pay Differences”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.22.08 PM.png

18. Scroll down the page and examine the location quotient by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the location differences under the heading “Location Differences”.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.49.28 PM.png

Business Value and You Excel Exercises



Use Same Company For All Exercises:

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that is used in business and for personal use.  This semester you will have the opportunity to either develop or to test your Excel spreadsheet skills. You will have to complete weekly Excel exercises (12) designed to help you develop your skills in data collection, cleaning, and sorting data, formatting data, manipulating data, and interpreting data.  You will use stock market data for a publicly-traded company to develop your Excel assignments.

There will be several elements to this assignment:

First, you select a company to study, from the list below, 

You will collect monthly stock trading data for the 12 months from January 1 to December 31, 2023 for the company,

You will build a basic spreadsheet with some basic formatting and analysis,

You will then collect the same set of data for the previous 12 months (from January 1 to December 31, 2022 ), for comparison, 

You will graph data,

Print the spreadsheet to a .pdf file to share as a document,

You will do some more sophisticated data analysis using “VLOOKUP”, “IF” and “COUNT” functions,

You will then find the 2023 1st quarter financial statements filed with the SEC by the company, and do a simple analysis,

You will then listen to the last Quarterly Investor call by the company to shareholders and investors, and do a brief analysis, and then 

The final analysis will ask you to look at your Excel spreadsheet analysis, the SEC filing, and the quarterly conference call and interpret the financial performance of the company. 

  1. Detailed Weekly Instructions
  2. Each week you will get the instructions for the assignment in a short 3-7 minute long video.  The videos are a step-by-step guide for the assignment. Please note that the examples in the video use January – December 2022 data from American Express Company and you will be using data from a different 12-month period and a different company.
  3. There are 3 sets of videos:
  4. A set for users of Excel in the Windows operating system,
  5. A set for users in the Mac operating system, and 
  6. We are working on a set for Excel users in the browser.  If you use Excel in a browser, please use the MAC version until the browser version is complete. 
  7. Use Same Company For All Exercises:
  8. In order to develop your spreadsheet skills as well as your analytical skills in the context of a real world company, you will work with your chosen company for the duration of your Excel assignments this semester. 
  9. Finding the Data for Your Company 
  10. For your initial assignment, you will be asked to retrieve data for your selected company for the 12 months from January 1 to December 31, 2023  (not the same as the period mentioned in the videos).  You will get the data at Yahoo Finance. The video for the first assignment will walk you through this step-by-step. 

Please Note: Yahoo Finance will sometimes display the data in what appears to be improper format (with some months missing data, some months with multiple data points, dividend data added, etc). Please follow the instructions in the videos closely. It is typically the case that even if the Yahoo website appears to display incorrect data, once you download the date, the Excel sheet will have the correct monthly data. 

Uploading Excel Exercise Assignments to iCollege

Many of us today do not use a Windows machine but rather a Mac, Linux or similar operating system.  However, it is a best practice to share spreadsheet files in .xls or .xlsx format.  You also need to be prepared to share data in a format specified by a company, a client, a regulator, or the government even if you use different tools. 

Once you are done with your assignment for the week, you need to upload each Excel Exercise Assignments in either .xls or .xlsx format.  We ask that you do not submit your Excel assignments in another other format (jpeg, screenshot, pdf, numbers, pages, etc.).   

Company List for Excel Assignments (this is the company chosen and first two excel assignment’s done already).



  1. Assignment outcomes
  2. At the completion of your Excel assignments, you will be able to:
  3. Identify appropriate data to accomplish assigned tasks

Create formulas to solve and simplify Excel tasks

Demonstrate an understanding of using Excel functions

Create charts using Excel tools

Interpret tables, charts, and graphs 

Week 4 Discussion-1 Reply Post


The Compromise of 1850

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of different ideas proposed by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky. It was then passed by the United States Congress in order to fix slavery issues that existed still during that time. It had addressed issue of slavery post Mexican-American war. The plan that Clay had was to keep a balance and stability between the free and slave states (Drexler, 2018). Some of the events that have occured would be that the territories of New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Utah would be organized without mentioning slavery (PBS 2019). In Washington, D.C, the slave trade would become outcast or banned and California would become a free state into the Union as Congress admitted. 

  • The Fugitive Slave Law 1850

This law in 1850 was that all states and other territories would help return the enslaved people who either left or ran away. If people did not assist in this law, they would be fined to pay a substantial amount of money. Therefore there really was not a choice in the matter. Ordinary individuals had to also assist in returning those who ran away or risk having to either be arrested or pay a fine for not engaging in this law. Basically, authorized local governments to seize and return escapees to their owners and imposed penalties on anyone who aided in their flight ( Editors, 2018). This law also prevented the enslaved people the fair right to a jury trial, and if anyone intervened they would pay a fine of $1,000 and spend at least six months in prison. In these individual cases, they would be left in the hands of federal commissioners. These commissioners were also paid a hefty amount for returning a potential runaway than if they freed them ( Editors, 2018). This law was not met kindly, as there was a lot of resistance by people or different states passing new ways to assist the enslaved runaways. Abolitionists also doubled in their effort to help those escape or needed assistance. There were also riots that supported the idea of resisting this law and there even was a mob of antislavery activists that rushed to a Boston courthouse to forcible liberate an escapee named Shadrach Minkins (Drexler, 2018).

Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852

Author Harriet Beecher Stowe published her most famous work, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, in 1852. In this book, Stowe discusses the many injustices of how the enslaved were treated and was an important figure during the anti-slavery movement (, 2019).  This book starts with the story of a man named Uncle Tom, who at that time was an enslaved individual. The story goes that while he was being transported by a boat to become auctioned in New Orleans, he ended up saving the life of a little girl named Little Eva. Upon saving her life, her father decided to purchase him for himself because of that noble act (, 2019). However, things do not go as planned or well for Tom. After rescuing Eva and being in her father’s home, she ends up getting ill and before her death requests that her father let go of all the enslaved. He agrees, but is killed by Simon Legree. Legree became his new owner, and had Tom whipped to death. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was also inspired by a slave narrative called “The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an inhabitant of Canada- which was narrated himself in 1849. Stowe, moved by the story and of his life, created the book (, 2019).

  • In my opinion, I feel that the American Civil War was inevitable. There was an ongoing debate between the Northern and Southern states. It became an issue that escalated and progressed as each sides own beliefs, policies and values continued to be fought over. There were many political problems and the role of slavery within the American society. The Southern states wanted to have all the control especially surrounding the topic of slavery. The Northern states had a much different opinion regarding that and would not allow the Southern states to have that kind of influence. In the end, the combination of all of these things eventually boiled over resulting in the Civil War.



A5: Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership (Chap 8)


Explain Kouzes and Posner’s (2002) Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership (Transformational Leadership, Chapter 8, page 199) that enable leaders to get extraordinary things accomplished.

Discuss one international (cannot be domestic) leader that has demonstrated the leadership characteristics in this model. Give specific examples.

  1. You should submit….
  2. A word document (no more than 2 pages) containing the above two items. You should format your paper according to APA 7th edition style. Use an appropriate title page, headings, in-text citations, paragraphs, references page, etc. Not sure how? Review the information on the APA style format in this course. Not sure how? Review the information on the APA style format in the Writing Resources area of the course (in the course menu on the left)

Page 199

Kouzes and Posner

Kouzes and Posner (2002, 2017a) developed their model by interviewing leaders about leadership. They interviewed more than 1,300 middle- and senior-level managers in private and public sector organizations and asked them to describe their “personal best” experiences as leaders. Based on a content analysis of these Questions, Kouzes and Posner constructed a model of leadership.

  • The Kouzes and Posner model consists of five fundamental practices that enable leaders to get extraordinary things accomplished: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. For each of the five practices of exemplary leadership, Kouzes and Posner also have identified two commitments that serve as strategies for practicing exemplary leadership.

Model the Way.

To model the way, leaders need to be clear about their own values and philosophy. They need to find their own voice and express it to others. Exemplary leaders set a personal example for others by their own behaviors. They also follow through on their promises and commitments and affirm the common values they share with others.

Inspire a Shared Vision.

Effective leaders create compelling visions that can guide people’s behavior. They are able to visualize positive outcomes in the future and communicate them to others. Leaders also listen to the dreams of others and show them how their dreams can be realized. Through inspiring visions, leaders challenge others to transcend the status quo to do something for others.

Challenge the Process.

Challenging the process means being willing to change the status quo and step into the unknown. It includes being willing to innovate, grow, and improve. Exemplary leaders are like pioneers: They want to experiment and try new things. They are willing to take risks to make things better. When exemplary leaders take risks, they do it one step at a time, learning from their mistakes as they go.

Enable Others to Act.

Outstanding leaders are effective at working with people. They build trust with others and promote collaboration. Teamwork and cooperation are highly valued by these leaders. They listen closely to diverse points of view and treat others with dignity and respect. They also allow others to make choices, and they support the decisions that others make. In short, they create environments where people can feel good about their work and how it contributes to the greater community.

Interestingly, research indicates that women tend to display transformational leadership through more enabling behaviors whereas men tend to enact more challenging behavior (Brandt & Laiho, 2013).

Encourage the Heart.

Leaders encourage the heart by rewarding others for their accomplishments. It is natural for people to want support and recognition. Effective leaders are attentive to this need and are willing to give praise to workers for jobs well done. They use authentic celebrations and rituals to show appreciation and encouragement to others. The outcome of this kind of support is greater collective identity and community spirit.

A later study by Caza and Posner (2019) found that the characteristic of “grit,” or perseverance, was related to some aspects of transformational leadership. High-grit leaders engaged in more frequent role modeling and innovating behaviors, but less inspiring behavior.

Overall, the Kouzes and Posner model emphasizes behaviors and has a prescriptive quality: It recommends what people need to do to become effective leaders. Kouzes and Posner (2002, p. 13) stressed that the five practices of exemplary leadership are available to everyone and are not reserved for those with “special” ability. The model is not about personality: It is about practice.

For this reason, Kouzes and Posner (2017b) fundamentally dis