MIS 303 Visualization and Written


Question 1       Technology Trends       

Suppose you (the CIO of your company) have been asked to speak at the monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in the Washington D.C. area.  Your audience will be business managers and executives from a range of industries.  You have been asked to talk about the emerging technology landscape the 5 technologies you believe will have the most impact on business in the next five years and why.  There is so much change right now companies do not know where they should focus their resources and time. This is broad but at the same time you have to prioritize.  Do not use a list straight from some of the articles you read.  I want you to think and synthesize.  Think about all the technology topics the teams presented and synthesize for yourself what you think will be most important for companies to pay attention to in the next 5 years.      

You do not need to write the speech. You can decide the title for your talk.  I want you to give me your five main points of the talk and a brief reason why it is one of your points.  I want to know what your thoughts are.  Make sure that the points integrate.  After you write this answer come back to it later and think about it again from the audience perspective.  Will they walk away with some value that will make a difference?   

OR (let me know which option you are doing)

You could do the same speech as above but assume you (CIO) are attending a conference in your industry and you are presenting this talk to an audience in your industry.   

Question 2  C-Suite and the CIO                                               

For an organization of your choice describe the C-level organization for that company and who the players are.  Who does the CIO report to and how would you describe his role and position in the C-suite?  You may find this information in the databases in the library such as Mergent Online. You might choose a company you would like to work for or the company you work for now or have worked for in the past. You may use a chart if you want.    

Question 3             Chief Data Officer                                        

Suppose you have decided to interview for a newly created position in your company (gov., non-profit, law firm, university, etc. or you can choose a company).  The position is Chief Data Officer.  You feel that you have the vision and expertise to lead this effort in the industry that you know well.  

In preparing for this interview comment on your response to the following questions (but be brief):

First set the stage what company, size, some background on the company, etc.)

Why do you believe you would be the best candidate for this position?

Describe your “big vision” picture for this role and /or the high-level strategy.

Why do you think it is important for the company to move in this direction (hire a Chief Data Officer)?

Where do you see the strengths and weaknesses now in terms of data and information management?  Do you see information/data as the company’s most important asset?    

How will you integrate your efforts with the CIO and Chief Digital Officer (if there is one)?

Security is a big concern for data management.  How will you address the security issues?  

What are the major obstacles in terms of buy-in for the organization, employees, and C-level executives?  How will you address “change management”?

Describe the first areas you will focus on where do you see the low hanging fruit and early wins?  What are the critical areas to address early on?

Based on where the company stands today (in your opinion) where will we (the company) be in five years from a data / information management perspective under your leadership?  

What question do you wish you had been asked in this interview?

  • Question 4  Chief AI Officer                                                                 
  • According to the article you read on the CAIO role, 11 % of large companies have already hired a CAIO and another 22% are expected to do the same this year.  This trend will continue.  Find an example of a company who has hired a CAIO and describe their responsibilities and who they report to.  Give the name of the company, the name of the CAIO, responsibilities and who they report to.   Do not use the ones in the articles.  

Two Replies


Laura Limon8:01amJan 29 at 8:01am

Manage Discussion Entry“>Manage Discussion Entry

Happy Monday,

The electronic database used most for the literature used was Cinahl and Cochran from the WCU library. The specific articles I chose were Depression and unplanned secondary healthcare use in patients with multimorbidity: A systematic review, Transdiagnostic cognitive processes in chronic pain and comorbid PSTD and depression in Veterans, A Systematic review and meta-Analysis of nature walk as an intervention for anxiety and depression, Long-term effects of mountain hiking vs. forest therapy on physical and mental health of couples: A randomized controlled trial, Effects of sunshine duration on daily outpatient visits for depression in Suzhou, Anhui province, China, Residential green space and cognitive function in a large cohort of middle-aged women, and Patients with higher vitamin d levels show stronger improvement of self-reported depressive symptoms in psychogeriatric day-care setting.

I chose these peer-reviewed journals because the first half spoke about the relation between depression and pain, depression and multimorbidity, and the negative effects of depression on the body. The second half spoke about how nature aids and combats pain, morbidities, extends life, and wards off dementia and immunosuppression. In the first half Cicek et al, (2022) studied how depression increased the number of unplanned visits to the emergency room and Day et al, (2022) wrote about the relationship between depression and increased intensity of pain felt on Veterans. I found this subject has been studied quite a bit and learned new information. I found that trees have chemicals called phytoncides and the phytoncides reverse stress induced immunosuppression in humans (Huber et al, 2023). I also learned that depression puts a person at risk for dementia and being in nature wards both depression and dementia (Jimenez et al, 2023). Nature alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety and can be used as a modality to de

While researching my change project, I used both the West Coast University Library and the Google Scholar electronic database. The first article I obtained was from a Springer link, which publishes peer-reviewed articles and books on different topics. The article by Dickson et al. (2022) examines over 40 articles on adolescents diagnosed with anxiety disorders to help determine which treatment option was most effective. It compared psychotherapy and pharmacological therapies in treating the client and found that psychotherapy was the most effective at treating clients. The second article on my change project was also obtained from Springer’s link. In the study by Fisak et al. (2023), the effectiveness of anxiety interventions was analyzed in younger children in hopes of identifying clients with anxiety disorders early on in their lives and, therefore, reducing the severity of symptoms over time. My third article was found in the West Coast University library using the Sage Journals database. In addition to outlining the problems associated with anxiety, risk factors, consequences, and established treatment options, it also provides recommendations for further care and coping mechanisms that can be helpful in our society of growing stress (Kuzujanakis, 2020). I once again gathered information from the Springer Link on my fourth research topic. The article examined the trends and disparities in adolescents diagnosed with anxiety disorder (Parodi, 2022). The study had many participants but was limited due to minimal diversity in the community due to the region in which the study was done.

The National Library of Medicine is an excellent resource for providers who want to obtain up-to-date information. After reading the article by Pettitt et al. (2022) on the website, I was able to find more data on the most effective psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. The article mentions cognitive behavioral therapy as the first line but indicates that psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment together are considered the most effective in managing symptoms associated with anxiety. The sixth article by Viswanathan et al. (2022) was also obtained from the National Library of Medicine and discusses the efficacy of medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes required to treat pediatric clients diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Finally, the article by Zambrowicz et al. (2019) analyzed social disparities in the community and their effect on pharmacological and psychosocial interventions. Using several search engines and databases allows researchers to gather as much information as possible on the topic in hopes of creating a well-developed paper. I also chose these articles because they were peer-reviewed and current with the latest practices

public speaking Topic persuasive speech


Touchstone 5: Persuasive Speech Revision

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will utilize the outline you submitted for Touchstone 4 and deliver a 5–7 minute persuasive speech that incorporates feedback and other tips and strategies you’ve learned throughout the course.

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

Touchstone Support Videos

Choosing the Right Language
Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Using Your Voice
Communicating Nonverbally
Filming Your Speech

A. Directions

Step 1: Review Outline

Review the outline of the persuasive speech that you delivered in Unit 4 as well as the feedback that you have received. Your speech should include an introduction, body, conclusion, and transitions. 

The introduction should contain your key message. 

The body should cover your main topics and support to back up your main points. Make sure that all information, evidence, and persuasive strategies (ethos, pathos, and/or logos) are relevant and from credible sources. 

The conclusion should summarize your main points and repeat your thesis.

The transition should help you shift from one topic to another.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Components of a Speech

Choosing the Main Points

Highlighting the Main Points

Ordering the Main Points

The Preparation Outline

The Speaking and Rough Draft Outlines

The Role of the Introduction

Establishing Credibility: Topic, Thesis, and Main Points

Introducing the Topic, Thesis, and Main Points

The Role and Use of Transitions

The Role of the Conclusion

Step 2: Incorporate Visual Aid

Think of an effective way to incorporate at least one visual aid that will be relevant to your purpose and message and will enhance your speech.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Using Visual Aids

Create notes or bullet points that you can refer to while presenting your speech. You should not read your speech word-for-word from your notes. Make sure to cite any sources you have used as you deliver your speech.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Step 4: Use Clear Language

  • Ensure that the language you use is consistently clear and appropriate to the audience, which helps the audience connect with you and your topic. Explain any technical jargon you use where necessary.

Refer back to the following lesson for support:

Mind Your Audience

Make It Memorable and Enhance Audience Understanding

  • Step 5: Practice Speech

Practice presenting your speech, focusing on your voice, your nonverbal communication, and your use of one or more visual aids. Aim for a speech 5–7 minutes in length.

  • Refer to the following lessons for support:

Best Practices in Public Speaking

Using Your Voice: Volume and Rate

Using Your Voice: Articulation, Pronunciation, Dialect, and Vocal Variety

Eye Contact, Facial Expression, Movement, and Gesture

Step 6: Review Rubric

  • Before filming, review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated.

Step 7: Film Speech

Film yourself presenting the speech. Be sure that you can be easily seen and heard—at minimum, your head and shoulders should be visible in your video, and you should make eye contact with your audience by directing your speech toward the camera.

Important: Be sure that your speech’s purpose, audience, and thesis are clear. If you choose, you can state this information at the beginning of your video before you begin your speech.

Refer back to the following lessons for support:


The Purpose and Thesis Statement

Step 8: Review Video

  • Review your video, be sure that you can be easily seen and heard, and that you have directed your speech to the camera. Refilm as needed. Your speech should be delivered in one video with no cuts or editing.

Step 9: Review Checklist and Requirements

  • Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete.

higher education


Please respond to casita. with 400. words. a p a  style citations and references 

Ensuring that educational institutions offer students high-quality, pertinent, and productive learning experiences is largely dependent on the process of academic program assessment. Chaffey College (2019) states that “Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills that students achieve upon completion of their academic program”.  PLOs should be clear and measurable (Chaffey College, 2019; SACSCOC, 2023).

In an academic program centered around horticulture, for example, a PLO would read, “Students will be able to analyze and interpret data related to plant sciences.” A laboratory report in which students gather and examine data on plant growth in several environments could be an assignment that relates to this result. A rubric that assesses the students’ capacity to apply scientific methods and analyze the importance of their findings in relation to horticulture practices could serve as a direct means of assessment for this PLO.

Reflecting on my own experiences with an online Business Administration program, I can personally attest to the transformative nature of the capstone project. As a student, I was tasked with a PLO that stated, “Students will demonstrate proficiency in developing strategic business plans.” This objective came to life as we tackled the task of creating a thorough business plan, either for a hypothetical company or a real venture we wanted to create.

Throughout the process, the capstone project turned into a pivotal assignment that not only measured our grasp of strategic planning but also ignited our entrepreneurial spirit. We were creating a business concept rather than just finishing an assignment as we included together market analysis, financial projections, and marketing strategies.  We didn’t simply study business as students; we also developed into capable business strategists who were prepared to take on the world.

In my previous role as Director of Student Services, I have had the distinct opportunity to directly influence and enhance the experience of our students in their academic journey. One of the key areas under my purview is the Career Counseling unit, where we are committed to providing services that not only meet but exceed our students’ expectations and needs.

To measure the effectiveness of our career services, we employ both national and local indirect methods of outcome assessment. For instance, at the national level, we have adopted the practice of administering the widely recognized National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) survey. This standardized career satisfaction survey allows us to capture a broad snapshot of how our services are perceived by students in relation to nationwide benchmarks. The insights gleaned from this survey help us to identify areas where we are excelling and, more importantly, where we need to implement strategic improvements to better serve our students.

On a more localized scale, I have found immense value in conducting one-on-one interviews with our students. This intimate form of qualitative feedback is indispensable as it provides nuanced perspectives on the specific programs and workshops we offer. Through these discussions, students share their personal experiences, challenges, and successes, which in turn shed light on the tangible impact of our career counseling efforts.

By utilizing both national and local indirect methods, I have found this helps us to maintain a holistic understanding of our performance. This dual approach enables us to benchmark ourselves against national standards while staying deeply connected to the individual voices of our students, ensuring that our services remain student-centered, and outcome driven.

Also in my previous role, it was imperative to stay abreast of the accreditation requirements set forth by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), which play a critical role in shaping the quality and credibility of our academic and non-academic programs and services.

SACSCOC (2023) stipulates that institutions must have clearly defined and measurable Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for both academic and non-academic services, ensuring that there is a systematic approach to improving student learning and success. The commission also requires evidence of effectiveness, which includes assessment of student learning outcomes, program evaluations, and the use of assessment results to inform continuous improvement (SACSCOC, 2023).

To meet SACSCOC’s requirements for improving student development and achievement, we routinely evaluated and improved our procedures in career counseling, student advising, and other student services. Our adherence to upholding the best standards of service for our students could be observed in our commitment to fulfilling these accreditation requirements.


Alternative Forms of Evidence


When preparing for a crime scene reconstruction consideration must be made concerning the types of evidence you are using to come to the conclusion that you are basing the reconstruction on. Real evidence for physical evidence is the best source of producing a reconstruction. The relevance of the physical evidence must be established. For example, it a shooting reconstruction was done based on a ricochet off a wall that struck the victim the angle of impact from the wall where the bullet initially impacted and struck the victim will allow you to determine the line where the shooter stood when he or she fired and hit the wall. The problem is if the line is unobstructed evidence must be located that helps establish where the shoot was when he or she fired.  On that line stemming from the wall a cartridge casing will be significant. Shoe impression along the line may be from the shooter or it may be anyone who happened to walk there before or after the shooting took place. So the cartridge casing is likely to be ejected from the shooters weapon and give the reconstruction team an idea of where the shooter was when he or she fired. The footwear impression may or may not be that of the shooter so it is circumstantial even though it is a physical artifact and should be collected.

Crime scene reconstruction can be done by setting the scene up with personnel playing the roles of suspect, victim, and witnesses.  It can also be done by placing crime scene dummies in locations for the same people.  The more modern method is using a LASER scanner that videos, charts, and measures the entire scene and be used to reconstruct the scene in a white room.

Scenario: Tim and Rhonda just got engaged. They are having a small gathering to celebrate at a local restaurant called the Dew Drop Inn. Rhonda had finally gotten her divorce from James who had been very abusive both physically and emotionally. They have no children. Dinner was finishing up about 8:00 PM and the party was moving into the bar. Out of the blue, James showed up at the restaurant bar and accused Tim of being the reason that Rhonda divorced him (James).

A fist fight broke out when James tried to grab Rhonda and Tim interceded. James grabbed a beer bottle and smashed Tim in the head. Tim pulled out a compact pistol and placed it directly against James’ chest and shot James dead with a single bullet through the heart. Tim grabbed Rhonda and ran from the restaurant, where they jumped into his 2014 Red Honda Civic and drove to Rhonda’s apartment where they both lived.

The police went to the apartment where Rhonda and Tim lived and noted the Red Honda Civic was parked in front of the apartment. A search warrant for seizing the car and searching Rhonda and Tim’s apartment was obtained. James was found to be out on parole for a burglary in which he had served two years in prison. Rhonda was home but Tim was not. Rhonda told the police that she had been receiving threatening emails form James, her ex-husband who was threatening to kill her, Tim, and then himself. She had saved the emails on her Tablet.  The search revealed a men’s white dress shirt in the hamper covered with what appeared to be high velocity blood spatter consistent with gunshot blowback.  A box of 9mm cartridges with ten rounds missing was found in the dresser of the night stand. An empty pistol box for a 9mm Glock model 26 compact pistol was found next to the ammunition. 

Research the following points, and write a 4–6-page paper fully explaining each point:

Define physical evidence.

You may use a number of resources to research the methods and significance of evidence in this scenario.  Consider using articles form juried forensic publications, information from the AIU library, or textbooks from this or other classes you might have had.  Identify the evidence you found and what evidence might still be available. Include proper handling and packaging techniques for your evidence.

Explain the importance of expert testimony and the report writing that would be involved.

  • Explain the role the forensic scientist in the laboratory will have with your submitted evidence, and explain the techniques the forensic scientist will use to process your evidence.

psy 120 wa


Name That Behavior Discussion

Kind of sounds like a game show doesn’t it? With the exam coming up I wanted to make sure you understood the distinctions between classical conditioning and operant conditioning as well as how both of them work. 

Having both read the section on classical conditioning and watched the video on Ivan Pavlov you should all have some understanding of how the process was discovered, how it works and recognize examples of it. The repeated pairing of a conditioned stimulus prior to the presentation of an unconditioned stimulus eventually brings about the development of a conditioned response to the conditioned stimulus. 

And in the readings on Instrumental/Operant behavior I discuss the four possibilities that can occur as a consequence of behavior and their effects on behavior. Those were positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Anything that increases the probability of behavior is said to be a form of reinforcement. Anything that decreases the probability of behavior is said to be a form of punishment. Positive and negative refer to whether something was added or removed to bring about the effect on behavior. Positive is not ‘good’ nor is negative ‘bad’ in this context. 


For this discussion I’d like you each to provide an example of either classical or operant conditioning from your own experience. One or the other. You do not need to provide an example of each. Then detail the factors controlling the behavior. Remember that Pavlov stumbled onto the idea of classical conditioning after observing that his dogs started to salivate to things other than the presentation of food. It happens naturally all the time given the right conditions. And on the other hand, we also can recognize that much of what we do is ultimately aimed at either gaining some type of reward or avoiding punishment.

Are there times when you automatically respond to something without really thinking about it or observed someone else do so? This could even include an automatic response from a pet, such as one that comes running into the kitchen upon hearing their food bowl being filled. Or can you think of a real world example of an operant behavior and the consequences generated by that behavior. For instance, we speed on the freeway because we get where we’re going faster. 

Here’s the catch. I want an original example. That means once someone posts a particular example it’s done. You can’t repeat an example that’s already been given. So, the more time that passes the harder this is going to get. 


Be very specific in your example. For an example of classical conditioning note the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. Also, discuss how you believe this conditioned response was established. What associations were formed and how did that occur? This would entail indicating the original unconditioned stimulus and response and how a connection was formed between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. 

For an example of operant conditioning describe the behavior and its consequence(s). Then tell me whether you think it is an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment or negative punishment. Keep in mind that this may differ from one perspective to another. A father receives negative reinforcement for picking up a crying child because the crying stops. But the child receives positive reinforcement for crying because he gets that attention. 

After providing your example, return to the discussion board later and reply to one of your peers by assessing their example. Give your opinion on whether the example truly is one of classical or operant conditioning. If you don’t think it is, provide your alternate explanation. And then assess whether you think your classmate is correct in their analysis of how the response was established and maintained. 


I’d like you all to submit your examples by Thursday and respond to one of your peers by Sunday (11:59pm).  


Grading will be based on quality of content. Did you correctly identify an example of either classical or operant conditioning? 

For an instance of classical conditioning did you identify the unconditioned stimulus and response as well as the conditioned stimulus and response as well as discuss how association was established? 

For an instance of operant conditioning does your example depict an instance of the behavioral consequence that you selected? 

In your responses to other students do you accurately cite principles of classical or operant conditioning when assessing their examples? 

psy 120 v


Kind of sounds like a game show doesn’t it? With the exam coming up I wanted to make sure you understood the distinctions between classical conditioning and operant conditioning as well as how both of them work. 

Having both read the section on classical conditioning and watched the video on Ivan Pavlov you should all have some understanding of how the process was discovered, how it works and recognize examples of it. The repeated pairing of a conditioned stimulus prior to the presentation of an unconditioned stimulus eventually brings about the development of a conditioned response to the conditioned stimulus. 

And in the readings on Instrumental/Operant behavior I discuss the four possibilities that can occur as a consequence of behavior and their effects on behavior. Those were positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Anything that increases the probability of behavior is said to be a form of reinforcement. Anything that decreases the probability of behavior is said to be a form of punishment. Positive and negative refer to whether something was added or removed to bring about the effect on behavior. Positive is not ‘good’ nor is negative ‘bad’ in this context. 


For this discussion I’d like you each to provide an example of either classical or operant conditioning from your own experience. One or the other. You do not need to provide an example of each. Then detail the factors controlling the behavior. Remember that Pavlov stumbled onto the idea of classical conditioning after observing that his dogs started to salivate to things other than the presentation of food. It happens naturally all the time given the right conditions. And on the other hand, we also can recognize that much of what we do is ultimately aimed at either gaining some type of reward or avoiding punishment.

Are there times when you automatically respond to something without really thinking about it or observed someone else do so? This could even include an automatic response from a pet, such as one that comes running into the kitchen upon hearing their food bowl being filled. Or can you think of a real world example of an operant behavior and the consequences generated by that behavior. For instance, we speed on the freeway because we get where we’re going faster. 

Here’s the catch. I want an original example. That means once someone posts a particular example it’s done. You can’t repeat an example that’s already been given. So, the more time that passes the harder this is going to get. 


Be very specific in your example. For an example of classical conditioning note the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. Also, discuss how you believe this conditioned response was established. What associations were formed and how did that occur? This would entail indicating the original unconditioned stimulus and response and how a connection was formed between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. 

For an example of operant conditioning describe the behavior and its consequence(s). Then tell me whether you think it is an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment or negative punishment. Keep in mind that this may differ from one perspective to another. A father receives negative reinforcement for picking up a crying child because the crying stops. But the child receives positive reinforcement for crying because he gets that attention. 

After providing your example, return to the discussion board later and reply to one of your peers by assessing their example. Give your opinion on whether the example truly is one of classical or operant conditioning. If you don’t think it is, provide your alternate explanation. And then assess whether you think your classmate is correct in their analysis of how the response was established and maintained. 


I’d like you all to submit your examples by Thursday and respond to one of your peers by Sunday (11:59pm).  


Grading will be based on quality of content. Did you correctly identify an example of either classical or operant conditioning? 

For an instance of classical conditioning did you identify the unconditioned stimulus and response as well as the conditioned stimulus and response as well as discuss how association was established? 

For an instance of operant conditioning does your example depict an instance of the behavioral consequence that you selected? 

In your responses to other students do you accurately cite principles of classical or operant conditioning when assessing their examples? 

ED5950 – Capstone in Early Childhood Education Studies.


In the Presentation of Action Research discussion in this week, you will post a PowerPoint presentation of your action research results. This is a presentation that you would potentially deliver to stakeholders, but in this course your peers are considered stakeholders instead. In Week 9 you will be submitting a self-review of your presentation, as well as a peer review of one of your classmate’s presentations. You should have begun work on your presentation in Week 7.

Record your presentation using Kaltura; refer to the instructions in Using Kaltura on Campus for more information. You will also need to include a transcript of your presentation when you post it to the discussion. Your presentation should be 7–10 minutes.

Your PowerPoint should include the same components as your action research report. They include:

  1. Cover: One slide that includes the name and number of the course, name of project, submission date, name of learner, and contact information.
  2. Introduction: One slide that provides a brief introduction to the study, describes the study setting, and explains why the setting was chosen for this study. This is the “elevator” speech of the study and captures an overview in one small paragraph.
  3. Scenario: One slide that details the problem that was studied, describes the purpose of the completed study, and explains who might benefit from the findings and why. This includes the key question(s) that were asked
  4. Analysis of the Situation: A section of two to three slides that describes what you have discovered about the topic to inform the study design. What key concepts and studies are relevant to the study?
    1. Complete a review of at least three related peer-reviewed research articles on the topic studied.
    2. Identify what has been studied on the topic and what has not been studied or studied very little. In addition, identify areas where findings are not in agreement on the topic you studied. Identify the leading theory you found.
  5. Diversity: One slide that directly addresses embedded diversity issues within the study topic and how this research could be used to enhance learning for students of all cultural backgrounds and learning needs.
  6. Implementation and Design: A section of three to four slides that describes how data were collected, from baseline data to post-test data.
  7. Baseline Data: Provide a QUESTION of baseline data or information you have gathered and reviewed to inform the development of the study.
    1. Describe what instruments were used to collect data and how they were shown to be valid and reliable.
    2. Provide information or baseline data that you gathered through interviewing or surveying individuals, archival data collected on students or others (for example, tests or grades), observations you made related to the problem, and so on.
    3. Describe the population and sample from whom the data were collected, and provide a rationale for targeting the population and selecting the sample.
    4. Describe how data were physically collected using a step-by-step approach (a blueprint of what you did).
    5. Include rationale for what technology was integrated to enhance the research; this could have been via the application and/or the assessment and potential outcomes.
  8. Ethics: One slide that names the primary stakeholders involved in gaining access to the site and the ethical considerations that were needed. Address any issues that arose in terms of ethics.
  9. Data Analysis: A section of one to two slides that describes how data were analyzed and processed to generate findings in order to inform decision making and practice.
    1. How are data being analyzed and interpreted? Am I staying true to the original design plan?
    2. How can findings be interpreted? Would a different action have had better results? What was unexpected?
    3. What can I conclude from the information/data analysis? Are my conclusions based solely on the evidence?
  10. Reflecting Stage: A section of one to three slides that describes the proposed actions of the reflecting stage of the study, such as the possible implications of the findings on future practice and decision making, how the findings might be used or applied in the respective setting, how results will be shared and communicated, and a reflection on possible factors and other variables that may affect the findings.
    1. What can be concluded about what needs to happen next?
    2. What are the implications for the next steps in the cycle?
    3. How does the next action reflect previous learning?
  11. Summary: One slide that sums up the study and addresses the questions: How do I know if the changes resulted in improvement? and How do these changes impact instruction?

Suny Old Westbury online learning discussion



For your response posts, address the following:

  1. Consider both sides of your classmates’ events. Compare and contrast your answers.
    1. What ideas or concepts from this week’s learning materials can be applied or expand your thinking in relation to their posts?

Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. If you do refer to resources, be sure to cite the resource.


One event that I experienced that was directly influenced by technology was the implementation of a new online learning platform at my High school. Prior to the pandemic, my school primarily relied on in-person classes and traditional learning methods. However, when classes were moved online due to COVID-19, the school had to quickly adapt and find a way to continue providing education to its students. The school decided to implement a new online learning platform that would allow students to attend classes, access course materials, and participate in discussions and assignments virtually. As a student, I was skeptical of this new platform and was worried about the effectiveness of online learning. However, as I started using the platform, I realized just how advanced and user-friendly it was. Not only did the platform allow for seamless virtual learning, but it also had features such as canvas, messaging with professors, interactive discussion boards, and even virtual group work. I was impressed by how the platform was able to recreate the classroom experience and make it accessible from anywhere.This experience enhanced my understanding of the role of technology in education. I realized that technology is not just limited to social media or entertainment, but it has the power to revolutionize the way we learn. The online learning platform not only made education accessible during a time of crisis, but it also opened up opportunities for students who may not have been able to attend classes in person. Additionally, this event also highlighted the importance of constantly adapting and evolving with technology. In a world where technology is constantly advancing, it is crucial for institutions, schools and individuals to embrace and utilize it to enhance their lives. The implementation of the online learning platform showed me that technology has the ability to not only solve immediate problems but also improve our overall understanding and experience in various aspects of life.


Our organization recently had a town hall meeting to update the staff on how the organization is doing. In the past, these events took place in person, but now we hold them through Webex. Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have transitioned most of our meetings to remote meetings. There are many players in the field of web conferencing, and the brand is irrelevant as they all do a good job. But they all provide a service that allows us to connect with more people than ever before. We can now participate in meetings with little effort, less travel, and less cost to the organization. Technology played a huge role in allowing us to work remotely and keep these organizations operational during challenging times.

I have been coaching youth basketball for the last 20 years. We now have cameras that capture the game and allow families to watch the game remotely through the internet. This system has been a positive experience for the families so there is less travel, and grandparents can now participate more easily. This system also has AI integration that allows us to capture stats on the game and our players. That means that coaches don’t have to spend time looking through the video to find stats like shooting percentage, time played, and fouls committed. These tools also allow us to view the video of fouls committed by a certain player without having to look through the film to find them.

We now can look at the game plan at a high level with little effort and time and make real changes more quickly. We can see who plays well together on the court as a group and when our stats are the strongest. Having real data to look at versus how we feel things went has been a game changer. Now, we just need to find a way to get the kids to listen all the time!

hed 202 samerah


In this assignment you will compare two (2) different professions with material copied from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

It will follow the same structure as in your last assignment. The difference will be you are to create a comparison. You will explore two different professions in the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You will cut and paste the exact same information as in the last assignment. After the information is pasted for both professions, you are to write a comparison of the two different sets of information for each heading. You can rank them, give pro’s and con’s, or comment on their similarities & differences. I expect at least 3 substantial sentences for each set of information required.

So, select two professions in health care (you can use the profession and information from your previous assignment).

It might be easiest to open 2 windows (one for each profession) and the Word document.

1. Open a new Word document to enter the requested data points or wording selection under a heading that identifies each section from which it was obtained. 

2. Log into https://www.bls.gov/oohLinks to an external site.

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3. Enter one of your preferred jobs from our health course.

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4. Click on the top option with a Occupational Handbook entry

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5. Review the summary. Cut and paste the 2021 Median Pay into your Word document under the heading “Median Pay”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

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6. Scroll to bottom and click on “What they Do” to advance.

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7. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “What they Do”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

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8. Scroll to the bottom and click on “How to Become One” to advance.

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9. Cut and paste the three sections indicated below into your Word document under the heading “How to Become One”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

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10. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Pay” to advance.

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11. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Pay”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.


12. Click on “Job Outlook” to advance.

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13. Cut and paste opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Job Outlook”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

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14. Click on “State & Area Data” to advance.

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15. Click on your occupation to advance.

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16. This page will show several US maps that reveal states that offer the highest pay and where more job opportunities are available compared to other states.

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17. Scroll down the page and examine the annual mean wage by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the mean pay differences under the heading “Pay Differences”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

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18. Scroll down the page and examine the location quotient by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the location differences under the heading “Location Differences”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

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