Answer the question.

Question Description

A Doll’s House

1. Do you think the juxtaposition of Dr. Rank’s devotion and admiration with Torvald’s negative behavior influences the reader to feel disdain toward Torvald?

2. Do you think Ibsen paints Nora in a negative light even though he may be in support of her independence?

A discussion

Question Description

I have a discussion due. It’s a very easy discussion. 3 paragraphs would be enough. + two replies. I send two students post and I need a paragraph long reply to each.

Here is the discussion

Does Mozi’s noble lie allow for the possibility of legitimate revolutionary change?

Excel VBA Programming

Question Description


I have an assignment it should be done using excel

I will upload the files below take a deep look at it and solve the answer accurately, correctly, and with full steps.

This assignment worth a lot of grade so please the work should be done correctly and on time.

The Americans with disabilities act

Question Description

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for individuals who have disabilities. How might this requirement affect teachers, law enforcement officers, and firefighters? How is it legal for law enforcement to turn applicants away for diseases like type 2 diabetes?

*answer should be a paragraph

Moral policy Medical and Cosmetics Testing on Animals

Question Description

(APSA) citation format

Pictures, maps and DATA is very important to include as well but they do not count toward the 7page minimum

You should have at least seven sources and not all may be Internet. You must use books, articles, research or data from accreditable sources with page number.

Regression class Problems using R as the tool.

Question Description

Question is about

Automatic Search Procedures, Model Selection & Model ValidationInstructions In this lab, we will revisit the HOME_SALES.csv data set (posted on Blackboard).Paste all requested R results and provide explanations when asked. We will predict sales pricesfor the homes based on various characteristics of the home.

Crosstable analysis___SPSS ANALYSIS

Question Description

You are investigating how the number of children people have affects people’s opinion on various social issues. Using “GSS2000_Crosstab Homework” data (available at Moodle), investigate the effect of the Number of Children ( NumChilds) on the following issues:

Confidence in TV (CONTV)

Opposition to Teen Sex (TEENSEX)

Suicide if Brankrupt (SUICIDE2)


Question Description

“Forensic accountants investigate an organization’s accounting system to reconstruct suspicious transactions to find evidence about what actually happened.”

1 – Describe how the role of a forensic accountant is different than an auditor.
2- Provide your opinion on what the industry can predict for the future of forensic accounting.

Discuss the general characteristics of the 4 stages of team building: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Discuss a time when you were a member of a team in your organization. How did your team progress through the four stages? What issues arose,

Question Description

  • Discuss the general characteristics of the 4 stages of team building: forming, storming, norming, and performing.
  • Discuss a time when you were a member of a team in your organization. How did your team progress through the four stages? What issues arose, and how did your team overcome them?

Paypal & Mastercard Financial Statement Analysis Interpretation & Presentation

Question Description


  • Approximately a 3-4-page report not including the cover sheet and reference list
  • Must be in APA format.
  • Include accurate citations and a reference list.


  • Approximately 8 – 10 slides
  • Speaker’s notes must be placed under each slide.
  • Include accurate citations and a reference list.


  • 8 tabs (see attached)