Computer literacy


In this final week of TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro, you work on a series of lab simulations to practice and learn about programming and cybersecurity concepts. This knowledge builds your foundational understanding of computer and digital technologies you will need in this course, in your studies, and in your career.

Prior to beginning this assignment, complete the following labs in Chapter 10 of the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course:

10.2.13 Recognize Social Engineering Exploits 1

10.2.15 Recognize Social Engineering Exploits 2

For this assignment, consider how you can benefit from the knowledge gained from working through these labs. This assignment is worth 4% of your course grade.

In this assignment,

Include screenshots of the “Score Lab” screen for the labs this week.

  • Discuss how these skills are relevant and useful in your life and in your potential career path.
  • The Programming and Cybersecurity Labs assignment

must be 150 words in length.

must utilize academic voice. Review the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance. 

Review resources from the Writing CenterLinks to an external site. for help on your written assignment

  • Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that wi
  • Throughout this course, you have been exposed to the knowledge and skills required for achieving computer and digital literacy in the 21st century.

The TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course provided an overview of foundational concepts related to computer hardware and software, networking, databases, programming, information systems, and data security. The TestOut Office Pro course provided an innovative and effective way to practice using Microsoft Office applications and learn the basics of computer technology. The labs allowed you to practice the basic skills you need to become proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. You have also learned about the latest trends in IT, as well as possible tech-related careers.

For this assignment, you will reflect on what you have learned throughout this course and what skills you have acquired. Additionally, you will reflect on the latest technology trends needed to stay relevant in today’s job market. The final paper is worth 6% of your course grade.

Review this Sample Reflective WritingLinks to an external site. from the Writing Center.

Reflect on the applications, tools, and skills you have developed throughout this course.

Reflect on which technology trends you foresee being in demand in the near future.

Download the TEC100 Course ReflectionDownload TEC100 Course Reflectiontemplate.

You will be using this template to write your final paper. It is already formatted in APA Style (7th edition). Just be sure to fill in the title page with your information and add in your paragraphs under the section headings.

In your two- to three-page paper,

IT Fundamentals Pro Reflection

  • Describe your experience with the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course content.

What did you think about the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course?

What did you like best?

Which topics were confusing or difficult to understand?

List at least three skills you gained through completing the TestOut IT Fundamentals Proresources, multimedia, labs, and quizzes.

Describe how you can use these information technology skills in your current or future career goals.

Office Pro Reflection

Describe your experience with the TestOut Office Pro course content.

What did you think about the Office Procourse?

Which application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Access) did you enjoy learning about the most? Which application was the most difficult to use?

List at least three skills you gained through reviewing the Office Pro resources and labs.

Describe how you can use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access in your current or future career goals.

Live Learning Reflection

Describe your experience with the Live Learning session (Did you attend/not attend a VR or Zoom session, or view a session recording?).

Explain why VR is or is not an important technology in the business world. Did you come up with ideas about how VR technology may be used to benefit the future.

Explain your thoughts on privacy and security in Virtual Reality settings and why it is important.

Key Technology Trends Reflection

Describe at least three technology trends that you feel will greatly impact the future job market.

Explain why it is important to stay current with information technology trends.

Submit your completed TEC100 Course Reflection to Waypoint.

The Course Reflection final paper

must include a separate title page with the following:

title of paper in bold font

Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

student’s name

name of institution (the University of Arizona Global Campus)

course name and number

  • instructor’s name

Week 4 Discussion


Week 4 discussion. 


Review the Learning Resources on focusing an evaluation and on needs assessments. 

Consider your field agency, practice, or community setting, and any common client problems, issues, or service gaps you have observed. If you are not currently in a practice setting, you may draw on your past work or practicum experience.

Research and/or brainstorm ideas for programs or services that could address the problems, issues, or gaps. 

     BY DAY 3    

  • Describe at least one common client problem, issue, or gap in services or programs at your field agency, practice, or community setting. (If you are not currently in a practice setting, you may draw on your past work or practicum experience.)
  • Specifically, highlight what you see that tells you clients need something more than what the agency, practice, or community setting is offering.
  • Identify a program that you think is necessary to address the problem, issue, or gap and explain why.

Generate a question that you might ask about your identified need and to whom.

Definitions for this discussion  (From the instructor)

  • Use these definitions when responding to the questions for this discussion
  • Mission: the primary purpose, goal, or mandate of your field placement setting, department, organization, community agency, or practice
  • Recipients: the types of clients that your organization serves if you are providing services to individuals; or the type of community that your department, organization, or practice is established to serve
  • Problems: the term problem defines and describes conditions, situations, gaps in resources or services, or attitudes that are harmful to the well-being of the people who are affected by them. For example, homelessness, a disability that poses obstacles for the individual, food insecurity, depression, too many guns on the street, and systematic racism are examples of problems. 

Needs: needs are conditions, events, situations, resources, actions, or attitudes that indicate what clients or individuals in the community require to mitigate or resolve the problem, and which are not available from the organization or community that should be providing them.  

A need is a bridge between the problem and the solution to the problem.  Once the problem is understood, we study the needs to find the most effective means to solve or mitigate the problem . 

The first and most immediate need when developing a program involves setting specific, transparent, measurable,  feasible, and ethical goals. 

Programs: a set of projects involving planning and preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, designed to meet a need that mitigates or resolves a problem


Apply these questions to your field placement organization, community agency, school, health facility, or practice setting. If you are not currently providing human services, apply these questions to your past work or practicum. If you do not work directly with clients but work in a public health, policy, or legislative organization, apply these questions to the community that you and your colleagues attempt to serve.

Setting (1 phrase or sentence): Identify your current or past type of work setting (do not provide the specific name). 

Mission (Usually 1-3 sentences): Report the function or goal of your practice, agency, department, or organization. If it has a website or brochure, you can usually find the mission on the main page.

Recipients (1-2 sentences): Describe the types of clients or community that your organization serves.

  • Problem (2-3 sentences): Identify an issue in your organization that prevents recipients from getting the benefits that they should be obtaining, according to the agency mission. The problem may be an issue or concern that you have observed or complaints that have been brought to your attention from colleagues or recipients.

Need (1-2 sentences each):

Suggest a service, action, or resource that would mitigate or resolve the problem.

  • Identify a person in your agency (by role only) who might provide information about the unmet need. Suggest a question you might ask this person about the clients’ needs for assistance from your organization.

Program (5-6 sentences): Describe a program that you think is necessary to address the problem, issue, or gap. Provide your rationale.

My previous field placement which we will talk about was at The Counseling Clinic in Benton, Arkansas. My population Department of youth services kids. All these kids were court involved for drugs, sex offenses, truancy etc. Some of the kids I worked with got incarcerated and some didn’t. The issue was there was only the services given that were offered by the counseling clinic. The services which are listed on their website included individual and family counseling, drug classes and parenting classes. I had one client who was a level 3 sex offender which posed problems finding him housing and other services he needed. He couldn’t read as he was low level IQ too. 

References which needed to be utilized and cited. 

  • Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.

Chapter 4, “Common Types of Evaluations”

Read “Common Program Evaluations” (pp. 78–89).

Chapter 5, “Focusing an Evaluation” (pp. 96–111)

Chapter 6, “Needs Assessments” (pp. 115–147)

INFO 4230 Section 001 – Records Management Operations (Spring 2024 1)


DMS Specifications Assignment

In your DRM Environment Report, you described the organization/department that is the focus of your project work in EDRMS. In this assignment, you will consider the requirements of a document management system that would support your DRM environment.

As before, you may need to do some basic research to adequately describe a DMS for your selected environment. Making reasonable assumptions as to system requirements is perfectly fine – many requirements, such as version control, are standard elements. I am focused on how well you understand the principles and components of document management.


You will list 10 system requirements related to document creation, access, management, destruction, etc. that are applicable to your electronic DRM environment. In a real-world situation, you also would need a policy for managing any physical documents and files, as well.


This should have been addressed when you created your DRM Environment Report, but be sure the focus of your EDMS design is on document management and that you are using specifications for an electronic system. You are considering the management of documents – not customer service issues, inventory, etc. 

Example How-To

The focus of system specifications is NOT on a particular document type or task. However, that document or task can be what drives the need for the specification(s).

Here’s an example: Say in your environment, patient medical forms are filled out by hand.

Based on this document and task, you could determine specifications like this: The system needs a way to digitize paper, pictures, etc. It also needs a way for the staff to transfer (type in) that information into the patient’s account profile. If the medical office uses a proprietary patient management software, the system would need to interface with that system in order to access and manage those documents.

So, specifications might be:

Scanner capable of scanning in color at 300 dpi and at 11×17 inches.

Interface with both Windows and Mac computers an allow manual input and document creation.

The document management system needs to interface with Patient Management Source system/software.

Boom. There are 3 specifications from just one task/document. I also would strongly suggest including a specification that covers the types of file formats the system needs to be able to manage/create/view, as well. That makes 4 specifications right there. (See other examples in DMS Functionalities below.)

Format & Length

  • Follow the format below for creating your report. Use the headings provided below.
  • Your report should be single-spaced paragraphs with a blank space between each paragraph. This is the standard Word format, so you should have to do anything to change your settings. Your document basically should look a lot like how this page looks.
  • This report should be about 3 – 4 pages long. It may be longer depending upon how you format it (for example, bullets or paragraphs) and any extra detail you decide to include.

Submit in Word or PDF format. Put only your name in the header and use only the report title on the first page.


This should be a brief explanation of what this report is, who it is for (the selected environment), and why you created it for your selected EDM environment.

Document Management System Functionalities

List 10 functions required in your EDMS. You can use bullets or numbers, or you can create each item as its own paragraph/section and leave a blank in between each specification.

For our purposes, these can be rather generic though they should be applicable to your particular organization/department. While security always is an important requirement, remember, too, that EDMS are focused more on streamlining workflow, quick access, maintaining consistency, etc.

Examples might include: scanner integration, search by key word, search by author, support bar code reading, manual input, versioning, scale to 100 concurrent users, spell check, batch processing, phone system integration, types of file formats supported, integrate with existing systems, remote access, etc. If it involves a document, the item’s use, access, storage, or disposal, it has the potential of being a requirement of the system. (Remember that “document” is a catch-all word for any object that is part of the daily functioning of the organization – recorded phone calls, maps, etc. are documents, too.)

NOTE: You can use some of these listed above, but you must include some of your own requirements that are relevant to your particular organization/department.

NOTE: In all cases, provide additional details to flesh out the functionality requirement (e.g., scanner integration to digitize documents and photos in color at up to 13×19 inches).


This should be a brief concluding remark or two that summarizes your plan.


Include references as applicable. This reference list is a bit different from an APA list. I want you to include any researched sources you use, but I also want you to include whether you conducted interviews, surveys, etc. I realize most of you will be creating your project based upon researched data as opposed to your own work environment.



Find two professional organizations that serve human services professionals. Links to two of the main human services professional organizations are provided in the resources for this module. Some organizations will include the name of the profession, human services, while others will be named after the type of field (e.g., child welfare, homelessness, mental health). Find out how much it costs to join the organization as a student and what benefits the organization offers for students (e.g., scholarships). Write one paragraph about each organization. Why would you join or not join these organizations?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Compose a post of one to two paragraphs

What to Submit
Your discussion posts must follow APA formatting guidelines. For formatting information click here to access the Shapiro Library’s APA Citation Guide.Discussion Rubric
CriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (85%)Needs Improvement (55%)Not Evident (0%)ValueComprehensionDevelops an initial post addressing the prompt, and the post shows an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail; supports ideas by referencing course materialsDevelops an initial post addressing the prompt, and the post maintains a point of view or idea using adequate organization and detail; supports ideas by referencing course materialsDevelops an initial post that somewhat relates to the prompt, and the post includes gaps in organization and detailDoes not develop an initial post40TimelinessN/ASubmits initial post on time (100%)Submits initial post one day late (55%)Submits initial post two or more days late (0%)10EngagementProvides relevant and meaningful response posts with clarifying explanation and detailProvides relevant response posts with some explanation and detailProvides somewhat relevant response posts with some explanation and detailProvides response posts that are generic with little explanation or detail30Writing (Mechanics)Writes posts that are easily understood, clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations and no major errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntaxWrites posts that are easily understood using proper citation methods where applicable, with few errors in citations and some minor errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntaxWrites posts that are understandable using proper citation methods where applicable, with a number of errors in citations and many errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntaxWrites posts that others are not able to understand and does not use proper citation methods where applicable; submission has errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntax throughout20Total:100%

Human Services Professional Organizations

Students and professionals in the field often overlook the value of joining a professional organization. They often think of it as one more thing that costs money. And yet, a professional organization can be your network for a job. It does not matter if the organization is local, state, or national level. Every professional organization offers resources that can help you with class assignments, provide you information about current issues in the field, and connect you with other students and professionals in your field.

How do you find organizations? You can search the internet using the name of your field: human services. This will provide you with the websites for organizations that have the words “human services” in them. However, you are missing a great opportunity if you stop there. Now think about a population you want to work with when you graduate. Some examples are the elderly, poor, infants, children, teens, youth, parents, grandparents, addicts, homeless, victims, sick, disabled, and mentally ill. Now search using one of the terms that describe the population you want to work with plus “professional organization,” and you will find many other options.

A search like this could lead you to the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Did you know that you could work with new mothers whose infants are showing early signs of mental health issues? Take a look at the site to see what the costs are to join an organization like this and what you would gain by becoming a member. Each professional organization will offer different benefits. Look at professional organizations of interest that you think are reasonably priced but also provide great benefits for professionals and students.

  • If you would like, you can attend a professional conference in your area. They often have student rates, which are not as costly as the full rate. There you can attend workshop sessions that provide you with current information in the field. You can meet other professionals in your area and learn about job openings. You can explore the opportunity for volunteer or internship experiences.
  • Bottom line is, do not underestimate the value of joining a professional organization!

Website: National Organization for Human Servicesopens in new window
The National Organization for Human Services is dedicated to the field of human services.

Website: National Human Services Assemblyopens in new window
The National Human Services Assembly is another human services national organization that students might consider joining.

[Art History] Annotated Bibliography


Students are not required to write a research paper for this class. Instead, you must select one of the artists discussed in lecture and research this figure as though you planned to write an essay about them. You will then present this research in the form of an annotated bibliography.  The objective of this assignment is for students to prioritize and analyze the research process, rather than a final essay. 

This bibliography will consist of ten sources, which, when pulled together, give the reader a sense of the scholarship about your particular figure.  At least TWO should be physical books that you obtain through the library or Inter-Library Loan (ILL). They should represent a range of literature: exhibition catalogues, scholarly books or monographs, interviews, journal articles, and others. These can be about a specific work, the artist more generally, about the period in which they worked, or specific themes or subjects. You will want to find a balance between all of these.

Your bibliography should begin with a paragraph characterizing the literature on this artist more generally; is it vast or limited? What are the primary languages in which it is published? Was most of the literature published during a certain period, or have there been different moments when it has received scholarly attention?  Following that, you will write an entry for each source you consulted in your research. They should be approximately 150 words long and should describe and summarize the publication.

Your final bibliography should conform to the following style guidelines (this will factor into your grade)

  • The assignment should follow the following outline:

Title: Annotated Bibliography on [Artist’s Name]

Introduction (about 200 words): Provide a brief overview of the scholarly landscape surrounding the chosen artist. Discuss whether the literature is extensive or limited, the primary languages of publication, periods of scholarly attention, and any notable themes or aspects that have received focus.

Annotated Bibliography Entries (10 entries, each approximately 150 words):

Book (Physical):

Author, A. (Year). Title of the Book. Publisher.

Describe and summarize 

Book (Physical):

  1. Author, B. (Year). Title of the Second Book. Publisher.

Describe and summarize 

  • Journal Article:

Author, C. (Year). “Title of the Article.” Journal Name, volume(issue), page range.

  • Describe and summarize 
  1. Interview:

Interviewee, D. (Year). Interviewed by Author E. Title of the Interview. Publication Source.

  • Describe and summarize 

Exhibition Catalogue:

  • Editor, F. (Year). Title of the Catalogue. Exhibition Venue.
  1. Describe and summarize 

Online Article:

  • Author G. (Year). “Title of the Online Article.” Website Name. URL.

Describe and summarize 

  • Monograph:
  1. Author, H. (Year). Title of the Monograph. Publisher.

Describe and summarize 

  • Biography:

Author I. (Year). Artist’s Name: A Biography. Publisher.

  • Describe and summarize 
  1. Secondary Source:

Author J. (Year). Title of the Secondary Source. Publisher.

  • Describe and summarize 

Critical Review:

  • Author K. (Year). “Title of the Review.” Journal Name, volume(issue), page range.
  1. Describe and summarize 

Conclusion (about 150 words): Summarize the main findings from the annotated bibliography and highlight the key contributions each source makes to your understanding of the chosen artist.

  • ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

The artist I chose is Alfredo Jaar.

  • —————————————————-
  1. What types of publications are not appropriate?
    The texts in your bibliography should all be scholarly in nature, rather than popular or trade focused.
    This is something you will need to evaluate as you begin assembling a list. Generally, the following
    publications are not appropriate for an annotated bibliography:
    Blogs, travel articles,Youtube videos, encyclopedia entries, exhibition reviews, social media posts, gallery
    pages, individual works of art. Sometimes an artist will maintain their own website.You will have to
    determine whether or not it is appropriate for the bibliography by considering some of the previously
    listed criteria.

What am I supposed to write in the annotation?

  • There are many ways to describe and summarize a scholarly publications. There are also many criteria
    that can be used to judge such a text. Below are some of the questions that I often ask myself:
    1. When and where was the text published? Who is the publisher?
    2. Who is the author? Have they written extensively about this artist? Are they an established scholar or just starting
    out? What is their profession? For what type of audience is the work written? Exhibition goers? Specialists in
    Brazilian Art? Architectural historians?
    3. In what language is it published? Does this language dominate the literature?
    4. What is the publication about? The artist’s entire life? A specific body of work?
    5. Are there any special or unique features about the material? Does it have an exceptionally good chronology? Or
    does it offer more color images than any other book?
    6. How does it relate to the rest of the literature – that you described in the introduction, or in your other
    7. What are the strengths, weaknesses or biases in the material?

To reiterate, although the artist you choose will be the topic that holds all of the publications in the
bibliography together, your objects of study are the publications written about the artist.
YOU are not actually writing about the artist, but about the books that already exist. Think of the
publication as your “work of art.”

  • I also uploaded examples of the Introduction paragraph.



Hello class, so this week was a successful one as I felt accomplished in being able to comfort a worried mom. The baby came in with a fever as well as a strong cough, she was worried the baby was very sick and had to be sent to the hospital. She was a first-time mom, so she wasn’t sure what was going to happen, and it was her first time her baby was experiencing a fever. So, all of it led to her head having huge paranoia. Thankfully me and my preceptor were there as we both were moms as well and told her her baby was in the best hands and we were going to make sure the baby left the office with a well-rounded plan for her to get better in no time. The mom seemed to be less worried and when the baby was examined and she needed was some antibiotics and to be kept on Tylenol PRN, and baby would be fine in no time. The mother was very thankful and appreciative of us, so it made me feel very fulfilled, she came in the office very scared and left with hope and peace that her baby was going to be fine.

2.) Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales.

So patient S.M came in with her mother because, there seemed to be a rash on the superficial layers of the skin of the patient. The mother says they were like honey-colored crusts. She states her daughter has also been having weakness, some diarrhea, and a mild fever. When the patient was examined, on her face around the nose and under the mouth there were some papules as well as pustules present. There were also some that were broken and looked like honey-colored crusts as the mother described it. There was also some lymphadenopathy on the patient’s neck, basically meaning there was a bacterium the patient was fighting. Some of the tests that needed to be done was a gram stain/culture to test what type of bacteria is positive to best treat it. Some of the differential diagnosis involves, herpes, varicella as well as scabies. Herpes simplex 1 because; this leaves blisters, and they break and cause painful open sores in the mouth region. Varicella, this can cause a itchy blister like rash in the mouth as well as other parts in the body like impetigo. Scabies is another one because, it causes a intense itching and pimple like skin rash on the skin. The plan of care for the patient involves topical antibiotics since its superficial and localized. If there is no response to the antibiotics within a week of starting them then there needs to be a culture taken to see what else is necessary to treat it. There also needs to be education mostly of the parent on hygienic measures that needs to be taken to avoid passing of bacterium. Child should also not go into daycare until they have been treated for 24 hours. The antibiotic would consist of mupirocin 2% ointment. It needs to be applied to the lesions at least 3 times a day for 3-5 days (Schaefer TJ, 2023).

3.) Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient.

Some of the health promotion strategies for this patient would include, to make sure to cover the lesions and make sure to apply topical antibiotics as ordered for best affect. Mother needs to help the child to practice good body, face and hand hygiene. The towels, linens, as well as clothing of the contagious person need to not be used by anyone else in the house.

4.) What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?

What I learned from this week clinical experience is knowing how to treat impetigo. Knowing what to tell the parents on how to help the patient not contaminate other members of the household as well as what topical antibiotic is useful. Since this patients’ lesions were not spread out all over the body she just needs topical ointment if its spread through the body the patient needs oral antibiotic which in this case is amoxicillin/clavulanate 90 mg per kg per day, and it would be divided twice daily for 10 days (Schaefer TJ, 2023).

5.) Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.

On the scholarly article Interventions for impetigo, it was stated; topical antibiotics (mupirocin, retapamulin, fusidic acid) were found to be more effective than the placebo and preferable to oral antibiotics for limited impetigo. Topical antibiotics were also superior to disinfection methods (Dellavalle R, 2021).

Social Science Question


Section 3 analysis assignment

clarify which primary source you intend to analyze in Paper 1 (from Ch. 3, 4, or 5 of the Yawp Reader) by preparing the in-text citation (so that you don’t have to do it later!). Note that you should already have prepared the work cited and in-text citations using the Primary Source Analysis Worksheet.

You should be prepared to provide citations for any textbook or lecture content you use, too. See Module 1 for how to properly cite these sources.

provide at least (1) commonality and/or disconnect between your source and the larger time period.

Does your author’s view/experiences of colonial America or Revolutionary America mirror the “reality” of the time period (as addressed through the textbook and lectures)? In other words, does it reflect colonial America/Revolutionary America or does it present a more narrow or ideal “view?”

Provide specific support from the primary source and course content to demonstrate the commonalities and/or disconnects.

Note: Although I am not expecting citations in this part of this assignment, you will want to make sure and provide cited support (via lecture, textbook, other primary sources) in Section 3 of your paper. Otherwise your similarities/disconnects will remain vague and lack clear support

Extra Credit: Extra credit will be offered to those of you who choose to develop at least two (2) other commonalities/disconnects and provide sufficient support/elaboration.

Example (not from Colonial America, so it can’t be used by you): John Winthrop dreams of a city on a hill, 1630 (Winthrop, Yawp Reader, Colliding Cultures, #2).

Disconnect: John Winthrop’s vision of Puritan-led Massachusetts Bay Colony was an ideal. While many Puritans did agree with Winthrop’s vision, some colonists did not. John Williams and Anne Hutchinson, for example, spoke out against the Puritans’ strict approach to faith and settlement. [In my paper I would provide further elaboration][I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

Disconnect: Winthrop’s view of colliding cultures in the Americas was through the eyes of religious New England. God was THE central component of his message. This stood in contrast, for example, to Jamestown, whose focus was on economic gain. [In my paper I would provide further elaboration][I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

Disconnect: Winthrop’s view of settlement was one of idealism. In reality, however, conflicts between the native population and New England settlers demonstrate a much more complex process to settlement. For example, King Philip’s War … [elaborate here], [I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

So this is what I have accepted I did not fill in the cites at the end. Let me know what you think or if it needs to be completely redone? whenever you get a chance.

For the commonality, disconnect and the two extra for extra credit, please.

Rough Draft

Commonality: Locke and Wright’s depiction of colonial America shares commonalities with broader historical narratives by emphasizing the centrality of economic motives in colonial expansion. They highlight economic opportunities as a major contributor to colonial American life, which aligns with the economic motivations discussed in the course lectures and textbook readings (Author, Year, Page). For instance, their focus on economic incentives resonates with the textbook’s portrayal of colonial America as a period shaped by mercantilist policies and the pursuit of profit through trade and land acquisition (Author, Year, Page).

Disconnect: However, Locke and Wright’s perspective may present a narrower view of colonial America by primarily focusing on economic incentives and cultural interactions, while possibly downplaying the violence, dispossession, and exploitation experienced by marginalized groups such as indigenous peoples and enslaved Africans. This narrow focus might overlook the harsh realities of colonialism and the systemic injustices faced by these groups during this time period, which are discussed in more detail in the course lectures and textbook readings (Author, Year, Page). Therefore, while Locke and Wright offer valuable insights into certain aspects of colonial society, their perspective may not fully reflect the complex and often brutal realities of colonial America as addressed through broader historical analysis (Author, Year, Page).

Extra Credit:

Commonality 1: Locke and Wright’s portrayal of power dynamics in colonial America aligns with broader historical narratives by highlighting the ways in which colonial governments-controlled land and labor, particularly of indigenous peoples. This mirrors discussions in the course lectures and textbook readings about the establishment of colonial governments and their efforts to assert control over land and resources (Author, Year, Page).

Commonality 2: Locke and Wright’s emphasis on cultural interactions in colonial America reflects broader historical understandings of the complexities of intercultural exchange during this period. By examining the differences between the cultural narratives of different social groups, they provide insights into the dynamics of cultural exchange and conflict, which are consistent with discussions in the course lectures and textbook readings about the diverse cultural landscape of colonial America (Author, Year, Page).

TESC Change Initiative Discussion


Use Exercise 8.1, Raising Awareness of Your Implicit Model of Organizational Functioning, in Chapter 8 of the Hayes text as a guide to complete this assignment. Note: The steps below guide you in completing Exercise 8.1. You will follow all of the instructions in the text exercise, with a couple of important additions:

  1. In Step 1, identify the change initiative you will be using in your      final project. This allows you to get feedback on the appropriateness of      this choice for the final project.
  2. Add a concluding step (as directed) in which you explore the      challenges of the diagnostic model you have built.

Introduction. Provide a brief Question of your organization and your role in it; in addition, include a problem statement for your paper. The problem statement should clearly indicate the purpose of your paper and might read something like the following: “This paper describes my implicit model of organizational functioning of [your organization] based on the Tichy and Hornstein (1980) procedure described in the Hayes text.”

Initial Assessment. This is Step 1 of Exercise 8.1. Prepare a short note that describes your organization (either the total organization or an important unit that you are familiar with) and assess or diagnose its current state. Make reference to the issues you feel require attention, which could be problems or opportunities. If you feel there is a need for some kind of change to ensure that these issues will be managed more effectively, justify this view. Do not explain the kinds of interventions you think may be necessary to bring about any required changes. The aim of this exercise is to diagnose the current state of the organization (and assess whether it is and will continue to perform effectively), not to provide a prescription of actions required to improve matters.

In addition, identify the change initiative you will be pursuing in your final paper. It should be finite enough to realistically be the basis for a change proposal for your final paper yet large enough that it could make a difference in the company’s sustainable competitive advantage. Indicate the issues you feel are present and what change you will be focusing on.

Kinds of Information Used. This is Step 2 of Exercise 8.1. Identify and list the “bits of information” that you considered. Focus on the information that you actually considered. Try not to let the kind of information you think you “should” have considered influence your list. Identify at least 25 different bits of information. (You can just list the “bits of information”; you need not make a table like Table 8.2 if you don’t want to.) Table 8.1 provides some examples of the types of information that people might consider when assessing the state of their organization. These are only offered as examples to stimulate your thinking; your own list may contain none of these.

Categories of Information. This is Step 3 of Exercise 8.1. Here, you will need to create your own version of the element-grouping table in Step 3 to submit with this assignment.

Some of the types of information you used to make your assessment might be related and it might be possible to group them together into a number of more inclusive categories. These categories reflect the main elements or variables of your diagnostic model.

  • Group related information in the category boxes in table format (see table in Step 3). Typically, people identify 4 to 12 categories, but there are no restrictions on the number of categories you might identify.
  • When you have categorized your information, describe the rationale you used for including information in each category.

Relationships Between Categories. This is Step 4 of Exercise 8.1. The categories identified in Step 3 reflect the elements of your implicit diagnostic model. This step focuses on interdependencies and causal relationships between the elements. These can be identified by considering whether a change in any one element will have an effect on any other element.

  • Using the format of Table 8.3, list the elements (categories) identified in Step 3 down the left-hand column and across the top of the table.
  • Take each element down the left-hand column in turn and assess the impact a change in this element might have on every other element, using a three-point scale, where 0 = no or slight impact; 1 = moderate impact; and 2 = high impact.
  • Sum the scores for each row.
  • Rank the scores (1 = highest). The rank order of the elements indicates your assessment of the key drivers of performance.

Discussion. After completing Step 4, explain the challenges associated with the diagnostic model you have completed. What does this tell you about the system you work within and the need for alignment when addressing the change initiative that you are contemplating?

DAD 220 SNHU Branches Table Lab Report



Table joins are commonly used to return records from multiple tables in a normalized database. This is done to generate reports and perform ad-hoc queries. Since data is not always in one large table in a normalized database, we use joins to get supporting information for the records we are searching for. Joins connect tables by matching values of keys in the tables to retrieve related records, generally using the SELECT and WHERE commands. For example, if customer_ID is used in a customer table and in an order table, the join would use the CUSTOMER-ID to connect the CUSTOMER table and the ORDER table to create a combined record for each key value matched in the two tables.


The manager of a small marketing firm has hired new employees and has asked you to identify information about them. You’ve already entered some information for the new hires, but you’ll need to enter more. After entering the remaining new information, perform a join that will give you the results requested by the manager. Then, you’ll need to write the query to save the results and write them to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values so they can be archived. Please revisit the instructions from the Module Two Lab Guidelines and Rubric to identify the data you’ll need.

  1. Update the name of the Branches table that you created in the previous lab to say “Department”. 
    1. Use an ALTER statement to successfully RENAME the “Branches” table to “Department”.
    2. Capture these outputs in a screenshot to validate that you’ve successfully completed this step.
  2. Insert fields to the Department table so that you’ll be able to perform joins on them. 
    1. INSERT INTO Department VALUES
      • (1, ‘Accounting’),
      • (2, ‘Human Resources’),
      • (3, ‘Information Systems’),
      • (4, ‘Marketing’);
    2. Write a SELECT statement for this table to prove this step, and validate that it ran correctly with a screenshot.
  3. Now, perform joins between the Department and Employee tables and show results for how many employees work in each one of the four departments. This will only provide information on the records that are already there. 
    1. Department 1 = Accounting 
      1. Command: SELECT First_Name, Last_Name, Department.Department_Name FROM Employee INNER JOIN Department ON Employee.Department_ID = Department.Department_ID WHERE Employee.Department_ID = 1;
    2. Using SELECT statements similar to the one above, perform joins to produce results for the following tables: 
      1. Department 2 = Human Resources
      2. Department 3 = Information Systems
      3. Department 4 = Marketing
    3. Capture the results of these joins and validate your work by providing a screenshot. You should have the same number of records as you do employees.
  4. Populate the Employee table with information for ten new employees. 
    1. Give them unique names and include attributes for all necessary fields. (Note: Please reference attributes from the lab in Module Two. Department ID values must be between 1 and 4.)
  5. Perform a join across the Employee and Department Tables for each of the four departments. New and existing records should be displayed in the results. 
    1. Take a screenshot to capture the updated results that the Employee and Department joins show to validate that they have run correctly. You should have the same number of records as you do employees.
  6. Identify the resultant outputs of the commands that you’ve written: 
    1. How many records are returned for employees in each department?
  7. Create a CSV file that contains only the records of employees in Human Resources and Information Systems. If you run this query multiple times, be sure to use a different file name each time. MySQL will not overwrite an existing file. 
    1. Enter the command listed below. 
      1. Command: select First_Name, Last_Name, Department.Department_Name from Employee inner join Department on Employee.Department_ID = Department.Department_ID where Employee.Department_ID = 3 OR Employee.Department_ID = 2 into outfile’/home/codio/workspace/HRandIS-Employees.csv’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY’,’ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘rn’;
    2. Print the file output to the screen. 
      1. In order to print your screen, start by refreshing your browser.
      2. You’ll need to type the word quit after your MySQL prompt and then press Enter to exit to the Linux shell. Do not exit the virtual lab environment itself.
      3. Next, print the output of your file to the screen by following these steps: 
        1. Type pwd and press Enter, then type ls and press Enter again. This will list your files.
        2. Now, type cat HRandIS-Employees.csv and press Enter.
        3. Capture these outputs in a screenshot to validate that you’ve successfully completed this step.
  8. Reflection: Provide detailed insight on the prompts below by explaining your process along with how and why it ultimately worked. 
    1. Process 
      1. Explain how the joins you used in this assignment worked.
      2. Describe why the commands you used were able to retrieve the Department table when you selected the Department name.
    2. File creation and extraction 
      1. Identify how many records are in the file when you write the records of your query to a CSV file.
      2. Explain, in detail, the process of extracting data to a flat file.

Address Complex Challenges 24DA01



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Generate recommendations for addressing a complex challenge


Training opportunities in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addition to reducing recruiting and retention costs, they have been demonstrated to boost productivity and job satisfaction. For employees, they also provide the benefit of enhancing skills and offer additional prospects for positioning employees for new opportunities within the organization outside of regular promotions. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year, a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to participate in special professional enrichment activities in both group and individual formats. They are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a letter and career plan that serve as their “application” to the program.

A woman writing the word "Research" on a board, surrounded by the words project, methods, statistics, analysis, result, review, development, data, fact, survey, solution, report, and explore.

Update: Congratulations! You were one of the seven employees selected for the program this year. You’ve been paired with a supportive mentor. As a result, you feel much more confident about testing out and developing new ideas that have broader implications outside the workplace. You have decided to take advantage of the opportunity to develop recommendations around a challenge you feel very excited and passionate about addressing. Your mentor has offered to help you advance your recommendations and was very clear during the meeting that developing good recommendations for both academic and professional contexts requires the same thorough and objective examination of the research surrounding the challenge.

A younger businessman shaking the hand of a more experienced businessman while sitting at a desk.


Recommendations Brief with Research (2,000–2,500 words)
You and your mentor previously prepared and refined a list of opportunities that interested you in the Selecting Your Complex Challenge document. For this challenge, select the research question that most interests you, ensuring you address all elements in the rubric.

  1. Challenge: Describe your complex challenge and factors that contribute to the complexity of this issue:
    • Demographics of the individuals/group affected by challenge
    • Magnitude of the issue in community affected by challenge
    • Commonly held assumptions or obstacles around this issue
    • Social conditions that exist specific to this challenge
    • Cultural or societal issues specific to this challenge
    • Discipline-specific subject or branch of knowledge
  2. Research: You and your mentor have discussed the importance of making your case with evidence-based research, as appropriate to the discipline, that informs your recommendations.
    1. Annotated Bibliography: Select seven resources to analyze that are relevant to your challenge. These primary or secondary sources (conferences, dissertations, patents, journal studies, journal articles, technical reports, articles in scholarly journals, government policies, laws, or legislation) should address the challenge you have selected and inform the recommendations you make:
      • Identify the source authors and discuss their place in society
      • Discuss the purpose of the piece and why it was written
      • Explain the value or ideas behind the content in the source
      • Address the credibility of the piece (why or why not)
  3. Your Methods: Include research that is appropriate to the methods that would be used by the professionals using the particular lenses you choose to address your research question. This may include qualitative data, quantitative data, or both.
    • Qualitative research that provides context and information on aspects of your challenge and informs your recommendations
      • Case studies that address issues relevant to your challenge
      • Comparisons on issues relevant to your challenge
      • Information on focus groups or interviews that were conducted and tackle questions relevant to your challenge
    • Quantitative research that is grounded in numerical evidence and informs your recommendations. For example, if your challenge is on quality of water, you would want to have quantitative data from impacted communities, such as scientific data that supports your recommendations.
      • Survey data
      • Chi square
      • Correlation
      • Time Series
      • T-Test
      • ANOVA
  4. Recommendations:
    1. Solution: Propose a specific course of action or actions that represent a reasonable solution for your complex challenge, supported by at least five of the most appropriate sources in your annotated bibliography
      • Applicable methods
      • Applicable tools or technologies
      • Necessary resources
    2. Interpretation: Discuss the research and how your interpretation supports your recommendations
      • What the research says in regard to the challenge you are addressing and recommendations you make
      • How you see this research as supporting the recommendations you are making
    3. Significance: Discuss the significance and limitations of the research in supporting your recommendations
      • Geographical global/national/local impacts
      • Cultural, technological, scientific, etc., aspects
  5. Conclusion: Defend the action or course of action you have recommended over the alternatives based on:
    1. Utility of the type of methods or methodologies in addressing previous challenges of this type
    2. Necessary resources, tools/technologies to implement proposed recommendations
    3. Implications of your proposed recommendations
      • Ethical effects or consequences
      • Any additional concerns around implementing the specific course of action or actions, if applicable