Community Engagement Action Plan


Community Engagement Action Plan

The purpose of the Community Engagement Action Plan project is to help you critically think about and plan for your community engagement quarter. It provides an opportunity to reflect on what community engagement pathway best balances your interests with other demands and responsibilities that you may have. It will help you situate community engagement and community engaged learning with larger social/environmental justice issues. You will also be able to make connections between the themes of this course and critical practices for future community engagement experiences. At this point in the EST program, you may not exactly know what pathway you want to select to fulfill your community engagement requirement. That is okay. Use this assignment to explore a particular pathway of interest and write about your ideal scenario of fulfilling your community engagement requirement (Please know you are not obligated to use the particular pathway you select for this assignment to fulfill your actual community engagement requirement). There will be scaffolded check- in assignments and class activities to assist you in progressing with this project. 

Using the below structure for this assignment, the assignment should be in essay form. All the questions in each section must be answered thoroughly and in detail to receive full credit for this action plan.  

Section 1 [ 5 points] : Community Engagement Pathway [2 pages] The purpose of this section is to describe the particular community engagement pathway that you will choose, and to discuss in detail relevant information connected with this pathway. Please answer all the following questions:  

How do you plan on fulfilling your community engagement requirement? (Internship/EDUC 195; Course Work; Research/ EDUC 196XP ) 

Describe what the particular community engagement pathway entails

Why are you interested in this community engagement pathway? 

What proposed quarter are you planning on fulfilling the community engagement requirement? What are some key dates/deadlines in enrolling in the necessary coursework?

Do you need a course contract for this pathway? If so, explain the steps to creating and completing the course contract. 

What challenges do you foresee facing during this experience?

  • What questions do you have?  Where can you seek questions to these answers? 
  • Section 2 [ 5 points]: Explaining and Justifying the Social/Environmental Justice Issue [2-3 pages] The purpose of this section is to better understand the social/environmental justice issue in Los Angeles you will be engaged in at your community site. Issues can include: climate change; economic inequality; racial/ethnic justice; environmental degradation and pollution; labor rights; LGBTQ+ rights; housing and gentrification; immigration; poverty and housing insecure/houselessness; women’s equity; (dis)ability; public health etc.). This section must be supported with at least 5 academic resources. 
  • What is the social/environmental justice issue that you are interested in engaged with during your community engagement experience?  
  • Explain how your community engagement site is connected to this issue
  • What are the structural factors that cause this issue? 
  • Who/what/where does it impact? 
  • What are key concepts and their definitions related to this issue? 

What are the consequences if this issue is not addressed, and why does it need to change?

Section 3 [ 5 points]: Evaluation of Community Organizations in Los Angeles [1-2 pages] The purpose of this section is to explore the services of a community organization in Los Angeles/ Southern California. Even though you will not be interning  at the community organization for your particular community engagement pathway, this section will help to familiarize you with community organization engaged in the social/environmental justice issues described in Section 2. 

Identity the organization and website 

  • How does this organizations relate to the community engagement pathway that your chose? 

What rhetoric in the mission statement/organization philosophies demonstrates it addresses the social/environmental issue of focus? 

  • What initiatives, programs, service activities address the social/environmental issue of focus? 

What communities does the organization serve that demonstrate the issue of focus?  

  • What are your general impressions of these organizations? How does one become a volunteer/intern with these organizations.  

Section 4 [ 5 points]: Reflection and Action [ 2-3 pages] This purpose of this section is reflect on what you learned this quarter and to describe in detail how you plan to practice some of the main concepts of this course through your community engagement pathway. 

  • What is social transformation and how do you envision the ways that your community engagement pathway will facilitate/facilitates social transformation? 

How do you plan on building reciprocal relationships at your particular community engagement site? 

  • Choose one critical community engagement concept and describe in detail how you will practice it with/ at your community engagement site

What are the specific areas of learning/growth that you experienced this quarter, and how do you plan on incorporating what you learn into your specific community engagement site? 

  • Section 5 [ 2.5 points] : Reference Section & Resources Section: 

Reference: Should include at least five relevant academic sources that support answering the questions in Section 2. 

Resources: Additionally, should include list of resources including community organization sites and media where people can find more information on this topic. Make sure the title/name of each site/source accompanies each link.

Article Writing Question


The topic is the impact of transactional leadership on home-school communication in Chinese elementary schools.

You will complete a 4000 words literature review on a Leading Educational Change and Improvement  topic of your choice. With the assistance of your tutor, you will design a provisional title that best meets your needs and interests. You are advised to locate relevant educational leadership material (from journal articles and books/ book chapters, etc) and carry out a literature-based assignment based on a selected area of focus.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you have grasped and understood an aspect of the EQ948 module and that you can engage material critically. Therefore, your choice of material should be related to the broad thematic areas covered in the module content. You achieve this by:

Identifying and area of the module that got you more interested in or an area that best meets your professional needs and that you want to learn more about (topic) (e.g instructional leadership or diversity and leadership). 

Designing a review question that defines what you would like to learn more on. This review question can be turned into a title for your assignment (title) (e.g Understanding the effect of  instructional leadership on student outcomes in Chinese secondary schools) 

Formulating sub-questions (2-3) that help you answer / address the main review question. 

  • Selecting the literature you will review. This may or may not be an area related to your dissertation (If your degree is MA ELM, you are advised to select an area related to your dissertation). 
  • Analysing the material that you have sourced (guided by your review question) from online academic sources 
  • Synthesising this material into a coherently written review of the literature Assignment stages
  • You are not expected to start on your assignment until at least after Week 8. This is to give you an opportunity to get full content of the module and make an informed choice. 
  • Guidelines: 
  • 1. Fill in an assignment proposal form and address the following:

Identify your topic and focus

Identify a clear set of guiding (research) questions

Provide an indicate bibliography of the sources to be consulted

  • 2. Prepare a presentation based on your assignment ideas.
  • 3. You will be given an opportunity to present your ideas and receive some feedback. After this you can start your full literature search.
  • 4. You will be given an opportunity for a one-to-one tutorial with the tutor. These tutorials will be offered between Weeks 9-10.

5. You will have another opportunity to submit an assignment outline at a later stage (2-3 pages) for further feedback. This should be an overview of the whole assignment or a  section that you particularly need to be supported on. 

6. You will submit your assignment on Tabula on 6 February 2024

Assignment structure

This structure is for guidance only. If you can justify using a different structure, please do so, but make sure to discuss this with your tutor during the tutorial). The word counts are provided just 

for guidance


Provide a descriptive title for your assignment.

Introduction (about 500 words c.10%) 

State the purpose of the assignment

State the rationale of the review (why you are doing it; why it is important and why now).

Set out your objectives or research questions clearly and in full sentences / statements. 

(you can use these RQs as themes to structure your assignment.

Include a paragraph on methodology (i.e how you sourced the literature)

Main body

  • Provide a critical review of relevant literature (critique, compare and contrast writings/views). 
  • Write thematically, not author-by-author, and present a range of alternative perspectives. Indicate where authors disagree and explain why this might be so. 
  • You synthesise by integrating the findings of several papers. Do not simply summarize  one paper at a time, but synthesize the findings by determining where there is agreement among papers versus where there are contrasting findings, etc.

This section can be divided into several sub-headings

  • Conclusion (500 words c.10%)

Provide a brief conclusion by summarising the key issues in your own words, linking to the purpose of your review. 

Summarise the main gaps and what needs to be done in future research to understand the topic. • Do not continue the discussion here

  • Do not introduce new literature here

Reflect on the achievement of aims of the review (your assignment)

  • References (not included in word count)
  • You need to include a full list of the references cited in the assignment, in alphabetical order by surname, and including full details as per referencing convention (eg. Harvard style). 
  • Where you refer to texts within your assignment, paraphrase and use the author-date system, e.g. (Bush, 2016). Where direct quotations are used they must be indicated with inverted commas and accompanied by a page number, e.g. “School principals can only influence student outcomes indirectly” (Leithwood, 2008, p. 123). Quotations that are longer than three lines must be indented in their own paragraphs with full reference as above. Although quotations are good to use, paraphrasing more demonstrates better understanding and facilitates better knowledge internalisation.

Use of newspaper articles/websites is permitted if used to show context or viewpoints, but not to substantiate scholarly arguments.

Memory, Knowledge, and Language


Create a professional development PowerPoint presentation on how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices related to memory models and processes; knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation; and language acquisition and competency can be applied in the context of a professional specialization.

As a professional psychologist, you will need to review theory and research and use it as the basis to develop best practices. For this assessment, you will focus on the following topics:

Memory models and processes.

Knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation.

  • Language.
  • Imagine you are now a professional psychologist working in the specialization that you aspire to. You are charged with creating professional development for an interdisciplinary team of professionals in your workplace on how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices of cognitive and affective psychology can be used to help people in your work context.
  • The second assessment focuses on memory models and processes; knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation; and language acquisition and competency. For context on these topics, read the following:

Introduction to Memory Models and Processes [PDF].

Introduction to Knowledge Representation, Manipulation, and Organization [PDF].

Introduction to Language Acquisition and Competency [PDF].

  • As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

How did theories and models of memory, language, and knowledge evolve over time? Which ones seem most credible today?

  • What processes are involved in the acquisition and use of language? Are they more guided by inherited or environmental factors (nature or nurture)?

What are the relationships between memory, language, and knowledge?

  • What would it be like to live without memory? Without language?

What is declarative knowledge and how is its representation and organization explained by various theories?

What is procedural knowledge and how is it represented in the mind? How does it differ from declarative knowledge?

How do brain physiology and neuroscience help to explain normal and abnormal facilities with language, memory, and acquisition and retrieval of knowledge? Does science point toward interventions that could help persons with issues in these areas? Does it point toward ways to enhance capacities?

  • How might you help clients or students give up their intuitively held yet erroneous beliefs about the world?
  • Do culturally diverse populations experience memory, knowledge, and language differently?
  • How do emotions impact memory, knowledge, and language ability?
  • For this assessment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation focused on the following topics:
  • Memory models and processes.
  • Knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation.
  • Language acquisition and competency.
  • The following resource is required to complete the assessment.
  • Presentation Template [PPTX].
  • Note: Do not submit a paper for this assessment. Papers will not be graded.

You will complete this assessment by replacing all language that is enclosed within brackets [. . .] in the PowerPoint Presentation Template with your own words.

As in the previous assessment, you may see the Suggested Resources for guidance on basics of PowerPoint. The same design recommendations apply to this assessment as well.

  • Remember, your presentation is for an interdisciplinary team, so it will be important to communicate in a manner that can be understood by those not trained in psychology.
  • Title Slide
  • On the first slide of the PowerPoint, enter the following:

A descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.

Professional development for [enter the type of institutional context your presentation is designed for].

  • Your name.

Your specialization.

Course number and title.

Capella University.

Faculty name.

Note: If this presentation was made in an actual professional context, the entries under your name would be replaced by your job title, the name of your organization, and perhaps your contact information.

Topic Introduction Slides

Present each of the three topics in a separate section that begins with a slide naming the topic and concisely introducing it.

Theoretical Background Slides

  • Use one or more slides to briefly analyze the origins and evolution of each theory that you will reference in relation to each topic.
  • Application Slides

Use one or more slides to explain how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices related to each topic can be used to explain behavior and help people. Remember, these factors should be relevant to the context your presentation is designed for. For each of these:

  • Analyze how and to what extent brain physiology and neuroscience can provide an explanation of relevant phenomena.
  • Analyze how affect may impact cognitive performance in these areas.
  • Explain one or more ethical issues that might arise in the application of theories and principles related to memory, language, or knowledge.

Aquifer Knee Pain


Essay Elements:

  • One to three pages of scholarly writing in paragraph format, not counting the title page or reference page
  • Brief introduction of the case
  • Identification of the main diagnosis with supporting rationale
  • Identification of at least two additional differential diagnoses with brief rationale for why these were ruled out
  • Diagnostic plan with supporting rationale or references
  • A specific treatment plan supported by recent clinical guidelines
  • Please refer to the rubric for point value and requirements. In general, these elements must be covered as per the rubric.

Patient Name: Gerta Roman

Ms. Roman is a 74-year-old female who presents with worsening of her chronic right knee pain over the last two weeks. There is no history of trauma, no constitutional symptoms, and no morning stiffness. Physical exam reveals mildly decreased range of motion of the right knee with crepitus and a small effusion and warmth but no erythema and no skin lesions are present.

The ideal summary statement concisely highlights the most pertinent features without omitting any significant points. The summary statement above includes:

  1. Epidemiology and risk factors: 74-year-old female with chronic right knee pain
  2. Key clinical findings about the present illness using qualifying adjectives and descriptive language:
  • No history of trauma
  • No constitutional symptoms
  • No morning stiffness
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Crepitus
  • Small effusion
  • No erythema
  • No skin lesions
  • Past medical history:
    • History of GERD
    • Remote history of alcohol use disorder
    • Past surgical history:
    • Tonsillectomy as a child and no other surgeries
    • Medications:
    • Multivitamin
    • Extra-strength Tylenol
    • Tums as needed for heartburn
    • No herbal supplements.
    • Review of systems: Normal, except for the right knee pain, occasional left knee pain, intermittent back pain, and occasional heartburn. She reports no fevers, weakness, numbness, or tingling.Family history: Her mother has type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis, and her dad has “skin problems.”Social history: Doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke. She is a retired teacher and lives alone in a two-story home in a rural community. Her hobbies include gardening and playing with her granddaughter, Lucy, who lives nearby.Since Ms. Roman hasn’t had a drink in years, you decide to skip screening her for alcohol disorders.
  • Vital signs:
    • Temperature is 37.1 °C (98.8 °F)
    • Pulse is 64 beats/minute
    • Respiratory rate is 18 breaths/minute
    • Blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg
    • No conjunctivitis or apparent skin lesions.The patient favors putting weight on her left knee a little, but she does not have much trouble climbing onto the table.No erythema, edema, bruising, or atrophy of the quadriceps on either leg. Some tenderness to palpation along both the medial and lateral joint lines on the right leg.Range of motion is 120 degrees in her right leg. Some crepitus with motion in the right patella. Small effusion appreciated from milking the right suprapatellar pouch. Right knee joint is slightly warm compared to the left. No fullness in the popliteal fossa.Negative Lachman and McMurray tests. No pain or laxity with varus or valgus stress. Negative anterior and posterior drawer tests.Hip exam is unremarkable, with no tenderness and a normal range of motion.Ankle exam is unremarkable, with no tenderness and normal range of motion.
  • In Ms. Roman’s case, a knee sprain (C), osteoarthritis (E) and rheumatoid arthritis (G) are the most likely causes of her subacute to chronic knee pain. Knee sprains are very common. Though they are typically associated with a history of trauma, the trauma may be minor enough that a patient may not recall it. Osteoarthritis is the most likely cause of her pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is slightly less common than OA but still can cause pain with a mild effusion (as she has). Her mention of wrist pain could also indicate that she has more joints involved, which would be consistent with RA.Suspected infectious process causing knee pain
  • If concerned about septic arthritis or an acute inflammatory arthropathy, check a complete blood count (CBC) with differential and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) or C-reactive protein, though these tests are nonspecific.Perform an arthrocentesis and send the fluid for cell count with differential, glucose and protein, bacterial culture and sensitivity, and polarized light microscopy for crystals. An arthrocentesis can also help differentiate between simple effusion and hemarthrosis or occult osteochondral fracture. A delay in diagnosis of septic arthritis can lead to serious joint damage, so an arthrocentesis must be performed immediately if this diagnosis is under consideration.
    • A simple joint effusion produces clear, straw-colored transudative fluid. This can happen with osteoarthritis and degenerative meniscal injuries.
    • Hemarthrosis is typically caused by a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament or a fracture. A bloody knee aspirate can be associated with a knee sprain (i.e., ACL, PCL) or acute meniscal tear. An osteochondral fracture causes hemarthrosis with fat globules.
    • Suspected rheumatoid arthritis causing knee painIf considering RA, check rheumatoid factor (RF) on blood work. While not very sensitive, this test has a high likelihood ratio for a positive test with a positive predictive value of 95%. Hand x-rays may also identify erosions and soft tissue swelling, which, if found, indicate a high likelihood of RA.Trauma causing knee painTo evaluate knee pain following trauma, apply the Ottawa Knee Rules to decide whether or not to order an x-ray.





In this Lab Assignment, you will analyze an Episodic note case study that describes abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting. You will consider what history should be collected from the patients, as well as which physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted. You will also formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions.


Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2023). Seidel’s guide to physical examination: An interprofessional approach (10th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Chapter 17, “Breasts and Axillae”
This chapter focuses on examining the breasts and axillae. The authors describe the examination procedures and the anatomy and physiology of breasts.

  • Chapter 19, “Female Genitalia”
    In this chapter, the authors explain how to conduct an examination of female genitalia. The chapter also describes the form and function of female genitalia.

Chapter 20, “Male Genitalia”
The authors explain the biology of the penis, testicles, epididymides, scrotum, prostate gland, and seminal vesicles. Additionally, the chapter explains how to perform an exam of these areas.

Chapter 21, “Anus, Rectum, and Prostate”
This chapter focuses on performing an exam of the anus, rectum, and prostate. The authors also explain the anatomy and physiology of the anus, rectum, and prostate.

  • Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2019). Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
    Credit Line: Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care, 6th Edition by Dains, J.E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. Copyright 2019 by Mosby. Reprinted by permission of Mosby via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Sullivan, D. D. (2019). Guide to clinical documentation (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.

  • Chapter 3, “SOAP Notes” (Previously read in Week 8)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April 13). Sexually transmitted disease surveillance, 2019Links to an external site..Links to an external site.
This section of the CDC website provides a range of information on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The website includes reports on STDs, related projects and initiatives, treatment information, and program tools.

  •        TO PREPARE    

Review the Episodic note case study 

  • Based on the Episodic note case study:

Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study. Refer to Chapter 3 of the Sullivan resource to guide you as you complete your Lab Assignment.

Search the Walden library or the Internet for evidence-based resources to support your answers to the questions provided.

  • Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study.

Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?

Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

  • Episodic note case study: Genitalia Assessment listed below.

Genitourinary Assessment

CC: Increased frequency and pain with urination

  • HPI:

T.S. is a 32-year-old woman who reports that for the past two days, she has dysuria, frequency, and urgency. Has not tried anything to help with the discomfort. Has had this symptom years ago. She is sexually active and has a new partner for the past 3 months.

  • Medical History:


Surgical History:

Tonsillectomy in 2001

Appendectomy in 2020

Review of Systems:

General: Denies weight change, positive for sleeping difficulty because e the flank pain. Feels warm.

  • Abdominal: Denies nausea and vomiting. No appetite
  • Objective 

VSS T = 37.3°C, P = 102/min, RR = 16/min, and BP = 116/74 mm Hg.

  • Pelvic Exam:
  • mild tenderness to palpation in the suprapubic area
  • bimanual pelvic examination reveals a normal-sized uterus and adnexae
  • no adnexal tenderness.
  • No vaginal discharge is noted.

The cervix appears normal.

Diagnostics: Urinalysis, STI testing, Papsmear




PLAN: This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512) but will be required for future courses.

                 THE LAB ASSIGNMENT    

Using evidence-based resources from your search, answer the following questions and support your answers using current evidence from the literature.

Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.

Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.

Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or why not?

Would diagnostics be appropriate for this case, and how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?

Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.



With regard to the SOAP note case study provided and using evidence-based resources from your search, answer the following questions and support your answers using current evidence from the literature:   Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.


The response clearly, accurately, and thoroughly analyzes the subjective portion of the SOAP note and lists detailed additional information to be included in the documentation.

Develop research-based guidelines for neutral and fair public debates and media coverage


Develop research-based guidelines for neutral and fair public debates and media coverage, in your role as a consultant, to ensure that voters make up their own minds as free of social influence as possible.

Expand All


The concepts and principles of social perception, social interaction, and social influence can be applied to any social or professional setting.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

Social Psychology and Science

What are some of the core ideas defined by social psychologists that impact your career and home life?

How is your profession influenced by principles of social psychology?

How can understanding and applying concepts of social cognition and person perception be applied in your personal and professional life?


  • Read the Assessment 1 Context document for information about the subject of this assessment.
  • Use the Capella library and the Internet to research theories of social psychology and strategies for minimizing social influence in political debates. Some suggestions for keyword searches include (but are not limited to): debate format analysis; moderator influence; the impact of social and mainstream media; self-presentation and visual influence; minimizing bias; presentation style, and voter perception.
  • The authentic deliverable for this assessment is a proposal with an executive summary. There are many resources on the Internet and free templates or examples, if you choose to use one as a guide for completing this assessment. This assessment is also an exercise in disciplined professional writing. Carefully distilling information to maximize conveyance of knowledge with the minimum of space is as rigorous as writing an academic paper.

Click the link provided to view the following resource, which you will use to complete the assessment.

Executive Summary/Proposal Template [DOC] Download Executive Summary/Proposal Template [DOC].


Assume the role described in the following scenario as you complete this assessment.

You are a political consultant to a “better government” citizen group, such as the League of Women Voters. You have been hired to develop guidelines for holding neutral and fair public town-hall style debates, covered by social and mainstream media, to ensure that the voters make up their own minds as free of social influence as possible.


Develop a proposal of research-based guidelines for neutral and fair public debates and media coverage. The first part of the proposal is an executive summary, which should be about one page in length.

The Executive Summary

  • Writing must be succinct, clear, and comprehensible to a layperson. The purpose of the executive summary is to:

Provide a concise analysis of the problem.

Explain the rationale.

Report the main conclusions.

The first two subheadings constitute the executive summary portion of your proposal:

Analysis of the Issue: Social Influence and Politics

Analyze how social psychology theory can be applied to identify and reduce sources of social influence in a debate setting.

Write an introductory paragraph or two.

Analysis of the Issue: Perception and Bias

Assess how social context (relationships, groups, and culture) influences perception and behavior in a debate setting.

Write an explanatory paragraph or two.

Proposed Guidelines

Write research-based guidelines for fair public debates and media coverage.

Use subheadings to organize content.

Use bullet points and phrases for main points, in addition to short, succinct paragraphs.

Include a visual, such as a graph, table, or chart to succinctly convey information, if you choose.

Guidelines for Fair Public Debate

  • Integrate principles of social psychology and research to develop guidelines for fair public debate.
  • Consider the following guiding questions as you develop the guidelines.
  • How does the format affect voter perception?

How can a moderator influence voter perception?

How can social and mainstream media be managed in a debate for balance?

Consider the implications of visuals and voter perception.

  • What participant behaviors would you prohibit?

How do you propose to manage the behavior of the audience?

  • References

Support positions with references from scholarly and professional literature.

Support each guideline with at least one reference using APA format and style.

Additional Requirements

Length: Maximum length is four pages.

  • References: Your references may include both scholarly literature and practitioner sources. Support each guideline with at least one current reference.

Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and APA format and style.Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze methods and principles of social psychology and their application to important social phenomena in contemporary society.

Analyze how social psychology theory can be applied to identify and reduce sources of social influence in a debate setting.

Competency 3: Synthesize social psychological theory and research to generate new understandings of social phenomena in contemporary society.

Assess how social context (relationships, groups, and culture) influences perception and behavior in a debate setting.

  • Integrate principles of social psychology and research to develop guidelines for fair public debate and media coverage.

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.

  • Support positions with references from scholarly and professional literature.

Reply to question received from my professor in my discussion on Gender and Leadership


Reply to a question received from my professor in my discussion on Gender and Leadership.

Q1- Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness.

You have mentioned some significant issues that can impact the effectiveness of such leaders.

Here is a question to consider.

How can leaders effectively navigate the unique challenges of leading a virtual team, especially when considering the specific factors that females should focus on when leading virtual teams in Saudi Arabia?

Please read the discussion below and make a reply to these questions.

Please separate the answer into a separate file.

Word limit: 300.


Please note that it is important to include sufficient references in the work and ensure zero plagiarism.


Roles of gender in leadership style and effectiveness

Leadership can be articulated in different styles and approaches regarding the person in charge. Gender role  is one concept that defines leadership styles and job effectiveness at workplace. Men and women have different perceptions of leadership styles, and it is essential to note that these perceptions affect their daily work activities (Northouse, 2021). Gender significantly defines leadership styles through different responsibilities like negotiation and resolution, communication, diversity decision-making and influence.

According to Northouse (2021), women are more collaborative and inclusive, mainly focusing on building better relationships and being empathetic. This is one way to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for effective teamwork. Men are considered to be more assertive and direct in their communication, which is an essential trait in situations that require decisive action. Leaders understand the importance of balancing the two skills based on the situation presented to them at the workplace.

Decision making processes entirely depend on a person’s approach, which is highly influenced by gender (Tuschner et al., 2022). Women ensure that they participate in making decisions and remain consensus-driven when asking the team members for advice and opinions; the diversity from other members helps them have new perspectives before coming up with a solution (Northouse, 2021). Elsewhere, male leaders mainly focus on a directive approach which prioritizes swift action and efficiency. The two approaches have unique effects, and leaders must ensure that they effectively use their style to fit the organizational culture and safety of the team members.

Time management is a critical issue in leadership responsibility; men and women have different perceptions about time. Timely completion of tasks promotes the systematic accomplishment of individual or group objectives. It seems that meeting deadlines prevents conflict, reduces work-related stress, and ensures efficient operations (Tuschner et al., 2022). Both male and female leaders demonstrate strong organizational, planning, and administrative abilities, which are some of the critical elements that drive organizational development in the intended direction (West Chester University, 2020). The ability to observe time is an important issue that ensures job satisfaction and better outcomes for the team members.

Men and women have unique and different attitudes when it comes to managing others. Feminine values are adopted in government institutions and most businesses. Women’s attitudes defy competitive approaches and authoritative approaches when handling leadership responsibilities (Proctor, 2022). Feminine values exempt consensual relations that make them different from masculine values. Males must balance women’s traits to ensure effectiveness and successful leadership.

Finally, Gender differences can also manifest in negotiation and conflict resolution. Women are more engaged and collaborative when they resolve conflicts than men. They are more dedicated to ensuring a win-win situation for the teams involved. On the other hand, men are more focused on distributive or competitive negotiation to ensure that they achieve their goals without regard for the relationship’s expense (Tuschner et al., 2022). Leaders should ensure they weigh the conflict at hand and ensure that both involved parties are satisfied with the decision. 

Leading a Virtual Team

Female leaders can effectively lead a virtual team. A female leading a virtual team in KSA must ensure that they consider and respect the cultural norms. The first practice is developing clear communication channels like instant messaging and video conferencing to help in effective communication. Female leaders should mind their tone and observe interaction levels to ensure cultural observation (Nagraj, 2022). Secondly, it is vital to set clear goals and objectives for the team while remaining assertive for accountability and performance in the organization. In addition, leaders should ensure that they offer support and recognition to their members; this is done by encouraging women on the team and creating mentorship programs for their development (Nagraj, 2022). Female leaders should also ensure flexibility and trust among the virtual team members, which includes open communication and transparency. They should be aware of privacy and gender segregation as part of cultural norms in KSA; the interactions should promote teamwork and collaboration (Al-Jaweini and Netti, 2022). Finally, the leaders should be more attentive to empowering the team members and allowing them to develop ideas that go beyond cultural barriers; this is the best way of creating a supportive work environment.

Final Draft


Make sure the Final Draft is in essay form and not outline form.

Paper 1 is autobiographical. In 4 pages, you will describe your life using either one of the suggested metaphors, or your own metaphor if you like. Ask yourself this: How does the metaphor define you? What aspects of it are similar to you? How does it describe you, or what does it say about you? You can tell stories if you like. You can let me know a lot about you, or just a little about you. The vast majority of this paper is up to you.

Remember that your goal with this paper is to define yourself, but also explain your choice. With that in mind, all of your body paragraphs should support your decision. That is, every body paragraph should tell me another way in which you resemble your chosen metaphor, or at least support another body paragraph’s claims toward that end.

You can choose from one of the offered metaphors, or create one of your own. The paper will be graded on grammatical correctness and on your ability to support your points through your body paragraphs.

This paper aligns with the 2nd, 4th, and 5th SLO’s.

Possible metaphors:

A first-water diamond,

An empty spool,

Bits of broken glass,

Lengths of string,

A key to a door long since crumbled away,

A rusty knife-blade,

Old shoes saved for a road that never was and never will be,

A nail bent under the weight of things too heavy for any nail,

A dried flower or two still a little fragrant ,

A cloud drifting on the wind,

A Flower growing in concrete,

An Iceberg adrift in the sea,

Sunglasses on a blind person,

A broken backspace key,

An empty bed,

A shattered vase,

A dollhouse,

A sunflower, looking at the sky,

A circular ladder,

Kanye West.

A jar of jelly-beans

A compass

A tiny dancer spinning in a music box

A pretty doll on a shelf

A songbird in a cage

An old purse with new money

A loaf of bread rising with yeast

A shadow

An ant

An original Volkswagon Bug

Here’s the rubric:

A This paper demonstrates mastery of argumentation. It displays the author’s ability to persuade an unbiased but rhetorically educated audience through very effective use of rhetorical elements. The paper was turned in on time, was of full length, includes a Works Cited page, conforms to standard MLA formatting, and includes only minimal formatting or grammatical issues. The sources used exist only to further the author’s argument, and are properly cited and sparsely quoted. The author displays a strong understanding of how to appeal to Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Kairos, as well as the Rhetorical Strategies necessary to evoke them. In short, the student has written a rhetorically effective argument,

B This paper, while effective, may have shortcomings keeping it from an A. Formatting or grammatical errors may be keeping this from an A grade. If the paper is no more than half-a-page too short, is missing a Works Cited page, has regular formatting or grammatical issues, or was turned in late, it cannot receive a higher grade than a B. Multiple errors in the aforementioned regards may take the grade down even further. Overuse of sources to pad out a paper, or relying on the arguments of one’s sources rather than one’s own arguments may also hurt the grade. Additionally, a failure to effectively construct proper Syllogisms that force the reader to accept each point can keep the aper from receiving an A.

C This paper has presented an ineffective argument. A weakness in Ethos, Pathos, Logos, or Kairos (based on either a failed Rhetorical Strategy or a complete lack of appeal) would make a rhetorically educated audience not want to (or be required to) agree with the author’s main claim. Additionally, while a paper could present an effective argument, other issues could keep it from receiving a higher grade. If the paper is less than a full page short but greater than half-a-page, or was turned in more than a day late, it cannot receive a grade higher than a C. Lastly, if the paper has multiple examples of the following—is missing a Works Cited page, or has significant formatting or grammatical issues, or does not conform to standard MLA formatting—it cannot receive a grade higher than a C.

D The paper is entirely summary, is greater than a page too short, or includes many-to-all of the issues mentioned in the previous entries: formatting and grammatical issues, missing a Works Cited page, late, and not conforming to MLA format. If the paper was turned in more than two days after the cut-off point, it cannot receive a higher grade than a D.

F The paper is less than half the length required, or was not turned in within four days of the cut-off point. This could also be applied to a paper that has evidence of plagiarism or academic dishonesty in general. This could also be applied to a paper that is unrelated to the actual prompt. 

finc 330- Please use rubric to present best answer possible


Individual Research Project Part 2

Ratio Analysis

Due at the end of week 5.Choose one of the following companies for your assignments this semester. Familiar companies have been selected to assist with the research process.



Bershire Hathaway



Based on the course materials studied during week 1 > Chapter 6

This project is closely aligned with the Course Outcomes and Finance Program Objectives. Completion of this project can be used as part of a portfolio to show potential employers the student is skilled at performing company valuations and financial statement analysis and can be included on the student’s resume.


Specifically, the primary question to answer is: will THE COMPANY be financially viable over the next two to three years, and which steps should be taken to improve its financial stability?

The project will be completed as an Individual Assignment. THE COMPANY to be analyzed for this project is selected by the instructor.


Please note that you don’t need to sign up for any premiums or to pay for any information for the project.

Using the information from the websites the students will develop ratio analysis of the financial performance for THE COMPANY (selected by instructor). (The evaluation portion will total 85% of the assignment grade)

-1—Introduction (5% of the project grade)- The paper should begin with a short introduction, explains the purpose of the paper, and provides an overview of the contents that follow (one short paragraph).

-2— Ratio analysis. (65% of the project grade)

In this part of the project you will complete ratio analysis of THE COMPANY. Please remember that you are the financial analyst of THE COMPANY and should prepare the report to be read by the chairman (CEO) of THE COMPANY.

Collect the following ratios for your COMPANY for the last 3 years. Present the ratios as the table(s) in your project. Create graphs for some ratios on your choice to show trends. If you are using published ratios you must cite the source.

Liquidity ratios: current ratio, quick ratio

Operating efficiency ratios: Days of Sales in Inventory, Accounts Receivable Turnover, Inventory Turnover, Total Assets Turnover

Profitability ratios: Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin

Debt-to-Equity, Time Interest Earned (TIE), Financial leverage (also called Equity Multiplier)


Liquidity ratios, Debt-to-Equity, and Financial leverage ratios are available on > type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page. Click on Valuation and scroll down to Key Statistics > choose Financial Health tab.

Operating efficiency ratios, Profitability ratios, ROE, and ROA ratios are available on > type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page. Click on Valuation and scroll down to Key Statistics > choose Operating and Efficiency tab.

c) Write 2-3 pages (or more) of analysis of the ratio results that you collected. In your analysis you should answer the following questions:

How liquid is the company?

Analyze operating efficiency ratios. What important information does this analysis provide?

Is management generating a substantial profit on the company’s assets?

  • How is the company financing its assets? Discuss how much risk is associated with the financial structure the company.

Have the company’s ROA and ROE changed over the last three years? What was the main factor that influenced this change? To answer this question, apply DuPont analysis and three factors of the DuPont formula: Net profit margin, asset turnover, financial leverage. What ratio(s) has (have) been changed mostly over these three years and why?

-3- Develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale, as to whether the assigned company’s recent results in ratio analysis is of sufficient financial strength, will THE COMPANY be financially sustainable over the next several years, and which steps should be done to improve its financial stability? If the management of the company would like to improve the company’s financial performance, what should the management of THE COMPANY do? Your recommendations should be based on the results of your analysis in the project. (About 1 page) (10% of the project grade).

  • -4- Reflection the student should write a paragraph in their own words reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace. (5% of the project grade)
  • PRESENTATION OF PAPER AND WRITING (15%) of the project grade):
  • -Organization, Format and Presentation of Paper including the Title page, Introduction, Body, and Summary. Each section of the paper must begin with sub-headings. Please use the sub-headings included in the assignment. Please use double space, with one-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman font. (4% of the project grade)
  • Use of Tables, Figures and Other Graphics to Summarize and Support Analysis Presented in the Paper. All tables and charts should have the numbering system, like “Table 1…”, the title, and foot/end note to reference the source of the information. (3% of the project grade)
  • Logical and Smooth Flowing Transitions and Relationships among Sections of the Written Report (3% of the project grade)

discussion on nursing informatics and other profession


Nursing informaticians, technology specialists, clinical nurses, nurse managers, educators, and other professionals within healthcare interact indirectly on any given day when accessing and inputting data into patient medical records. Nurses in patient interaction areas serve as the face. They are examples of the caring theory providing assistance utilizing tools such as the workflows that nurse informaticians, project managers, and technical specialists develop behind the scenes to create (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). Though sparse, direct interaction between each healthcare group typically occurs during new program rollouts, the target group interview sessions, and a call to a technical specialist to fix a glitch; minimal direct interaction occurs despite each department’s shared goal of improving healthcare outcomes, experiences, and workflows. Much like the floor nurse vs. emergency room or ICU nurse wars, the situation between each healthcare genre stands to achieve exponential leap and bounds with quality collaboration, respect, and recognition that each genre is a specialty and is necessary for the progression of patient care.

Example of Observation:

A recurring experience with technology specialists in the clinic area is during the rolling out of new software, updates, or adaptations of clinical applications. The medical center underwent a recent rollout of the Patient Dashboard. The Patient Dashboard consists of large television Monitors hung on the walls of waiting rooms that list the patient’s name, designated module number, and estimated wait time. The rollout of this system created a huge culture shock, seemingly going against a professional healthcare culture that holds patient health information (PHI) covering every aspect of the patient. In the past, information, including the patient’s name, was treated with extreme secrecy, and healthcare providers signed contracts and employment agreements upholding proper handling of PHI under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). In the rollout of the patient dashboard, management now says publicly posting a patient’s name is no longer a PHI violation and is the thing to do to help improve patient satisfaction scores. 

Technology Specialists were assigned to each medical suite to assist in training and troubleshooting the system during patient care hours. The Dashboard system, a virtual patient waiting room, was designed as a one-size-fits-all program for all departments, regardless of workflows, which typically vary for specialty clinics. The Dashboard operates as a separate program that is designed to run simultaneously with other programs, allowing the health care provider to toggle between the Dashboard to operate the system, placing the virtual patient in the cue, adjusting projected wait times, assigning the patient a virtual room or nursing station, placing the patient in virtual observation or discharge home, all in real-time on the computer and matching it up with actual patient handling. One barrier found was that the clinic’s currently programmed flowsheet locked the nurse in. They could not toggle between programs in real-time, as accessing the Dashboard once in the immunotherapy program would mean exiting the treatment forum, losing everything necessary to carry out the appointment, and then starting over once the patient was there instead of being prepared for the patient. This action delayed appointment times and increased the risk of missing pertinent steps, leading to mistakes when jumping in and out of the program.

One strategy to improve interaction among healthcare genres is to promote consideration and respect for each team member; adopting reflection as part of the workflows may enhance interactions (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). 

Promoting reflection by all stakeholders allows for intuitiveness and collaboration (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). In the observation above the rolling out of the patient dashboard, there are several moments for self-reflection from all healthcare providers involved. Reflection by the clinical nurse may reduce the stress associated with unexpected workflow changes and a realization that the new system is likely to place patients at ease when they are seen within time frame expectations. Reflection may also assist with the realization that the nurse informatician’s role is to aid the healthcare system by translating data into workable solutions that improve how care is delivered (Walden University, LLC. 2018). Self-reflection by the informatician and technologist may allow for additional exploration of the individual clinic programming needs and collaboration for workarounds with the technology specialist and clinical nurse, making a smoother transition. 

Future interactions of informatics as a specialty and emerging technologies continue to propel healthcare and how it is provided by the informatician’s answer to the call during COVID-19. Informaticians were instrumental in not only adapting and quickly aiding the transformation of healthcare delivery to maintain a safe connection to loved ones in the hospital, extending the reach of doctor visits through telehealth, adapting clinical networks to alert and track COVID exposures through electronic medical records and personal cell phone apps (Garcia-Dia, 2021). Informaticians also returned to the bedside along with their colleagues, reigniting comradery and promoting each other grace to perform and carry out optimal care on all levels (Garcia-Dia, 2021).