Computer Science Question


Design document:

Follow the instructions in E/DD.08 and record your designs for each of the problems in your Design Document. Make sure to:

List each design in a clearly marked section indicates which question the design belongs to.

For each design make sure to note any details about the question that are relevant to your design, such as the inputs, outputs, any required displays.

Also make sure to detail your tests including all inputs and outputs you’d expect to see.

  • Each problem should have a detailed plan which outlines step-by-step how you get the required outputs from the provided inputs.
  • If you divide any problem into smaller algorithms, make sure to detail all of the information for those designs as well.
  • As a rule of thumb, your designs should include enough detail that anyone else could take your design and implement the same solution without confusion. If you’re questioning if a design is clear enough, ask a TA if they understand your work!
  • Python template
  • # TODO; My functions
    def main():
       # TODO; Test my functions
    if __name__ == “__main__”:

banned techniques are 

as follows:


Built-In Functions

Member Functions

List Comprehension

Sets and Set Testing

  • Default Parameters
  • Keyword Arguments
  • Nested (Local) Function Definitions
  • While-True or Improper Conditionals
  • Structure Packing/Unpacking
  • Multiple Assignment/Return
  • Out-of-Bounds Indexing
  • Global Scope and Local Overrides
  • Containers and other Data Structures
  • Break, Continue, Yield, Async, Await
  • E/DD.08 
  • Previously, we designed an algorithm that helped us play a hand of blackjack. One of your friends found out and asked you to help them with a problem they have when playing; namely, there seem to be a couple of cheaters that rig the games so they can always win.
  • You’ve offered your help by building the algorithm blackjack_checker.
  • Your friend already started working on this problem, so they have their format describing the cards in a deck. They’ve encoded the cards as two-character strings that describe the suit and face value, respectively. The suit is a single capital letter that is one of the following:
  • C for Clubs,

D for Diamonds,

H for Hearts, and finally,

S for Spades.

The face values are similarly encoded:

1 through 9 for all the number cards,

T for 10 (so we only use one character),

J for Jacks (worth 10 points),

Q for Queens (worth 10 points),

K for Kings (worth 10 points), and finally,

  • A for Aces (worth 11 points).
  • The blackjack game allows someone to choose if an Ace is worth 1 or 11 points, but your friend splits what the players chose by encoding them separately.
  • Your algorithm should take in a list of strings and first check that all the strings follow the rules above. If the string doesn’t follow these rules or there’s nothing to process, print a message describing the issue and return an empty list.
  • Next, your algorithm should take this list of strings and create a 2D list of strings, split into chunks of cards that do not exceed 21. For example, if the inputs were a list of H3, DA, and C4, there would only be one hand as 3+11+4 is only 18, but an input of ST, CJ, DA would be two, the first having ST and CJ, and the second having only DA. This will comprise the first row of your output.

Next, you should also be able to check that there is only one card for any suit and face. Some players have been sneakily adding their cards into the deck to cheat through the game, so your friend needs to know of any cards that appear more than once. For example, if someone were to pull the classic all-cards-are-the-nine-of-hearts maneuver (this is also called the “whoops, all hearts” play), your friend needs to have a list with H9 in it so they can check, indeed, that card appears more than once. Hey, your friend never said they weren’t over-reliant on computers, after all… To help them make sure they don’t miss something, all of the entries in this list must be unique. This provides the second row in your output.

For now, your friend would be immensely grateful for just these two things, so that’s all that is expected to be returned: a multidimensional list where the first row is a list of lists, and the second row is the list of all cards that appear more than once.

  • To help get started, here are two constants that you can use which describe the suit and face values you can expect to see.
  • SUITS = ["C", "D", "H", "S"]
    CARDS = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A"]
  • You can also use the following basic test examples to guide overall development, but remember that you’ll need to make your own.
  • Example TestsInputOutput
  • [“D2”, “CT”, “HK”, “D9”, “SK”]
  • [
     [[“D2”, “CT”], [“HK”, “D9”], [“SK”]],

[“H9”, “H9”, “H9”, “H9”, “H9”]

 [[“H9”, “H9”], [“H9”, “H9”], [“H9”]],




[[], []]

Note: For the empty input case, either solution will be accepted.

This problem can be solved in many ways, especially since there’s only one function that is required, but don’t be overwhelmed. Start by splitting the problem into smaller pieces and try to answer each of these questions in isolation:

How can I get the value of a card as an integer?

How can I separate a list into arbitrary chunks to get the first row of inputs?

How can I track how many times I’ve seen a card?

How can I then use that data to create a list of all unique cards I’ve seen more than once?



Acceleration project


Students will explore acceleration.


Acceleration happens any time the speed changes. This is its definition—a

time-change in speed: a = dv/dt. Zero

acceleration means the velocity is not changing. Thus it is possible for speed to be zero when acceleration is not (as when a rocket first starts its engines) and for acceleration to be zero when speed is not (as when an elevator is in steady motion).

An accelerometer is a device that detects acceleration. Modern versions use semiconductors in which electrical transmission depends on the internal stresses. Earlier varieties used simple springs, but there is a far easier way.


  1. Procure a water bottle and a piece of cord or string. Dental floss can be used, as can a thread pulled from aging cloth. It needs to be four inches or so.
  2. Attach a small weight to the end of the string. It can be a bit of twig or a ball of aluminum foil, but it must float in water when the time comes for that.
  3. The label needs to be peeled off the bottle because the weight will hang in it and needs to be visible. The easiest way to hang the weight in the bottle is simply to screw the cap on, trapping the thread against the rim.
  4. Set the bottle upright on a tabletop or a smooth floor and give it a minute for the hanging weight to stop moving.

Now push the bottle suddenly to away and observe the weight. It responds to the acceleration-in fact its horizontal displacement is pretty much linearly proportional to the acceleration, but note the direction.

5. It should be possible to move the bottle forward at a steady speed along the floor or table (or just carry it) so the weight doesn’t move appreciably.

Quickly stop it and observe the motion of the weight. This event is a negative acceleration—a deceleration.

6. Fill the bottle with water with the weight still in there. Screw the cap on to trap the string again. Turn the bottle upside-down do the weight floats in the middle. Repeat steps 4 and 5.


From the outside perspective, the weight swings backward if the bottle accelerates forward because the bottle is trying to leave the weight behind.

From the viewpoint of the bottle, there is an “acceleration force” like the one seeming to push people back in their seats when a car accelerates.

Please answer each of the following in Canvas using complete sentences:

  1. When the bottle moved at a steady speed, what was its acceleration?
  2. If the bottle is left to sit, the weight grows still, but the surface of the earth is going east at 1000 MPH. Why doesn’t the accelerometer respond to this?
  3. Suppose the bottle were hung from the ceiling in a car and the car sped up.

The bottle would swing back in the car.

What would the weight do within the bottle (no water, just air)? Why?

4. Did the weight do something weird when the bottle was accelerated while full of water? What did it do? Why?


PROBLEM SET 3: Kinematics

1. A movie stuntwoman drops from a helicopter that is 30.0 m above the ground and moving with a constant velocity whose components are 10.0 m/s upward and 15.0 m/s horizontal and toward the south. You can ignore air resistance.

  1. Where on the ground (relative to the position of the helicopter when she drops) should the stuntwoman have placed the foam mats that break her fall?
  2. Draw x-t, y-t, Vx-t, and vy-t graphs of her motion.

2. A water hose is used to fill a large cylindrical storage tank of diameter D and height 2D.

The hose shoots the water at 45° above the horizontal from the same level as the base of the tank and is a distance 6D away (see figure). For what range of launch speeds (vo) will the water enter the tank? Ignore air resistance, and express your answer in terms of D and g.

3. If7 = bt? + ct3j, where b and c are positive constants, when does the velocity vector

make an angle of 45.0° with the x- and y-axes?

4. The earth has a radius of 6380 km and turns around once on its axis in 24 h.

  1. What is the radial acceleration of an object at the earth’s equator? Give your answer in m/s and as a fraction of g.
  2. If arad at the equator is greater than g, objects will fly off the earth’s surface and into space. (We will see the reason for this in Chapter 5.) What would the period of the earth’s rotation have to be for this to occur?

5. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest home run ever measured was hit by Roy “Dizzy” Carlyle in a minor league game. The ball traveled 188 m (618 ft) before landing on the ground outside the ballpark.

  1. Assuming the ball’s initial velocity was in a direction 45° above the horizontal and ignoring air resistance, what did the initial speed of the ball need to be to produce such a home run if the ball was hit at a point 0.9 m (3.0 ft) above ground level? Assume that the ground was perfectly flat.
  2. How far would the ball be above a fence 3.0 m (10 ft) high if the fence was 116 m (380 ft) from home plate?

RWP #5 – Shareholder’s Equity


Refer to the most recent 10-Ks (Year Ended in 2023) for Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc.

NOTE: Some answers are numerical, fill-in the blanks. Please adjust all answers for the units, and include the ‘,’ separators (e.g., 11 million or 11,000 thousand should be entered as 11,000,000), if required.

Instructions for navigating the SEC website.

1 – The SEC uses a database called EDGAR to store company data (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system). To use this database, click on “COMPANY FILINGS” on the upper right corner of the website (below the search box).

2 – Search initially by the company name “Apple Inc” and “Alphabet Inc”. Do not include the “.” in the search. Some companies may not use the “.” in their name, and you will not be able to find them (i.e., Apple Inc).

3 – If you search only by the first part of the name (“Apple” or “Alphabet”) you will get a number of different filings. You should double check the CIK (Central Index Key) before you pull the incorrect filing. The CIK for Apple is 0000320193. The CIK for Alphabet is 0001652044. You can also search by CIK, but since most people don’t know the CIK off hand, you should first attempt to use the name.

4 – The filing date and the year ended are not the same! The filing date will be 1-3 months after the year end.

Question #1

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Apple Inc.

The Consolidated Balance Sheets identifies the following items related to Common Stock: Par Value, Shares Authorized, and Shares Issued and Outstanding.

The par value of Apple’s Common Stock is:

Question #2

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Apple Inc.

The Consolidated Balance Sheets identifies the following items related to Common Stock: Par Value, Shares Authorized, and Shares Issued and Outstanding.

The number of shares authorized for Apple’s Common Stock is (remember to look at the top, to see the number of units related to the number of shares):

Question #3

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Apple Inc.

The Consolidated Balance Sheets identifies the following items related to Common Stock: Par Value, Shares Authorized, and Shares Issued and Outstanding.

The number of shares issued and outstanding for Apple’s Common Stock is (remember to look at the top, to see the number of units related to the number of shares):

Question #4

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Apple Inc.

The Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows identifies the Cash Flows related to Financing Activities. One item is listed as “Repurchase of common stock.”

What was the cash outflow related to the repurchase of common stock (remember to look at the top of the statement to adjust your numbers for the units):

Question #5

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Apple Inc.

The Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows identifies the Cash Flows related to Financing Activities. One item is the “Payments for dividends and dividend equivalents.”

What was the cash outflow related to the payment of dividends (remember to look at the top of the statement to adjust your numbers for the units)?

Question #6

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Alphabet Inc.

The Consolidated Balance Sheets identifies the following items related to Common Stock: Par Value, Shares Authorized, and Shares Issued and Outstanding.

The par value of Alphabet Common Stock (Class A) is:

Question #7

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Alphabet Inc.

The Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity identifies a number of items related to  the stock of Alphabet Inc.

What was the ending balance of Shares Outstanding at fiscal year end Dec 31, 2023 (remember to look at the top, to see the number of units related to the number of shares. Also note the titles of the columns. One is for dollar value, and the other is for the number of shares.):

NOTE: This amount includes the ending value of Class A, Class B, Class C Stock and Additional Paid-In Capital.

Question #8

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Alphabet Inc.

The Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity identifies a number of items related to  the stock of Alphabet Inc.

What was the value of Shares Outstanding at fiscal year end Dec 31, 2023 (remember to look at the top, to see the number of units related to the number of shares. Also note the titles of the columns. One is for dollar value, and the other is for the number of shares.):

NOTE: This amount includes the ending value of Class A, Class B, Class C Stock and Additional Paid-In Capital.

Question #9

Refer to the most recent 10-K (Fiscal Year Ended 2023) for Alphabet Inc.

In the Statement of Cash Flows, for the Year Ended December 31, 2023 of Alphabet Inc.

What was the dollar amount reported for the repurchases of Capital Stock? (Remember to check your units)

Question #10

Refer to “Note 11. Stockholders’ Equity.”

For the year ended December 31, 2023, what stock class did the repurchases identified in the prior question relate to? 

A. Class A Stock 

B. Class B Stock 

C. Class C Stock 

D. A mix of each stock class 

E. Class A & Class C Stock 

F. Class A & Class B Stock 

G. Class B & Class C Stock 

NURS 682 WCU Expanding APRN Scope for Improved Care Discussion


NURS 682 Responses

Yenisleidy Gonzalez Leon Response 1

APRN Scope of Practice

APRN practice is based on evidence-based guidelines in the process of evidence-based practice (EBP). APRNs access these guidelines, assess their applicability to their practice situation and case, and use them to inform their qualitative and quantitative decisions. By using evidence-based guidelines, APRNs translate evidence into practice, facilitating EBP. Physicians and APRNs are held to the same evidence-based standards. This is mainly because their scope of practice intersects and; hence, they practice in the same setting. Despite requiring supervision from physicians depending on the state of practice, APRNs provide services that are similar to those offered by physicians (Van Wicklin, 2021). They are, therefore, expected to uphold the same evidence-based standards.

The scope of practice for APRNs depends on the state where they are licensed and practice. In some states, they have full independence and autonomy. However, in many states, APRNs need physician oversight to some extent including patient assessment, prescriptions, diagnosing, and treating patients. This may be restricted or reduced oversight levels. A collaborative practice agreement between an APRN and a physician is a written agreement on joint practice and complementary work in the healthcare sector. It is a legal document defining roles and responsibilities, providing oversight by the physician, and defining the procedures and approaches to ensure that oversight under the existing law (Buppert, 2023). APRNs in reduced and restricted autonomy states need to enter a collaborative practice agreement with a physician to operate in those states.

APRNs are expected to pay physicians for their collaboration in practice. This compensation is based on the roles and responsibilities that the physician handles on behalf of the APRN as dictated by law and defined by the collaborative practice agreement (Buppert, 2023). The APRN will incorporate consultation and collaboration in several ways. For instance, the APRN may call the physician for consultation before prescribing certain medications or require the physician to be present when treating specific issues.


Buppert, C. (2023). Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Van Wicklin, S. A. (2021). Determining scope of practice. Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing, 41(1), 40-42.

Maria Bates Response 2

Evidence-based guidelines are put in place so that they can be used to provide safe, efficient, and quality care to patients. APRNs are part of the healthcare team who must be knowledgeable and competent to be able to care for others using evidence-based practices (Clarke, et al, 2021). APRNs are busy clinicians but it is their responsibility to stay up to date with the evolving guidelines that are changing. There are various ways that APRNs can stay up to date such as subscribing to receive updates on evidenced-based topics and connecting with other professionals. Knowing how to filter out information can be beneficial to APRNs to be able to grasp the most important information.

Evidence-based research can be a topic of conflict. This can be due to trials with limited populations and not enough information for some clinicians. An obstacle can be that not everyone is on board with making changes. There could be different opinions on how things are being done and this can affect making changes. That is why it is important for APRNs to participate in studies and provide feedback, questions that they would want answered, and information to researchers to gain information that applies to their patient population. “APRNs play a vital role in implementing new interventions or guidelines and they should be active participants in constructing and testing implementation models and delivery systems” (Blair, 2018, p. 258). APRNs can implement evidence-based practices on an individual level and with patient consent called micro-level solutions. APRNs can implement evidence-based practices in organizations at a greater scale by being part of the clinical decision-making process called meso-level solutions. They would work in collaboration with other professionals to integrate evidence-based practices at a greater level. APRNs can influence policy making by providing their knowledge, skills, and evidence-based practices that benefit their patients and advocate for them called macro-level solutions.

APRNs, depending on the state that they live in, can be independent with full authority to prescribe medications. APRNs and physicians are healthcare providers who work collaboratively and APRNs are not required to pay physicians to practice. APRNs have the autonomy to use evidence-based practices when and if the facility or organization and physician they work for permits it. Some facilities, organizations, and physicians might not want to implement evidence-based practices due to costs. It might cost them more money to use a certain drug even if it is more effective. APRNs and physicians can work collaboratively to implement evidence-based practices. APRNs can bring new ideas and suggestions to physician or organizations but ultimately decisions might need to be made as a team.

Blair, K. A. (2018). Advanced Practice Nursing Roles (6th ed.). Springer Publishing LLC. to an external site.

Clarke, V., Lehane, E., Mulcahy, H., & Cotter, P. (2021). Nurse Practitioners’ Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice Into Routine Care: A Scoping Review. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, 18(3), 180–189. to an external site.

California State University memo



Congratulations! You have just been appointed the new Special Envoy on North Korean Human Rights Issues, a Congressionally-mandated and Senate-confirmed position within the State Department. You have spent much of your career focusing on Asia and North Korea, including substantial periods in the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.

You realize that this is going to be a tough job. Without doubt, the North Korean regime’s record on human rights is abysmal. A lengthy paragraph in the Department’s 2022 Human Rights Report catalogues dozens of categories of human rights abuses perpetrated by authorities in North Korea. International observers and NGOs routinely condemn Pyongyang’s abuse of its citizens. Even the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution in April 2023 that expressed its deep concern “about the systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea that, in many instances, constitute crimes against humanity…”

At the same time, you also understand that U.S. concerns about the DPRK encompass far more than human rights issues. You also wonder how much leverage the U.S. wields vis-a-vis the DPRK.

The National Security Advisor plans to convene a Principals Committee meeting next week to review U.S. policy toward the DPRK. The White House has made it clear that it wants to develop a new strategy toward North Korea that includes, among other priorities, a focus on human rights. This meeting is intended to give shape to the new strategy. The Secretary of State has asked you to draft a memo that will help define State’s thinking before the high-level interagency discussion takes place.

Assignment and Instructions

The Secretary’s tasking requests that you address the following topics in a memo that may not exceed four pages.

Your tasking includes a list of topics (below) that must be included in the memo, including several illustrative questions to consider. You must address those questions at a minimum, but you are not limited by them. Feel free to explore other dimensions of each topic as you see fit. You may also change the order of these topics if that would facilitate the flow of your memo.

Please use the following format for your memo. Memo Template (State Dept) DPRK.docx(Do not include in your memo the text of the questions in the template. They are there merely to serve as prompts for your responses.)

Topics for the Memo

  • (U) U.S. Efforts to Date: Assess U.S. policy — including in the area of human rights — toward the DPRK over the last decade. Which elements of national power (using the “DIME” paradigm) has the U.S. employed? Which aspects of our approach, if any, have produced positive results? Are there some elements of our policy that have failed or produced no results? (U) Interests and Values: Assess which U.S. national interests and/or values are at stake in the DPRK. Do they compete or converge? To what extent should interests and/or values guide U.S. policy and actions? Describe the extent to which human rights concerns have impacted U.S. policy toward North Korea over the last decade and assert your view as to whether the U.S. should assign a greater or lesser priority to human rights in its dealings with Pyongyang. (U) International Law: Does international human rights law apply to the situation in the DPRK? To what extent, if at all, should international legal considerations affect the U.S. approach? Are there any legal obligations for the U.S. or the broader international community to act in the face of ongoing human rights violations in North Korea?(U) Responsibility to Protect: Should or could R2P apply in this case and, if so, in what way? Would there be any diplomatic or other obstacles to R2P implementation?(U) Accountability and Responsibility: Is there any criminal liability on the part of DPRK officials for reported human rights violations and/or violations of international humanitarian law? Does the U.S. have an obligation, or role of any kind for that matter, in punishing perpetrators of human rights crimes in North Korea? Regardless of any U.S. role, which mechanism(s) or jurisdiction(s), if any, could/should be employed to investigate, prosecute, and punish perpetrators? (U) The Path Forward: Based upon your findings, and the White House’s desire for a new DPRK strategy, spell out at least three specific recommendations relating to human rights considerations that the State Department should advocate in interagency discussions.

Optional Materials

You will have to conduct your own research for this project, but I have included here some potentially useful materials to help get you started. You are not required to use and/or cite any of these materials.

Please respond to the following CRJ 317 Criminal Justice Technology Week 10 Discussion Pros and Cons of ALPR Syste


CRJ 317 Criminal Justice Technology Week 10 Discussion Pros and Cons of ALPR System   PART 2 

ALPR systems are becoming more prevalent than ever before. What are some of the arguments for and against these systems (make sure you research ONLY ALPR systems, not camera enforcement ticketing systems, they are very different).Week 10 – Learn
From Criminal Justice Technology in the 21st Century:

Chapter 12, “Assessing the Deployment of Automated License Plate Recognition Technology: Strategies to Improve Public Safety.”

  • Multimedia

View the below Corrections Challenges Briefing videoLinks to an external site.. It will be used as a basis for this week’s assignment.

In this briefing we are going to look at how we use technology in a corrections setting.As you listen to the briefing, try to identify technology that will improve the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of staff and inmates.Briefing 2: Technology in CorrectionsStrayer University logoVideo Player

Narrator: Welcome class, this week our assignments gonna call for us to look at how we use technology in a corrections setting. And again, we’re gonna look at a real life application of how we use technology in corrections. It’s very commonplace for correctional facilities to have outside consultants come in and do an assessment, and identify potential problem areas of liability or danger to the staff or the detainees there. So, what we’re gonna do is look at one of these actual briefings and some of the specific problems that were identified. And what I want you to keep in mind when we look at these problems is, from the textbook and the things we discussed in class, what type of technology could we use to address those problem areas?So, consultants have recently identified four major issues that effect the efficiency and safety of our operations here at the correctional facility. And we’ll go over them one by one and what I’m tasking you to do is to come up with solutions that we can address these areas.The first one we looked at is prisoner transportation to and from court appearances. I know that’s one of the toughest things we have to do, we have to transport prisoners from our facility across town to court, and a lot of times it takes at least two officers per transport so we have to pull them, we have to address the staffing issue. And sometimes the courts have delays, so they’ll end up sitting and waiting, hearings will get moved and bumped around, or the prior hearing may go long. So, it was very inefficient, it’s very inefficient the way we’re doing it now with having our corrections officers physically put them in a car, drive them over to court, babysit them there until the court sees them and then bring them back and have to rebook them back into the facility. So, that was the first issue that was identified that I need you to find a solution for.The second one is contraband detection and prevention. We saw in our facility, we all know there’s no way we’re gonna completely prevent contraband from coming into a correctional facility, but what I want you to do is go out there and look at what’s available, what can help us out. Because the two biggest forms of contraband coming in here have been cell phones and small packages of drugs, so what’s available out there that can help us get ahold of this and still allow us to maintain the efficiency of our operations.The third area of concern that was identified was access control. Some of ya may have been around as long as I am where access control was a big ring of jingling keys that you ran around and stuck in the doors and slid them open and closed. And since then, we got into electronic locks and different things, but even still, there’s better ways out there. We want you to look at how can be improve getting people in and out, how we can improve the movement of the people inside, and how we can make sure that these access control methods that we’re implementing and things that we use, also increase and enhance the safety for our staff and for anybody else that’s here?And that brings us to the fourth one which is probably the most important. It’s officer and staff safety. Lately, we’ve seen an uptick with some of the staff being assaulted by inmates, there’s technology out there, there’s availability out there that can maybe lessen the impact or help us avoid some of this. So, I want you to go out there with the mindset of what can we look at that will make it safer for everybody that walks into these doors?Now, our goal is to identify technology that will improve the effectiveness, the efficiency, and the safety of our staff and inmates. So, what I want you to do is take a look at those four problem areas we talked about, and go out there and use your resources, and give me some solutions that’ll help us address those and make this a better operation.



legal questions


Short answers (250 word max each) and 2 multiple choice questions.

1.Lawyer, representing Owner in the sale of a 50-year-old house, tells Buyer that “this house is in top condition,” knowing that the chimney needs repairs and that cracks are beginning to form in the plaster in some portions of the walls. Is this ethical (and why)? What if Lawyer instead says, “you won’t find a nice older house like this in better condition for this low a price,” knowing that there is a very similar house down the street in better condition being offered for a lower price?

2. An attorney represented a shopkeeper who was trying to sell his business, and was approached by an interested buyer. The attorney told the potential buyer that she believed the opportunity to purchase the business would be brief because the business was being offered at a very low price. In fact, the attorney believed that the business was priced too high, and that the shopkeeper would have difficulty selling it for that reason. Was the attorney’s statement to the potential buyer proper?

Group of answer choices

A toy manufacturer was sued by the parent of a child injured by one of its products. As the manufacturer’s attorney was preparing to respond to a discovery request from the plaintiff, the attorney found a document that was very damaging to his client’s case. Prior to complying with the discovery request and turning over the document, the attorney called his opposing counsel and offered to settle the case. The attorney stated that although he believed his client was very likely to win a summary judgment motion, they would settle the case for a modest amount to save the costs of litigation. In fact, the attorney believed his client had no chance of winning a summary judgment motion and was also likely to lose at trial based on the document he had found. The opposing counsel declined the attorney’s offer. The attorney turned over the document, and the case proceeded to trial, where judgment was awarded to the plaintiff. Were the attorney’s statements to the opposing counsel proper?

Group of answer choices

5.After being given a clean bill of health by the specialist, Plaintiff tells opposing counsel that he will require back surgery for the injuries suffered in the collision. Opposing counsel offers a $20,000 settlement to Plaintiff’s attorney, Lawyer, stating “this amount seems fair given strong possibility that Plaintiff will require surgery.” Lawyer knows about the specialist’s diagnosis and the statement Plaintiff made to the opposing lawyer but accepts the settlement offer without disclosing the facts. Is this ethical (and why)?

6. Lawyer, representing Defendant in an employment discrimination case, tells the opposing lawyer, “I have thoroughly researched the case law and I believe your client has, at best, a 10 percent chance of surviving a summary judgment motion.” In fact, Lawyer has concluded that the odds of his client prevailing in such a motion are approximately 50/50. Is this ethical (and why)?

7. Lawyer, a solo practitioner with a small office and library, representing Defendant in an employment discrimination case, tells the opposing lawyer, who works at a large downtown law firm with vast resources, “I have thoroughly researched the law in our jurisdiction, and there are no reported cases that support your position.” Lawyer knows that although most of the reported cases support Defendant’s position, one case in the jurisdiction clearly supports Plaintiff’s position. Would it change your analysis if Lawyer worked at a large downtown law firm and the opposing lawyer were a solo practitioner (and why)?

8.Lawyer represents a corporate raider who wishes to acquire a Company Q from Owner and, unbeknownst to Owner, plans to immediately sell off Q’s assets. Lawyer tells Owner that it is critical that part of the deal be that Owner agrees to work for Q for one year after the sale to help the new management transition into the company. Lawyer knows that his client has no interest in Owner’s services, and he makes this demand only so he can later “give it up” in return for a price concession. Is this ethical (and why)?

HCAD670UMGC HEALTHCARE ADMINISTRATION-Hurricane Sandy: New Jersey, Disaster Response


Hurricane Sandy: New Jersey, Disaster Response

Hurricane Sandy also known as Superstorm Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive, as well as the strongest hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. The storm inflicted nearly $70 billion in damage and killed 233 people across eight countries, from the Caribbean to Canada. Sandy was a Category 3 storm at its peak intensity when it landed in Cuba. While it was a Category 2 hurricane off the coast of the Northeastern United States, the storm became the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, with tropical storm-force winds spanning 1,150 miles. New Jersey was severely impacted by Hurricane Sandy, with economic losses of approximately $30 billion. 

Your assignment: In a MEMO format, in 900-1100 words, please discuss the following about the New Jersey response to Hurricane Sandy: 

What were three areas that went well with the response? 

What were three significant challenges with the response? 

What were three ways in which the response could have been improved? 

During Week One, we discussed Fayol’s Five Functions of Management: (a) Planning, (b) organizing, (c) coordinating, (d) commanding, and (e) controlling As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) how would you enhance your healthcare facility’s Hurricane Disaster preparedness? Discuss which ways you would utilize Fayol’s Second Function of Management, organizing into enhancing your facilities’ disaster preparedness, specifically for hurricanes? Also, discuss the political forces that were present with this response. 

Make certain that your assignment is in the APA 7th edition format with a cover page, separating your sections by the appropriate APA Level Headings. Also, make sure you include a reference page and at least five references. 


Abbasi, S., Shooshtari, S., & Tofighi, S. (2017). Benefits, barriers, and limitations on the use of hospital incident command system. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 22(1), 36.

Adalja, A. A., Watson, M., Bouri, N., Minton, K., Morhard, R. C., & Toner, E. S. (2014). Absorbing citywide patient surge during Hurricane Sandy: A case study in accommodating multiple hospital evacuations. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 64(1), 66-73.e1.

Aljundi, R., Chakravarty, P., & Tuytelaars, T. (2017). Expert gate: Lifelong learning with a network of experts. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).

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Balsari, S., Kiang, M. V., & Buckee, C. O. (2021). Data in crisis — Rethinking disaster preparedness in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine, 385(16), 1526-1530.

CBC News: The National. (2016, May 10). The Insiders | The Politics of Disaster Management [Video]. YouTube.

Duke, C., & Hinzen, H. (2014). University engagement and the post-2015 agenda. What are the roles and functions to support adult education and lifelong learning? Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 142, 29-35.

Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Sciences Policy, & Committee on Guidance for Establishing Standards of Care for Use in Disaster Situations. (2012). Crisis standards of care: A systems framework for catastrophic disaster response: Volume 1: Introduction and CSC framework. National Academies Press.

IntenseScholar. (2022, August 18). Five functions of management (Henri Fayol).

Jonas, A. (2021, April 8). The five functions of Fayol’s management.

Kaye, A. D., Cornett, E. M., Kallurkar, A., Colontonio, M. M., Chandler, D., Mosieri, C., Brondeel, K. C., Kikkeri, S., Edinoff, A., Fitz-Gerald, M. J., Ghali, G., Liu, H., Urman, R. D., & Fox, C. J. (2021). Framework for creating an incident command center during crises. Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, 35(3), 377-388.

  • Kollek, D. (2013). Disaster preparedness for health care facilities. PMPH-USA.

Krizner, K. (2007, January 1). Hospital disaster preparedness plans become a necessity. Managed Healthcare Executive.

Leadership Compass: Appreciating Diverse Work Styles. (n.d.). The Bonner Network Wiki / Home. Retrieved January 10, 2024, from

Mascarenhas, A., & Wisner, B. (n.d.). Politics. Handbook of Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction.

McConnell, A. (2003). Overview: Crisis management, influences, responses and evaluation. Parliamentary Affairs, 56(3), 363-409.

McEntire, D. A. (2021). Disaster response and recovery: Strategies and tactics for resilience. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Peleg, K., Bodas, M., Hertelendy, A. J., & Kirsch, T. D. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic challenge to the all-hazards approach for disaster planning. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 55, 102103.

Pepper, M., Archer, F., & Moloney, J. (2019). Characteristics of prehospital response to terrorism: A systematic literature review. Journal of High Threat & Austere Medicine, 1(1).

Rosenfeld, J. (2018, June 14). Lessons from the Las Vegas shooting. MedicalEconomics.

Threat and hazard identification and risk assessment (THIRA) and stakeholder preparedness review (SPR) guide – Catalog – UW-Madison libraries. (n.d.). Search UW-Madison Libraries.

Ullah, S. N. (2019, March 29). Henri Fayol | Five Functions of Management With Examples [Video]. YouTube.

  • Uzonwanne, F. (2014). Leadership styles and decision-making models among corporate leaders in non-profit organizations in North America. Journal of Public Affairs, 15(3), 287-299.

Seligman, M. E. (n.d.). MindTools | Home. Develop your personal wellbeing and career skills – Mind Tools – Mind Tools.

TEDx Talks. (2013, May 25). Essentials for Lifelong Learning: Danny Stillion at TEDxFurmanU [Video]. YouTube.

Reply to question received from my professor in my discussion on Industry evolution and change


Reply to a question received from my professor in my discussion on Industry evolution and change.

Hey there, I received a question from my professor regarding the discussion that I posted. Please see below:

Q1- Given the nature of the company decline, dow did the company initially respond to these challenges, and what were some of the key changes it eventually implemented to ensure its survival and regain its competitive edge?

please read the discussion below, and make a reply to these questions.

Please separate the answer into a separate file.


Please note that it is important to include sufficient references in the work and ensure zero plagiarism.


Industry evolution and change

           Eastman Kodak is a multinational technology company offering high-quality products and services for entertainment, manufacturing, publishing, and packaging. However, the company is mainly known for photography. Eastman Kodak experienced challenges like any other business. At some point, the company almost collapsed due to failure to adapt to the changing market environment but concentrated on protecting the business’ existence. Hence, other key players in the photography industry gained a competitive advantage over the company by adopting digital technology. Bankruptcy was also among the challenges faced by the company. However, George Eastman later recognized the need for effective strategic plans to ensure business survival amidst stiff competition and overall business success.

Factors supporting the evolution of the Kodak photography industry

Kodak’s photography industry transitioned from traditional photography to digital imaging for various reasons. First, there was a change in consumer needs and demands. The tested success of digital imaging resulted in significant success for the company. For instance, the new adoption resulted in Kodak being among the US market leaders after Canon and Sony. The company’s decline in performance witnessed between 1991 and 2011 triggered the need to adopt change for the company’s survival. The emergence of new imaging technologies and increased competition motivated Kodak to change its operational strategy by introducing data storage products like floppy disks, the leading megapixel electronic image sensor, computer-assisted image storage and retrieval systems, and many more (Grant, 2021). As a result, Kodak had to invest in research and design and forego the traditional photography approaches.

Industry lifecycle of Kodak

Kodak was in the decline phase in its quest for a digital transformation. For instance, the company was ranked top in the global photography market. Besides, the performance in terms of revenue also qualified the company to be among the best performing. However, within a few years, the company recorded a massive decline in revenue, overall performance, and employee loss. The leading cause of the performance decline is the failure to adapt to the changing market conditions and consumer needs (Almansoori, 2020). The company was almost becoming irrelevant in the market until it embraced digital transformation like other competitors, reassuring Kodak of improved market performance. According to Grant (2021), some of the changes that supported the survival and awakening of the company were reliance on value-based solutions, flexible manufacturing processes, rapid prototyping, and digital technology.

New Kodaks’s strategies for its survival

Initially, Kodak relied on analog technology, high margins, heavy infrastructure, mass production and extensive inventories, significant manufacturing processes, and value-based physical products (Grant, 2021). However, it was necessary and urgent for the company to embrace rapid change that would increase its survival rates, such as through replacing the old strategies with digital technology, rapid prototyping, reliance on lower margins and lean organization, just-in-time production, flexible manufacturing process, and embracing value based on solutions. Despite the changes, there was no rapid positive success. Hence, Kodak embraced a hybrid model while researching and redesigning its process, enhancing its success. Based on Suarez et al. (1995), positive responses to change help businesses survive even when at the decline stage of growth.

The most appropriate strategy

           The most appropriate strategy for the Kodak photography industry to embrace while at the decline stage of the industry life cycle would be digital technology. For instance, the leading cause of declined performance was the inability to adapt to the digital transformation in the photography world. Hence, other companies succeeded because of rapidly embracing digital technology.

Kodak’s management of strategic change

           Kodak identified some of the loopholes that resulted in its downfall. Hence, the company responded by embracing multiple approaches to fight for its survival. Though it took some time before fully resurfacing its initial market position, the company regained its competitive advantage. Still, it was forced to implement the changes rapidly because of the existing stiff competition.


In conclusion, strategic planning is essential for any business performance. Change management is part of strategic planning that companies should embrace to overcome competition. Kodak Photography is an example of a company that lost its competitive edge because of its failure to respond to change and adapt to new market trends. Despite being in the decline phase, embracing digital technology, among other strategies, helped the company survive.


Almansoori, S. H. (2020). Strategic change management: A transformative approach for sustaining change in UAE law enforcement. Police Thought, 29(113), 279–310.

Grant, R. M. (2021). Contemporary strategy analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

Suárez, F. F., & Utterback, J. M. (1995). Dominant designs and the survival of firms. Strategic Management Journal, 16(6), 415–430.

Module 14 Homework 1


Progress Check

Use this activity to explore how probability is used in statistical inference.


Use the drop-down menu to learn about the three steps needed to complete this assignment.

Three steps to complete the assignment


You are studying with one of your classmates who is acing this class. She displays the following picture.

A deck of 52 playing cards, face up. There are 26 black cards, 26 red cards.  There are 4 suits (clubs, spaces, hearts, and diamonds) with 13 cards in each suit. There 12 "face cards."

Then she pulls out a new deck of cards. She removes the plastic wrap from the deck of new cards, opens the box, and pulls out the cards. She removes the jokers and any other cards not displayed in the picture above. Then she starts shuffling the cards – which is difficult because the cards are brand new and slippery. She continues to shuffle and reshuffle until you agree that the deck is well-shuffled. Then she sets the deck down.

To verify that you know how to calculate various probabilities for a randomly drawn card, she asks the following questions which you answer correctly.

  • If I randomly select a card, what is the probability of drawing a red card?
    YOUR ANSWER: 26/52 = 0.5 or 50%
  • If I randomly select a card, what is the probability of drawing a 9?
    YOUR ANSWER: 4/52 0.0769 or 7.69%
  • If I randomly select a sample of two cards, what is the probability that both cards are red?
    YOUR ANSWER: (26/52)(25/51) 0.2451 or 24.51%
  • In the above calculation you multiplied, (26/52)(25/51). Why?
    YOUR ANSWER: Randomly selecting a sample of two cards means we draw two cards – one at a time without replacement. So a random sample of two red cards means the first card is red and the second card is red. When we randomly select the first card, the probability we draw a red card is 26 red cards out of 52 total cards, or 26/52. We set that first red card aside. So, when we randomly select the second card, there are only 25 red cards out of a total of 51 cards, so the probability we get a red card is 25/51. We need to calculate the probability that the first card is red AND the second card is red. So we multiply the two fractions together, (26/52)(25/51).

Then your classmate says, “O.K. Let’s make a little bet. If you draw a black card, I will help you with all remaining homework in this class.” If not, you must wash and wax my car for me. Since she opened a brand new deck of cards right in front of you and you verified they were well-shuffled, you know the probability of drawing a black card is 0.5 or 50%, so you agree to the bet.

She picks up the deck of cards, fans them out (face down of course), and asks you to randomly select a card. You select a card and turn it over. It’s red – not black.

You set the card aside and ask to try again. She reluctantly agrees and warns that if you lose, you will have to wash and wax her car twice. But if you win, you will not have to wash and wax her car, and she will help you with your homework as promised. You draw another card. It’s red – not black.

You set the card on top of the previously drawn red card and ask to try a third time. Again, she reluctantly agrees, and you draw another card. It’s red – not black. You must now wash and wax her car three times. You decide to quickly calculate the probability of randomly selecting a sample of three red cards.

2652255124500.1176 or 11.76%

You set the card on top of the previously drawn red cards and think, “The next card has to be black.” You ask to try a fourth time. Again, she reluctantly agrees, and you draw another card. It’s red – not black. You now have a random sample of 4 red cards, and you must wash and wax her car four times.

You set the card on the stack of previously drawn red cards, and ask to try again. Once again, she reluctantly agrees, and you draw another card.


Question 1

What is the probability of drawing a random sample of 4 red cards (write the probability as a decimal and a percentage)? Would you consider the random sample of 4 red cards unusual? Why or why not?

Question 2

What is the probability of drawing a random sample of 5 red cards (write the probability as a decimal and a percentage)? Would you consider the random sample of 5 red cards unusual? Why or why not?

Question 3

When your classmate began shuffling the deck of cards, what obvious assumption did you believe was true? If you draw a random sample of 5 red cards from the deck, should you reject that assumption? Why or why not?

Question 4

Based on your responses to the previous question, what will you infer about the deck of cards?