Media that has not aged well


Persuasive paper: AGING STORIES –What to do with literature & media that has not aged well

This paper requires research. The internet will be a good source but I want at least one source from the library.

We have all seen TV shows or movies and thought, well THAT didn’t age well. It might be a joke we recognize as homophobic, a comment that is mired in gendered stereotypes, or a word that makes us cringe because of its racist overtones some pieces of literature and media just do not age well.

For your persuasive paper, you will be examining pieces of media and literature that are under examination not by outside groups that want to cast an idea or identity out of public discussion, but in many cases by the production companies and publishers (sometimes even the artists themselves).

What kinds of things am I talking about?

In 2011, a scholar released an edition of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that removed most incidents of racial slurs from the novel;

In 2020, streaming services like Hulu and Netflix removed four episodes of 30 Rock containing blackface at the request of Tina Fey;

In 2021, the Seuss estate announced it would stop printing and selling 6 Dr. Seuss titles because they included racist stereotypes;

In 2022, both Lizzo and Beyonce removed the word “spaz” from songs after disability rights organizations objected to the use of the slur;

In 2023, the estates of Agatha Christie, Ian Flemming, and Roald Dahl all authorized revisions to the language in some books that modern audiences often find offensive

In 2023, the live-action release of The Little Mermaid made minor revisions to the lyrics of “Kiss the Girl”

For this paper, I would like you to consider cases like those listed (and others you run by Maureen) for deeper consideration.


The work you are writing on has or might be eliminated/altered because of a decision made by the publisher or the producer of the work (so not a school board pulling Maus because upset parents). I am asking you to look at these works because these are people and companies that legally can alter the work and because it doesn’t take a lot of mental energy to say, “Don’t ban Maus.”)

  • The change is centered on language or an image in the book, so you can write on the lyric change in “Kiss the Girl” for this paper, but the casting choices that caused some people to throw a tantrum would be a topic better handled in the research paper, which will be on adaptations.

You may select a specific work (Huck Finn, It Happened on Mulberry Street, Death on the Nile) or a cluster of related works (all of the Ian Flemming re-issues, all of the 30 Rock episodes removed from streaming by Fey’s request, all six of the Dr. Seuss titles that the estate “retired”). However, I will want concrete examples from the works which can be found through research (so you do not have to read both the old and new versions of every Roald Dahl book).

  • It is perfectly okay to decide some things should go out of print or have their language altered authors revise their work if it makes their writing more effective. The question before you is whether the original texts are effective, if they could use a bit of help to be more effective for this generation, or if that piece of media or literature needs to fade into the sunset. I want your considered opinion after you have researched and viewed things from all sides deciding to change some words in some Agatha Christie novels is not canceling Christie as a person. Not all published works stand the test of time, so if you decide its time is past, that’s your argument. This is not an assignment where I have an answer I want you to give and you have to guess it This is about balancing different viewpoints and coming to your best answer.


In this assignment, I will be looking for the following components (they can be in this order, but that is not the only way they can be presented):

An overview/summary of the materials under consideration, including date and place of publication.

A detailed explanation of the problematic language of images (put words you personally would not use in quotation marks it will give you distance while letting you include problematic language; for example, Dahl describes characters as “fat” and “ugly.”

  • A discussion of the historic context AND movements or changes that have occurred between the time of original publication or transmission and when the alterations were proposed.
  • A review of positions supporting and opposing making the changes (if everyone agrees with one position, it’s not a good topic for a persuasive paper).
  • Your considered opinion on whether to revise, not revise, or just let the text fade away

How effectively the paper takes a position based on careful and expressed reasoning.

Use of research to locate specific details to support all claims.

Logical and cohesive structure in the paper including all of the elements in the assignment.

Academic tone (you can use contractions, the word “I” to describe your personal experiences with the material, and the singular they but avoid the “you” and put words that seem non-academic or that you would not use in your personal vocabulary in quotation marks. Include attributions like, According to the Seuss estate… and never just have a quotation in your paper that is not attached to an attribution or an introduction)

Good use of edited style to eliminate repetition and vary sentence lengths, types, and word choice.

Run the “darn” spellcheck.

Civic Issues 24DA01



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Communicate a position related to a complex issue in a civic context


Training opportunities in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addition to reducing recruiting and retention costs, professional development has been demonstrated to boost productivity and job satisfaction. For employees, it also offers new opportunities for enhancing their skills and offers additional opportunities for positioning themselves for new opportunities within the organization outside of regular promotions. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to participate in special professional enrichment activities in both group and individual formats. The participants are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a letter and career plan that serve as their “application” to the program.

Young man standing in front of a sign that says NGO, presenting to a group of people at a conference table.

Update: You have just passed the mid-year mark of a professional enrichment program you were selected to participate in, and you are eager and ready to face new challenges directly. Your leadership has just announced they want to introduce a new aspect to the program. They will pilot this aspect with your group this year. The intent of this aspect is not just to grow you professionally within the organization but in broader settings as a member of larger communities. You have been requested to identify an issue that impacts the quality of life within a community of your choice and create a proposal to present in a civic setting to your audience. You strategize with your mentor and agree that once you select an issue, you will put together a proposal and presentation plan and draft presentation. This provides you with the opportunity to receive feedback from your mentor prior to presenting to your audience (the individuals or group who would have a vested interest in this issue).

A younger businesswoman speaking at a podium.


Part 1: Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)

You will draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.

  1. Complex Issue: Select a complex issue from the provided list. Describe the “who” and “what” behind the issue you have selected so that your mentor can provide you feedback on the appropriateness of how you’ve situated the problem and your proposal for addressing it for your audience:
  • Issue explanation
  • Sociopolitical and historical context of the issue
  • Importance to the stakeholders in impacted community
  1. Annotated Bibliography: Remember, your mentor has been very clear that an appeal to your audience’s passions is not sufficient in addressing your complex issue. Provide research and evidence that supports your explanation of the complex issue and your recommendations around this issue:
  • Use relevant and credible sources that represent a variety of perspectives
  • Explain how sources inform potential and logical next steps based on resources
  1. Your Position and Course of Action: Next, address the “why” behind the issue in your proposal ensuring you:
  • Explain your position on this issue
  • Describe a logical course of action or actions aligned with your proposal and supported by evidence
  1. Audience Analysis: Lastly, look carefully at the “who” again and “where.” Potentially there will be individuals in your audience from diverse cultures aside from your primary audience. Discuss the following and how you will ensure your visuals and verbal or text narrative will address:
  • Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting
  • Communication strategies appropriate in addressing your primary audience
  • Communication strategies appropriate in addressing multicultural audiences that differ from your primary audience (for example, are there linguistic preferences or nonverbal signs that would be preferable or not preferable?)

Part 2: Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)

Now that you’ve completed your plan and have a concrete approach around your idea, you feel even more confident about communicating your position! You have many choices for presenting yourself (slide deck with speaker notes or video with transcript). You know your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position. Your choice of vehicle (slide deck or video) and the information you include in the speaker notes or transcript must address all of the following:

  • Presentation of Issue: Set the stage for your audience:
  • Situate your issue by clearly identifying it
  • Briefly describe the sociopolitical context (local, regional, national, or global)
  • Recommendation: Ensure you concisely and clearly cover:
  • Main Idea
    • Articulate your main idea
    • Discuss why it is important
    • Use relevant and credible sources
  • Call to Action
    • Describe a logical course of action or actions aligned with main idea
    • Include potential benefits and drawbacks
  • Communication of Explanation: Ensure you are using your speaker notes or video narration/transcript to ensure your narrative:
  • Aligns to the norms of the public venue in which you are presenting
  • Addresses cultural needs and expectations of the group
  • Appropriate Practices: Use conventions that are:
  • Appropriate to persuasive argument
    • Clear and logical
  • Suitable for a variety of cultural backgrounds
    • Eliminate figurative language such as metaphors, idioms, similes, etc.
    • Enhance the accessibility of your information with alternative text or transcripts that identify verbal or visual content
  • Necessary to avoid communicating bias, either intended or unintended
  • Articulation of Response: Clearly convey meaning, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose:
  • Correct grammar
    • Avoid slang and jargon
  • Sentence structure
  • Spelling

Communications Question


For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the associated knowledge and skills that comprise this expertise. The essay will present a specific non-technical skill that is key to an effective expert in this domain identified in the provided resource. The essay is expected to be 5-7 pages not including front matter or the reference page but can be longer if needed to cover the  given content. The paper must include the following sections with the listed headings to help unfold a clear storyline and convey the content organized with the GPS model. Cite within the text using APA style in-text citations and a reference page that includes all the items cited within the text
GPS organization for Content

General: Define your chosen domain

G1-Define Domain in which you will be an expert

G2-Give context to clarify understanding of your guiding question

G3-Explain a possible scenario that requires your expertise

Particular: Describe and distinguish the components of expertise for the chosen scenario within the domain

P1 Academic Knowledge

P2-Practical Knowledge

P3-Technical Skills

P4-NonTechnical Skills

Specific: Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario

S1.Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill

S2 explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise

S3 Provide example

Please note the above outline maps the GPS generally. You will need to make choices and write an effective essay to make the content clear and understandable to convey your central message completely and persuasively. Be sure to have research and cite using APA format throughout especially when presenting concepts related to your chosen domain and scenario since those concepts are not general knowledge.

Essay Sections

               You are asked to use essay format to convey your central message about being an effective expert able to apply expertise in a given scenario. You are able to choose these but they must be aligned with the course materials and be accurate as well as cited with citations. The following sections must be present in the essay to unfold the GPS content effectively.

1. Introduction

       Begin the essay with a brief QUESTION of your area of expertise. This will most likely relate to your major and/or a future career path you will follow. However, you may decide to choose a different domain to illustrate your expertise. It is typically helpful to narrow the domain rather than say engineering or computer science. Describing your domain as circuit design or cyber-security will make the following sections easier to describe.

After this provide a guiding question that leads us to the specific concept or skill you choose to describe in the specific section of the essay. You will most likely need to write this last. The guiding question may take the form of “In this essay I will explore how {Chosen non-technical skill} is a key non-technical skill for experts in {your domain} when applying their expertise in {scenario}” For example, you might write, ““In this essay I will explore how communication is a key non-technical skill for experts in project management when applying their expertise running small teams on job sites. Of course, the wording will change as you select the specifics and describe them fully.

End this section with a written QUESTION of the remain essay to describe the flow that briefly explains each section and the key point or core message covered in each section. Please be sure to cite the information that describes your domain and the type of works experts do within that area.

2. Understanding the Scenario

       This section has you expand the basic QUESTION of the domain to provide any needed terms or general knowledge needed to understand the filed you are writing about. It must also contain the general QUESTION of the scenario in which the particular and specific skills will be seen.

3. Components of Expertise

       This section must present a QUESTION of the four main components of expertise related to the domain you described in the introduction: academic knowledge, Practical knowledge, technical skills and non-technical skills. For each of these describe and distinguish the elements of each major component. There is no exact correct answer since you need to construct the collection of knowledge and skills that fit together to describe the expertise you need in the given scenario. You can create sub-sections for each or just write this as a continuous set of paragraphs.

·Academic Knowledge

·Practical Knowledge

·Technical Skills

·Non-Technical Skills

This section should provide a transition to the specific non-technical skill you want to examine in the specific section. Normally the easiest one to discuss is communication but you are welcome to choose any of the ones listed in the linked resources provided here:

4. Examining the Elements of My Non-technical Skill

`        Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario

·Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill

·Explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise

·Provide example

This will be the most personally focused section since you need to connect your choice of a non-technical skill to the major domain and chosen scenario. This also requires you to connect the general ideas to specific examples so you can effectively convey the ideas of your learning and credentials, experience in practical situations as well as the technical skills to the larger non-technical abilities you are arguing for as a key aspect of your expertise.

5. Conclusion

Explain how the nontechnical skill ties back to having expertise in the given field and contributes to being seen as an expert in the described scenario. End with a clear take away for the audience connected to your core message 

7-1 Final Project: Analysis


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Utilize basic functionality of spreadsheet software for constructing effective databases that evaluate organizational decisions

Conduct descriptive and inferential statistical analyses of raw data using spreadsheet software for informing processes and operations

  • Conduct optimization analyses of raw data using spreadsheet software for reaching solutions that meet organizational objectives
  • Present business data analysis using spreadsheet software that clearly communicates specific information to key stakeholders
  • Overview
  • Data analysis and communication of data to stakeholders are key factors in effective management. You can’t efficiently manage unless you know if objectives are being met. You can use data and spreadsheets to find areas of concern and decide if progress is being made for key objectives. Reviewing data should be done continuously. This is where spreadsheets that are linked to data sources can give you an advantage. When input data values change, the spreadsheets don’t need to be changed for them to calculate the results. You can use the data to measure the efficiencies or inefficiencies of key objectives.

Think about the plan-do-check-act management cycle. In this cycle, management plans for a set of objectives, develops processes, and allocates resources; the company will carry out (or do) the plans. Management also monitors how well the set objectives are being met. Then feedback is given (the check). Based on feedback, changes to the plans are made (the act). You will create an analysis report for the final project of this course. Your report will show your ability to logically look at large amounts of raw data. This data can be used to make sure resources are used in a way that increases profits as much as possible. You’ll create a report that includes your analysis of sales, costs, and profit. Doing so will allow you to have an overall understanding of performance that can be used for stakeholder decision-making. The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final product, your analysis report, will be submitted in Module Seven.


In the case study, you’re creating a number of spreadsheets to measure specific aspects of a winery and its distribution operation. Certain factors, such as increasing wine production significantly or lowering production costs, need a lot of time to enact. However, changes related to distribution can be made quickly using spreadsheets. In the case study, new management wants to understand how efficiently the distribution system is working. You’ll study the data, then present it in a way that can be clearly explained to the key stakeholders.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Organizational Sales: This is the first part of your final project. You’ll review raw data sets that summarize the production, sales, and distribution of wine. You’ll need to analyze the various types of wine and different distribution centers to figure out how they affect the organization’s total revenue. All of your analyses need to be submitted in an annotated Excel file. Each analysis needs to include your reasons for using the appropriate Excel functions.

Using a pivot table, figure out the percentage of wine sold by distribution center. Show your results in a pie chart.

Generate a labeled bar chart that shows the sum of wine varieties sold to each distribution center.

Use the pivot table already created to calculate the total amount of revenue made for each distribution center. Show your results in a bar chart.

Use the IF function to calculate the central tendencies (mean, median, and mode) of shipment volume for each distribution center. Show your results in a table.

Analyze the frequency of shipments by size using a histogram.

Create a shipment histogram to show the distribution of shipments for Portland and Riverside.

Write a summary statement that describes the inefficiencies in the organizational sales analysis. In your response, explain why this information is important for influencing management decisions.

Organizational Cost and Profit: This is the next part of your final project. Use your findings and raw data from the previous section to dive deeper into types of wine and distribution centers. You will need to analyze these factors to figure out average costs and profits. All of your analyses need to be submitted in an annotated Excel file and include your reasoning.

Calculate the costs of shipping to Portland and Riverside by pallets and frequency. Show your results in a table.

Calculate the cost of production for the wine varieties sold in Portland and Riverside. Show your results in a table.

  1. Generate a?labeled table that shows gross profit for each variety of wine for each distribution center. Explain why this information is important for informing operation efficiencies.

Generate a labeled table that shows the profit after state taxes.

Write a summary statement that describes the inefficiencies in the organizational cost and profit analysis. Explain why this information is important for influencing management decisions.

  1. Optimizing Performance: Finally, you’ll decide on an optimal solution that will maximize the organization’s objectives. You’ll need to think about the level of sensitivity and uncertainty of other solutions in supporting your optimal solution. The analyses need to be submitted in an annotated Excel file and include your reasoning.

Decide on the values of the constraints to be used to generate the target number when running Solver.

  1. Using Solver, calculate the level of sensitivity of decision variables and explain the importance of the report.

Using Solver, calculate the limits of decision variables and explain the importance of the report.

  1. Identify solutions that will maximize profits for the organization based on the Solver analysis. 

SDSU Characteristics Grit Discussion


Student Replies That Needs to Be Responded to:


What it Means to Have Grit. How Does Grit Indicate Achievement?

Grit is the ability to drive towards a goal or outcome. It is the result of having dedication and a purpose. It represents a person’s desire to persevere despite the difficulty of the wanted outcome. This often results in individuals who have grit to find success and gain achievement. Michael D. Mathews (2020) has a statement that agrees with what I have said: “Higher grit scores are associated with less burnout, a higher sense of well-being, greater clinical knowledge, less attrition, and overall academic success.” The article Michael D. Mathews also explains that having more grit inspires greater resilience. This is because a person with grit, has the determination to bounce back after a setback. So when a person with grit is encountered with a problem, they will decide to rise above it through show of perseverance and resilience.

When it comes to life’s many difficulties. It would make sense to say that grit is necessary for accomplishments and achievements. Not an indicator of achievement, but a factor of it. When it comes to meeting a goal; grit is what will separate a person from someone who does not have it. A person who is passionate about something will generally do a lot better than someone who has no passion for it.

Grit can also make up for things that are not in your favor. Some people are born into situations that immediately put them into a disadvantage. A reading disorder can make reading material very difficult to learn. Autism can make a person have a difficult time adjusting to life’s constantly changing nature. Some people will be in a family or environment that can take lots of time away from necessary work that needs to be done. In reality, almost everyone has things in their life that will make success difficult. Gritty individuals will even be able to even surpass those who are more talented in their respective areas. It all comes down to how bad someone wants something. Or how much work they are willing to put in.


Some characteristics of grit are courage & resolve, strength of character. Grit is a personality trait possessed by individuals who demonstrate passion and perseverance toward a goal despite being confronted by significant obstacles and distractions. I think this demonstrates what it is like to be a nursing student. You have to have courage and determination despite difficulty. We all know that nursing school will not be easy, and it is not for the faint of heart. We have chosen this path because we are passionate about the care other people receive and we want to be a part of making sure the care received is the best it can be.

We must follow guidelines and rules outlining our responsibility as nurses to see that the rights of our clients are met. We must demonstrate passion in nursing to care for our clients and in doing what is right at all times. I believe that when we get to the end of the next 4 semesters it will show our achievement through grit. We know we are going to be exhausted at times, but we must push on. We must persevere and follow our passion.

We must find a way to overcome obstacles and pursue a long-term goal. Someone possessing grit has courage, shows strength, and also shows resilience. I think someone pursuing their dream must have the true qualities of grit to get to the finish line. We must have grit to find our success. I believe that I can achieve my goal of becoming a nurse through grit. I know that I possess courage and strength to do the best that I can and to push on when I am exhausted.

Original Discussion Prompt:

What characteristics describe grit? Can achievement be based on grit? Defend why or why not?

Example of How to Respond to a Student Discussion Post

Hi Nita,

I like how you discuss both the teacher observing the student and the student observing their own art. You bring up excellent points about the teachers observing the children, because it does help the teacher to better communicate with the children and understand them better. As teachers, it is very important to nurture students, particularly if they are very young, I think, because it allows them to better understand the needs of the student, and how to work with them. Paying attention to what the student is drawing, and seeing how the student reacts to their own work can improve the teachers’ understanding.

Expressing feelings in this discussion board reply examples is a major component of growing up. The more a student is able to express those feelings, the more they can understand them. I liked reading about what you said on this topic, and I agree that the art is a very useful tool that students can learn to express their feelings effectively. If they do not express them, they are keeping them inside, and drawing can become a form of counseling for them. In my opinion, I think the drawing can be particularly useful for many students who are quiet. These students do not often express themselves verbally, and drawing can be a way for them to understand their feelings, and to release some pent up sadness of hostile feelings, for example. I think this form of therapy sticks with many people throughout life, and they continue to use drawing as a coping mechanism.



Participation Expectations

Nonlinear programming


Portfolio Optimization with Transaction Costs

Hauck Financial Services has a number of passive, buy-and-hold clients. For these clients, Hauck offers an investment account whereby clients agree to put their money into a portfolio of mutual funds that is rebalanced once a year. When the rebalancing occurs, Hauck determines the mix of mutual funds in each investor’s portfolio by solving an extension of the Markowitz portfolio model that incorporates transaction costs. Investors are charged a small transaction cost for the annual rebalancing of their portfolio. For simplicity, assume the following:

At the beginning of the time period (in this case one year), the portfolio is rebalanced by buying and selling Hauck mutual funds.

The transaction costs associated with buying and selling mutual funds are paid at the beginning of the period when the portfolio is rebalanced, which, in effect, reduces the amount of money available to reinvest.

No further transactions are made until the end of the time period, at which point the new value of the portfolio is observed.

The transaction cost is a linear function of the dollar amount of mutual funds bought or sold.

Jean Delgado is one of Hauck’s buy-and-hold clients. We briefly describe the model as it is used by Hauck for rebalancing her portfolio. The mix of mutual funds that are being considered for her portfolio are a foreign stock fund (FS), an intermediate-term bond fund (IB), a large-cap growth fund (LG), a large-cap value fund (LV), a small-cap growth fund (SG), and a small-cap value fund (SV). In the traditional Markowitz model, the variables are usually interpreted as the proportion of the portfolio invested in the asset represented by the variable. For example, FS is the proportion of the portfolio invested in the foreign stock fund.  However, it is equally correct to interpret FS as the dollar amount invested in the foreign stock fund. Then FS=25,000 implies $25,000 is invested in the foreign stock fund. Based on these assumptions, the initial portfolio value must equal the amount of money spent on transaction costs plus the amount invested in all the assets after rebalancing. That is,

Initial portfolio value = Amount invested in all assets after rebalancing + Transaction costs

The extension of the Markowitz model that Hauck uses for rebalancing portfolios requires a balance constraint for each mutual fund. This balance constraint is

Amount invested in fund i = Initial holding of fund i + Amount of fund i purchased – Amount of fund i sold

Using this balance constraint requires three additional variables for each fund: one for the amount invested prior to rebalancing, one for the amount sold, and one for the amount purchased. For instance, the balance constraint for the foreign stock fund is


Jean Delgado has $100,000 in her account prior to the annual rebalancing, and she has specified a minimum acceptable return of
10%. Hauck plans to use the following model to rebalance Ms. Delgado’s portfolio. The complete model with transaction costs is



Notice that the transaction fee is set at 1% in the model (the last equality constraint) and that the transaction cost for buying and selling shares of the mutual funds is a linear function of the amount bought and sold. With this model, the transaction costs are deducted from the client’s account at the time of rebalancing and thus reduce the amount of money invested. The solution for Ms. Delgado’s rebalancing problem is shown below:


Managerial Report

Assume you are a newly employed quantitative analyst hired by Hauck Financial Services. One of your first tasks is to review the portfolio rebalancing model in order to help resolve a dispute with Jean Delgado. Ms. Delgado has had one of the Hauck passively managed portfolios for the last five years and has complained that she is not getting the rate of return of 10% that she specified. After a review of her annual statements for the last five years, she feels that she is actually getting less than 10% on average.

1) According to the model solution, IB_BUY = $41,268.51. How much transaction cost did Ms. Delgado pay for purchasing additional shares of the intermediate-term bond fund?

2) Based on the model solution, what is the total transaction cost associated with rebalancing Ms. Delgado’s portfolio?

3) After paying transaction costs, how much did Ms. Delgado have invested in mutual funds after her portfolio was rebalanced?

4) According to the model solution, IB = $51,268.51.  How much can Ms. Delgado expect to have in the intermediate-term bond fund at the end of the year?

5) According to the model solution, the expected return of the portfolio is $10,000. What is the expected dollar amount in Ms. Delgado’s portfolio at the end of the year? Can she expect to earn 10% on the $100,000 she had at the beginning of the year?

6) It is now time to prepare a report to management to explain why Ms. Delgado did not earn 10% each year on her investment. Make a recommendation in terms of a revised portfolio model that can be used so that Jean Delgado can have an expected portfolio balance of $110,000 at the end of next year. Prepare a report that includes a modified optimization model that will give an expected return of 10% on the amount of money available at the beginning of the year before paying the transaction costs. Explain why the current model does not do this.

7) Solve the formulation in part (6) for Jean Delgado. How does the portfolio composition differ from that shown in the model results above

Unit 3 discussion responses 1 and half paragraphs each


Response to Stephanie :

Debate the benefits and pitfalls of ratio analysis, as a standalone analysis, evaluating the company’s weaknesses and strengths.

A few benefits of ratio analysis, include, that it may be utilized to express a company’s financial health. This may be done by scrutinizing the company’s past and present financial statements. Different companies may utilize different strategies of financial evaluation, that, also, includes, ratio analysis, and, that may be of complement, in addition, too. 

Ratio analysis is a quantitative measure, that may help one focus on the points of interest that it finds essential , of a company, and, that may be observed, through, comparison with that company’s history. Also, it may be found useful in comparing the essential quantitative data, that other companies hold, as they compare, and/or, contrast, with an opportunity to cross-section through an industry, for it’s main standards. Discovering how those numbers compare, and, which company has been more successful, is its basic method. Although, all businesses focus upon their revenues, each business may have it’s procedures, and, through its operations, all those categories, and, their contexts, may not line up. So, it is essential to, also, utilize other metrics to encompass the ratio’s efforts, and, have a more transparent snapshot, of the current intended focus.

Evaluating one’s company’s weaknesses may be found to be of difficulty, or, of clarity, by, utilizing the differing ratios, such as, a liquidity ratio, which, measures, the company’s ability to fulfill its obligations of debt, as they are called, as an example. Profitability ratios, also, convey how well a company may generate profits from its business activity. Some, examples, of profitability ratios, are, gross margin ratios, return on equity ratios, return on assets ratios, and, profit margin ratios. Essentially, ratio analysis may mark how a company is performing over time, and, how that compares, when side-by-side. 

Walmart creates a vast divide, between it’s revenues, and, those of Target. Walmart earned over 500 billion USD, last year, and, nearly the same, for the past three years, or more. Target met that by earning over 98 billion USD, last year. For, their size differences, they reach very close to one another, and, Target is slated as being the 3rd highest earning retail shopping experience, and, compared to, Walmart, which, ranks, first place, in the U.S., both of their positions are quite, fairly, simply similar. Weaknesses are found, in the difference of quality claimed, by, customers, of both businesses. Target being, slightly higher priced, and, a positive shopping experience, and, Walmart being of less cost, and, more value, and, not being a noteworthy time shopping, as their focus is on cost, primarily. 

Response to Emma :

Benefits of Ratio Analysis for Amazon and Walmart:

Performance Assessment:

Ratios such as ROA and ROE can showcase Amazon’s and Walmart’s efficiency in utilizing assets and equity to generate profits. For Amazon, its focus on innovation and expanding product lines contributes to its performance, while Walmart’s emphasis on cost efficiency and economies of scale affects its ratios positively.

Comparative Analysis:

Ratios help compare Amazon’s e-commerce dominance and cloud services against industry benchmarks, while for Walmart, comparative ratios illustrate how well it competes in the retail sector. Analyzing against peers helps evaluate its market share and operational efficiency.

Trend Identification:

Over time, ratios can highlight trends, reflecting Amazon’s consistent revenue growth and ability to adapt to changing market dynamics. For Walmart, trends in ratios may showcase how its strategies evolve, such as its efforts in e-commerce to counter Amazon.

Liquidity and Solvency:

Liquidity ratios reveal Amazon’s ability to meet short-term obligations, which is crucial for its vast and dynamic operations. In contrast, solvency ratios indicate how well Walmart manages long-term debt, providing insights into its financial stability.

Pitfalls of Ratio Analysis for Amazon and Walmart:

Isolation of Variables:

Relying solely on ratios might overlook challenges related to regulatory scrutiny or controversies around labor practices, impacting the companies’ long-term sustainability.

Varying Accounting Practices:

Different accounting methods in diverse business segments can complicate ratio analysis, impacting the comparability of financial indicators for both companies.

Market Conditions:

F ratios may not fully capture external factors like changing consumer behavior or geopolitical events, affecting predictions about the companies’ future performance.

Story Evaluation:

Considering qualitative factors like Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods or Walmart’s response to the rise of e-commerce is crucial in evaluating a company’s strengths and weaknesses, complementing ratio analysis.

In conclusion, ratio analysis offers valuable insights. Still, a holistic understanding of a company’s strategies, industry dynamics, and qualitative factors is essential to assess its strengths and weaknesses thoroughly.

Team, C. (2023, December 7). Return on assets & roa formula. Corporate Finance Institute.

Birken, E. G. (2022, October 16). Understanding return on assets (ROA). Forbes.

DePersio, G. (2022, December 6). Walmart Financial Analysis: 5 key ratios. Investopedia.…

Wei, J. (2022, December 19). Amazon’s 3 key financial ratios. Investopedia.

Bourret, S. (n.d.). 4 types of financial ratios to assess your business performance. Financial ratios offer important snapshots of your business’s financial viability.

Response to my original post:

  Jami hi I’m Michael, I think it good that an company focus, on snapshot of a company’s financial performance in aspects such as liquidity, turnover, solvency and profitability. It’s very important to do so. If an company invested alot, of money in there company, and didn’t focus on the financial statement, balance sheet what will be the longevity of the comany, that want be long on the success of tbe company, it’s important to have full control of the  financial part of business.Great Post. 

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When you decide to purchase a new car, you first decide what is important to you. If mileage and dependability are the important factors, you will search for data focused more on these factors and less on color options and sound systems.

The same holds true when searching for research evidence to guide your clinical inquiry and professional decisions. Developing a formula for an answerable, researchable question that addresses your need will make the search process much more effective. One such formula is the PICO(T) format.

In this Discussion, you will transform a clinical inquiry into a searchable question in PICO(T) format, so you can search the electronic databases more effectively and efficiently. You will share this PICO(T) question and examine strategies you might use to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question.

Post a brief QUESTION of your clinical issue of interest. This clinical issue will remain the same for the entire course and will be the basis for the development of your PICOT question. Describe your search results in terms of the number of articles returned on original research and how this changed as you added search terms using your Boolean operators. Finally, explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.

Review the materials offering guidance on using databases, performing keyword searches, and developing PICO(T) questions provided in the Resources.

Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least two different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles.

Review the Resources for guidance and develop a PICO(T) question of interest to you for further study. It is suggested that an Intervention-type PICOT question be developed as these seem to work best for this course. 

  • *Library tip
  • Walden Library recommends starting your search broadly with one concept or search word and adding more elements one at a time. Depending on your topic, the evidence will not necessarily address all the aspects of your PICO(T) question in one article. Select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available, even if that means assembling evidence from multiple articles.
  • Nursing Research PageLinks to an external site. databases and resources specifically for Nursing
  • Evidence-Based Practice guide: Evidence TypesLinks to an external site.

Nursing and Health research videosLinks to an external site., including a 15-minute introduction

Get HelpLinks to an external site. page, including Ask a LibrarianLinks to an external site. service

Quick Answers:

How do I find an article that reports on research that uses a specific methodology?Links to an external site.

How do I find original or primary research that analyzes empirical data?Links to an external site.

What is the Find at Walden button?Links to an external site.

Message from the teacher
In this Discussion, you will transform a clinical inquiry into a searchable question in PICO(T) format. This will assist in searching the electronic databases more effectively and efficiently. You will share this PICO(T) question with the class and examine strategies to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. To sum it all up:
By Day 3 of Week 4, post a brief QUESTION of your clinical issue of interest (remember this will stay the same for the entire course). Describe the search results regarding the number of articles returned on the original research and how this changed as you added search terms using the Boolean operators (again, see my announcement with links titled Library Resources for further info on the Boolean operators). Explain any strategies you might apply to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples. An Intervention-type PICOT question should be developed as these seem to work best for this course.
Review ‘How to prepare for this discussion’ for the library tips, quick answer section, and learning resources.
Don’t forget to Respond to at least two of your colleagues (or myself), on two different days and provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved. This should be done by Day 6, Week 4.
******My example of PICOT(T) research question********
In hospitalized patients with post-operative pain, does intravenous morphine, compared to oral acetaminophen, provide greater pain relief within the first 24 hours after surgery?
P- Population/problem: hospitalized patients with post-operative pain
I- Intervention: intravenous morphine
C- Comparison: compared to oral acetaminophen.
O- Outcome: provide greater pain relief.
T- Time: within the first 24 hours after surgery

touchstone 5- persuasive speech- please write speech based on submitted file- Use that file for speech


Touchstone 5: Persuasive Speech Revision

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will utilize the outline you submitted for Touchstone 4 and deliver a 5–7 minute persuasive speech that incorporates feedback and other tips and strategies you’ve learned throughout the course.

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

Touchstone Support Videos

Choosing the Right Language
Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Using Your Voice
Communicating Nonverbally
Filming Your Speech

A. Directions

Step 1: Review Outline

Review the outline of the persuasive speech that you delivered in Unit 4 as well as the feedback that you have received. Your speech should include an introduction, body, conclusion, and transitions.

The introduction should contain your key message.

The body should cover your main topics and support to back up your main points. Make sure that all information, evidence, and persuasive strategies (ethos, pathos, and/or logos) are relevant and from credible sources.

The conclusion should summarize your main points and repeat your thesis.

The transition should help you shift from one topic to another.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Components of a Speech

Choosing the Main Points

Highlighting the Main Points

Ordering the Main Points

The Preparation Outline

The Speaking and Rough Draft Outlines

The Role of the Introduction

Establishing Credibility: Topic, Thesis, and Main Points

Introducing the Topic, Thesis, and Main Points

The Role and Use of Transitions

The Role of the Conclusion

Step 2: Incorporate Visual Aid

Think of an effective way to incorporate at least one visual aid that will be relevant to your purpose and message and will enhance your speech.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Using Visual Aids

Create notes or bullet points that you can refer to while presenting your speech. You should not read your speech word-for-word from your notes. Make sure to cite any sources you have used as you deliver your speech.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Step 4: Use Clear Language

  • Ensure that the language you use is consistently clear and appropriate to the audience, which helps the audience connect with you and your topic. Explain any technical jargon you use where necessary.

Refer back to the following lesson for support:

Mind Your Audience

Make It Memorable and Enhance Audience Understanding

  • Step 5: Practice Speech

Practice presenting your speech, focusing on your voice, your nonverbal communication, and your use of one or more visual aids. Aim for a speech 5–7 minutes in length.

  • Refer to the following lessons for support:

Best Practices in Public Speaking

Using Your Voice: Volume and Rate

Using Your Voice: Articulation, Pronunciation, Dialect, and Vocal Variety

Eye Contact, Facial Expression, Movement, and Gesture

Step 6: Review Rubric

  • Before filming, review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated.

Step 7: Film Speech

Film yourself presenting the speech. Be sure that you can be easily seen and heard—at minimum, your head and shoulders should be visible in your video, and you should make eye contact with your audience by directing your speech toward the camera.

Important: Be sure that your speech’s purpose, audience, and thesis are clear. If you choose, you can state this information at the beginning of your video before you begin your speech.

Refer back to the following lessons for support:


The Purpose and Thesis Statement

Step 8: Review Video

  • Review your video, be sure that you can be easily seen and heard, and that you have directed your speech to the camera. Refilm as needed. Your speech should be delivered in one video with no cuts or editing.

Step 9: Review Checklist and Requirements

  • Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete.

Step 10: Submit

  • Upload your video using the blue button at the top of this page.

Refer to the checklist below throughout the recording process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

  • ? I have reviewed my Touchstone 4 outline.
    ? I have read all of the feedback that I received on my Touchstone 4 outline.
    ? I have incorporated the feedback to improve my speech.
    ? My speech includes the following components: introduction, body (main points), conclusion, and transitions.
    ? I incorporated at least one visual aid in my speech.
    ? I have selected sources that are credible and support that is relevant.
    ? I have used language that is appropriate to my audience.
    ? I have filmed a video of myself presenting my speech.
    ? The video of my speech is 5–7 minutes in length.
    ? I have reviewed the video and I can be easily heard and seen.
    ? In my speech, I am focused on connecting with the audience, only looking at my notes occasionally.
    ? I have adhered to all the requirements.
    ? I have read through the rubric and I understand how my Touchstone will be evaluated.

Casre coordination week 4 Peer replies


Post#1 – Mary 

The reimbursements for Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and HMOs for APRNs all differ because each entity has its own billable guidelines and coding rules.  Each insurance company has specific contracts with the physicians and APRNs on reimbursements.  Medicare and Medicaid will reimburse APRNs for the services that are performed within their scope of practice.  Private insurance companies and HMO plans will also reimburse APRNs, but there are stipulations on how much will be reimbursed if claims are made through an APRN’s NPI versus a physician’s NPI number.   APRNs have their own national provider number (NPI), which allows them to bill insurance companies for services rendered.  However, many practices will bill under the supervising physician’s NPI number even if the APRN provided the service because the insurance will reimburse 100% of the claim as opposed to 85%, which is the payment for APRNs (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, 2016).  Physicians and APRNs have a fee schedule or fee-for-service chart that is different because APRNs get paid less.  According to Blair (2018), payments for NP and CNS services are discounted to 80% of the lesser of either the actual charge or 85% of the physician fee schedule amount.  The 1997 Balanced Budget Act allows Medicare reimbursement of services provided by NPs and CNSs if the services are reimbursable when provided by a physician (Blair, 2018).  Section 6405 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 authorizes Medicaid payment for services of certified pediatric NPs and certified family NPs, with reimbursements varying between 70% to 100% of physician fees (Blair, 2018).  Private insurance companies generally reimburse 80% of their member’s healthcare costs (Blair, 2018).  In regard to managed care organizations MCOs or HMOs, this system helps keep costs down by reimbursing PCPs using a fee-for-service, capitated, or fee-per-member basis (Blair, 2018).  APRNs can apply to become primary care providers (PCPs) on the MCO/HMO provider panel, but it seems slow and nonprogressive (Blair, 2018).

Unfortunately, APRNs cannot own their own practice in the state of California because the current law restricts APRNs from practicing independently from a physician or group setting.  There must be a supervising physician since APRNs do not have full practice authority.  Oversight by a physician is required when an APRN practices medical services, even if it is within the scope of practice.  In other words, APRNs in California must always have a Medical Director in practice or be part of a physician group with a standardized procedure or protocol.  According to Davis (2020), California, unfortunately, struggles to find the political will to address the challenge of permitting nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) to practice to the full extent of their training and education independently.       

Post#2- Brian 

Describe the reimbursement mechanisms (Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, and HMOs) for APRNs.

Medicare enrollment for physicians and non-physicians needs to be for the eligibility to receive funds for services provided. From my experience working in a hospital, I have witnessed a “Prospective Payment System” which is a predetermined or fixed way to charge the patient. Medicare pays hospital per beneficiary discharge or a “Diagnosed Related Group” which is adjusted based on the patient’s severity.

Medicaid is a bit different from the previous insurance mentioned as prices for patient care are created by the Medicaid Agency or federally established. This creates a variance between the prices set by the hospital for the incurred expense and the rate focuses on a much lower base rate. Why should a hospital agree to receive a lower base rate? Simple, the number of Medicaid patients is too great to decline, and with the addition of “Supplemental Payments” the hospital usually receives a higher total payment. Supplemental payments are payments given to the hospital that are not necessarily linked to services provided, it is meant to make up for the low base rate and account for approximately 40% of total hospital payment.

Private insurers are easier to understand as it the money paid to a healthcare provider through a third party to cover the medical services and equipment. Existing evidence suggests that rather than helping to contain health care costs, employer-based health insurance may be partly responsible for their present escalation. In addition, employer-based health insurance may not be the most equitable way to implement a national health insurance plan (Wallen & Williams, 2019).

Are there any differences in the fee schedules between Physicians and non-physician providers (NPP) such as APRNs? Please describe.

Fee schedules for healthcare providers, including physicians and non-physician providers (NPPs) such as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), can vary based on several factors, including the type of service provided, the setting in which the service is rendered, and the payer (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance). Some states grant NPPs more autonomy in providing certain services, while others have more restrictive regulations. Fee schedules may reflect these differences in the scope of practice.

Can APRNs own their own practices in your state? Why or why not? According to the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Board of Nursing, FNPs in Florida can practice independently if they have a signed agreement with a physician. They can even have their practices. A physician does not necessarily need to be present at the time of service (Roemer, 2022). What I found interesting is that the NP has certain limitations, for instance, a mental health practitioner cannot prescribe more than a 7-day dose of a psychiatric medication. Certain responsibilities continue to fall under the supervising primary care physician.