I want to do homework for sociology 120

Question Description

Write 2 paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • What are the social problems created by the criminalization of drugs and alcohol?
  • In which ways would society benefit with the legalization of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroine?
  • Are you in favor of the legalization of currently illegal drugs? Why?

Nursing weekly discussion

Question Description

Discuss the five priority setting­ frameworks (i.e., ABC, acute vs. chronic, emergent vs. routine, assessment first, safety, and risk reduction) and how to use them to make clinical decisions.

Instructions: Latest APA formatting with intext citation and at least one reference

it can be less than 1 page long.

film one need one page only(275 words)

Question Description

Choose one of City of God; Hard Boiled; The Grand Seduction; or Persepolis;and discuss that film with respect to national cinema. What does thefilm “reveal” about the nation(s) in question? Are these accuraterepresentations? How can we describe that particular film’s relationshipwith Hollywood, or more global film culture?

Need suggestion in how to properly complete my outline paper.

Question Description

Revisions for the outline for a research paper about a movie director. In the research I will we analyzing two of his films Vertigo and Psycho. I need to write a thesis statement as well. I need help to make sure everything is properly done in APA format.

“The Americans with Disabilities Act”

Question Description

“The Americans with Disabilities Act”

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for individuals who have disabilities. How might this requirement affect teachers, law enforcement officers, and firefighters? How is it legal for law enforcement to turn applicants away for diseases like type 2 diabetes?

Answer four questions

Question Description

Tell me about one of your Strengths. (2 sentences)

What are you most Proud of? / Accomplishment (2-4 sentences)

What would you like to be doing 5-10 Years from now? 3-5 sentences

Why do you want to work for this Company? (you want to work for a police department.) 3-5 sentences

Cloud Computing Impacts on Business or Economy

Question Description

Please consider business and/or the economy (World or U.S.) in context of cloud computing and relate to the attached book (Chapter 16 – 18).

Provide a valid link (URL) to the article/paper/story/ or page numbers in the textbook so that we may find and read it.

Please provide references.

COVID-19 vaccines

Question Description

Discuss the different methodologies of producing vaccines. Select, justify and outline the steps of one methodology that you would use to produce an effective, safe vaccine against COVID-19, starting from identifying the viral epitope or component as an immunogen to production of an effective and safe vaccine.

The fundamental problem of ai

Question Description

1) Use the alpha-beta pruning for the “1-2 steal marbles “, for 13 marbles.

Comment the results.

2) given the pairs (time, price) (1,3) ,(2,5), (3,8) use linear regression to find the line ax+b that approximate these values. Use that line to calculate the price when the time is 4.

use the powerpoint to answer the following questions

Question Description

  1. What is racial profiling? How does racial profiling play a role in stop and frisk and in the enforcement of traffic laws?
  2. Explain the racially discriminatory impact of the enforcement of narcotics laws.
  3. Trace the development of the notion of privacy.
  4. What is the constitutional basis of the right to privacy?