There are 3 very short responses to discussion questions, only a couple sentences/paragraph is needed each feel free to expand on that amount if you desier some people write 2/3 paragraphs but not required.

Question Description


Responding to Discussions

Yourresponse must have a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure,grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Your response should beinsightful, thoughtful, and analytical. You are required to make oneinitial post and then respond to two classmates for each discussionforum. Your responses to classmates’ postings must be thoughtful,substantial, and polite — not just a “well done” phrase or “I agree.”Consider points of agreement, disagreement, assumptions, and valuejudgments.

(1)- Through myprofessional career there have been a couple times where there was achallenging situation where trust was somewhat difficult to achieve,however at the end it was surely attained through the pillars that Burkementions; ability, integrity and benevolence. Towards the end of myrotational program in my first job as an analyst I was partnered with acolleague to complete an end of program project; think of it as acapstone. My colleague was one that was negative, under-driven, andunorganized. That said we both had difficulties trusting one anotherwith the responsibilities of getting the project complete to the beststandard and in time. However, once we split the project in two trustneeded to kick in if we were going to progress, We began to be honestwith one another when we didn’t understand certain topics, wecollaborated and questioned each other’s thoughts to try to get the bestproject made. We soon realized that trust was most definitely made ofin integrity, honesty, kindness and having faith in one another. We alsorecognized that as colleagues we needed one another in order to leanon, learn from and grow from. Once we trusted one another and stoppeddoubting each other we quickly flourished and the project was the bestone.

(2) – Based on Burke’smodels of trust, I can give an example of how trust was achieved usingmy own professional experience. I have been in a sales and new businessdevelopment role for the past nine years, selling technology servicesand solutions. Sales is a numbers game. It can be stressful, but dealclosures are rewarding. In my company, I am required to meet salestargets each quarter. I report into the sales operation lead for the US,who puts his trust in our team to deliver on our objectives andcommunicate any challenges or prospects on the horizon. We are tasked tohave several meetings per week and quality follow-ups. In my currentrole, the interview process was lengthy. I had several rounds ofinterviews with members of the senior executive team, including the CEO.They asked me questions to understand my ability to handle intensesituations, closing deals, my work ethic, and to name examples of themost success I have achieved. Once I started my new role, it is sink orswim. I showed my manager that I can hit the ground running, which Iexpressed during my interviews. I set up quality meetings in the firstweek, delivered on my 30-day plan, and created a prospect list withvalue. On days I work remotely, I make sure to check in with him to giveupdates or ask questions. In the office, I work collaboratively with mycolleagues so we can exchange information to benefit our sales success.All three pillars: Ability, Integrity, and Benevolence play an integralpart in earning trust and respect from my manager and my peers.

What other characteristics do you think should be measured when it comes to trust?

(3) – There may be a scenario where two project coordinators previously worked together and built a negative relationship. In this case, one of the project coordinators failed to share a key piece of data with the other, causing a missed deadline and the loss of a highly valuable client. Due to time zone differences, the coordinator who failed to share the data misunderstood when the information was needed and missed the deadline as a result. Re-establishing trust between these two project coordinators will require correctly identifying and mitigating the source of the conflict. After the main cause of the issue has been identified, the global project manager will need to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties.

Using a collaborative scheduling tool that indicates deadlines for both time zones, the issue that previously occurred between these project managers will hopefully be avoided going forward. From there, the two should focus on integrity to rebuild their trust. According to Burke’s research on trust, integrity in this context means that each person is dependable, consistent, and abides by the agreed upon standards dictated at the start of the project (Blakely, 2015). Each project coordinator will need to review the collaborative scheduling tool early and often and make sure to be on target with sharing deliverables in a timely fashion. Over time, they will feel they can trust each other when working together again by being reliable and thorough for each necessary task.

How would you resolve their conflict and rebuild trust?

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