Statistics/ Excel Lab

Question Description

Click to download the Week 6 Lab Document (Links to an external site.) to complete the lab for this week. All of the directions are included in the document.

The document includes places where you need to input the answers. Any place where you see a gray box is where you need to put an answer.

The data for this lab was distributed by your professor. Week 6 Lab Data (Links to an external site.)


Each student will submit a lab. Below is the grading rubric for this assignment.

Category Points % Description
Questions 1-5 8 points each, 40 total 50% large and small sample confidence intervals for a mean
Question 6 16 points 20% normal probabilities compared with data outcomes
Question 7 24 points 30% normal probabilities compared with data outcomes
Total 80 points 100% A quality lab will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Required Software

Microsoft Office: Word and Excel

Use a personal copy or access the software at (Links to an external site.).

Lab Steps

Prepare and Submit Lab

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Open the lab Word document.
  3. Follow the steps in the lab Word document to do calculations in Excel.
  4. Copy and paste from Excel into the Word document or retype the answer, and then complete the answers to the questions in complete sentences (fill in each gray box in the Word document).
  5. Save the lab Word document, and submit it; no other files should be submitted

Submit your lab.

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