PBHL20002 Assignment 4
Question Description
PBHL20002 Assignment 4
Word Limit : 1500 words need 5 pages double spaced
My topic is: Disease transmission on public transport .
referencing in Harvard style
What isPhotovoice?
Photovoice is a communications techniqueoriginally developed for community-based research. It involves a combination ofphotographs and text which is intended to reflect the situation as perceived bythe person creating the photovoice. The technique is commonly seen inethnographic research and modern art, but for this class, you will use amodified version of its methodology to analyse a health issue relevant to yourlocal environment – the places you live, work, and commute.
Choose a topic from the list of health issues inthe next section below. Think about it from the point of view of our foursimple rules (Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, and Perspectives). Identifysome of its components, determine how the issue in question arises from thesecomponents, and figure out how the components you’ve chosen interact with eachother.
Once you have done this, take some photos of thelocal environment that illustrate some of these components and interactions.These photos, along with textual explanations, will form your assignment. Theassignment must include:
–Introduction – A section that briefly outlinesyour topic and the perspective you have chosen to analyse the system that givesrise to it.
–Visual representation – A diagram thatincludes the components you have chosen to highlight and shows theirrelationship to each other. This could be a visual map, a part-whole diagram, acausal loop, or other similar representation.
–Photos and text – 4-5 photographs from yourlocal environment, each one accompanied by a short paragraph (approximately 300words) explaining which component of the system it illustrates and how it fitsinto the system you have described in the previous section.
Select only ONE of these topics for yourassignment.
– Disease transmission on public transport. Itis obviously easy for infectious diseases to spread on public transport, as itis in any location where there are a large number of people. You should alsoconsider the reasons why so many people need to be in that one place at thesame time (eg. Does it relate to their job? Something else?).
–Incidental exercise opportunities. Despite thepopularity of cars, trains, and the like, modern life still involves a lot ofthings like walking (among other forms of exercise). Note that some features ofthe urban environment support exercise (eg. stairs), and others have anopposing effect (eg. escalators).
–Traffic and accidents. City and townenvironments provide a great deal of convenience, with a high concentration ofoffices, shops, and the like. While this makes them very advantageous incertain ways, they also result in a large concentration of people and vehiclesin a relatively small area. Additionally, time pressure often results in peoplecutting corners when it comes to traffic rules, right of way, use of pedestrianfacilities, and so forth.
–Indoor air quality. The rise of serviceindustries over the past century has led to many people spending most of theirworking time indoors. These jobs are often very desirable because of their highsalaries compared to the older style of work, but the ventilation systemsrequired (particularly in high-rise buildings) have their own issues. The airoften comes from outside, and its content may be uncertain or variable;additionally, uneven circulation and temperature issues can result in sometimesserious discomfort.
Your final assessment item for this unit is to prepare a photovoice illustrating the system behind a public health issue of your choice. Your photovoice should:
• explain how these elements and relationships impact upon public health outcomes
referencing in Harvard style
My topic is: Disease transmission on public transport .
I need A++ quality work please no plagiarism .
i attached Grade Rubric criteria please check it carefully.
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