nursing theory discussion question response

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#1Theory of Integral is a theory developed by Barbara Dossey in 2008which she built on the work of Wilbler (Dinapolis & Tracy, 2012)This theory helps clinicians in implementing interventions focusing onhealing, holistic and relationship centered approach (Dinapolis &Tracy, 2012). The benefits of applying the integral theory into practiceis that the patient will recognize that the nurse is providingindividualized care. The nurse builds a caring relationship with thepatient which will help the delivery of holistic care. For instance, thenurse has to be able to acknowledge the clients experience andencourage him to disclose openly his feelings which requires a trustingrelationship. This will open the door to educating the client.

Theory of Integral can be difficult because caregivers must spend timeon self- assessment and self-healing in order to be prepared to engageclients fully in the delivery of holistic care (Dinapolis & Tracy,2012). The article explains the benefits of implementing the theory ofintegral and what it encompasses in detail, which helps the readerunderstand it. The article should include research done on theimplementation of theory and how it has changed the clinical practice.

Theory of integral is most related to essential VIII (Clinicalprevention and population health for improving health) because thisfocuses on care and services that are responsive to the emotional andspiritual needs of the patient. Theory of integral is a holisticapproach which helps the client to be centered for the body, mind andspirit to work synergistically to improve health (Dinapolis & Tracy,2012). Essential IX: Master- Level nursing practice is also relatedbecause as masters- level nurses we possess a great understanding oftheory and focus on individualized care (AACN. 2017).

Please respond to this post in 150 words with one reference

#2The Theory of Integral Nursing highlights 3 major elements affectingthe implementation of concept in to the medical training. All thoseelements are inadequate concept knowledge, inadequate managementassistance to motivate the improvement of theory based interventions,and the hectic task oriented weather of countless nursingconfigurations. Among the strengths of this post is the fact that(Dinapoli and Tracey, 2008) explains various methods which may beutilized by nursing staff as well as medical providers to enhance paincontrol interventions such as for instance effective listening, publiclytalking with the individuals about the pain experience of theirs,getting them in the plan of theirs of care, and also show nurturing aswell as developing loyalty. One more benefit of the principle is thefact that provides nurses the chance to act on the desire of theirs toproduce a therapeutic environment for customers with the synthesis aswell as application of knowledge rooted in quadrant and metaparadigmaticrealities. On the flip side you will find many weakness which interferewith converting the essential theory ideas into training. For instancelots of nurses keep on describing obstacles which impede the managementof the client ‘s pain; the absence of use of the principle to training,bad time management as well as inadequate establishment of nurse clientrapport.

Among the Essentials which I might connect with thiscontent is Quality Safety and Improvement, that claims that nursesshould be attentive and accurate to the performance requirements andsteps, equipment, and strategies regarding quality. Quality improvementis a consistent process which encompasses all organizational levels asthe major goal of its is improving patient outcomes. To be able to offerquality care, we the nursing staff are accountable for executing aprecise assessment of the issue to find the demand for improvement.Another MSN Crucial that I am able to connect with this content isimportant VIII. This Essential tells about clinical prevention andpopulation health for enhancing overall health. It says that nurses arerequired to use as well as incorporate culturally proper, clientcentered, organizational, along with wide ideas analysis, delivery,management, and preparation of public services as well as proper care ofindividuals and families.

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