Need your opinion

Question Description

Read each part and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree with it


  1. Identify the most important concepts, skills, or insights you gained from your learning throughout your Capella journey, based on Competencies 1โ€“5.

I believe in Competency 1-5 I have gained a better understanding of the concepts, skills, and insights when it pertains to criminal justice rights and wrong ways of completing tasks and assignments. The most understandable concept is that no matter which type of field whether it’s within criminal justice or another field there will be rights and wrongs of how things are to be done. It will depend on the thinking and working progress of individuals. The most understandable skill would include communication if there is no communication within groups or members of a community then many individuals will tend to find justice on their own no matter if the officials agree or disagree with the result. The most understandable insight is that members and officials should work together no matter the similarities and differences of what is important such as safety and protection.

  1. Explain how you will use those concepts, skills, or insights in your current or future career.

To future my career I would broaden and choose certain concepts, and skills that will further my career such as make sure that every individual has a say on matter or issues that can make the community better.

  1. Express how the capstone course has changed your perspectives in a criminal justice career context.

It hasn’t changed much at the beginning of the course I was able to understand from a perspective that criminal justice is not only a field of study. It was more that those who were in the field needed to get a wider perspective and narrow their choices down. In which everything and anything is and can be a two-way street, and that a result can have a more than one result. Although the course is coming to an end, it has given me a more narrowed path that choosing a career should not only be life changing, and which it should give others the chance to express themselves as a person that everyone can work together.


Identify the most important concepts, skills, or insights you gained from your learning throughout your Capella journey, based on Competencies 1โ€“5.

  • I think the most important thing I learned throughout this course was the fact that the depth of what it takes to be a good leader is extremely deep. It’s not just as simple as telling people what to do. It takes much more than that – ethics, conflict resolution techniques, professional communication skills, etc. There is a finesse to being a good leader and not everyone has that. You have to be driven, have good people skills, and be willing to learn and do what it takes to achieve your goals. Research is required to evaluate your successes and find solutions to your problems.

Explain how you will use those concepts, skills, or insights in your current or future career.

  • The skills I have learned throughout this course will be extremely beneficial for me as a juvenile rehabilitation counselor. I will be instilling leadership skills in juvenile delinquents in order to ensure they live a crime free life. I will be able to teach juvenile delinquents conflict resolution techniques and communication skills that will help in all facets of their lives. I will be counseling them in life in general, so I will need as much help as I can get with learning leadership skills. I can teach these kids good ethics and morals that will help in all aspects of life as well. I can teach them research skills that will help them in school.

Express how the capstone course has changed your perspectives in a criminal justice career context.

  • This course has shown me how much work it takes to be a leader. I have a lot more respect for leaders I have encountered. It has shown me how dedicated a leader has to be to be successful. It has shown me that a leaders role is important to any company or organization, especially in a criminal justice context. This course has also shown me how versatile and flexible a leader must be. They must be ready for anything and be open to anything. Like I said earlier, being a leader is not as simple as telling people what to do. There is a lot more to being a leader than most people realize.

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