Lab summary for physics (Pendulum)


Structure and Rubric

Title Area & Abstract

Title Area: Identifies Experiment Topic, Author, Lab Partners, Course-Section, Instructor, Institution Affiliation, Date. 

Abstract: Summarize the overall paper in 8 sentences or less. State purpose/objective of your work or what research problem was investigated, the overall design and process of your experiment, the major findings and results of your analysis including primary numerical values, and conclusions from your study.

Statement of Purpose – In 4 sentences or less, define the goal or objective of the experiment(s). Define scope of work.

  • Experimental Methods – In 300 words or less, briefly describe how the experiment(s) was performed. Describe equipment and materials used to perform experiment. Describes methods to operate equipment. Identifies critical procedural steps needed to replicate experiment (setup, alignment, calibration, things to avoid, etc.). Defines variables to be directly measured and how they were measured. State any assumptions made related to materials. Does not repeat/copy lab manual instructions. 

Results – The bulk of your Lab Summary. To include any Results, Analysis, or Discussion mentioned in the Experiment Manual. Also include any graphs/plots and data tables asked to produce.

Analysis of Data – Describe the data analysis and mathematical processes used to manipulate your direct measurements into final results. State any assumptions made related to math or physics theory. Examples: multiple trials averaged together, used Excel, Matlab, or Pasco Capstone for analysis, data removed or excluded and why, negative values are ignored for physical reasons.

  • Graphical Analysis – Includes Plots/Graphs as asked for in Experiment Manual. Displays data graphically in a clear and logical way. Formats data appropriately in graphs. Formats plots so axes labels, values, units, data points, error bars are easily readable. Gives additional context to graphed data through insightful labels and captions. Demonstrates understanding of graphical analysis technique used (curve fits, outlier data points, trendlines, etc.)

Summary of Experimental Results – Gives principle numerical results of experiment, as well as their uncertainties. Compares numerical results to expected/reference values and/or theoretical predictions by the process discussed in the Experiment Manual (Discrepancy, % Difference, etc.). Interpret if results support physics theory and expectations. Interprets if results are successful, unsuccessful, or inconclusive with respect to Statement of Purpose. Review any assumptions made which now seem invalid or possibly inappropriate.

  • Conclusions – Take away thoughts of the work you did. What likely impacted your results, and what could be done to improve the work.

Discussion of Uncertainties – Identify at least 3 likely sources of uncertainty that you believe affected your results in a non-trivial way. Be specific in the source, what was affected, and how it was affected (+bias, -bias, or +-random, etc.). Discuss how significant you think each source of uncertainty is (does one have a greater effect than others, does one have a small effect, etc.).

  • Thoughts for Improvement – Thinking back on how you conducted the experiment and analysis, would you perform it the same or would you do something different? Is there other equipment you would want to try or use? Suggest at least 2 practical, non-trivialimprovements you would make. Describe why you think this would improve the experiment and better meet its objectives.

Attribution to Reference Sources – Clearly indicates what information (text, images, values, formulas) is obtained from a reference. At least 1 reference source is clearly used. Citations within report body to reference listings. Bibliography of References List given, formatted correctly. Examples of references include Lab Manual, websites, textbooks, articles, blogs.

  • Data, Formatting, Other – Things not tied to any specific section or area of the Lab Summary.

Data & Data Tables – Displays data in labelled tables clearly and logically. Formats data with correct and uniform decimal precision, significant figures, units. Gives context to data through appropriate use of labels, captions. Gives numerical uncertainties for values.

Overall Formatting – General formatting guidelines are appropriately followed: title area with single column abstract, 2-column report body, additional supporting material contained in labeled Appendix. Text is readable. Figures/Tables appropriately sized, positioned.

  • Optional Appendices – Any supporting information and documentation you wish to include (or larger versions of graphs and figures) should appear at the end of your Lab Summary in one or more labelled Appendix.

Important instructions:
Lab Summary – Follow the same 2-column format, general guidelines . However, do not include a distinct Theory section or Background/Introduction section; it is not required to include a Calculations Appendix. See expectations below for how to structure a Lab Summary and reference the grading Rubric attached to this assignment. To know what specific content to report on, be sure to follow the instructions in the Experiment Manual for this experiment.You must include all relevant data you recorded in some format as well as any results (graphs, tables, etc.) you were told to produce. “In some format” should be interpreted at your discretion.

For Example, Large dataset graphed: If hundreds of data points were taken, placed in a table, and then used to make a plot it makes most sense to include the final plot which is representative of the data. Say you measured the velocity of an object at a sample rate of 60 Hz (every 0.017 seconds) for one minute. For this large of a dataset, the plot would be the easiest way to show and understand the data. You would not need to then also show the huge data table of 3600 data points.

  • For Example, Small Number of Trials/Runs in a Summarized Data Table: Say you repeat an experiment 5 times and measure 3 variables (mass, velocity, moment of inertia) and calculate 2 results (momentum, kinetic energy) for each trial. It makes most sense to summarize all these numerical values in one or two small tables rather than writing out a bunch of boring, repetitive sentences. You could choose to make one table of 5 rows and 5 columns for all the data, or two tables (one of just the measurements 5×3, and just the calculated results 5×2).

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