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Question Description


In this unit, we discussed the creation of body paragraphs for your research paper. You should have a good idea of what your revised thesis statement will look like, the points that you want to include, and the evidence you will use to support those points.

Let’s take just a moment and think about the process so far. Feel free to use this writing as a reflection upon what you have experienced so far in the course. You might want to consider some of the questions below, but you are not required to answer them. Remember, as always, that this discussion should be a positive and constructive experience for everyone. The idea is that you reflect upon the process so that you understand it, understand yourself as a new student writer, and understand the challenges and successes you experience.

What do you think is your strongest point? What do you think is your weakest? Do you think the scope of your project is narrowed down efficiently? How are you feeling about the process? What do you think about the structure of the body paragraphs? Does the structure seem too restrictive or helpful and guiding? Looking back on some of the materials that you have read, can you see the structures that we have discussed in the course so far? Do you see differences between academic and public sources in terms of how the paragraphs are constructed?

I have to comment on my classmates discussion board question this is what they wrote:

I do think the scope of my project thus far is narrowed down sufficiently. The events of 9/11 was such a broad topic, but narrowing it down to governmental failure/involvement has lessened the information load. I feel good thus far about the progress I have made, especially in regards to the body of the paper itself. This aspect of it is easier for me, because it is less prep-work and more hands on displaying of facts. I think the structure is very guiding, it is sometimes easier for me to do the paper all at once though, and not break it down into small chunks. I do see the difference between academic and public sources, ebecause the majority of the academic sources I have found have abstracts and multiple resources listed; whereas public sources are no where near as broken down, and have lack of sources/evidence listed. The one thing that I have learned from this paper is a better understanding of how to find credible sources, and how useful the library and librarians can be! I have also found the importance of scholarly sources, because regular news sources are just too opinionated and biased.

UNIT VII Discussion Board Question EH 1020 (VZC)

In this unit, we have taken a closer look at writing as a craft. We have revisited the writing process and methods for invention, we have examined informal logical fallacies, and we have discussed paragraph cohesion.

For this writing, think about your past experiences with writing (which may include the experiences you have had in this course). What advice about writing did you find most helpful? Why? Please explain the context that led to this advice. You may also tell more than one story about your writing experiences.

The objective of your discussion is to consider the advice of other writers and how we can always improve our writing by listening to others. Further, you are sharing that advice with your reader by reflecting upon the experience.

Remember, as always, that this writing should be a positive and constructive experience for everyone. The idea is that you reflect upon the process so that you understand it, understand yourself as a new student writer, and understand the challenges and successes you experience.



  • Imagine yourself in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1840 where either you or a close family member works as a factory girl in the textile mill. Discuss what you (or your close family member) experience and see. Consider how technology has made the town distinct and if women affiliated with the mill were treated better or worse in society than their peers elsewhere.

    Your response must be 200 words in length


What do you think was the greater appeal of the American colonies for migrants: freedom of religion or economic opportunity? Why?

Discuss how the religious and social issues of Europe helped to define and segregate the early American colonies.

Your response must be 200 words in length.


I have to comment on my classmates discussion board question this is what they wrote

This is the mural I picked. It is called “Putnam Treasures”, and displays images of the natural beauty in the community. I picked this mural because it has images of things that are important to the community, such as wildlife, nature, and our animals having a peaceful environment. This mural is similar to the murals in the textbook because they also display images of how things work within their community and show what is important to them. For example, the people that worked in the factory were grateful to have a source of income and it was their way of life. That relates to the mural I picked because the people in our community are grateful to have undisturbed wildlife and respect nature.


How do you respond to color in everyday life? Do you think our response to color in art is the same or different? What is the effect of color on our moods, actions, and health?

I have to comment on my classmates discussion board question this is what they wrote

I know color affects my mood. I am much more alert and in a better mood on a bright sunny day than a day when it is raining. On a rainy day I am tired all day and sometimes just generally do not feel well. I can see that same change when I view art. I like bright colored art much better than the darker gloomier art. Just in everyday life I enjoy seeing brighter bolder colors. I am not that fond of the color red because at my fire department when we get calls, it activates red lighting to alert us at night time. Being woken up by red light has really turned me off to the color red. When we had a new fire station built the ceiling of the apparatus bay was painted a light blue. We were told by the contractors that bugs do not like that color and it would cut down on having that issue in the bay. Oddly we really do not have a bug issue in the bay, but have a lot of spiders, so I am really not convinced by the blue ceiling.



  • Which work makes use of light as a medium?

Jennifer Bartlett’s Trio

Keith Sonnier’s Motordom

Keith Haring’sMonkey Puzzle

Meret Oppenheim’s Object (Breakfast in Fur)

12 points


  • Architects are primarily concerned with qualities of:





12 points


  • Figure-ground reversal can best be seen in:

Shen Zhou’s Poet on a Mountaintop.

Kiki Smith’s Ginzer.

Lee Friedlander’s Bismarck, North Dakota.

M.C. Escher’s Sky and Water I.

12 points


  • In art, the term value refers to the:

lightness and darkness of surfaces.

brightness and dullness of surfaces.

foreground and background.

quality of lines and shapes.

12 points


  • Rosa Bonheur used __________ in several places in her painting Harvest Season to suggest their roundness and bulk.


aerial perspective


mixed media


  • Match the question or statement on the left with the corresponding word or phrase on the right.

Which is an example of cool colors?

Which is an example of warm colors?

Which are the pigment primary colors?

Which are the pigment secondary colors?

What is implied when an object is placed over another object?

Which technique uses a vanishing point to establish distance?

Which technique uses color and value to establish distance?

What determines the color we see?


Atmospheric perspective


Linear perspective


Red-orange, green, blue-violet


Depth or distance


A painting of a sunset


Reflected light


Blue, red, and yellow


A painting of a sea shore


Green, orange, and purple

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