How does quantitative research apply to nursing.

Question Description

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

Use the following guide in writing the critique:

1. Statement of the Problem/Purpose
 Is the problem/purpose clearly stated?
 Is it easy to identify and locate?
 Is it significant to nursing?
2. Review of Literature
 Is it recent? Five years or newer?
 Were primary sources of authorities or experts used?
 Is it relevant to the stated problem?
 Does it provide a solid basis for the study?
3. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
 Is there a theoretical or conceptual framework, rationale, and/or map, and (if so) is it appropriate? If not, is the absence of
one justified?
 Are key concepts adequately defined conceptually?
4. Hypothesis(es) or research question(s)
 Are research questions and/or hypotheses explicitly stated? If not, is their absence justified?
 Are they adequately stated with clear specification of key variables and the study population?
 Are they placed in the contexts of a theoretical or conceptual framework?
5. Research Method(s)
 Were appropriate procedures used to safeguard the rights of study participants? Was the study subject to external review by
an IRB/ethics review board?
 Was study designed to minimize risk?
6. Research Design
 Does the approach fit the purpose and hypothesis (es)?
 Was the most rigorous possible design used, given the purpose of the research?
 Was the number of data collection points appropriate?
 Did the design minimize biases and threats to internal construct, and external validity of the study?
7. Population and Sample
 Was the population properly identified and described? Was the sample described in sufficient detail?
 Was the best possible sampling design used to enhance the sample’s representativeness? Were sample biases minimized?
 Was the sample size adequate? Was a power analysis used to estimate sample size needs?
8. Data Collection and Measurement
 Are the operational and conceptual definitions congruent?
 Were key variables operationalized using the best possible method and with adequate justification?
 Are instruments objective? Reliable? Valid?
 Were data collected in a manner that minimized bias? Were the staff that collected data appropriately trained?
9. Data Analysis
 Were appropriate statistical methods used, given the level of measurement of the variables, number of groups being
 Is a thorough descriptive analysis given?
 Were Type 1 and Type II errors avoided or minimized?
10. Presentation of Findings/Implications
 Are all hypotheses discussed with findings adequately summarized, with appropriate use of tables and figures?
 Are findings reported in a manner that facilitates a meta-analysis and with sufficient information needed for evidence based
 Were the recommendations for clinical practice and further research reasonable and complete?
 Are limitations presented and adequate?

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