Generation kill: A conversation with Stanley McChystal

Question Description

September 2019

Week 7 Case Study: Generation Kill: A Conversation With Stanley McChrystal

  • DueOct 20 by11:59pm
  • Points100
  • Submittinga file upload

Accordingto, “Stanley A. McChrystal led the Joint SpecialOperations Command in Iraq during the Persian Gulf Wars and was topCommander of American forces in Afghanistan” (“Stanley McChrystalBiography,” n.d.). In the following interview, he describes thechallenges of fighting terrorist/insurgent forces in Iraq andAfghanistan.

Address the following in a case study analysis:

  • According to McChrystal, how did the battle against terroristorganizations/insurgencies change after 9/11 and from what factors dothey draw their strength?
  • What technological methods are used in Afghanistan and Iraq and howhave they been used tactically (i.e., what goals are they used toachieve)?
  • Have they been successful?
  • What is the risk of using technological capabilities against terrorists?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


Stanley McChrystal Biography. (n.d.). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)


Case Study Grading Rubric – 100 pts

Case Study Grading Rubric – 100 pts




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength

5.0ptsMeets length requirement

0.0ptsDoes not meet length requirement

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

10.0ptsPaper addresses all aspects of the assignment.

8.5ptsPaper addresses most aspects of the assignment.

7.5ptsPaper addresses some aspects of the assignment.

6.0ptsPaper addresses few aspects of the assignment.

0.0ptsNo effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

25.0ptsThroughout the whole work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

22.0ptsThroughout most of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

19.0ptsThroughout some of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

15.0ptsThroughout little of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.

0.0ptsNo effort

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport

20.0ptsThroughoutthe whole work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasiveexamples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

17.0ptsThroughoutmost of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasiveexamples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

15.0ptsThroughoutsome of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasiveexamples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

12.0ptsThroughoutlittle of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasiveexamples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.

0.0ptsNo effort

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, and Style

20.0ptsThroughoutthe whole work, the text is free of major errors in grammar, spelling,and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.

17.0ptsThroughoutmost of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar,spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentencevariety.

15.0ptsThroughoutsome of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar,spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentencevariety.

12.0ptsThroughoutlittle of the work, the text is free of major errors in grammar,spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentencevariety.

0.0ptsNo effort

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Citation and Reference Formatting

10.0ptsThroughoutthe whole work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;references page includes complete bibliographic information for sourcesusing APA style.

8.5ptsThroughoutmost of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;references page includes complete bibliographic information for sourcesusing APA style.

7.5ptsThroughoutsome of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;references page includes complete bibliographic information for sourcesusing APA style.

6.0ptsThroughoutlittle of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style;references page includes complete bibliographic information for sourcesusing APA style.

0.0ptsNo effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Title Page & References Page

5.0ptsPaper includes both title page and references page.

2.5ptsPaper includes either a title page or references page.

0.0ptsPaper does not include a title page or references page.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrimary Source Reference

5.0ptsPaper includes reference to the primary source provided within the case study.

0.0ptsPaper does not make reference to the primary source provided within the case study.

5.0 pts

Total Points:100.0

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