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Patient-centered care


Quality and safety nursing competencies (QSEN) faculty have designed a set of competencies to be imparted into newer nursing graduates. Patience centered care is one of the six main components that need be taught to new nursing students in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) program.The nurses are hence adequately prepared to work under an approved orthodox and ethics codes as they are to be instrumental towards t improving quality and safety in the health care system (Ironside & Sitterding, 2009). Patients Care can be enhanced through effective management of care. Care coordination also acts as a supportive pillar in ensuring that effective care is established as a clinical routine. This paper, therefore, takes a look at what both management of care and care coordination entails.

Effective management of care

The main aim of care management is to enhance improvement in care for patients. It, in addition, eases the delivery of quality health services. On this note, therefore, it becomes easier to avail the necessary medical supplements to patients. The caregivers are also supplied with optimal skills to take enough care for patients under their attention. Chronic illnesses vitally need constant attention. As a result, therefore, a timely provision of health attention to patients under such conditions serves to enhance care management. Nurses and caregivers can hence, not evade accountability. Effective care management hence comes in to serve the purpose

Care coordination

Care coordination is auxiliary support to care management. It ensures that optimal care is provided to patients within the required scope. As a result, therefore, service delivery stems from the highest pinnacles of the health sector. Proper management of resources is followed up till they reach the patients in question. Accountability is an essential aspect in that case. It hence diminishes chances of spillages that can lead to violation of QSEN program principles. Care coordination has various components.

One of the main factors that hinder quality services delivery in the health sector is the payment process. It is such circumstances that make the bureaucratic process leading to untimely services. As a result, the QSEN program has emphasized the application of electronic means of payment (Mansfield & Burke, 2018). The payment transactions are instantly recorded in the health facilities system. In a different case, the insurance services are automatically prompted to the health facility systems. The process is hence simplified since the number of parties involved is reduced. Health specialist is also offered adequate time to deliver medical services in preference to following up on payment records.

It is moreover the aim of QSEN to cultivate and maintain a culture of care management. The health department shall, therefore, bear it in their every day to day operation. In such a case, therefore, every stakeholder shall make every effort to adhere to the underlying principles. The patients shall also develop confidence in the health sector. Nurses shall also be adequately trained in providing constant care thereof. It is encouraged that the health personnel’s should create rapport with their patients. The openness enhances patients expounding on their problems. Health service delivery, therefore, becomes simplified.Organizations are mostly faced with internal conflicts. QSEN, however, emphasizes on creation of good relations from top to bottom. Attention shall hence be driven to service delivery other than solving conflicts.


QSEN program is established to improve care to patients in the health sector. As a result, a six principles program is set to be instilled in newer nursing graduates. One of the main principles is care management. It has two main components: care coordination and care management. Care management functions to ensure that both constant and timely attention is given to patients. Care coordination, on the other hand, monitors the process of care management. It creates a simplified process of service delivery while reducing conflicts between health professionals and patients.


Ironside, P. M., & Sitterding, M. (2009). Embedding Quality and Safety Competencies in Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(12), 659-660.

Mansfield, J. A., Scheurer, D., & Burke, K. (2018). The Future Role of the Registered Nurse in Patient Safety and Quality. Introduction to Qual

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