Discussion post 7


Please write a one paragraph response to each person (1. Lyndsay, 2. Ripsime, 3. Cristina, 4. Julie) (include in-text citations and references).

1. Lyndsay 

“Fennimore (2024) discusses career planning after the pandemic. The article went through how school changed during the pandemic to an online format. The students were to study certain materials beforehand then during class there was a general discussion and then the instructor could to breakout rooms for groups of students to discuss different materials.

Romano et al. (2024) discusses collaboration in teaching between nursing and physical therapy. The students learned more when PT educators participated in classroom discussions. “Analysis of written responses revealed five themes: appreciation of an outside expert perspective, enhanced self-efficacy with patient mobility skills, opportunity for interprofessional collaboration, satisfaction with the learning experience, and conflicting information” (Romano, 2024).

Legge et al. (2023) discusses the sue of virtual simulation to prepare for the NCLEX. 86 students enrolled in a foundation nursing course where simulation would replace clinicals.


Fennimore, L., (2024). Introducing APRN Roles to First-Year Nursing Students: Pandemic and Beyond. Journal of Nursing Education, 63(2):135–136. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20231205-09Links to an external site.

Legge, T., Holthaus, A., Hallmark, B., Allexander, K., (2023). Preparing for the Next Generation NCLEX Using a Virtual Simulation. Journal of Nursing Education, 2023;0(0):1–5, https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20230713-01

Romano, D., Collier, R., Komor, T., Sprague, L., (2024). Exploring Interprofessional Collaboration in Teaching Between Nursing and Physical Therapy. Journal of Nursing Education, 2024;0(0):1–3. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20240130-03

2. Ripsime,

“The Journal of Nursing Education typically focuses on issues related to nursing education, including innovative teaching strategies, curriculum development, and assessment methods. One nursing journal that I read was on the topic of clinical stress and clinical performance in pre-licensure nursing students. The journal discussed how stress levels in pre-licensure nursing students affect their clinical performance, including factors such as patient care, decision-making, and communication skills. The journal mentioned investigating interventions and support systems implemented to decrease clinical stress and enhance performance. This includes mentorship programs or stress management workshops (Welch, S., 2023).

Another journal that I read was on the topic of the value of peer mentorship as an educational strategy in nursing. The journal investigated how peer mentorship contributes to the academic and clinical success of nursing students. This may include improvements in academic performance, clinical skills acquisition, and overall satisfaction with the educational experience. It also discussed exploring how peer mentorship aids in the transition from student to practicing nurse. Topics may include the development of confidence, competence, and the ability to navigate the complexities of the professional nursing role (Anderson, T., 2019). 


Anderson, T. (2019, March 22). Daily Medical News, free CME and clinical guidance. Journal of Nursing Education. https://journals.healio.com/doi/10.3928/01484834-2…

Welch, S. (2023, January 1). Clinical Stress and Clinical Performance in Prelicensure Nursing Students: A Systematic Review. Journal of Nursing Education. https://journals.healio.com/doi/10.3928/01484834-2…

3. Cristina,

“In the realm of healthcare, it’s essential to grasp the differences between protocols, standards of care delivery, and policies across practice, state, and federal levels.

Protocols are detailed plans guiding clinical procedures, ensuring consistency in patient care within institutions.

Standards of care delivery set benchmarks for acceptable performance, safeguarding patient interests and upholding system integrity.

Policies are broader rules governing healthcare aspects, established by government bodies or professional organizations to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Considering stakeholder perspectives, providers often express frustration with administrative burdens imposed by policies, as noted in “Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care” (J., M. D., B, G. D., Freida, H. O., & T., O. E.,2015).

This perception underscores the need for policymakers to streamline administrative processes, enabling providers to focus more on patient care, ultimately enhancing the quality of healthcare delivery.


Austin, A., & Wetle, V. (2016). The United States Health Care System: Combining Business, Health, and Delivery (3rd ed.). Pearson Education (US). https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780134297927Links to an external site.

J., M. D., B, G. D., Freida, H. O., & T., O. E. (2015). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care (7th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences (US). https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780323241441Links to an external site.

4. Julie,

Protocol in healthcare is as simple as certain guidelines that are followed in a certain setting within the healthcare system. An example of that would be protocols that are followed when performing a surgery or administering a heparin drip. Protocols help outline the behavior towards certain administrations as well as creates a framework for consistency and reference.

Standard of care delivery is the expertise or lack of in skill set of a healthcare provider. It is the measure of competency of a provider at a level of training. This is important because it creates an expectation and a baseline for the quality of care that should be given and the basis of the capability of the one who is giving the care. 

Policies are principles of action that are proposed or implemented by the government or a healthcare organization. Poliocioes in healthcare be at the practice, state, or federal level and they are important in determining the quality of care and eligibility for the services and the standards of care in the healthcare services.


Patients often perceive health care as deceptive. They feel that they are made to be dependent not he health care system due to lack of knowledge or clear understanding and in turn the healthcare system takes advantage of the dependency by deceiving them. Mostly it is believed the deception is to continue to to take the patients money and to keep them in an ill state so that the patient always needs the healthcare system. 

Payers such as insurance companies, grants, government programs, etc have often perceived that the healthcare system is not tight enough and allows room for a lot of fraudulence. Payers can also collide with the perspective of patients because patients can also be payers if they are without financial assistance. They too feel that their is fraudulence and not enough protection. Also that the healthcare system overcharges in comparison to other nations. They feel that because there is a need the healthcare system takes advantage and operates from a place of greed.  

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