CS 320 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Question Description
CS 320 Milestone Two Guidelines and RubricOverview: In this milestone, you have the opportunity to practice and receive feedback on the summary section of your final project. The following prompt is amore specific list of the same essential questions that you will need to address in your final submission but with added details and supporting information toassist you in successfully meeting the requirements.Prompt: Describe your experience developing and writing JUnit tests for each of the three features by addressing each of the following questions: How many JUnit tests did you create for each of the features (i.e., Doctor Information Feature, Medical Records Feature, and Allergy Find Feature) andwhy? In other words, what was your level of testing for each of the features? Explain your reasoning based on the best practices you have learned in thecourse. How did you organize your tests for each of the features? For example, did you group any of your tests into test suites for any of the features? Why orwhy not? Explain your reasoning based on the best practices you have learned in the course. Did you address all the software requirements? Describe how you met each of the requirements from the test plan (listed below).○ Doctor Information Feature Requirement: The system shall allow the user to log in and add a doctor to the list of doctors. Doctors’ names donot have to be unique, but doctors’ IDs should be unique.○ Medical Records Feature Requirement: The system shall allow the user to add a medical record to a patient.i. Add a patient.ii. Add a medical record with treatments, medications, and allergies.o When you create a medical record, it is necessary to create a patient history, which will contain 1 to many treatments, 1 to manymedications, and 1 to many allergies. Medications cannot be assigned to a patient history unless there has been a treatmentfirst.○ Allergy Find Feature Requirement: The system shall allow the user to search for allergies and print all patients with allergies. How did you ensure that your code was technically sound and efficient? Include screenshots of your code demonstrating that it is the following:○ Syntactically accurate (style and syntax)○ Logical (how well your program satisfies the requirements of the assignment)○ Concise (how thoroughly you have tested your own code)○ Modular (how you organized your tests) Defend the effectiveness of your tests by answering the following final questions:○ Did you find at least five errors? How many did you find in total?○ What were the errors?RubricGuidelines for Submission: Milestone Two should be 2 pages in length with double spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font. Any citations should be in APAformat.Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) ValueLevel of Testing Defends the level of testing for each of thefeatures using specific examples of testingbest practices discussed in the courseDefends the level of testing, but fails to fullyor appropriately explain the level usingspecific examples of testing best practicesdiscussed in the courseDoes not defend the level of testing for eachof the features13OrganizationalApproachDefends the organization of tests for each ofthe features using specific examples oftesting best practices discussed in the courseDefends the organization of tests, but fails tofully or appropriately explain the level usingspecific examples of testing best practicesdiscussed in the courseDoes not defend the organization of tests foreach of the features13Alignment to DoctorInformation FeatureRequirementDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement withspecific examplesDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement, butfails to fully or logically explain using specificexamplesDoes not defend the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement7Alignment toMedical RecordsFeatureRequirementDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement withspecific examplesDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement, butfails to fully or logically explain using specificexamplesDoes not defend the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement7Alignment to AllergyFinder FeatureRequirementDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement withspecific examplesDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement, butfails to fully or logically explain using specificexamplesDoes not defend the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement7SyntacticallyAccurate CodeDefends the accuracy of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the accuracy of the code, but failsto fully or logically defend with specificevidence and appropriate screenshotsDoes not discuss the accuracy of the code 7Logical Code Defends the functional logic of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the functional logic of the code,but fails to fully or logically defend withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDoes not discuss the functional logic of thecode7Concise Code Defends the conciseness of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the conciseness of the code, butfails to fully or logically defend with specificevidence and appropriate screenshotsDoes not discuss the conciseness of the code 7Modular Code Defends the modularity of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the modularity of the code, butfails to fully or logically defend with specificevidence and appropriate screenshotsDoes not discuss the modularity of the code 7Effective Tests Defends the effectiveness of the tests byciting at least five identified errors anddescribing the nature of eachDefends the effectiveness of the tests, butfails to cite at least five identified errors anddescribe the nature of eachDoes not defend the effectiveness of thetests20Articulation ofResponseSubmission has no major errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganizationSubmission has major errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization that negatively impactreadability and articulation of main ideasSubmission has critical errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization that prevent understanding ofideas5Total 100%
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