Design a project management problem

Question Description

Think of a project you would like to manage, or describe a project you’ve been tasked with managing. Ultimately you will be developing a PEP (Project Execution Plan) and its context and expectations – essentially you will be developing a business case for your project and its implementation.

I have designed a project about developing a full-featured file management software to replace manual file management. I have completed question1-3, please complete the question 4-6 in the word document.

Analyze the impact food-borne illnesses, genetic engineering and the organic food movements have on the global food markets.

Question Description

Choose a topic from the list below to investigate further. Write a 2–3 page paper (APA format) on this topic and include a separate reference page. You may also submit a topic related to globalization to your instructor for approval.

Explain how food choices around the world have changed because of fast food globalization. Describe at least 3 specific risks and 3 specific benefits associated with the expansion of the fast food industry to foreign food markets.

ask a ques and explain it with details on a reading about Contemporary American Indian arts

Question Description

This week I would like you to post any question (or questions) you have about ideas/issues/artists that are covering this week (in readings or lectures), being as clear as you can be with your questions. This may mean that your explain your question, and why you are posing the question, in a short (4-5 sentences) paragraph.

you can choose one reading, dont have to read both. Dont answer the ques you ask, just explain why you ask the question

Complete 2 short discussion posts (GOODMAN)

Question Description



Go to the Baldrige website , and find the links to award winners.

Review some of their application summaries and summarize the types of performance measures that these companies use.


Future of Public Relations

Choose and respond to one of the following:

Question A

What changes do you predict in public relations practice in the near future in your country? In the world?

Question B

How can student prepare for public relations practice in the future when the future is difficult to predict?

Write a substantive 1500 word Word Doc comparison of the three methodologies. Also, write a 500 word description of which of the three would be most successful at your company and why.

Question Description

Methodology Comparison

Write a substantive 1500 word Word Doc comparison of the three methodologies below using at least 3 tables with each table comparing the three methodologies in one or more domain.

DAD – Disciplined Agile Delivery

SAFE – Scaled Agile Framework

Scrum – Class Notes, Lectures,

Include roles, processes, artifacts, benefits, complexity, usage, tools, and other domains you choose.

Also, write a 500 word description of which of the three would be most successful at your company and why.

Shalem ISI – I need a case study on the below topic

Question Description

Read the Case Study and answer the “Discussion Points” in a clear but concise way. Be sure to reference all sources cited and use APA formatting throughout.

I prefer you to upload your file in a .docx format – but if you don’t have MS Word- please convert the file to PDF and upload.

I have attached the case study. Please go through it and answer the discussion points

500 words min, APA format and refernces are important. More than one

please see requirements

Question Description



And refer the e text and power point for the topic Non disjunction from the chapter Cell Inheritance (WEEK -4) and discuss about nondisjunction with the help of any genetic disorder resulting from trisomy or monosomy as an example .

You can also include a Punnet square to show the cross.

150 words

1 reference

no need for punnet square

Watch each of the videos below on the Internet. Using the videos as sources, write a 2-page essay on:

Question Description

Watch each of the videos below on the Internet. Using the videos as sources, write a 2-page essay on:

Description of the Internet and a brief history of the Internet.

What did you learn about the Internet? What was new to you?

Do you think internet access is a human right?

Any other thoughts?

What is the Internet Really?

The History of the Internet

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


Question Description

You will interview a working person about

▪ the ethical issues that person encounters at work or sees others encounter

▪ how those issues are resolved

▪ whether your subject believes the issues are handled fairly for all concerned

Write an interview description plus your comments about how this issue relates to one of the lectures from this semester should total 500 to 750 words. Don’t use the interviewee’s last name or the name of their employer.

Lectures are the files attached below.

Hussain info tech – I need a reflection paper on the below topic

Question Description

Use the Idea you submitted earlier to write a research paper that simulates Chapter 2 of the dissertation process.

Here are the requirements:

  • It should provide research that corresponds with the dissertation idea.
  • It should be at least 15 pages.
  • It should follow the formatting from the dissertation guide.
  • Make sure that you cite all resources (APA style)

I have attached the paper which I wrote earlier, Please use that idea to write this reflection paper.

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