business report about adidas company

Question Description

This assignment represents the culmination of all your work on this module having undertaken anenvironmental audit in CW1. You have studied the strategic options available to the business. You arenow required to independently evaluate the existing strategy of the business and makerecommendations to the Board of Directors as to the future development of the business’ strategy. Youare expected to use the same company you analysed in CW1. Your evaluation and recommendationsshould be presented as a 2,500 word Management Report.

How can Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. reduce the use of plastics in the U.S?

Question Description

Topic Question: How can Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. reduce the use of plastics in the U.S.?

Objective: Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. need a way to reduce the use of plastics by using biodegradable materials so that in the future we can sustain a healthier environment and world.

Question 1: What forces influence this issue?

Question 2:Relate this issue to Corporate Social responsibility in regards to Coke and Pepsi.

Write one page for each question. At least 2 references for each question.

“Starter Portfolio” must include the following items:

Question Description

  • Career Summary and Goals: A description of what you stand for (such as work ethic, organizational interests, management philosophy, etc.) and where you see yourself in two-to-five years. (20 points)
  • Professional Philosophy/Mission Statement: A short description of the guiding principles that drive you and give you purpose. (20 points)
  • List of Accomplishments: A detailed listing that highlights the major accomplishments in your career or education to date. Accomplishments are one of the most important elements of any good job search. (20 points)

marketing plan

Question Description

Write an assignment, APA format,The assignment will be in a report format of not more than 8000 words

must be completed in accordance with the requirements in the these PDF and PPT

the product is : water pillow ( innovation : have Temperature Controller,and Alarm clock

the brand name : Urspillow (not in the market , i founded it )

questionnaire in the word document , (spss analysis )

explain some things about logo (can know from mgm5230 marketing plan )

Please help me with my assignment.

Question Description

write a character analysis of one of the main characters in “ pride and prejudice” book: what do they look like, what kind of personality they have, what are their strengths and weaknesses, what kind of problems they have, how they change in the story, what you like and dislike about the character , how they are similar to you and how they are different from you.

( please use very simple words- single spaced- in one page) thanks.

Feature Story “Human Interest”

Question Description

please answer the questions in the “Feature idea file” instead of the interviewee’s

Start write the story and please use their LAST NAMES in the quotes.

Use quotes. please look at the example”Story#3″ and follow it. use Narration and quotes.

I attached an example for how the story should look like.”Story#3 file” please use all the AP style rules and just to make sure that you know that AP style is different of the APA style.

please make sure of your grammar.

use research articles.

Week 3 Discussion

Question Description

communication in Business/ Management

Question Description

my topic is communication in Business/Management, and this is a Literature Review Project.

I already chosen four empirical research articles, and Clearly ties research and topic together; clearly summarizes research topics. ( use upload articles)

each article should have one paragraph to explain and have clear transition sentences.

all chosen articles should fit into a common theme and the paper should flow smoothly.

thoroughness, clarity, original content, proper APA format (citations, references, cover page, headings), grammar, 5 pages

I also attach one sample.

Discussion: A simulated disaster and comprehensive recovery test may involve many of an organization’s key personnel for several days: is this a reasonable burden to place on a busy, competitive company? How would you argue against the inevitable

Question Description

Discussion Question: A simulated disaster and comprehensive recovery test may involve many of an organization’s key personnel for several days: is this a reasonable burden to place on a busy, competitive company? How would you argue against the inevitable tendency to shortcut the procedure?

Course Name: Bus control Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan


initial post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference, all work needs to be your original work, remember to also include citations..

Topic:Why does the same car cost differently in different places? For example, buying a car in North America is cheaper than buying a car in Asia.

Question Description

“Economic Question” essay.This is a short 500-word essay wherein you pose an economic question and then proceed to provide an answer(s) based on economic reasoning.We will be covering many examples in class.This assignment is graded on the quality of the economic thinking, the originality of your question, and the clarity of your writing.

Topic:Why does the same car cost differently in different places? For example, buying a car in North America is cheaper than buying a car in Asia.