You may have noticed the emphasis on preparedness in this chapter.

Question Description

Youmay have noticed the emphasis on preparedness in this chapter. Whilesociety expects a business to be prepared for disasters and to recoverusing its own resources, we do not seem to expect individuals to beprepared to survive a disaster. Should we expect government at any levelto be responsible for disaster recovery at either the personal orbusiness level? Why or why not? What sacrifices would a business have tomake if the disaster recovery process were turned over to a governmentagency?

300-to-400 words.

Retail environment case study

Question Description

My retail is Walmart located in Rosemead,CA. You need answer those five questions, each question needs 5 factors, start a new paragraph with each factors. Fourth question need add competitors. Work cited article need 18 months before now or newer. Type out the question itself. Don’t use personal pronouns in the project.After you finished those questions please created a power point, it’s required 6-8 slide, one slide per question, per slide needs 1-2 pictures. Please read the file carefully!

200 words discussion post reflecting the reading about “cultural wars” and NEA

Question Description

After thinking about this week’s readings concerning the “Cultural Wars,” and reflecting upon the questions posed in the reading/discussion guide, please generate a healthy discussion around the arguments, issues and (possibly) your own proposals for how the NEA might fund culture in the United States, if it should at all. You could simply summarize the main positions taken, and give a rationale for your own preferences. Or, you could focus in more narrowly on a point, and thoroughly flesh it out.

history about the past

Question Description

essay must be approximately 1000-1500 words (~4-6 pages if written in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, withone-inch margins). You are reminded that this is not an opinion essay; we are looking for your analysis of thequestion and what insights the documents collectively provide regarding how information and perceptionsguided leaders when dealing with nuclear confrontation. Your paper must have an introduction with a strongthesis statement, a clear organizational structure with crisp topic sentences, a lucid conclusion, and proper sourcecitations.

Article Requirements

Question Description

Find four articles obtaining substantial information addressing the prescriptive issue. Two articles are to address each side of the issue. At least two of the articles must be scholarly (i.e. found in our library database and not a, Wikipedia is not an acceptable source).

  1. Provide a list of the four articles:
    1. Provide links and identify which type of article it is (scholarly or popular)
    2. Upload one article that clearly shows “thinking” process (i.e. annotation)

    Annotations is highlighting the document and commenting on it.

software architecture for security in IoT

Question Description


in this paper, the request is to do a research paper to discuss security issue in IoT and develop a software idea to solve this issue.

The request is not to do the development. The request is only to reach the architecture design for the proposed solution.

The paper pattern will be like this:

– Introduction.

– Related work.

– The problem and the proposed solution.

– Detailed design (architecture – component bases, web service, … etc – , sequence diagram, algorithms, …)

– Conclusion.

Tank you.

Cinderella comparison contrast

Question Description

In a comparison-contrast essay, compare at least one of the Cinderella stories from Cinderella Group 1 to at least one of the Cinderella stories from Cinderella Group 2, identifying how they are similar and how they are different (using specific examples from the text). Also, think about if these stories deserve to be classified in the same category, and explain whether or not you feel the “experts” were justified in grouping these stories together.

Note: group 1 and 2 where u

PSY 304 Week 2 Weekly Review 2

Question Description

The reading this week suggests that school readiness is determined by the following.
• The diversity and inequity of children’s early life experiences,
• Individual differences in young children’s development and learning,
• The degree to which the school has established reasonable and appropriate expectations of a child’s capabilities when they enter school.
(Shriner & Shriner, 2014, sec. 12.1)

In your substantive essay,
• Discuss, based on your experiences and the week’s readings, each of these areas and why you believe they affect this readiness.

want an essay to the below topic in 400 words using APA format and at least 3 academically reviewed articles for reference

Question Description

We all had the unfortunate experience of seeing how computers can, at times, make life’s journey about more difficult. This is especially true in knowledge centric workplaces. Describe an example of a very poorly implemented database that you’ve encountered (or read about) that illustrates the potential for really messing things up. Include, in your description, an analysis of what might have caused the problems and potential solutions to them. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, with citations from the literature.

Anthropology writing assignment( one page)

Question Description

Write a one page (single spaced) on one of the readings assigned

1. Jason Rodriquez, “Color-Blind Ideology and the Cultural Appropriation of Hip-Hop,” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography Volume 35 Number 6 (22 pages)

2. What Does “Cultural Appropriation” Actually Mean?… (16 pages)

3. Fernando Suman, 2017. “Racism Post-9/11.” pp. 153-180. “Racism with the advent of Trump and after Brexit.” pp. 181-192. Institutional Racism in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. Race matters in Mental Health. Palgrave Macmillan. London Metropolitan University, London, UK.