Make up an interview and write about it

Question Description

Hello, All the guidelines and the questions that needs to be answered are attached, you can add couple more questions. This should be interviewed to an HR position. I will let you know the exact positions when this gets assigned. I’m suppose to interview an HR director at a retirement center home. You will have to make up the interview, this should be by phone. And write the paper in an essay form(I will attach an example when this gets assigned too).

half page essay

Question Description

With increasing globalization, the products available to consumers in this country could be manufactured in many different places in the world. This raises concerns about safety, maintenance and parts availability, and requires the development of international standards. Please describe the importance of international standards associated with air conditioners, heat pumps and refrigerators, namely those standards related to thermodynamics such as the safe operating pressure and environmental quality of the coolant. Write two paragraphs (half page single-spaced) and cite two webbased references.

write a report about a film

Question Description

here is the link of the film

Choose one American film or television show, something that either is strongly reflective of fashion, that you feel was or is especially influential in the fashion of its era, or that has influenced you in your own work. Bring in a short clip (no longer than 3 minutes). For your in-class presentation, be prepared to present and discuss your selection and how you feel it was or is influential in or reflective of fashion.

i need two artcles on this each should be 175 words they should be different from each other one is due in 5 hours the other one in 10 hours need quality work

Question Description

This is a seperate question to the other question

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Thisweek is focused on the use and purpose of assessment in elementaryeducation. There are many approaches to assessment includingperformance-based, formative, authentic, and traditionalpaper-and-pencil testing. Why do you think we have witnessed such anincrease in educational assessment during the past decade? What are thepossible implications of an emphasis on high-stakes testing forteachers, instruction, and learning? Explain and provide rationale orspecific examples to support your responses.

Management Case Study

Question Description

Hi, there are two assignment for you. One is United Physicians case study and other is power point for it. I uploaded the file for you. I will give you 2 days for case study. I will give you 5 days for power point. So, the day will be total 7 days.Please look at it and let me know if you have any question. This assignment is important case study and power point that’s why please read first before you write.

Module 7 Assignment Data

Question Description


As you continue your efforts to research and compile content for your recommendation report, create a document in which you have captured some data regarding your topic (i.e. interview questions, surveys, cost comparisons, etc.) and represent visually in a table, chart, graph, or other design feature.

This data must be original and pertinent to your overall discussion and ultimate recommendation report.

Use the following format when naming your file: your First Initial and Last Name with the Module number and Assignment Name.

“Evolving Issues in Health Care”

Question Description

  • Propose several current and future economic issues confronting and changing the healthcare system. Analyze the significant implications of the issues in question for market efficiency of the healthcare system. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Compare and contrast the U.S. health care delivery system relative to spending per capita and ranking of healthcare outcomes with the health care system of two (2) other countries. Provide at least one (1) aspect of the systems from each country selected to support your response.

Nursing Admission Essay

Question Description

In 750 to 1000 words, state your professional plans and career objectives (Goals statement). Please include your personal qualities and development and how they have influenced your career choice: your reasons for this particular degree in relation to your academic background, professional work experience, and career goals: and reason for selecting your program at George mason University. I have over 5 years experience at the ICU floor. My career goal is to future my education as a family nurse practitioner.

Europe in the Renaissance and Reformation, 1350-1600

Question Description

come up with a question or topic of interest to you. This could be anything you found confusing, any connections you may have made with other material (past or present), links to other cultures or fields of inquiry, etc. Post your initial post of at least 250 words where you bring up what resonated with you the most in the weekly reading and why. Then, respond to at least 2 peers (minimum of 250 words per response)

look at the uploaded file

It is a simple 300-400 words essay

Question Description

300-400 Word essay using APA style and must include 3 citations from scholarly work.

You are at a gathering (i.e. church, graduation etc.) and someoneasks what you are studying and you say “Data Networkingi.e information Technology” and they respond:

“Technology is destroying our families and our country”

In 300-400 words, respond in an intelligent manner. You may usesources from history, current events, and the bible. Be kind andrespectful, discuss why they could rightly feel this way and offer yourresponse.