One paragraph and 3 Questions answer them

Question Description

  • 1-How Congress passes a budget, or fails to do so?
  • 2-The impact of party polarization on the House and Senate?
  • 3-Reforms to improve congressional accountability and representation?

Paragraph Question

  1. Two recent trends in congressional governance are unorthodox lawmaking and partypolarization. First, define these trends and explain their link. Second, identify whethersuch phenomena are ultimately healthy or corrosive for democracy in America, and whyor why not. Be sure to provide specific examples and also to draw from at least threereadings when making your argument.

reading discussion and replies

Question Description

To Read: El Saadawi, “In Camera” p. 1003-1014 (Vol. F)

Al-Shaykh, “The Women’s Swimming Pool” p. 1077-1083 (Vol. F)

Yan, “The Old Gun” p. 1100-1110 (Vol. F)

Thiep, “The General Retires” p. 1118-1133 (Vol. F)

Once this module is completed, the student should be able to:

  • understand El Saadawi’s “In Camera”
  • understand El-Shaykh’s “The Women’s Swimming Pool”
  • understand Yan’s “The Old Gun”
  • understand Theip’s “The General Retires”
  • improve their ability to express their written ideas about what they read by responding to and interacting with topics in the weekly course discussion

Research and develop a MS Word document of at least 2000 word

Question Description

1) Discusses the Digital Divide in the in the U.S. and internationally.

2) The paper must include the background/history of the project. What are some of the causes of the divide? What efforts are engaged to reduce the divide? What are things you can do personally?

3) State whether you believe that there is a “digital divide” and why.

4) Write a one or two paragraph conclusion stating what would you say to a decision maker to persuade them to support or disregard the digital divide..

3 pages report and 10-12 slides power point

Question Description

Q1: Human resource theoretical model which can be applied to a real work situation.

Q2: Human resource trends that industry will have to pay attention to in the next 10 years.

Base on these two questions form a 3 pages written report for answering it. Be sure to site any reference if use. Also creat a 10-12 slides of PowerPoint for this report. Make sure that this ppt is well prepared for present purposes so don’t be too wordy. Pics and database diagrams will be preferred.

​After reading these documents, viewing the videos and reading the articles, consider the overrepresentation of poor children in special education

Question Description

After reading these documents, viewing the videos and reading the articles, consider the overrepresentation of poor children in special education. What are the top three reasons for this issue? What is the percentage of students that have low-socio economic status, that are ELL, and that are culturally diverse from the dominant culture in special education in the district? What are alternative ways to support these students if support is actually needed? How can you advocate for appropriate placement of students in special education?

Homelessness in Los Angeles and its Affect on the Youth

Question Description

The homelessness in Los Angeles and how it affects the youth. Describe the increasing homeless population and what is being done to fight against it. Also talk about minors under the age of 18. Use statistical data from various scholarly sources. Times New Roman 12 size font, APA format and APA citing for all quotes. A minimum of 5 sources are needed, NO WIKIPEDIA. An abstract is also needed. 5 pages of body paragraphs (title page, abstract and references are no counted as pages).

Discuss the systems perspective on homeland security

Question Description

APA format

1250 words (essay body only)

title, abstract, resource page (not included in word count) must have 3 sources and include the quadrennial homeland security review

Discuss the systems perspective of homeland security and how it includes the five broad mission areas:

-preventing terrorism and enhancing security, –securing and managing our borders, —enforcing and administering our immigration laws, —-safeguarding and securing cyberspace, —–ensure resilience to disaster

identify components, relationships, and wholes, identify leveraging systems structure and patterns, understand emergence and unintended consequences, leverage of stakeholder participation,

Sociology essay (550 words only)

Question Description

Each question should be 180 words only

  • Interms of patterns of descent, how would you describe the commonpractice in the United States of a woman adopting her husband’s lastname after marriage?
  • Thinking about the “marriage marketplace,”why do you think women have traditionally been less willing than men toreveal their age?
  • How similar are your parents (or you and your spouse) in terms of age, social class, race, ethnicity, and education?

Answer each question with minimum of 3 short paragraph

Choose three questions from the list of five that will be provided.

Question Description

Choose three questions from the list of five that will be provided. Each essay should be about 500 words long.

1.Evaluate the roles of women in Germanic society, in the light of contemporary societies.

2.How did the Indian Ocean trade effect the economic and political development of East Africa?

3.Discuss the religious beliefs of the Aztecs, and include how these beliefs affected their war with the Spaniards

4.Describe the four pillars of government used by the Ottoman Turks?

5.Why did the Atlantic slave trade emerge and develop?

Compare ​People of Irish Heritage, People of Italian Heritage, People of Puerto Rican Heritage.

Question Description

People of Irish Heritage, People of Italian Heritage, People of Puerto Rican Heritage.

Answer the following questions;

1. Discuss the organization and the family role in every one of the heritages mentioned about and how they affect (positively or negatively) the delivery of health care.

2. Identify sociocultural variables within the Irish, Italian and Puerto Rican heritage and mention some examples.

A minimum of 3 evidenced-based references must be used. References must be no older than 5 years. APA format minimum of 700 words is required.