Describing, Diagnosing, & Treatment of Skin, Eye, & Ear Disorders


Please answer the following questions:

Describe dermatitis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment modalities

Describe the drug therapy for Conjunctivitis and Otitis Media 

  1. Discuss Herpes Virus infections, patient presentation, and treatment
  2. Describe the most common primary bacterial skin infections and the treatment of choice. 

Havard university Balancing Kids’ Activities: Structured vs. Free Time question


Some people believe that children should do organised activities in their free time while others believe that children should be free to do what they want to do in their free time. Which viewpoint do you agree with? 

Cover letter for Porfolio

Question Description

Write a short cover letter that introduces your portfolio to the readers who will reviewyour work. The main purpose of the cover letter is to identify which assignment youchose as your best work, and to explain to the readers why you consider this your bestwork. Your letter should be between ½ to ¾ of a page (about 250-300 words), single-spaced.

Please read RA and DI attachment below. Pick one that you consider best work and follow the instruction for the cover letter to write.

Reading assignment and project on solar cell

Question Description

21st October: Send abstract with references by noon
• You can submit one or two pages beside abstract. This will make sure that

you are working. You’ll get 20% of the point.

• 22nd November: Submit the full project by noon. Email the soft copy to the instructor. The paper will be accepted with 20% reduction by 5:00PM. After that no paper will be accepted.

I have done with 21st October and I need some one help me to complete the project

I have uploaded what I finished

Journal Article review

Question Description

Write a 2-3 page review of journal article attached here.

The review should contain the journal article title, author’s name and year of publication.

The paper should contain the following headings:


Summary of the article

Relevant points made by the author

Critique of the article

Application of the concepts in the article

You are going to review a single journal article, therefore your reference page should only contain the information from the article you reviewed. There is no need to introduce other journals into this paper.

ENC-101 English

Question Description

Write a 1- to 2-page reflection paper (250 to 550 words) describing how you employ two rhetorical strategies in the writing you currently do.
First, how might the telos (the purpose) of the writing vary in an academic piece from an e-mail you might send professionally, to a professor or to a coworker? Then, explain how the telos (the purpose) of the writing might be the same in an academic piece from an e-mail you might send professionally, to a professor or to a coworker.

Writing essay

Question Description

There are four reading files. Choose One to write. word count at least 360

writing requirement:

Need one full page double-spaced response paper. The response papers are intended to be a useful tool to help gauge your understanding of and response to the class readings. Your response papers may be as simple as recounting what you learned from an especially interesting reading that you didn’t know before or as complex as briefly comparing different interpretations of a given film drawn from more than one assigned text.

week 3 Discussion Post

Question Description

Answer Application Assignments Question Number 2 in Chapter 6 that addresses the efficacy of CD ROM training programs. Prepare an initial post using the chapter readings and two articles from the web or the Regent University databases on the effectiveness of CD ROM training. Be sure to integrate analysis from a Christian worldview perspective with appropriate scripture references. Please write this initial post with 400 – 500 word count with 3 scholarly reference and in text citation and biblical scriputral using APA format paper.

Nerds Galore

Question Description

  1. This is a relatively brief case study; yet the problems faced are quite complex. In your workshop, how did you handle uncertainty in the information you have been given and how does this translate into real-world workshops where not all the answers can necessarily be given at the table?
  2. What were some of the risk sources that emerged repeatedly in evaluating the risks? How is this helpful?
  3. How would this risk assessment aid in the decision on whether or not to proceed with the new HR strategy?

One paragraph and 3 Questions answer them

Question Description

  • 1-How Congress passes a budget, or fails to do so?
  • 2-The impact of party polarization on the House and Senate?
  • 3-Reforms to improve congressional accountability and representation?

Paragraph Question

  1. Two recent trends in congressional governance are unorthodox lawmaking and partypolarization. First, define these trends and explain their link. Second, identify whethersuch phenomena are ultimately healthy or corrosive for democracy in America, and whyor why not. Be sure to provide specific examples and also to draw from at least threereadings when making your argument.