environmental theory


environmental  nursing theory =, outline your thoughts about it.


APA Format

MUST utilize credible data sources such as CINAHL, MEDLINE, Embase, ClinicalKey, The Cochrane Library. Library resources can be accessed from the Library page at the FNU.edu website. FNU Librarians are available to assist each student with retrieving the required scholarly content.

Health Informatics Theoretical Frameworks discussion


Choose one of the theoretical frameworks listed below:

Systems theory

Information Theory

Change Theory

  • Systems Life Cycle Model
  • Create three paragraphs about the theory or a subset of the theory including the purpose, concepts, and uses for the theory. In your initial post, cite three references that have been published within the last five years. 

I need help with current events


Low-income  development projects are booming all across America. Research and  select one news article within the last 6 months relating to a  low-income neighborhood development project and complete the following:

  1. Summarize the article and referenced project.
  2. Identify what they’re doing to improve the community.
  3. Identify how the developers are utilizing government assistance

important event in your country’s or culture’s history that caused major social change (Saudi Arabia)


Plan an essay on an important event in your country’s or culture’s history that caused major social change. Look at issues connected to the economy, the workforce, and the family. Be sure to narrow down your topic, develop a research question, write a preliminary thesis, and create an outline.

Art DIscussion


As a measure of your participation you will write 200-word (minimum) responses to the readings. In these posts, I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings. This can include: citing specific photographs and photographers, theoretical connections between different readings/ideas, themes and/or the author’s own argument.

policy disscusion 1-1


Identify three components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that went into effect in 2014 and discuss their impact or potential impact on the practice of nursing and medicine. Be specific as to what the provision states, who it affects, and the impact that it may have.

HSM Discussion Board 1 peer Response


Respond to at least two classmates—REMEMBER this is a discussion! Just repeating what you have already said or just agreeing is not a discussion. Expand on what you posted considering your classmate’s posting or expand on what your classmate said. This discussion is to expand and enhance our thoughts!

we are looking for insurance company


Choose an insurance company . And give all details and specifics . Every information about that insurance company . Follow all our travel agency company information and Niche that i gave you at last question . Remember our package tour are from Nova Scotia to British Colombia . 

Field encounters


please provide 100 patient field encounters for pediatric patients ages 0-21 years of age with the following information in an outpatient/office setting. Attached are some examples of how it should look like. 

-demographics (sex and age)
-mini SOAP note 

-plan of care (treatment, referral if needed, follow up if needed)

-ICD 10 code

Based on your Topic 7 Capstone Change Project Evaluation


Based on your Topic 7 Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan, explain the dependent variable that is being measured and the independent variable that is being manipulated. Hypothesize the results of the manipulation of the independent variable and the change you expect to occur in the dependent variable.