Notes on videos


Chapter 3 Ancient Egypt Part 1


Ancient Egypt Part 1

Early to Mid Dynasties of ancient Egypt.

The Quiz consists of 20 pictures. Please identify each image  with:

Location of the discovered object.

A few words describing the objects function of purpose.

Below is the link to the quiz with an introduction of the  Pharaoh Khafre that was omitted from the lecture. 

bullet points 2 paragraph summary


  • Watch and Write Bullet Style Notes [20-25]-
  • Included two paragraph summary-


Post bullet notes and write a two paragraph summary of student learning outcome.

Link below: (See assignment to post notes)

Title: Aria di Commedia: Pazzi Lazzi at NYU to an external site.

ART 11 Strategies in Critique Questions


Work through the following slide deck, which details one of the methods to breaking down an artwork.…
Next, take a look at the following project:

After reading the Question, watching the video, and viewing the photos, respond to the work in at least 250 words, using the following as a guide:

Research Journal


As part of your research process, and to assist you later with the preparation of your research paper, you will complete two written assignments about two of your FIVE-or-more research sources. These are your Research Journals, which will require you to think about, summarize, analyze, and evaluate your sources in writing.

Explain how two polices work, compare them, and present your view on which one works best for the United States


Pollution greatly affects the environment. Many policies have been proposed to control pollution. Choose two policies: pollution (emmissions) tax and cap and trade (Tradable pollution permits). Explain how they work, compare them, and present your view on which one works best for the United States in about 3 or 4 pages. 

3 added questions from previous discussion w3 women discussion


An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.

Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.

  1. Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care.

Border and port security


Please respond to the following questions

1: What do the Bracero Program and the Chinese Exclusion Act indicate regarding immigration and the U.S. economy?

2: If you were POTUS, what changes would you make to secure our border?

3: What did you learn last week from our guests from the Bureau of Reclamation?

documents to organize, plan and complete a project based on the Colorado Springs Welcome Home Parade Case


Assignment: Final  Project

Date Assigned: Week 1

Date Due: Wednesday of Week 4

Topic: The topic for your project is based on current literature and you are to: Create the necessary documents to organize, plan and complete a project based on the Colorado Springs Welcome Home Parade Case (found under Start Here/Course Resources). 

hsa685 help


Participate in one of the two discussions prompts below.

What competitor information categories are useful in competitor analysis? Are these categories appropriate for health care organizations? Discuss using examples.

How does the use of Porter’s Five Forces framework help to identify the major competitive factors in the service area? Explain using examples.