NUR3846 ACT Foundations of Professional Nursing Research Article



Identify three research articles that can inform and improve your practice. Include the following:

1. For each article describe:

a. How the article relates to your work

b. What you learned from the article

c. How you can use what you learned to improve your work in your placement, the provision of services to agency clients, and service utilization by clients

Discussion 300 words


Identify a reform that took place during the Progressive era. This could include Constitutional amendments, movements among women or laborers, changes in technology, changes in family structure, changes in laws, etc.

Then discuss what circumstances prompted this specific reform and what effects this reform had after it was implemented. Did the reform have a lasting effect or was it short-lived?

University of Dhaka ARC-GIS Diabetic Community


Informs your observations and what you have learned about ARC-GIS for Public Policy.

2. Discusses the features of each map, including what you can learn about demographics and geographic, and how you can use this data to inform a new product development plan, assuming you were to develop a new product that aids in either managing or preventing diabetes.

Describe importance of domain specific vocabulary


Explain domain specific vocabulary and demands of domain-specific vocabulary (REC 1.F.4),

how writing can be used to enhance the vocabulary instruction (REC 1.F.5) and 

the goal of receptive and expressive vocabulary instruction to support concept development in multiple contexts both oral and written (REC 1.F.1). 

Choose an elementary science passage. Passage that was selected and used is attached as well. 

Book Report


I have written a book report about “Fire in the grove” a fire that occured in a nightclub. The book report has 7 pages (not counting the front or back matter). I would like that to minimized and summarized to 5-6 pages instead without damaging the quality of the report or the sections marked by the headings.

Developmental Psychology Discussion


Go to the site of the American Academy of Family Physicians at Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services:

What are the guidelines for adolescent preventive services?

  1. What should parents (and teens) be aware of when visiting the family physician?

Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services – Schools & Health – NCBI Bookshelf (



Assignment: Diagnostic Reasoning

Case Study Assignment:Identify chief complaint, physical exams, lab tests and other diagnostic exams that would be
most appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. Be specific and
explain your reasoning.

Case #1
92 y/o African American male is brought to the Emergency Department by his daughter. The
patient has slurred speech. His blood pressure is 210/100.

PSY3024 topic discussion with reply


Complete the Holland Code Career Test (Links to an external site.). According to this measure, which two or three personal orientations do you score highest in? What careers or work environments are they related to? What concerns do you have about majoring in psychology (or other major)? Are you considering any other majors?

Discussion Board 5: Challenges in Adulthood as you enter later adulthood Options Menu


What are your thoughts after watching these videos?  Have any of you had similar experiences or know of someone who has?  What is the impact of societal expectations on individuals going into later life?  What advice can you provide these individuals?  How can the idealistic views pushed upon us impact our mental health during this time? 

Writing in Techinical Project


Technical QUESTION of Product/Object: Choose a product/object that you use or have personal
knowledge of. Write a technical QUESTION for this product/object. Your audience for this
assignment is potential users or consumers of that product, so be sure to explain or rephrase any
jargon that might not be clear to someone without extensive background knowledge. Be sure to