chapter 12


Read Chapter 12 in College Success. Write a one-page double-spaced journal reflection summary of this chapter. You must have a minimum of one paragraph per chapter. Please answer these questions in your one page summary reflection.

1. What did you learn and how will you apply this to yourself and your college and career success?

College Success TextbookLinks to an external site.

Discussion 100-150 words


How do you develop Goals and Objectives for your program? How do these goals and objectives align with your professional philosophy?

Step 1: Read pages in file sent 

Step 2: Write your response based on what you read in the file for the discussion. 

Step 3: Be sure to reply in your own words: if quoting be sure to write the proper works citation.

Discusión 8


Discussion Topic #8 Chapter 7 Consultation, Advocacy, and Evaluation

In Chapter 7, you will read about the importance of consultation to counseling. The chapter also addresses advocacy. 

For this discussion:

  • Identify the advocacy proceses needed to adress institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients 
  • List three key characteristics of successful consultants that you feel you need to develop or enhance

The Outsiders Book Trailer


The Outsiders Book Trailer
                                       Book Trailers:  A new promotional tool in children and young adult literature is the book trailer, a short “movie” made using Movie Maker or iMovie (or a similar program) that publishers or authors use to promote their book.
Assignment:  Your job is to create a book trailer to encourage contemporary adolescents to read the book, The Outsiders.  

EWU Exploring the Joys and Concerns of the Elderly in Lifes Waltz Questions


Using the video “Life’s Waltz” and whatever other resources you discover, create either a bulleted list that articulates in a systematic way what you consider to be the 3-5 most important issues that the elderly are concerned about in the particular joys that they experience. For each one, give a reason why it is important.

Child and adolescent PSY 300


Read: Children Are Not Colorblind: How Young Children Learn Race (you’ll need to scroll down the page a little until you find this reading.

What is colorblindness in this reading? What are the problems of teaching children about being colorblind? how can we teach young children about race? Please provide details from Dr. Kendi, Dr. Myers, Dr. Emdin and Dr. Love. 

Write a Policy for the Prevention and Mandatory Reporting of Abuse, Neglect & Abandonment


Your Abuse and Neglect Policy

Use the DSHS AFH Guidebook as a resource to learn more about, and to write your policy. You can also refer to this template to get started.

Inform readers about what abuse, neglect, and exploitation is, and explain the types.

Describe your prevention policy

Explain Mandatory Reporting requirements

Explain you will not retaliate or interfere with reporting

UNIT 5 DISCUSSION BOARD Decision Making and Problem Solving


Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least on the following:

What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?

How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?

  • What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?

After reviewing Development of Policing


After reviewing Development of Policing & Contemporary Policing (pgs. 92-96), watch the attached video regarding Breonna Taylor.  Breonna Taylor and the controversial “no-knock warrant.”Links to an external site.

7pts:  Should no-knock warrants be allowed in conteporary policing?

         Why or why not (adequate answers should address a concept from the chapter and be at least 5-6 sentences long)?

Note Sharing REL102


mention one scholarly note at the bottom of NOAB (Book) that was particularly helpful to them when reading the required readings. This should be a one-sentence statement that reflects academic engagement related to course material rather than reflective or theological. Required reading the Gospel of Mark.

Book: The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha: New Revised Standard Version 5th