Writing 250


For this week’s study, please read this article called “Us and Them” by David Sedaris. 


After you read it, I’d like you to think about the influence that watching TV had on young David Sedaris’s life. How it “entertained” him and his family, how it was a default “thing to do,” and how TV and pop culture might’ve influenced his tastes and his prejudices. 

Week 2 dq 1


Post the problem statement you submitted in the assignment “Identifying the Problem or Issue.” What are some search terms and keywords you are using to locate literature about your problem? How successful have these search terms and keywords been in yielding relevant, scholarly information? What modifications do you need to make to your search terms or keywords to improve the quality of search results?

Case Study Analysis and PPT


Task 1: Case Study Analysis (1400 words)

Introduction (100 words)

A Short introduction to the Case Study company

Driver of changes (500 words)

  • Define Drivers of Change.

Use Burke & Litwin to outline external and internal pressures.

Apply case study evidence with detail in each step of Burke & Litwin model

  • Strategic Analysis (300 words)
  • Apply highlighting the current strategy and the proposed strategy using the same Strategy model.
  • Change Management Plan (500 words)

PHI 210 critical thinking Miami Dade College PHI 2604 – Reading Summary


After reading all of Chapter 3, please utilize the ideas, concepts, and information in the chapter to answer the following question in 250-500 words:

  • If moral reasoning is largely about providing good reasons for moral claims, where do feelings enter the picture? Is it possible to present a logical argument that you feel strongly about? If so, provide an example of such an argument.

Discuss the Opportunities for Digital Transformation in Remote Patient Monitoring



Why did you select this particular opportunity for transformation? (i.e., why is it important)? 

What is the anticipated impact of a successful transformation of your selected transformation in the 0–6-month, 6–12-month, 1 year, 2 years+ time horizon?

What might the new experience look like (what data, process and people would the new transformation engage)? (200 words)

What tools do you need to enable this transformation?


I need help with a power point 10 slides


Students will develop a PowerPoint that includes the following information:

Research a journal article that is based on one of the topics below. Ensure your journal article is a research study. This means the article should be a research study that includes most of the following information; demographics (i.e., gender, ethnicity, age, etc.), methods or data collection or procedures, discussion, results, limitations, conclusion

Journal 14


JOURNAL #14 What is the basis for the implicit bias of the mother in “After You, My Dear Alphonse”? What were her assumptions? Cite specific examples.

JOURNAL #14 What does it mean that babies want puppets treated badly who are different from them? How does this align with implicit bias and the creation of policies? More importantly, how can we resist implicit bias? 

NSU Pharmacology Discussion


Based on Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources and experience, please answer the following questions.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of the APRN when prescribing medication.

Describe the method used to determine what drug therapy to prescribe?

Discuss responsibilities for patient education and teaching based on the prescribed therapy. 

  1. Discuss Schedule drugs and prescribing restrictions for each scheduled drug. 

The Effect of Exercise essay


Cause and effect, or causal analysis, is the study of what happens and why it happens. It is rooted in our fundamental need to know “why” and “what if?”  Our desire to make connections between the events of our lives drives us to understand reasons and results, and analyzing cause and effect relationships deepens our understanding of the world we live in.

Week 8 Disc


This discussion topic is to be reflective of the course material.  Therefore, use your own words to respond to the following questions:

What other topics would you have liked to have covered in this course?

What reading did you find most interesting and why?

  1. How has this course changed your perspective or outlook moving forward?
  2. Any other topic of interest that you would like to add.