CSU Exploring the Relationship Higher Education and Unemployment Discussion


Describe a quantitative research project you would be interested in starting now or in the near future. Explain the problem and why this would be important for you to study? Why is a quantitative methodology an appropriate research strategy for your project? Then, select a peer post and evaluate the appropriateness of using a quantitative research strategy for their proposed study. Discuss challenges they might encounter using a quantitative methodology.

Write a series of verbs


Use the font tools to make bold the 12 verbs. You do not need to label each verb type, just make sure all 12 have been used and that they are used correctly in relation to tense and number. Don’t use AI the teacher uses an AI checker. Keep it simple doesn’t need to be long sentences.




Present perfect

Past perfect

Future perfect

Present progressive

Past progressive

Future progressive

Present perfect progressive

Past perfect progressive

Future perfect progressive 

Week 7 Ethics


Step one:  Go back to chapters 1-6 powerpoints (Attached below)

Step two:  Pick a total of three concepts that have reasonated with you personally (not 3 from each chapter, but 3 in total)

Step three:  Write a 250 word essay on each concept

Step four: Include why you chose that concept, your experiences with that concept and how you feel that concept is important in the realm of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

Movement Observation Journal Question


Project 1: Movement Observation Journal & Paper Instructions

  1. Notice and observe movement in the world around you. This can be actual dance movement, general movement of people or crowds, or movement of objects, such as cars in traffic, or natural elements, such as wind blowing leaves.
  2. Think about What you think Dance is at this point in your life, reflect on how the movement you have observed relate to dance.

Sustainable Design Discussion


Based on what you have read in Chapter 2 and the PowerPoint on Sustainable Design please write a minimum of two paragraphs on your personal thoughts regarding how sustainable design applies to the Profession of Interior Design. How do designers reflect what is happening on a global level?  What or why is it our responsibility to learn about and practice being a good global steward to our planet?

University Of Wisconsin Milwaukee The Impact of Technological Advancements on Warfare Strategies during World War I essay


Some feedback to consider: 

1. think some beneficial tips for you would be to explain some previous technology from WW1 and also maybe start off with a brief explanation of your research question.

2.I think it might be worth providing some examples of how the dynamics of civilian life changed beyond “a bunch of people died”. Something to give more mmph to the call to action against these technological advancements.

discussion – Psychiatric Disorders & the DSM


Imagine you are a psychiatrist in the late 1970s. You have heard about the upcoming DSM-III and seen drafts of the final copy. In at least 200 words discuss what you think are the benefits and/or problems with the way that this new manual approaches psychiatric disorders. You can discuss the upcoming DSM-III as a proponent of either the psychoanalytic or the descriptive psychology schools of psychiatry.

Homework 2


Hi, please upload a WORD DOCUMENT as attachment, so the grading would be faster and would not have problems regarding spacing and margins. 

You’ll have to answer the questions on the Week 2 slides according to both lectures that are in the “Files” tab, their names are “CUMMINGS” and “misframeing”.

Remember to stick to the instructions for the Document (12 pt. font, 1 page, normal margins and single spacing)

QSO 435 SNHU Iterative Process Discussion


Choose an aspect of the iterative process that you think is a weakness. Describe it, explaining and defending your reasoning. Likewise, choose an aspect of the iterative process that you think is one of its strengths. Describe it, explaining and defending your reasoning.

Be sure to provide examples and fully develop your ideas so that your peers have plenty of information to which they can reply.

writing a journal for sociology


Read chapter 2 (Culture) and answer these following questions. 


List some norms, folkways, and mores from American society.

Then discuss the importance of these in American culture.

Do any of them seem silly, irrelevant, etc.?

If your parents/grandparents were to make this list would it look the same/different?

  1. What do these differences imply about the social changes that have taken place in our society?
  2. Has cultural leveling influenced any of these changes?