Reading response


In this response, build off of today’s reading by creating a “mock-analysis” of one scene from either Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (197X film) or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005 film). Pick one of the topic sentences below and provide specific evidence from the film and analysis of evidence to support the claim. In total, you should have one well-developed paragraph. 

Like in the novel, [film name] effectively portrays issues of class status.

Understanding Cyber Threats Landscape


Cyber intelligence plays a crucial role in mitigating cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and risks. In this discussion, you will explore the following question: How can cyber intelligence be effectively utilized to enhance cybersecurity and proactively address emerging threats? Explore specific ways in which cyber intelligence can contribute to threat mitigation. Consider how cyber intelligence can inform risk assessments as well as the challenges and limitations of leveraging cyber intelligence to counter cyber threat actors. 

College American discussion na


Support system both for you, and by you?

How are you? For reals tho.

If you are employed, how many hours a week?

2 favorite songs (imagine you could only listen to those 2 songs forever)?

Favorite book or poem?

Best food you ever had and from where?

Favorite sports team if you have one?

Favorite movies? Top 3?

Superhero you would like to be? Why or why not?

What is the motivation behind you are taking this class?

discussed how the Constitution established a formal criminal justice


Chapter 2 discussed how the Constitution established a formal criminal justice system in the United States.  

Read the Preamble of the Constitution.

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Global studies and info literacy


This discussion covers two topics: global citizenship and information literacy. Take a look at the UN Sustainable Development Goals and identify the goal that you think is the most urgent, most interesting, or most relevant. Explain why you connected with this goal, either personally or professionally, and share any relevant news stories that related. How can Information Literacy help to support the Sustainable Development Goal you picked?

HRIS Case Study


Read the SHRM case study Integrating a Human Resource Information System PDF and answer the questions below based on the case study and information provided for context. You may use information from the lectures and readings to supplement your answers, if necessary.

What type of evaluation/closure would help this project?

If you were to create some of your own “lessons learned,” what might they be, and how would they affect future projects?

Writing CET for community nursing


Based on our community clinicals in nursing

We had our 2nd community clinical started off with shadowing a nurse. We helped the nurse with vital signs, accu check and helped patients with toileting. We also did exercise and BINGO game with residents. We go through the case study of the week. We discussed about stress project we going to do in couple weeks and also discussed our windshield project as well in group.

Homework question



Why is respect important as a leadership principle?

What is your definition of Integrity? How would you describe ethics to your grandparent.

Define the various forms of power and state how power can be misused in management.

Do you really believe that “people are our greatest asset?” Elaborate.

  • What steps does an individual aspiring to be a leader take to get to know themselves?

What should be included in a Personal Code of Leadership Ethics?

Layla 155 discussion


Your Tasks

Task 1- Original Post

Please discuss the following in your original post:

Provide a brief explanation on how supplements are currently regulated in the United States. (5 points)

Discuss whether or not you believe the supplement industry requires more or less regulation. (10 points)

Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)

qualitative article critique


 students will need to critique the attached article. Use the attached Evidence Critique Tool and answer the questions in the tool. complete the evidence critique tool document below as well as a 5-page paper -including cover page and works cited page so only 3 pages of content-critiquing the article on student stress article  listed below. please review the rubric and instructions below. paper will be checked by instructor for plagiarism an ai.