Cardiovascular Pulmonary PowerPoint


Cardiovascular/Pulmonary PowerPoint Presentation

My topic is Asthma

Goal: Develop a PowerPoint presentation on a cardiovascular/pulmonary disorder/disease discussed in the McCance text.

The presentation must provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level. The presentation must educate advanced practice nurses on assessment and care/treatment, including genetics/genomics—specific for this disorder. Patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed. The presentation must specifically address how the disease/disorder affects 1 of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or elderly.

Comparison 2 commercials


Comparison/ Contrast Essay Outline

A Contrast of (Commercial 1) and (Commercial 2)
I. Introduction (Include a hook and thesis statement including the point of contrast 1,2, and 3)
Connecting Information:
II. Point of Contrast 1 (The 1st Reason discuss both commercials)
A. Topic Sentence:
1. Support:
2. Support:
III. Point of Contrast 2 (The 2nd Reason discuss both commercials)
A. Topic Sentence:
1. Support:
2. Support:
IV. Point of Contrast 3 (The 3rd Reason discuss both commercials)
A. Topic Sentence:
1. Support:
2. Support:
V. Concluding paragraph
(Final word, reinforcement of thesis, wrap up):
url addresses of the two commercials:
1.) www.
2.) www. 

EDF1005 Article Review


Directions:  read, and review one peer-reviewed journal article that relates to a major topic covered in the course competencies and specific topics from our textbook for EDF 1005. 

The article must be a minimum of three (3) pages in length excluding cover and reference pages.

Include the following in a summary/reflection:

Write a summary of the article

Write your opinion of the article’s viewpoint. Support your viewpoint with citations from the article and course textbook.

Include how the article relates to our readings and discussions in EDF 1005.

GVO development 205


Please create a standard operating procedure (SOPP) for utilizing Clear Impact Scorecard That your Performance management team can use to help GVI agency’s track there KPI targets and meet there performance. 

Use this URL and the videos the system provides to show how to utilize the scorecard. with photos and explanations , as well as

Scorecard Documentation – Help Center (

My Word draft is attached.   

pt. 2 Generate Some theme ideas for this year’s Fiscal budget book for GVI 

Last year : 2023-2024-final-budget-book.pdf (

Reading Summary L10


After reading all of Chapter 15, please select ONE of the following primary source readings:

“Plain Sex” by Alan H. Goldman (starting on page 501)

“Why Shouldn’t Jimmy and Johnny Have Sex? A Defense of Homosexuality” by John Corvino (starting on page 510)

“Seduction, Rape, and Coercion” by Sarah Conly (starting on page 517)

“Virtue Ethics, Casual Sex, and Objectification” by Raja Halwani (starting on page 528)

Write a short, objective summary of  which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.

Researching a Divination System


For your project this week, you will select and research a divination system. A good place to start is Wikipedia’s Methods of Divination list.

1) what your divination system is, and (broadly) how it works; 

2) what sorts of fact-finding and information gathering it is used for; 

3) the community, culture, or context in which it is used; and 

4) how your selected system of divination fits within the anthropological categories we discussed in class (i.e., is it inspiration or non-inspirational? Fortuitous or deliberate?).

UNIT 4 Applied knowledge, Language & Comprehension, Discussion post


What do you think are strategies a leader could employ in the workplace to assist employees in improving conversation skills?Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Discuss 2 rules for engaging in a conversation.

Give 2 examples of something that someone would do that would violate the conversation rules.

Nidhal 158


Discussion 11

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

Which measurement method would you be mostlikely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one) 

Which measurement method would you be leastlikely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one)

Discussion 12 

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

What are your thoughts on eating disorders in female athletes?

Is the issue the same for male athletes? Explain.

3. Reply to a classmate.

Do not reply to a reply.

Agile process


For this activity, you will create a short written paper, sometimes called a “fact sheet” or “information paper.” The product owner is concerned about the entire Agile process, his role, and his new responsibilities. In this information paper, you will describe the process, role, and responsibilities of the product owner. The target audience is the stakeholder from a traditional project management environment who now finds he is a “product owner” in Agile/Scrum project management. Your fact sheet should include the following:

I have a literature discussion below


Throughout the semester, we will have required discussion posts on the readings so each person will be able to share their opinions and knowledge. Discussion posts have a deadline and all responses should be submitted before the deadline for full credit. Your response must be at least 200 words. You may write about anything that strikes you in the reading. Was there a concept covered that you’ve already learned and know well? Was there new information covered that stumped you?